blob: 09531f689679d9bedc11361b30a43a14942ba080 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Author: (Maksim Orlovich)
// Data structure operation helpers for SharedMemCache. See the top of
// for data format descriptions.
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_annotations.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class AbstractSharedMem;
class AbstractSharedMemSegment;
class MessageHandler;
namespace SharedMemCacheData {
typedef int32 EntryNum;
typedef int32 BlockNum;
typedef std::vector<BlockNum> BlockVector;
const BlockNum kInvalidBlock = -1;
const EntryNum kInvalidEntry = -1;
const size_t kHashSize = 16;
struct SectorStats {
// FS operation stats --- updated by SharedMemCache. We do it
// this way rather than using the normal Statistics interface
// to avoid having to worry about extra synchronization inside
// critical sections --- since we already hold sector locks
// when doing this stuff, it's easy to update per-sector data.
// TODO(morlovich): Consider periodically pushing these to
// normal Statistics.
int64 num_put;
int64 num_put_update; // update of the same key
int64 num_put_replace; // replacement of different key
int64 num_put_concurrent_create;
int64 num_put_concurrent_full_set;
int64 num_put_spins; // # of times writers had to sleep behind readers
int64 num_get; // # of calls to get
int64 num_get_hit;
// Current state stats --- updated by SharedMemCacheData
int64 used_entries;
int64 used_blocks;
// Adds number to this object's. No concurrency control is done.
void Add(const SectorStats& other);
// Text dump of the statistics. No concurrency control is done.
GoogleString Dump(size_t total_entries, size_t total_blocks) const;
struct SectorHeader {
BlockNum free_list_front;
EntryNum lru_list_front;
EntryNum lru_list_rear;
int32 padding;
SectorStats stats;
// mutex goes here.
struct CacheEntry {
char hash_bytes[kHashSize];
int64 last_use_timestamp_ms;
int32 byte_size;
// For LRU list, prev/next are kInvalidEntry to denote 'none', which
// can apply both at endpoints and for entries not in the LRU at all,
// due to being free.
EntryNum lru_prev;
EntryNum lru_next;
BlockNum first_block;
// When this is true, someone is trying to overwrite this entry.
bool creating : 1;
// Number of readers currently accessing the data.
uint32 open_count : 31;
uint32 padding; // ensures we're 8-aligned.
// Helper for operating on a given sector's data structures; helping
// access them, lay them out in memory, and initialize them. It does not
// implement the actual cache operations, however. In particular, its
// methods affect only a single data structure at the time and do not
// do anything to preserve cross-structure invariants.
template<size_t kBlockSize>
class Sector {
// Creates a wrapper to help operate on cache sectors in a given region of
// memory with given geometry. The sector should have had as much memory
// allocated for it as returned by a call to RequiredSize with the same
// arguments.
// Note that this doesn't do any imperative initialization; you must
// call Initialize() in the parent process, and Attach() in child processes,
// and check their results as well. Also, segment is assumed to be owned
// separately, with lifetime longer than ours.
Sector(AbstractSharedMemSegment* segment, size_t sector_offset,
size_t cache_entries, size_t data_blocks);
// This should be called from child processes to initialize client
// state for the cache already formatted by a call to Initialize() in
// the parent.
// Returns if successful (which it should be if the parent process
// successfully create the memory and Initialize()'d it).
bool Attach(MessageHandler* handler);
// This should be called from the initial/parent process before the children
// start. It initializes the data structures in this sector, including
// mutexes. Returns true on success.
bool Initialize(MessageHandler* handler);
// Computes how much memory a sector will need for given number of entries.
// Also makes sure it's padded to proper alignment.
static size_t RequiredSize(AbstractSharedMem* shmem_runtime,
size_t cache_entries, size_t data_blocks);
// Mutex ops.
// The sector lock should be held while doing any metadata accesses.
AbstractMutex* mutex() const LOCK_RETURNED(mutex_) { return mutex_.get(); }
// Block successor list ops.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
BlockNum GetBlockSuccessor(BlockNum block) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex()) {
DCHECK_GE(block, 0);
DCHECK_LT(block, static_cast<BlockNum>(data_blocks_));
return block_successors_[block];
void SetBlockSuccessor(BlockNum block, BlockNum next)
DCHECK_GE(block, 0);
DCHECK_LT(block, static_cast<BlockNum>(data_blocks_));
DCHECK_GE(next, kInvalidBlock);
DCHECK_LT(next, static_cast<BlockNum>(data_blocks_));
block_successors_[block] = next;
// Links blocks in the vector in order, with later blocks being
// marked as successors of later ones.
void LinkBlockSuccessors(const BlockVector& blocks)
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < blocks.size(); ++pos) {
if (pos == (blocks.size() - 1)) {
SetBlockSuccessor(blocks[pos], kInvalidBlock);
} else {
SetBlockSuccessor(blocks[pos], blocks[pos + 1]);
// Freelist ops.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocates as close to the goal blocks from freelist as it can, and
// appends their numbers to blocks. Returns how much it allocated.
// Does not adjust block successor lists.
// Note that this doesn't attempt to free blocks that are in use by some
// entries.
int AllocBlocksFromFreeList(int goal, BlockVector* blocks)
// Puts all the passed in blocks onto this sector's freelist.
// Does not read successors for passed in blocks, but does set them
// for freelist membership.
void ReturnBlocksToFreeList(const BlockVector& blocks)
// Cache directory ops.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the given # entry.
CacheEntry* EntryAt(EntryNum slot) {
return reinterpret_cast<CacheEntry*>(directory_base_) + slot;
// Inserts the given entry into the LRU, at front.
// Precondition: must not be in LRU.
void InsertEntryIntoLRU(EntryNum entry_num);
// Removes from the LRU. Safe to call if not in the LRU already.
void UnlinkEntryFromLRU(EntryNum entry_num);
EntryNum OldestEntryNum() {
return sector_header_->lru_list_rear;
// Block ops.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
char* BlockBytes(BlockNum block_num) {
return blocks_base_ + kBlockSize * block_num;
// Ops for lists of blocks corresponding to each directory entry,
// and related size computations
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of blocks of data needed for size blocks.
static size_t DataBlocksForSize(size_t size) {
return NeededPieces(size, kBlockSize);
// The # of bytes stored in block 'b' out of 'total' blocks for file of size
// 'total_bytes'.
// Precondition: 'total' is appropriate for 'total_bytes'.
static size_t BytesInPortion(size_t total_bytes, size_t b, size_t total);
// Appends the list of blocks used by the entry to 'blocks'.
// Returns the number of items appended.
int BlockListForEntry(CacheEntry* entry, BlockVector* out_blocks)
// Statistics stuff
// ------------------------------------------------------------
SectorStats* sector_stats() { return &sector_header_->stats; }
// Prints out all statistics in the header (some of which are maintained
// by the higher-level)
void DumpStats(MessageHandler* handler);
// Helper for doing sizing/memory layout computations.
struct MemLayout;
// How many piece_size pieces suffice to fit total
static size_t NeededPieces(size_t total, size_t piece_size) {
return (total + piece_size - 1) / piece_size;
// Configured geometry
size_t cache_entries_;
size_t data_blocks_;
// Pointers to where various things are, and our sizes
AbstractSharedMemSegment* segment_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
SectorHeader* sector_header_;
BlockNum* block_successors_ PT_GUARDED_BY(mutex());
char* directory_base_;
char* blocks_base_;
size_t sector_offset_; // offset of the sector within the SHM segment
} // namespace SharedMemCacheData
} // namespace net_instaweb