blob: f1af97957c1d105aa4b0f0e2a931d0c009e41c62 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Simple interface for running Page Speed Automatic as a proxy.
// When implementing a Page Speed Automatic proxy, simply construct a
// ProxyInterface at start up time and call Fetch for every
// requested resource. Fetch decides how to deal with requests
// (pagespeed resources will be computed, HTML pages will be proxied
// and rewritten, and other resources will just be proxied).
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/url_async_fetcher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AsyncFetch;
class GoogleUrl;
class MessageHandler;
class ProxyFetchPropertyCallbackCollector;
class ProxyFetchFactory;
class ServerContext;
class RewriteOptions;
class Statistics;
class TimedVariable;
// TODO(sligocki): Rename as per style-guide.
class ProxyInterface : public UrlAsyncFetcher {
ProxyInterface(StringPiece stats_prefix, StringPiece hostname, int port,
ServerContext* server_context, Statistics* stats);
virtual ~ProxyInterface();
// Initializes statistics variables associated with this class.
static void InitStats(StringPiece stats_prefix, Statistics* statistics);
// All requests use this interface. We decide internally whether the
// request is a pagespeed resource, HTML page to be rewritten or another
// resource to be proxied directly.
virtual void Fetch(const GoogleString& requested_url,
MessageHandler* handler,
AsyncFetch* async_fetch);
// Is this url_string well-formed enough to proxy through?
bool IsWellFormedUrl(const GoogleUrl& url);
static const char kCacheHtmlRequestCount[];
// Initiates the PropertyCache look up.
virtual ProxyFetchPropertyCallbackCollector* InitiatePropertyCacheLookup(
bool is_resource_fetch,
const GoogleUrl& request_url,
RewriteOptions* options,
AsyncFetch* async_fetch);
// Needed by subclasses when overriding InitiatePropertyCacheLookup.
ServerContext* server_context_; // thread-safe, unowned
friend class ProxyInterfaceTest;
// Handle requests that are being proxied.
// * HTML requests are rewritten.
// * Resource requests are proxied verbatim.
void ProxyRequest(bool is_resource_fetch,
const GoogleUrl& requested_url,
AsyncFetch* async_fetch,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Callback function which runs once we have rewrite_options for requests that
// are being proxied.
struct RequestData;
void GetRewriteOptionsDone(RequestData* request_data,
RewriteOptions* query_options);
// If the URL and port are for this server, don't proxy those (to avoid
// infinite fetching loops). This might be the favicon or something...
// TODO(sligocki): It would be nice to be able to turn this off in situations
// where we're using a fetcher which definitely can't fetch from localhost.
bool UrlAndPortMatchThisServer(const GoogleUrl& url);
// This server's hostname and port (to avoid making circular requests).
// TODO(sligocki): This assumes we will only be called as one hostname,
// there could be multiple DNS entries pointing at us.
const GoogleString hostname_;
const int port_;
// Varz variables
// Total requests.
TimedVariable* all_requests_;
// Total Pagespeed requests.
TimedVariable* pagespeed_requests_;
// Cache Html requests.
TimedVariable* cache_html_flow_requests_;
// Rejected requests counter.
TimedVariable* rejected_requests_;
// Number of requests without domain-specific config.
TimedVariable* requests_without_domain_config_;
// Number of resource requests without domain-specific config.
TimedVariable* resource_requests_without_domain_config_;
scoped_ptr<ProxyFetchFactory> proxy_fetch_factory_;
} // namespace net_instaweb