blob: 9c46e646859e578d85d9a6735edd92a2e4e51ac7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'variables': {
# This should normally be passed in by gclient's hooks
'chromium_revision%': 256281,
# Make sure we link statically so everything gets linked into a
# single shared object.
'library': 'static_library',
# We're building a shared library, so everything needs to be built
# with Position-Independent Code.
'linux_fpic': 1,
'instaweb_src_root': 'net/instaweb',
# Define the overridable use_system_libs variable in its own
# nested block, so it's available for use in the conditions block
# below.
'variables': {
'use_system_libs%': 0,
# Which versions development is usually done with. These version will
# get -Werror
'gcc_devel_version%': '46',
'gcc_devel_version2%': '48',
# We need inter-process mutexes to support POSIX shared memory, and they're
# unfortunately not supported on some common systems.
'support_posix_shared_mem%': 0,
'conditions': [
# TODO(morlovich): AIX, Solaris, FreeBSD10?
['OS == "linux"', {
'support_posix_shared_mem': 1
['use_system_libs==1', {
'use_system_apache_dev': 1,
'use_system_icu': 1,
'use_system_libjpeg': 1,
'use_system_libpng': 1,
'use_system_opencv': 1,
'use_system_openssl': 1,
'use_system_zlib': 1,
'use_system_apache_dev%': 0,
'includes': [
# Import base Chromium build system, and pagespeed customizations of it.
'target_defaults': {
'conditions': [
['support_posix_shared_mem == 1', {
['OS == "linux"', {
# Disable -Werror when not using the version of gcc that development
# is generally done with, to avoid breaking things for users with
# something older or newer (which produces different warnings).
'conditions': [
['<(gcc_version) != <(gcc_devel_version) and '
'<(gcc_version) != <(gcc_devel_version2)', {
'cflags!': ['-Werror']
# Newer Chromium common.gypi adds -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
# (unconditionally). This is wrong for gcc < 4.6, since the flag
# was added in 4.6, but very much needed for >= 4.6 since
# otherwise ICU headers don't build with -Werror.
# At the moment, we need to support both building with gcc < 4.6
# and building with old Chromium --- so we remove the flag for
# < 4.6 gcc, and add it for newer versions.
# TODO(morlovich): Upstream, but how high?
['<(gcc_version) < 46', {
'cflags!': ['-Wno-unused-but-set-variable']
}, {
'cflags+': ['-Wno-unused-but-set-variable']
# Similarly, there is no -Wno-unused-result for gcc < 4.5
['<(gcc_version) < 45', {
'cflags!': ['-Wno-unused-result']
['<(gcc_version) == 46', {
'cflags+': ['-Wno-sign-compare']
'cflags': [
# Our dependency on OpenCV need us to turn on exceptions.
# Now we are using exceptions. -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables is
# set in libpagespeed's common.gypi. Now enable it.
# We'd like to add '-Wtype-limits', but this does not work on
# earlier versions of g++ on supported operating systems.
'cflags_cc!': [
# Newer Chromium build adds -Wsign-compare which we have some
# difficulty with. Remove it for now.
'-fno-rtti', # Same reason as using -frtti below.
'cflags_cc': [
'-frtti', # Hardy's g++ 4.2 <trl/function> uses typeid
'defines!': [
# testing/gtest.gyp defines GTEST_HAS_RTTI=0 for itself and all deps.
# This breaks when we turn rtti on, so must be removed.
# third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp defines GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI
# for itself and all deps. I assume this is just a ticking time bomb
# like GTEST_HAS_RTTI=0 was, so remove it as well.
'defines': [
'GTEST_HAS_RTTI=1', # gtest requires this set to indicate RTTI on.
# Disable -z,defs in linker.
# This causes to fail because it doesn't link apache
# libraries.
'ldflags!': [
['OS == "mac"', {
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS': 'YES', # -fexceptions
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI': 'YES', # -frtti
# The Google CSS parser escapes from functions without
# returning anything. Only with flow analysis that is,
# evidently, beyond the scope of the g++ configuration in
# MacOS, do we see those paths cannot be reached.
'OTHER_CFLAGS': ['-funsigned-char', '-Wno-error'],
'defines': [ 'CHROMIUM_REVISION=<(chromium_revision)',
# See
# We don't want -std=gnu++0x (enabled by some versions of libpagespeed)
# since it can cause binary compatibility problems; see issue 453.
'cflags!': [
# Permit building us with coverage information
'configurations': {
'Debug_Coverage': {
'inherit_from': ['Debug'],
'cflags': [
'ldflags': [
# takes care of -lgcov for us, but can be in a build configuration
'-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs',