blob: 6a07232375aed27d5e617b166cdc8586010e4cb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/source_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_tokenizer.h"
namespace pagespeed {
namespace js {
// Represents the kind of whitespace between two tokens:
// kNoWhitespace means that there is no whitespace between the tokens.
// kSpace means there's been at least one space/tab, but no linebreaks.
// kLinebreak means there's been at least one linebreak.
enum JsWhitespace { kNoWhitespace, kSpace, kLinebreak };
// This works like JsTokenizer, except that it only emits whitespace and
// comment tokens that are deemed necessary for the script to work. IE
// conditional compilation comments are kept; other comments are removed.
// Whitespace tokens are only emitted if they are necessary to separate other
// tokens or for semicolon insertion, and any that are emitted will be
// collapsed to a single whitespace character.
class JsMinifyingTokenizer {
// Creates a tokenizer that will tokenize the given input string (which must
// outlive the JsMinifyingTokenizer object).
JsMinifyingTokenizer(const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns, StringPiece input);
// Version that sets source mappings as well.
// Note: Source Maps are only correct for ASCII text. Line and column numbers
// will be incorrect if there are multi-byte chars in input.
// TODO(sligocki): Fix this.
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns, StringPiece input,
net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector* mappings);
// Gets the next token type from the input,
JsKeywords::Type NextToken(StringPiece* token_out);
// True if an error has been encountered. All future calls to NextToken()
// will return JsKeywords::kEndOfInput with an empty token string.
bool has_error() const { return tokenizer_.has_error(); }
JsKeywords::Type NextTokenHelper(
StringPiece* token_out,
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping* token_out_position);
// Determines whether we need to include whitespace to separate the given
// token from the previous token.
bool WhitespaceNeededBefore(JsKeywords::Type type, StringPiece token);
JsTokenizer tokenizer_;
JsWhitespace whitespace_; // Whitespace since the previous token.
JsKeywords::Type prev_type_;
StringPiece prev_token_;
JsKeywords::Type next_type_;
StringPiece next_token_;
net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector* mappings_;
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping current_position_;
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping next_position_;
// Minifies the given UTF8-encoded JavaScript code; returns true if the code
// parsed successfully, or false if a syntax error prevented complete
// minification. Even if this function returns false, the output string will
// still be fully populated from the input; the portion of the input up to the
// parse error will be minified, and the remainder will be passed through
// unmodified.
// The input should be UTF8-encoded (or plain ASCII); the minifier does have
// some limited capability to tolerate invalid UTF8 bytes, so Latin1-encoded
// input will often work, but no guarantees are made.
bool MinifyUtf8Js(const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns,
StringPiece input, GoogleString* output);
// Minify JS and returns a source mapping. The input should be UTF8-encoded
// (or plain ASCII); the minifier does have some limited capability to tolerate
// invalid UTF8 bytes, so Latin1-encoded input will often work, but no
// guarantees are made.
bool MinifyUtf8JsWithSourceMap(
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns,
StringPiece input, GoogleString* output,
net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector* mappings);
// Below is the old JsMinify implementation. It has several known issues that
// the newer implementation above fixes, but for now is still more
// battle-tested.
// TODO(mdsteele): Deprecate these functions once we're more confident in the
// new implementation, and remove them once all clients are migrated.
// Returns true if minification was successful, false otherwise.
bool MinifyJs(const StringPiece& input, GoogleString* out);
// Returns true if minification was successful, false otherwise.
bool GetMinifiedJsSize(const StringPiece& input, int* minimized_size);
// Returns true if minification and collapsing string was successful, false
// otherwise. This functin is a special use of js_minify. It minifies the JS
// and removes all the string literals. Example:
// before : var x = 'asd \' lse'
// after : var x=''
bool MinifyJsAndCollapseStrings(const StringPiece& input, GoogleString* output);
bool GetMinifiedStringCollapsedJsSize(const StringPiece& input,
int* minimized_size);
} // namespace js
} // namespace pagespeed