blob: 81d87d977539a07556940e9e842a1b1649e9753d [file] [log] [blame]
namespace rde
class allocator
explicit allocator(const char* name = "DEFAULT"): m_name(name) {}
// Copy ctor generated by compiler.
// allocator(const allocator&)
~allocator() {}
// Generated by compiler.
//allocator& operator=(const allocator&)
void* allocate(unsigned int bytes, int flags = 0);
// Not supported for standard allocator for the time being.
void* allocate_aligned(unsigned int bytes, unsigned int alignment, int flags = 0);
void deallocate(void* ptr, unsigned int bytes);
const char* get_name() const;
const char* m_name;
// True if lhs can free memory allocated by rhs and vice-versa.
inline bool operator==(const allocator& /*lhs*/, const allocator& /*rhs*/)
return true;
inline bool operator!=(const allocator& lhs, const allocator& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
inline void* allocator::allocate(unsigned int bytes, int)
return operator new(bytes);
inline void allocator::deallocate(void* ptr, unsigned int)
operator delete(ptr);
} // namespace rde
#endif // #ifndef RDESTL_ALLOCATOR_H