blob: fe47e74279be66f4ac462cf5279d8bbfe91d50b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
// Implementation of JsCombineFilter class which combines multiple external JS
// scripts into a single one. JsCombineFilter contains logic to decide when to
// combine based on the HTML event stream, while the actual combining and
// content-based vetoing is delegated to the JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner helper.
// That in turn largely relies on the common logic in its parent classes to
// deal with resource management.
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/js_combine_filter.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/cached_result.pb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/input_info.pb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/javascript_code_block.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/javascript_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/output_resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/output_resource_kind.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_combiner.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_slot.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_result.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/script_tag_scanner.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/url_partnership.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/function.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/stl_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_node.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_tokenizer.h"
using pagespeed::JsKeywords;
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
const char JsCombineFilter::kJsFileCountReduction[] = "js_file_count_reduction";
// See file comment and ResourceCombiner docs for this class's role.
class JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner : public ResourceCombiner {
JsCombiner(JsCombineFilter* filter, RewriteDriver* driver)
: ResourceCombiner(driver, kContentTypeJavascript.file_extension() + 1,
combined_js_size_(0) {
Statistics* stats = server_context_->statistics();
js_file_count_reduction_ = stats->GetVariable(kJsFileCountReduction);
virtual ~JsCombiner() {
virtual bool ResourceCombinable(
Resource* resource, GoogleString* failure_reason,
MessageHandler* handler) {
// Get the charset for the given resource.
StringPiece this_charset = RewriteFilter::GetCharsetForScript(
resource, attribute_charset_, rewrite_driver_->containing_charset());
// This resource's charset must match that of the combination so far.
// TODO(matterbury): Correctly handle UTF-16 and UTF-32 without the BE/LE
// suffixes, which are legal if we can determine endianness some other way.
if (num_urls() == 0) {
combined_charset_ = this_charset;
} else if (!StringCaseEqual(combined_charset_, this_charset)) {
*failure_reason = StrCat("Charset mismatch; combination thus far is ",
combined_charset_, " file is ", this_charset);
return false;
// In strict mode of ES262-5 eval runs in a private variable scope,
// (see 10.4.2 step 3 and, so our transformation is not safe.
if (IsLikelyStrictMode(filter_->server_context()->js_tokenizer_patterns(),
resource->ExtractUncompressedContents())) {
*failure_reason = "Combining strict mode files unsupported";
return false;
const RewriteOptions* options = rewrite_driver_->options();
if (options->avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript() &&
resource->ExtractUncompressedContents())) {
*failure_reason = "File seems to look for its URL";
return false;
if (options->Enabled(
RewriteOptions::kCanonicalizeJavascriptLibraries)) {
JavascriptCodeBlock* code_block = BlockForResource(resource);
if (!code_block->ComputeJavascriptLibrary().empty()) {
// TODO(morlovich): We may be double-counting some stats here.
*failure_reason = "Will be handled as standard library";
return false;
// TODO(morlovich): define a pragma that javascript authors can
// include in their source to prevent inclusion in a js combination
return true;
virtual bool ContentSizeTooBig() const {
int64 combined_js_max_size =
if (combined_js_max_size >= 0 &&
combined_js_size_ > combined_js_max_size) {
return true;
return false;
virtual void AccumulateCombinedSize(const ResourcePtr& resource) {
combined_js_size_ += resource->UncompressedContentsSize();
virtual void Clear() {
combined_js_size_ = 0;
// This eventually calls WritePiece().
bool Write(const ResourceVector& in, const OutputResourcePtr& out) {
return WriteCombination(in, out, rewrite_driver_->message_handler());
// Create the output resource for this combination.
OutputResourcePtr MakeOutput() {
return Combine(rewrite_driver_->message_handler());
// Stats.
void AddFileCountReduction(int files) {
if (files >= 1) {
// Set the attribute charset of the resource being combined. This is the
// charset taken from the resource's element's charset= attribute, if any.
void set_resources_attribute_charset(StringPiece charset) {
attribute_charset_ = charset;
typedef std::map<const Resource*, JavascriptCodeBlock*> CodeBlockMap;
virtual const ContentType* CombinationContentType() {
return &kContentTypeJavascript;
virtual bool WritePiece(int index, int num_pieces, const Resource* input,
OutputResource* combination, Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* handler);
JavascriptCodeBlock* BlockForResource(const Resource* input);
JsCombineFilter* filter_;
int64 combined_js_size_;
Variable* js_file_count_reduction_;
// The charset from the resource's element, set by our owning Context's
// Partition() method each time it checks if a resource can be added to the
// current combination. The value is only safe to use in ResourceCombinable()
// since it's set just before that's called and its life past that is not
// guaranteed.
StringPiece attribute_charset_;
// The charset of the combination so far.
StringPiece combined_charset_;
scoped_ptr<JavascriptRewriteConfig> config_;
CodeBlockMap code_blocks_;
class JsCombineFilter::Context : public RewriteContext {
Context(RewriteDriver* driver, JsCombineFilter* filter)
: RewriteContext(driver, NULL, NULL),
combiner_(filter, driver),
fresh_combination_(true) {
// Create and add the slot that corresponds to this element.
bool AddElement(HtmlElement* element, HtmlElement::Attribute* href) {
ResourcePtr resource(filter_->CreateInputResourceOrInsertDebugComment(
href->DecodedValueOrNull(), RewriteDriver::InputRole::kScript,
if (resource.get() == NULL) {
return false;
ResourceSlotPtr slot(Driver()->GetSlot(resource, element, href));
fresh_combination_ = false;
// Extract the charset, if any, from the element while it's valid.
StringPiece elements_charset(element->AttributeValue(HtmlName::kCharset));
return true;
// If we get a flush in the middle of things, we may have put a
// script tag on that now can't be re-written and should be removed
// from the combination. Remove the corresponding slot as well,
// because we are no longer handling the resource associated with it.
void RemoveLastElement() {
bool HasElementLast(HtmlElement* element) {
return !empty() && elements_.back() == element;
JsCombiner* combiner() { return &combiner_; }
bool empty() const { return elements_.empty(); }
bool fresh_combination() { return fresh_combination_; }
void Reset() {
fresh_combination_ = true;
virtual void PartitionAsync(OutputPartitions* partitions,
OutputResourceVector* outputs) {
// Partitioning here requires JS minification, so we want to
// move it to a different thread.
this, &Context::PartitionImpl, &Context::PartitionCancel,
partitions, outputs));
void PartitionCancel(OutputPartitions* partitions,
OutputResourceVector* outputs) {
// Divide the slots into partitions according to which js files can
// be combined together.
void PartitionImpl(OutputPartitions* partitions,
OutputResourceVector* outputs) {
MessageHandler* handler = Driver()->message_handler();
CachedResult* partition = NULL;
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(elements_.size()), num_slots());
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(elements_charsets_.size()), num_slots());
// For each slot, try to add its resource to the current partition.
// If we can't, then finalize the last combination, and then
// move on to the next slot.
for (int i = 0, n = num_slots(); i < n; ++i) {
bool add_input = false;
ResourcePtr resource(slot(i)->resource());
if (resource->IsSafeToRewrite(rewrite_uncacheable())) {
if (combiner_.AddResourceNoFetch(resource, handler).value) {
add_input = true;
} else if (partition != NULL) {
FinalizePartition(partitions, partition, outputs);
partition = NULL;
if (combiner_.AddResourceNoFetch(resource, handler).value) {
add_input = true;
} else {
FinalizePartition(partitions, partition, outputs);
partition = NULL;
if (add_input) {
if (partition == NULL) {
partition = partitions->add_partition();
Resource::kIncludeInputHash, i, partition);
FinalizePartition(partitions, partition, outputs);
CrossThreadPartitionDone(partitions->partition_size() != 0 ?
kRewriteOk : kRewriteFailed);
// Actually write the new resource.
virtual void Rewrite(int partition_index,
CachedResult* partition,
const OutputResourcePtr& output) {
RewriteResult result = kRewriteOk;
if (!output->IsWritten()) {
ResourceVector resources;
for (int i = 0, n = num_slots(); i < n; ++i) {
ResourcePtr resource(slot(i)->resource());
if (!combiner_.Write(resources, output)) {
result = kRewriteFailed;
RewriteDone(result, partition_index);
bool PolicyPermitsRendering() const {
return AreOutputsAllowedByCsp(CspDirective::kScriptSrc);
// For every partition, write a new script tag that points to the
// combined resource. Then create new script tags for each slot
// in the partition that evaluate the variable that refers to the
// original script for that tag.
virtual void Render() {
for (int p = 0, np = num_output_partitions(); p < np; ++p) {
const CachedResult* partition = output_partition(p);
int partition_size = partition->input_size();
if (partition_size > 1) {
// Make sure we can edit every element here.
bool can_rewrite = true;
for (int i = 0; i < partition_size; ++i) {
int slot_index = partition->input(i).index();
HtmlResourceSlot* html_slot =
if (!Driver()->IsRewritable(html_slot->element())) {
can_rewrite = false;
if (can_rewrite) {
// we still need to add eval() in place of the
// other slots.
for (int i = 0; i < partition_size; ++i) {
int slot_index = partition->input(i).index();
combiner_.AddFileCountReduction(partition_size - 1);
} else {
// Disable slot rendering, because we're doing all the rendering here.
for (int i = 0; i < partition_size; ++i) {
} // if (can_rewrite)
} // if (partition_size > 1)
virtual const UrlSegmentEncoder* encoder() const {
return filter_->encoder();
virtual const char* id() const { return filter_->id(); }
virtual OutputResourceKind kind() const { return kRewrittenResource; }
virtual GoogleString CacheKeySuffix() const {
// Updated to make sure certain bugfixes actually deploy, and we don't
// end up using old broken cached version.
return "v4";
// If we can combine, put the result into outputs and then reset
// the context (and the combiner) so we start with a fresh slate
// for any new slots.
void FinalizePartition(OutputPartitions* partitions,
CachedResult* partition,
OutputResourceVector* outputs) {
if (partition != NULL) {
OutputResourcePtr combination_output(combiner_.MakeOutput());
if (combination_output.get() == NULL) {
} else {
// Create an element for the combination of all the elements in the
// partition. Insert it before first one.
void MakeCombinedElement(const CachedResult* partition) {
int first_index = partition->input(0).index();
HtmlResourceSlot* first_slot =
HtmlElement* combine_element =
Driver()->NewElement(NULL, // no parent yet.
Driver()->InsertNodeBeforeNode(first_slot->element(), combine_element);
Driver()->AddAttribute(combine_element, HtmlName::kSrc,
Driver()->options(), partition->url(),
// Make a script element with eval(<variable name>), and replace
// the existing element with it.
void MakeScriptElement(int slot_index) {
HtmlResourceSlot* html_slot = static_cast<HtmlResourceSlot*>(
// Create a new element that doesn't have any children the
// original element had.
HtmlElement* original = html_slot->element();
HtmlElement* element = Driver()->NewElement(NULL, HtmlName::kScript);
Driver()->InsertNodeBeforeNode(original, element);
GoogleString var_name = filter_->VarName(Driver(),
HtmlNode* script_code = Driver()->NewCharactersNode(
element, StrCat("eval(", var_name, ");"));
Driver()->AppendChild(element, script_code);
JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner combiner_;
JsCombineFilter* filter_;
bool fresh_combination_;
// Each of the elements for the resources being combined are added to this
// vector, but those elements will be free'd after the end of the document,
// though this context might survive past that (as it's an asynchronous
// rewriting thread). Therefore the contents of this vector are not usable
// in any of the rewriting callbacks: Partition, Rewrite, and Render.
std::vector<HtmlElement*> elements_;
StringVector elements_charsets_; // charset for each element added, if any.
bool JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner::WritePiece(
int index, int num_pieces, const Resource* input,
OutputResource* combination, Writer* writer, MessageHandler* handler) {
// Minify if needed.
StringPiece not_escaped = input->ExtractUncompressedContents();
// TODO(morlovich): And now we're not updating some stats instead.
// Factor out that bit in JsFilter.
const RewriteOptions* options = rewrite_driver_->options();
if (options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRewriteJavascriptExternal)) {
JavascriptCodeBlock* code_block = BlockForResource(input);
if (code_block->successfully_rewritten()) {
not_escaped = code_block->rewritten_code();
// We write out code of each script into a variable.
writer->Write(StrCat("var ",
rewrite_driver_, input->url()),
" = "),
GoogleString escaped;
JavascriptCodeBlock::ToJsStringLiteral(not_escaped, &escaped);
writer->Write(escaped, handler);
writer->Write(";\n", handler);
return true;
JavascriptCodeBlock* JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner::BlockForResource(
const Resource* input) {
std::pair<CodeBlockMap::iterator, bool> insert_result =
code_blocks_.insert(CodeBlockMap::value_type(input, NULL));
if (insert_result.second) {
// Actually inserted, so we need a value.
if (config_.get() == NULL) {
scoped_ptr<JavascriptCodeBlock> new_block(new JavascriptCodeBlock(
input->ExtractUncompressedContents(), config_.get(), input->url(),
insert_result.first->second = new_block.release();
return insert_result.first->second;
JsCombineFilter::JsCombineFilter(RewriteDriver* driver)
: RewriteFilter(driver),
context_(MakeContext()) {
JsCombineFilter::~JsCombineFilter() {
void JsCombineFilter::InitStats(Statistics* statistics) {
bool JsCombineFilter::IsLikelyStrictMode(
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* jstp, StringPiece input) {
pagespeed::js::JsTokenizer tokenizer(jstp, input);
// The prolog is spec'd as a sequence of expression statements
// consisting only of string literals at beginning of a scope.
// If one of them is 'use strict' then it indicates strict mode.
// Rather than worry about finer points of the grammar we basically
// accept any mixture of strings, semicolons and whitespace.
while (true) {
StringPiece token_text;
JsKeywords::Type token_type = tokenizer.NextToken(&token_text);
switch (token_type) {
case JsKeywords::kComment:
case JsKeywords::kWhitespace:
case JsKeywords::kLineSeparator:
case JsKeywords::kSemiInsert:
// All of these can occur in prologue sections (but not quite that
// freely).
case JsKeywords::kOperator:
// ; may also be OK, but other stuff isn't.
if (token_text != ";") {
return false;
case JsKeywords::kStringLiteral:
if (token_text == "'use strict'" || token_text == "\"use strict\"") {
return true;
return false;
void JsCombineFilter::StartDocumentImpl() {
void JsCombineFilter::StartElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
HtmlElement::Attribute* src = NULL;
ScriptTagScanner::ScriptClassification classification =
script_scanner_.ParseScriptElement(element, &src);
switch (classification) {
case ScriptTagScanner::kNonScript:
if (script_depth_ > 0) {
// We somehow got some tag inside a script. Be conservative ---
// it may be meaningful so we don't want to destroy it;
// so flush the complete things before us, and call it a day.
if (context_->HasElementLast(current_js_script_)) {
case ScriptTagScanner::kJavaScript:
ConsiderJsForCombination(element, src);
case ScriptTagScanner::kUnknownScript:
// We have something like vbscript. Handle this as a barrier
void JsCombineFilter::EndElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
if (element->keyword() == HtmlName::kScript) {
if (script_depth_ == 0) {
current_js_script_ = NULL;
void JsCombineFilter::IEDirective(HtmlIEDirectiveNode* directive) {
void JsCombineFilter::Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* characters) {
// If a script has non-whitespace data inside of it, we cannot
// replace its contents with a call to eval, as they may be needed.
if (script_depth_ > 0 && !OnlyWhitespace(characters->contents())) {
if (context_->HasElementLast(current_js_script_)) {
void JsCombineFilter::Flush() {
// We try to combine what we have thus far the moment we see a flush.
// This serves two purposes:
// 1) Let's us edit elements while they are still rewritable,
// but as late as possible.
// 2) Ensures we do combine eventually (as we will get a flush at the end of
// parsing).
// Determine if we can add this script to the combination or not.
// If not, call NextCombination() to write out what we've got and then
// reset.
void JsCombineFilter::ConsiderJsForCombination(HtmlElement* element,
HtmlElement::Attribute* src) {
if (!driver()->content_security_policy().PermitsEval()) {
"Not considering JS combining since CSP forbids eval", element);
// Worst-case scenario is if we somehow ended up with nested scripts.
// In this case, we just give up entirely.
if (script_depth_ > 0) {
driver()->WarningHere("Nested <script> elements");
// Opening a new script normally...
current_js_script_ = element;
// Now we may have something that's not combinable; in those cases we would
// like to flush as much as possible.
// TODO(morlovich): if we stick with the current eval-based strategy, this
// is way too conservative, as we keep multiple script elements for
// actual execution.
// If our current script may be inside a noscript, which means
// we should not be making it runnable.
if (noscript_element() != NULL) {
// An inline script.
if (src == NULL || src->DecodedValueOrNull() == NULL) {
// Don't combine scripts with the data-pagespeed-no-defer attribute.
if (element->FindAttribute(HtmlName::kDataPagespeedNoDefer) != NULL ||
element->FindAttribute(HtmlName::kPagespeedNoDefer) != NULL) {
// We do not try to merge in a <script with async/defer> or for/event.
// TODO(morlovich): is it worth combining multiple scripts with
// async/defer if the flags are the same?
if (script_scanner_.ExecutionMode(element) != script_scanner_.kExecuteSync) {
// Now we see if policy permits us merging this element with previous ones.
context_->AddElement(element, src);
GoogleString JsCombineFilter::VarName(const RewriteDriver* driver,
const GoogleString& url) {
// We want to apply any rewrite mappings, since they can change the directory
// and hence affect variable names.
GoogleString output_url;
GoogleString domain_out; // ignored.
GoogleUrl resource_url(url);
// We can't generally use the preexisting UrlPartnership in the
// ResourceCombiner since during the .pagespeed. resource fetch it's not
// filled in.
if (resource_url.IsWebValid()) {
} else {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Somehow got invalid URL in JsCombineFilter::VarName:"
<< resource_url.UncheckedSpec() << " starting from:"
<< url;
output_url = url;
// We hash the non-host portion of URL to keep it consistent when sharding.
// This is safe since we never include URLs from different hosts in a single
// combination.
GoogleString url_hash =
return StrCat("mod_pagespeed_", url_hash);
JsCombineFilter::Context* JsCombineFilter::MakeContext() {
return new Context(driver(), this);
RewriteContext* JsCombineFilter::MakeRewriteContext() {
return MakeContext();
JsCombineFilter::JsCombiner* JsCombineFilter::combiner() const {
return context_->combiner();
// In async flow, tell the rewrite_driver to write out the last
// combination, and reset our context to a new one.
// In sync flow, just write out what we have so far, and then
// reset the context.
void JsCombineFilter::NextCombination() {
if (!context_->empty() &&
driver()->content_security_policy().PermitsEval()) {
} // namespace net_instaweb