blob: aeafdda0b7046cfc5069390af9c3b191ef1b8dea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// implements a simple worker pool, allowing arbitrary functions to run
// using a pool of threads of predefined maximum size.
// This differs from QueuedWorker, which always uses exactly one thread.
// In this interface, any task can be assigned to any thread.
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/function.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class QueuedWorker;
class Waveform;
// Maintains a predefined number of worker threads, and dispatches any
// number of groups of sequential tasks to those threads.
class QueuedWorkerPool {
static const int kNoLoadShedding = -1;
QueuedWorkerPool(int max_workers, StringPiece thread_name_base,
ThreadSystem* thread_system);
// Functions added to a Sequence will be run sequentially, though not
// necessarily always from the same worker thread. The scheduler will
// continue to schedule new work added to the sequence until
// FreeSequence is called.
class Sequence {
// AddFunction is a callback that when invoked queues another callback on
// the given sequence, and when canceled queues a cancel call to the
// sequence instead. The cancellation behavior is what makes this different
// from a simple call to MakeFunction(sequence, &Sequence::Add, callback).
class AddFunction : public Function {
AddFunction(Sequence* sequence, Function* callback)
: sequence_(sequence), callback_(callback) { }
virtual ~AddFunction();
virtual void Run() {
virtual void Cancel() {
sequence_->Add(MakeFunction(callback_, &Function::CallCancel));
Sequence* sequence_;
Function* callback_;
// Adds 'function' to a sequence. Note that this can occur at any time
// the sequence is live -- you can add functions to a sequence that has
// already started processing.
// 'function' can be called any time after Add(), and may in fact be
// called before Add() returns.
// Ownership of 'function' is transferred to the Sequence, which deletes
// it after execution or upon cancellation due to shutdown.
// If the pool is being shut down at the time Add is being called,
// this method will call function->Cancel().
void Add(Function* function) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
void set_queue_size_stat(Waveform* x) { queue_size_ = x; }
// Sets the maximum number of functions that can be enqueued to a sequence.
// By default, sequences are unbounded. When a bound is reached, the oldest
// functions are retired by calling Cancel() on them.
void set_max_queue_size(size_t x) { max_queue_size_ = x; }
// Calls Cancel on all pending functions in the queue.
void CancelPendingFunctions() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
// Construct using QueuedWorkerPool::NewSequence().
Sequence(ThreadSystem* thread_system, QueuedWorkerPool* pool);
// Free by calling QueuedWorkerPool::FreeSequence().
// Resets a new or recycled Sequence to its original state.
void Reset();
// Waits for any currently active function to complete, deletes
// any other outstanding functions. During the shutdown process,
// the Sequence will simply delete, without running, any function
// added to it from another thread.
// This function blocks until shutdown is complete.
void WaitForShutDown() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
// Puts the Sequence in shutdown mode, but does not block until shutdown
// is complete. Return 'true' if the sequence is inactive and thus can
// be immediately recycled.
bool InitiateShutDown() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
// Gets the next function in the sequence, and transfers ownership
// the the caller.
Function* NextFunction() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
bool IsBusy() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(sequence_mutex_);
// Returns number of tasks that were canceled.
int CancelTasksOnWorkQueue() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(sequence_mutex_);
// Cancels all pending tasks (and updates stats appropriately).
void Cancel() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(sequence_mutex_);
friend class QueuedWorkerPool;
std::deque<Function*> work_queue_;
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem::CondvarCapableMutex> sequence_mutex_;
QueuedWorkerPool* pool_;
bool shutdown_;
bool active_;
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem::Condvar> termination_condvar_;
Waveform* queue_size_;
size_t max_queue_size_;
typedef std::set<Sequence*> SequenceSet;
// Sequence is owned by the pool, and will be automatically freed when
// the pool is finally freed (e.g. on server shutdown). But the sequence
// does *not* auto-destruct when complete; it must be explicitly freed
// using FreeSequence().
Sequence* NewSequence(); // Returns NULL if shutting down.
// Shuts down a sequence and frees it. This does *not* block waiting
// for the Sequence to finish.
void FreeSequence(Sequence* sequence);
// Shuts down all Sequences and Worker threads, but does not delete the
// sequences. The sequences will be deleted when the pool is destructed.
// Equivalent to "InitiateShutDown(); WaitForShutDownComplete();"
void ShutDown();
// Starts the shutdown process, preventing further tasks from being queued.
// Does not wait for any active tasks to be completed. This must be followed
// by WaitForShutDownComplete. It is invalid to call InitiateShutDown() twice
// in a row.
void InitiateShutDown();
// Blocks waiting for all outstanding tasks to be completed. Must be preceded
// by InitiateShutDown().
void WaitForShutDownComplete();
// Returns true if any of the given sequences is busy. Note that multiple
// sequences are checked atomically; otherwise we could end up missing
// work. For example, consider if we had a sequence for main rewrite work,
// and an another one for expensive work.
// In this case, if we tried to check their busyness independently, the
// following could happen:
// 1) First portion of inexpensive work is done, so we queue up
// some on expensive work thread.
// 2) We check whether inexpensive work sequence is busy. It's not.
// 3) The expensive work runs, finishes, and queues up more inexpensive
// work.
// 4) We check whether expensive sequence is busy. It's not, so we would
// conclude we quiesced --- while there was still work in the inexpensive
// queue.
static bool AreBusy(const SequenceSet& sequences);
// If x == kNoLoadShedding disables load-shedding.
// Otherwise, if more than x sequences are queued waiting to run,
// sequences will start getting dropped and canceled, with oldest
// sequences canceled first.
// Precondition: x > 0 || x == kNoLoadShedding
// x = kNoLoadShedding (the default) disables the limit.
// Should be called before starting any work.
void SetLoadSheddingThreshold(int x);
// Sets up a timed-variable statistic indicating the current queue depth.
// This must be called prior to creating sequences.
void set_queue_size_stat(Waveform* x) { queue_size_ = x; }
friend class Sequence;
void Run(Sequence* sequence, QueuedWorker* worker);
void QueueSequence(Sequence* sequence);
Sequence* AssignWorkerToNextSequence(QueuedWorker* worker);
void SequenceNoLongerActive(Sequence* sequence);
ThreadSystem* thread_system_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
// active_workers_ and available_workers_ are mutually exclusive.
std::set<QueuedWorker*> active_workers_;
std::vector<QueuedWorker*> available_workers_;
// queued_sequences_ and free_sequences_ are mutually exclusive, but
// all_sequences contains all of them.
std::vector<Sequence*> all_sequences_;
std::deque<Sequence*> queued_sequences_;
std::vector<Sequence*> free_sequences_;
GoogleString thread_name_base_;
size_t max_workers_;
bool shutdown_;
Waveform* queue_size_;
int load_shedding_threshold_;
} // namespace net_instaweb