blob: 9bb1f7cce9d9c249bb87512e067155fe20c06eae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_version.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/header_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/log_message_handler.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/serf_url_async_fetcher.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/instaweb_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/instaweb_handler.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/mod_instaweb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/apache_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "net/instaweb/apache/apr_statistics.h"
#include "net/instaweb/public/version.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/google_message_handler.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/google_url.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/simple_meta_data.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/query_params.h"
// The httpd header must be after the pagepseed_server_context.h. Otherwise,
// the compiler will complain
// "strtoul_is_not_a_portable_function_use_strtol_instead".
#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
// When HAVE_SYSLOG, syslog.h is included and #defined LOG_*, which conflicts
// with log_message_handler.
#include "http_log.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_request.h" // NOLINT
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// Instaweb directive names -- these must match install/instaweb.conf.template.
const char* kModPagespeed = "ModPagespeed";
const char* kModPagespeedUrlPrefix = "ModPagespeedUrlPrefix";
const char* kModPagespeedFetchProxy = "ModPagespeedFetchProxy";
const char* kModPagespeedGeneratedFilePrefix =
const char* kModPagespeedFileCachePath = "ModPagespeedFileCachePath";
const char* kModPagespeedFileCacheSizeKb = "ModPagespeedFileCacheSizeKb";
const char* kModPagespeedFileCacheCleanIntervalMs
= "ModPagespeedFileCacheCleanIntervalMs";
const char* kModPagespeedLRUCacheKbPerProcess =
const char* kModPagespeedLRUCacheByteLimit = "ModPagespeedLRUCacheByteLimit";
const char* kModPagespeedFetcherTimeoutMs = "ModPagespeedFetcherTimeOutMs";
const char* kModPagespeedNumShards = "ModPagespeedNumShards";
const char* kModPagespeedCssOutlineMinBytes = "ModPagespeedCssOutlineMinBytes";
const char* kModPagespeedJsOutlineMinBytes = "ModPagespeedJsOutlineMinBytes";
const char* kModPagespeedFilters = "ModPagespeedFilters";
const char* kModPagespeedRewriteLevel = "ModPagespeedRewriteLevel";
const char* kModPagespeedEnableFilters = "ModPagespeedEnableFilters";
const char* kModPagespeedDisableFilters = "ModPagespeedDisableFilters";
const char* kModPagespeedSlurpDirectory = "ModPagespeedSlurpDirectory";
const char* kModPagespeedSlurpReadOnly = "ModPagespeedSlurpReadOnly";
const char* kModPagespeedSlurpFlushLimit = "ModPagespeedSlurpFlushLimit";
const char* kModPagespeedForceCaching = "ModPagespeedForceCaching";
const char* kModPagespeedCssInlineMaxBytes = "ModPagespeedCssInlineMaxBytes";
const char* kModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes = "ModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes";
const char* kModPagespeedJsInlineMaxBytes = "ModPagespeedJsInlineMaxBytes";
const char* kModPagespeedDomain = "ModPagespeedDomain";
const char* kModPagespeedFilterName = "MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER";
const char* kRepairHeadersFilterName = "MOD_PAGESPEED_REPAIR_HEADERS";
const char* kModPagespeedBeaconUrl = "ModPagespeedBeaconUrl";
// TODO(jmarantz): determine the version-number from SVN at build time.
const char kModPagespeedVersion[] = MOD_PAGESPEED_VERSION_STRING "-"
const char kModPagespeedHeader[] = "X-Mod-Pagespeed";
enum RewriteOperation {REWRITE, FLUSH, FINISH};
// Determine the resource type from a Content-Type string
bool is_html_content(const char* content_type) {
if (content_type != NULL &&
StartsWithASCII(content_type, "text/html", false)) {
return true;
return false;
// Check if pagespeed optimization rules applicable.
bool check_pagespeed_applicable(ap_filter_t* filter, apr_bucket_brigade* bb,
const QueryParams& query_params) {
request_rec* request = filter->r;
// We can't operate on Content-Ranges.
if (apr_table_get(request->headers_out, "Content-Range") != NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Content-Range is not available");
return false;
// Only rewrite text/html.
if (!is_html_content(request->content_type)) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Content-Type=%s Host=%s Uri=%s",
request->content_type, request->hostname,
return false;
// Pass-through mode.
// TODO(jmarantz): strip the param from the URL.
CharStarVector v;
if (query_params.Lookup(kModPagespeed, &v) &&
(v.size() == 1) && (strcasecmp(v[0], "off") == 0)) {
return false;
return true;
// Create a new bucket from buf using HtmlRewriter.
// TODO(lsong): the content is copied multiple times. The buf is
// copied/processed to string output, then output is copied to new bucket.
apr_bucket* rewrite_html(ap_filter_t *filter, RewriteOperation operation,
const char* buf, int len) {
request_rec* request = filter->r;
InstawebContext* context =
if (context == NULL) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Context is null";
return NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
context->Rewrite(buf, len);
if (operation == REWRITE) {
return NULL;
} else if (operation == FLUSH) {
} else if (operation == FINISH) {
const std::string& output = context->output();
if (output.empty()) {
return NULL;
// Use the rewritten content. Create in heap since output will
// be emptied for reuse.
apr_bucket* bucket = apr_bucket_heap_create(, output.size(), NULL,
return bucket;
// To support query-specific rewriter sets, scan the query parameters to
// see whether we have any options we want to set. We will only allow
// a limited number of options to be set. In particular, some options are
// risky to set per query, such as image inline threshold, which exposes
// a DOS vulnerability and a risk of poisoning our internal cache. Domain
// adjustments can potentially introduce a security vulnerability.
// So we will check for explicit parameters we want to support.
bool ScanQueryParamsForRewriterOptions(RewriteDriverFactory* factory,
const QueryParams& query_params,
RewriteOptions* options) {
MessageHandler* handler = factory->message_handler();
bool ret = true;
int option_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < query_params.size(); ++i) {
const char* name =;
const char* value = query_params.value(i);
if (value == NULL) {
handler->Message(kWarning, "Empty value for %s", name);
ret = false;
int64 int_val;
// TODO(jmarantz): add js inlinine threshold, outline threshold.
if (strcmp(name, kModPagespeedCssInlineMaxBytes) == 0) {
if (StringToInt64(value, &int_val)) {
} else {
handler->Message(kWarning, "Invalid integer value for %s: %s",
name, value);
ret = false;
} else if (strcmp(name, kModPagespeedFilters) == 0) {
// When using ModPagespeedFilters query param, only the
// specified filters should be enabled.
if (options->EnableFiltersByCommaSeparatedList(value, handler)) {
} else {
ret = false;
return ret && (option_count > 0);
apr_status_t instaweb_out_filter(ap_filter_t *filter, apr_bucket_brigade *bb) {
// Check if pagespeed is enabled.
request_rec* request = filter->r;
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(
if (!factory->enabled()) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// Do nothing if there is nothing, and stop passing to other filters.
QueryParams query_params;
// Check if pagespeed optimization applicable and get the resource type.
if (!check_pagespeed_applicable(filter, bb, query_params)) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
InstawebContext* context =
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"ModPagespeed OutputFilter called for request %s",
// Initialize per-request context structure. Note that instaweb_out_filter
// may get called multiple times per HTTP request, and this occurs only
// on the first call.
if (context == NULL) {
// Check if mod_instaweb has already rewritten the HTML. If the server is
// setup as both the original and the proxy server, mod_pagespeed filter may
// be applied twice. To avoid this, skip the content if it is already
// optimized by mod_pagespeed.
if (apr_table_get(request->headers_out, kModPagespeedHeader) != NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Already has x-mod-pagespeed");
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
std::string absolute_url;
if (strncmp(request->unparsed_uri, "http://", 7) == 0) {
absolute_url = request->unparsed_uri;
} else {
absolute_url = ap_construct_url(request->pool, request->unparsed_uri,
RewriteOptions custom_options;
bool use_custom_options = ScanQueryParamsForRewriterOptions(
factory, query_params, &custom_options);
context = new InstawebContext(request, factory, absolute_url,
use_custom_options, custom_options);
filter->ctx = context;
InstawebContext::ContentEncoding encoding =
if (encoding == InstawebContext::kGzip) {
// Unset the content encoding because the InstawebContext will decode the
// content before parsing.
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding);
} else if (encoding == InstawebContext::kOther) {
// We don't know the encoding, so we cannot rewrite the HTML.
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
SimpleMetaData request_headers, response_headers;
ApacheHeaderToMetaData(request->headers_in, 0,
request->proto_num, &request_headers);
if ((request->filename != NULL) &&
(strncmp(request->filename, "proxy:", 6) == 0)) {
absolute_url.assign(request->filename + 6, strlen(request->filename) - 6);
apr_table_setn(request->headers_out, kModPagespeedHeader,
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentLength);
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, "Content-MD5");
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding);
// Note that downstream output filters may further mutate the response
// headers, and this will not show those mutations.
ApacheHeaderToMetaData(request->headers_out, request->status,
request->proto_num, &response_headers);
// Make sure compression is enabled for this response.
ap_add_output_filter("DEFLATE", NULL, request, request->connection);
apr_bucket* new_bucket = NULL;
apr_bucket_brigade* context_bucket_brigade = context->bucket_brigade();
while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bb)) {
apr_bucket* bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
// Remove the bucket from the old brigade. We will create new bucket or
// reuse the bucket to insert into the new brigade.
if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(bucket)) {
const char* buf = NULL;
size_t bytes = 0;
apr_status_t ret_code =
apr_bucket_read(bucket, &buf, &bytes, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (ret_code == APR_SUCCESS) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(filter, REWRITE, buf, bytes);
} else {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, ret_code, request,
"Reading bucket failed (rcode=%d)", ret_code);
return ret_code;
// Processed the bucket, now delete it.
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(filter, FINISH, NULL, 0);
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
// Insert the EOS bucket to the new brigade.
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
// OK, we have seen the EOS. Time to pass it along down the chain.
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, context_bucket_brigade);
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(bucket)) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(filter, FLUSH, NULL, 0);
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
// OK, Time to flush, pass it along down the chain.
apr_status_t ret_code =
ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, context_bucket_brigade);
if (ret_code != APR_SUCCESS) {
return ret_code;
} else {
// TODO(lsong): remove this log.
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Unknown meta data");
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
apr_status_t pagespeed_child_exit(void* data) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory =
delete factory;
void pagespeed_child_init(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* server) {
// Create PageSpeed context used by instaweb rewrite-driver. This is
// per-process, so we initialize all the server's context by iterating the
// server lists in server->next.
server_rec* next_server = server;
while (next_server) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(next_server);
if (factory->statistics()) {
factory->statistics()->InitVariables(pool, false);
next_server = next_server->next;
int pagespeed_post_config(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_pool_t* plog, apr_pool_t* ptemp,
server_rec *server) {
AprStatistics* statistics = new AprStatistics();
statistics->InitVariables(pool, true);
server_rec* next_server = server;
while (next_server) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(next_server);
if (factory->enabled()) {
if (factory->url_prefix().empty() ||
factory->filename_prefix().empty() ||
factory->file_cache_path().empty()) {
std::string buf("mod_pagespeed is enabled. ");
buf += "The following directives must not be NULL\n";
buf += StrCat(kModPagespeedUrlPrefix, "=", factory->url_prefix(), "\n");
buf += StrCat(kModPagespeedFileCachePath, "=");
buf += StrCat(factory->file_cache_path(), "\n");
buf += StrCat(kModPagespeedGeneratedFilePrefix, "=");
buf += StrCat(factory->filename_prefix(), "\n");
factory->message_handler()->Message(kError, "%s", buf.c_str());
// TODO(jmarantz): spew the rewriters
next_server = next_server->next;
return OK;
// Here log transaction will wait for all the asynchronous resource fetchers to
// finish.
apr_status_t pagespeed_log_transaction(request_rec *request) {
server_rec* server = request->server;
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(server);
if (factory == NULL) {
return DECLINED;
return DECLINED;
// This function is a callback and it declares what
// other functions should be called for request
// processing and configuration requests. This
// callback function declares the Handlers for
// other events.
void mod_pagespeed_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *pool) {
// Enable logging using pagespeed style
// Use instaweb to handle generated resources.
ap_hook_handler(instaweb_handler, NULL, NULL, -1);
kModPagespeedFilterName, instaweb_out_filter, NULL, AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE);
// We need our repair headers filter to run after mod_headers. The
// mod_headers, which is the filter that is used to add the cache settings, is
// AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET. Using (AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET + 2) to make sure that we
// run after mod_headers.
kRepairHeadersFilterName, repair_caching_header, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET + 2));
ap_hook_post_config(pagespeed_post_config, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
ap_hook_child_init(pagespeed_child_init, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
ap_hook_log_transaction(pagespeed_log_transaction, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
void* mod_pagespeed_create_server_config(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* server) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(server);
if (factory == NULL) {
factory = new ApacheRewriteDriverFactory(pool, server);
// To clean up the factory on process shutdown, we need to run
// pagespeed_child_exit *before* the pool is destroyed. If we run
// that hook with apr_pool_cleanup_register then the pool will
// already be destroyed, and the factory destruction will crash.
// The proper way to fix this is with:
// apr_pool_pre_cleanup_register(pool, factory, pagespeed_child_exit);
// However, this method was added in apr 1.3. We can do a compile-time
// check such as
// #if ((APR_MAJOR_VERSION > 1) ||
// However, the Apache include files that we depend on during the
// build process may not correspond to the Apache version into
// which that will be dynamically loaded. At
// some point in the future, we may be able to make apr 1.3 a
// minimum requirement for mod_pagespeed. In the meantime, we
// will not call the factory destructor and will instead rely on
// the process memory clean up to do what's necessary.
// TODO(jmarantz): Start employing apr_pool_pre_cleanup_register when
// it is generaly available
// TODO(jmarantz): Figure out how to segregate the pool-dependent
// cleanups (e.g. apr_mutex) from the pool-independent cleanups
// (e.g. memory allocated with new) so we can clean those up using
// apr_pool_cleanup_register.
return factory;
typedef void (ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::*SetBoolFn)(bool val);
typedef void (ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::*SetInt64Fn)(int64 val);
typedef void (ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::*SetIntFn)(int val);
const char* ParseBoolOption(cmd_parms* cmd, SetBoolFn fn, const char* arg) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(cmd->server);
const char* ret = NULL;
if (strcasecmp(arg, "on") == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(arg, "off") == 0) {
} else {
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive, " on|off", NULL);
return ret;
const char* ParseInt64Option(cmd_parms* cmd, SetInt64Fn fn, const char* arg) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(cmd->server);
int64 val;
const char* ret = NULL;
if (StringToInt64(arg, &val)) {
} else {
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive,
" must specify a 64-bit integer", NULL);
return ret;
const char* ParseIntOption(cmd_parms* cmd, SetIntFn fn, const char* arg) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(cmd->server);
int val;
const char* ret = NULL;
if (StringToInt(arg, &val)) {
} else {
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive,
" must specify a 32-bit integer", NULL);
return ret;
static const char* ParseDirective(cmd_parms* cmd, void* data, const char* arg) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = InstawebContext::Factory(cmd->server);
const char* directive = cmd->directive->directive;
const char* ret = NULL;
if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeed) == 0) {
ret = ParseBoolOption(cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_enabled, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedUrlPrefix) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedFetchProxy) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedGeneratedFilePrefix) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedFileCachePath) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedFileCacheSizeKb) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_file_cache_clean_size_kb, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive,
kModPagespeedFileCacheCleanIntervalMs) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_file_cache_clean_interval_ms,
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedFetcherTimeoutMs) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_fetcher_time_out_ms, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedNumShards) == 0) {
ret = ParseIntOption(cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_num_shards, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedCssOutlineMinBytes) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_css_outline_min_bytes, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedJsOutlineMinBytes) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_js_outline_min_bytes, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_img_inline_max_bytes, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedJsInlineMaxBytes) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_js_inline_max_bytes, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedCssInlineMaxBytes) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_css_inline_max_bytes, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedLRUCacheKbPerProcess) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_lru_cache_kb_per_process, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedLRUCacheByteLimit) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_lru_cache_byte_limit, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedEnableFilters) == 0) {
if (!factory->AddEnabledFilters(arg)) {
ret = "Failed to enable some filters.";
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedDisableFilters) == 0) {
if (!factory->AddDisabledFilters(arg)) {
ret = "Failed to disable some filters.";
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedRewriteLevel) == 0) {
RewriteOptions::RewriteLevel level = RewriteOptions::kPassThrough;
if (RewriteOptions::ParseRewriteLevel(arg, &level)) {
} else {
ret = "Failed to parse RewriteLevel.";
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedSlurpDirectory) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedSlurpReadOnly) == 0) {
ret = ParseBoolOption(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_slurp_read_only, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedSlurpFlushLimit) == 0) {
ret = ParseInt64Option(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_slurp_flush_limit, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedForceCaching) == 0) {
ret = ParseBoolOption(
cmd, &ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::set_force_caching, arg);
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedBeaconUrl) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp(directive, kModPagespeedDomain) == 0) {
factory->domain_lawyer()->AddDomain(arg, factory->message_handler());
} else {
return "Unknown directive.";
return ret;
// Setting up Apache options is cumbersome for several reasons:
// 1. Apache appears to require the option table be entirely constructed
// using static data. So we cannot use helper functions to create the
// helper table, so that we can populate it from another table.
// 2. You have to fill in the table with a function pointer with a K&R
// C declaration that does not specify its argument types. There appears
// to be a type-correct union hidden behind an ifdef for
// AP_HAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER, but that doesn't work. It gives a
// syntax error; its comments indicate it is there for Doxygen.
// 3. Although you have to pre-declare all the options, you need to again
// dispatch based on the name of the options. You could, conceivably,
// provide a different function pointer for each call. This might look
// feasible with the 'mconfig' argument to AP_INIT_TAKE1, but mconfig
// must be specified in a static initializer. So it wouldn't be that easy
// to, say, create a C++ object for each config parameter.
// Googling for AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA didn't shed any light on how to do this
// using a style suitable for programming after 1980. So all we can do is make
// this a little less ugly with wrapper macros and helper functions.
#define APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE1(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective), \
static const command_rec mod_pagespeed_filter_cmds[] = {
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeed, "Enable instaweb"),
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeedUrlPrefix, "Set the url prefix"),
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeedFetchProxy, "Set the fetch proxy"),
"Set generated file's prefix"),
"Set the path for file cache"),
"Set the target size (in kilobytes) for file cache"),
"Set the interval (in ms) for cleaning the file cache"),
"Set internal fetcher timeout in milliseconds"),
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeedNumShards, "Set number of shards"),
"Set the total size, in KB, of the per-process "
"in-memory LRU cache"),
"Set the maximum byte size entry to store in the per-process "
"in-memory LRU cache"),
"Base level of rewriting (PassThrough, CoreFilters)"),
"Comma-separated list of enabled filters"),
"Comma-separated list of disabled filters"),
"Directory from which to read slurped resources"),
"Only read from the slurped directory, fail to fetch "
"URLs not already in the slurped directory"),
"Set the maximum byte size for the slurped content to hold before "
"a flush"),
"Ignore HTTP cache headers and TTLs"),
"Number of bytes above which inline "
"CSS resources will be outlined."),
"Number of bytes above which inline "
"Javascript resources will be outlined."),
"Number of bytes below which images will be inlined."),
"Number of bytes below which javascript will be inlined."),
"Number of bytes below which stylesheets will be inlined."),
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeedBeaconUrl, "URL for beacon callback"
" injected by add_instrumentation."),
"Authorize mod_pagespeed to rewrite resources in a domain."),
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb
extern "C" {
// Export our module so Apache is able to load us.
// See for more information.
#if defined(__linux)
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
// Declare and populate the module's data structure. The
// name of this structure ('pagespeed_module') is important - it
// must match the name of the module. This structure is the
// only "glue" between the httpd core and the module.
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA pagespeed_module = {
// Only one callback function is provided. Real
// modules will need to declare callback functions for
// server/directory configuration, configuration merging
// and other tasks.
NULL, // create per-directory config structure
NULL, // merge per-directory config structures
NULL, // merge per-server config structures
#if defined(__linux)
#pragma GCC visibility pop
} // extern "C"