blob: 7688a57efd148228342559be6817090f5b1dc0a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "net/instaweb/htmlparse/public/html_escape.h"
#include <set>
namespace {
struct HtmlEscapeSequence {
const char* sequence;
const unsigned char value[3];
// TODO(jmarantz): the multi-byte sequences are not working yet.
static HtmlEscapeSequence kHtmlEscapeSequences[] = {
{ "AElig", {0xC6, 0x0} },
{ "Aacute", {0xC1, 0x0} },
{ "Acirc", {0xC2, 0x0} },
{ "Agrave", {0xC0, 0x0} },
{ "Aring", {0xC5, 0x0} },
{ "Atilde", {0xC3, 0x0} },
{ "Auml", {0xC4, 0x0} },
{ "Ccedil", {0xC7, 0x0} },
{ "ETH", {0xD0, 0x0} },
{ "Eacute", {0xC9, 0x0} },
{ "Ecirc", {0xCA, 0x0} },
{ "Egrave", {0xC8, 0x0} },
{ "Euml", {0xCB, 0x0} },
{ "Iacute", {0xCD, 0x0} },
{ "Icirc", {0xCE, 0x0} },
{ "Igrave", {0xCC, 0x0} },
{ "Iuml", {0xCF, 0x0} },
{ "Ntilde", {0xD1, 0x0} },
{ "Oacute", {0xD3, 0x0} },
{ "Ocirc", {0xD4, 0x0} },
{ "Ograve", {0xD2, 0x0} },
{ "Oslash", {0xD8, 0x0} },
{ "Otilde", {0xD5, 0x0} },
{ "Ouml", {0xD6, 0x0} },
{ "THORN", {0xDE, 0x0} },
{ "Uacute", {0xDA, 0x0} },
{ "Ucirc", {0xDB, 0x0} },
{ "Ugrave", {0xD9, 0x0} },
{ "Uuml", {0xDC, 0x0} },
{ "Yacute", {0xDD, 0x0} },
{ "aacute", {0xE1, 0x0} },
{ "acirc", {0xE2, 0x0} },
{ "acute", {0xB4, 0x0} },
{ "aelig", {0xE6, 0x0} },
{ "agrave", {0xE0, 0x0} },
{ "amp", {0x26, 0x0} },
{ "aring", {0xE5, 0x0} },
{ "atilde", {0xE3, 0x0} },
{ "auml", {0xE4, 0x0} },
{ "brvbar", {0xA6, 0x0} },
{ "ccedil", {0xE7, 0x0} },
{ "cedil", {0xB8, 0x0} },
{ "cent", {0xA2, 0x0} },
{ "copy", {0xA9, 0x0} },
{ "curren", {0xA4, 0x0} },
{ "deg", {0xB0, 0x0} },
{ "divide", {0xF7, 0x0} },
{ "eacute", {0xE9, 0x0} },
{ "ecirc", {0xEA, 0x0} },
{ "egrave", {0xE8, 0x0} },
{ "eth", {0xF0, 0x0} },
{ "euml", {0xEB, 0x0} },
{ "frac12", {0xBD, 0x0} },
{ "frac14", {0xBC, 0x0} },
{ "frac34", {0xBE, 0x0} },
{ "gt", {0x3E, 0x0} },
{ "iacute", {0xED, 0x0} },
{ "icirc", {0xEE, 0x0} },
{ "iexcl", {0xA1, 0x0} },
{ "igrave", {0xEC, 0x0} },
{ "iquest", {0xBF, 0x0} },
{ "iuml", {0xEF, 0x0} },
{ "laquo", {0xAB, 0x0} },
{ "lt", {0x3C, 0x0} },
{ "macr", {0xAF, 0x0} },
{ "micro", {0xB5, 0x0} },
{ "middot", {0xB7, 0x0} },
{ "nbsp", {0xA0, 0x0} },
{ "not", {0xAC, 0x0} },
{ "ntilde", {0xF1, 0x0} },
{ "oacute", {0xF3, 0x0} },
{ "ocirc", {0xF4, 0x0} },
{ "ograve", {0xF2, 0x0} },
{ "ordf", {0xAA, 0x0} },
{ "ordm", {0xBA, 0x0} },
{ "oslash", {0xF8, 0x0} },
{ "otilde", {0xF5, 0x0} },
{ "ouml", {0xF6, 0x0} },
{ "para", {0xB6, 0x0} },
{ "plusmn", {0xB1, 0x0} },
{ "pound", {0xA3, 0x0} },
{ "quot", {0x22, 0x0} },
{ "raquo", {0xBB, 0x0} },
{ "reg", {0xAE, 0x0} },
{ "sect", {0xA7, 0x0} },
{ "shy", {0xAD, 0x0} },
{ "sup1", {0xB9, 0x0} },
{ "sup2", {0xB2, 0x0} },
{ "sup3", {0xB3, 0x0} },
{ "szlig", {0xDF, 0x0} },
{ "thorn", {0xFE, 0x0} },
{ "times", {0xD7, 0x0} },
{ "uacute", {0xFA, 0x0} },
{ "ucirc", {0xFB, 0x0} },
{ "ugrave", {0xF9, 0x0} },
{ "uml", {0xA8, 0x0} },
{ "uuml", {0xFC, 0x0} },
{ "yacute", {0xFD, 0x0} },
{ "yen", {0xA5, 0x0} },
{ "yuml", {0xFF, 0x0} }
} // namespace
namespace net_instaweb {
HtmlEscape* HtmlEscape::singleton_ = NULL;
HtmlEscape::HtmlEscape() {
typedef std::set<std::string, StringCompareInsensitive> CaseInsensitiveSet;
CaseInsensitiveSet case_sensitive_symbols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kHtmlEscapeSequences); ++i) {
// Put all symbols in the case-sensitive map
const HtmlEscapeSequence& seq = kHtmlEscapeSequences[i];
unescape_sensitive_map_[seq.sequence] =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(seq.value);
// Don't populate the case-insensitive map for symbols that we've
// already determined are case-sensitive.
if (case_sensitive_symbols.find(seq.sequence) ==
case_sensitive_symbols.end()) {
// If this symbol is already present in the insensitive map, then it
// must be case-sensitive. E.g. &AElig; and &aelig; are distinct.
StringStringMapInsensitive::iterator p =
if (p != unescape_insensitive_map_.end()) {
// As this symbol is case-sensitive, we must remove it from the
// case-insensitive map. This way we will report an error for
// &Aelig;, rather than &AElig; or &aelig; unpredictably. Also,
// note that this symbol is case-sensitive, and therefore must
// be not be ent
} else {
unescape_insensitive_map_[seq.sequence] =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(seq.value);
// For now, we will only generate symbolic escaped-names for
// single-byte sequences
if (strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(seq.value)) == 1) {
escape_map_[reinterpret_cast<const char*>(seq.value)] = seq.sequence;
void HtmlEscape::Init() {
if (singleton_ == NULL) {
singleton_ = new HtmlEscape();
void HtmlEscape::ShutDown() {
if (singleton_ != NULL) {
delete singleton_;
singleton_ = NULL;
StringPiece HtmlEscape::UnescapeHelper(const StringPiece& escaped,
std::string* buf) const {
if ( == NULL) {
return escaped;
// Attribute values may have HTML escapes in them, e.g.
// href=";v2"
// Un-escape the attribute value here before populating the
// attribute data structure.
std::string escape;
int numeric_value = 0;
bool accumulate_numeric_code = false;
bool hex_mode = false;
bool in_escape = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < escaped.size(); ++i) {
char ch = escaped[i];
bool bogus_escape = false;
if (!in_escape) {
if (ch == '&') {
in_escape = true;
numeric_value = 0;
accumulate_numeric_code = false;
hex_mode = false;
} else {
*buf += ch;
} else if (escape.empty() && (ch == '#')) {
escape += ch;
accumulate_numeric_code = true;
if (((i + 1) < escaped.size()) && (toupper(escaped[i + 1]) == 'X')) {
hex_mode = true;
} else if (ch == ';') {
if (accumulate_numeric_code && (escape.size() > 1)) {
*buf += static_cast<char>(numeric_value);
} else {
// Some symbols are case-sensitive (AElig vs aelig are different
// code-points) where as some are case-insensitive (&quot; and
// &QUOT; both work. So do the case-sensitive lookup first, and
// if that fails, do an insensitive lookup.
StringStringMapSensitive::const_iterator p =
if (p != unescape_sensitive_map_.end()) {
*buf += p->second;
// TODO(jmarantz): fix this code for multi-byte sequences.
} else {
// The sensitive lookup failed, but allow, for example, &QUOT; to work
// in place of &quot;
StringStringMapInsensitive::const_iterator q =
if (q != unescape_insensitive_map_.end()) {
*buf += q->second;
} else {
bogus_escape = true;
in_escape = false;
} else if (accumulate_numeric_code &&
((hex_mode && !AccumulateHexValue(ch, &numeric_value)) ||
(!hex_mode && !AccumulateDecimalValue(ch, &numeric_value)))) {
bogus_escape = true;
} else {
escape += ch;
if (bogus_escape) {
// Error("Invalid escape syntax: %s", escape.c_str());
*buf += "&";
*buf += escape;
in_escape = false;
*buf += ch;
if (in_escape) {
// Error("Unterminated escape: %s", escape.c_str());
*buf += "&";
*buf += escape;
return StringPiece(*buf);
StringPiece HtmlEscape::EscapeHelper(const StringPiece& unescaped,
std::string* buf) const {
if ( == NULL) {
return unescaped;
std::string char_to_escape;
for (size_t i = 0; i < unescaped.size(); ++i) {
int ch = unescaped[i];
// See Single-quote and
// semi-colon do not need to be escaped.
if ((ch > 127) || (ch < 32) || (ch == '"') || (ch == '&') || (ch == '<') ||
(ch == '>')) {
char_to_escape += ch;
StringStringMapSensitive::const_iterator p =
if (p == escape_map_.end()) {
*buf += StringPrintf("&#%02d;", static_cast<int>(ch));
} else {
*buf += '&';
*buf += p->second;
*buf += ';';
} else {
*buf += unescaped[i];
return StringPiece(*buf);
} // namespace