blob: 09ee8e3f843616b113c8ffc476a03f8820ad2bf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_minify.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/source_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_tokenizer.h"
using pagespeed::JsKeywords;
namespace pagespeed {
namespace js {
namespace {
// TODO(mdsteele): Once we're confident in the new minifier, delete the
// contents of this "legacy" namespace and just use the new implementation.
namespace legacy {
// Javascript's grammar has the appalling property that it cannot be lexed
// without also being parsed, due to its semicolon insertion rules and the
// ambiguity between regex literals and the division operator. We don't want
// to build a full parser just for the sake of removing whitespace/comments, so
// this code uses some heuristics to try to guess the relevant parsing details.
const int kEOF = -1; // represents the end of the input
// A token can either be a character (0-255) or one of these constants:
const int kStartToken = 256; // the start of the input
const int kCCCommentToken = 257; // a conditional compilation comment
const int kRegexToken = 258; // a regular expression literal
const int kStringToken = 259; // a string literal
// We have to differentiate between the keywords that can precede a regex
// (such as throw) and those that can't to ensure that we don't treat return or
// throw as a primary expression (which could mess up linebreak removal or
// differentiating between division and regexes).
const int kNameNumberToken = 260; // name, number, keyword
const int kKeywordCanPrecedeRegExToken = 261;
// The ++ and -- tokens affect the semicolon insertion rules in Javascript, so
// we need to track them carefully in order to get whitespace removal right.
// Other multicharacter operators (such as += or ===) can just be treated as
// multiple single character operators, and it'll all come out okay.
const int kPlusPlusToken = 262; // a ++ token
const int kMinusMinusToken = 263; // a -- token
// Is this a character that can appear in identifiers?
int IsIdentifierChar(int c) {
// Note that backslashes can appear in identifiers due to unicode escape
// sequences (e.g. \u03c0).
return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || c == '$' || c == '\\' ||
c >= 127);
// Return true if the given token cannot ever be the first or last token of a
// statement; that is, a semicolon will never be inserted next to this token.
// This function is used to help us with linebreak suppression.
bool CannotBeginOrEndStatement(int token) {
switch (token) {
case kStartToken:
case '=':
case '<':
case '>':
case ';':
case ':':
case '?':
case '|':
case '^':
case '&':
case '*':
case '/':
case '%':
case ',':
case '.':
return true;
return false;
// Return true if the given token signifies that we are at the end of a primary
// expression (e.g. 42, or foo[0], or func()). This function is used to help
// us with linebreak suppression and to tell the difference between regex
// literals and division operators.
bool EndsPrimaryExpression(int token) {
switch (token) {
case kNameNumberToken:
case kRegexToken:
case kStringToken:
case ')':
case ']':
return true;
return false;
// Return true if we can safely remove a linebreak from between the given two
// tokens (that is, if we're sure that the linebreak will not result in
// semicolon insertion), or false if we're not sure we can remove it safely.
bool CanSuppressLinebreak(int prev_token, int next_token) {
// We can suppress the linebreak if the previous token can't possibly be
// the end of a statement.
if (CannotBeginOrEndStatement(prev_token) ||
prev_token == '(' || prev_token == '[' || prev_token == '{' ||
prev_token == '!' || prev_token == '~' ||
prev_token == '+' || prev_token == '-') {
return true;
// We can suppress the linebreak if the next token can't possibly be the
// beginning of a statement.
if (CannotBeginOrEndStatement(next_token) ||
next_token == ')' || next_token == ']' ||
next_token == '}') {
return true;
// We can suppress the linebreak if one-token lookahead tells us that we
// could keep parsing without inserting a semicolon.
if (EndsPrimaryExpression(prev_token) &&
(next_token == '(' || next_token == '[' ||
next_token == '+' || next_token == '-')) {
return true;
// Otherwise, we should leave the linebreak there, to be safe.
return false;
class StringConsumer {
explicit StringConsumer(GoogleString* output) : output_(output) {}
void push_back(char character) {
void append(const StringPiece& str) {
GoogleString* output_;
class SizeConsumer {
explicit SizeConsumer(GoogleString* ignored) : size_(0) {}
void push_back(char character) {
void append(const StringPiece& str) {
size_ += str.size();
int size_;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
class Minifier {
Minifier(const StringPiece& input, GoogleString* output);
~Minifier() {}
// Return a pointer to an OutputConsumer instance if minification was
// successful, NULL otherwise.
OutputConsumer* GetOutput();
// Enable collapsing strings while minifiying. Should call after constructor,
// and before calling GetOutput().
void EnableStringCollapse() { collapse_string_ = true; }
int Peek();
void ChangeToken(int next_token);
void InsertSpaceIfNeeded();
void ConsumeBlockComment();
void ConsumeLineComment();
void ConsumeNameOrNumber();
void ConsumeRegex();
void ConsumeString();
void Minify();
// Returns the input size as an int to avoid signed/unsigned comparison
// warnings.
int input_size() const { return input_.size(); }
const StringPiece input_;
int index_;
OutputConsumer output_;
JsWhitespace whitespace_; // whitespace since the previous token
int prev_token_;
bool error_;
bool collapse_string_;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
Minifier<OutputConsumer>::Minifier(const StringPiece& input,
GoogleString* output)
: input_(input),
collapse_string_(false) {}
// Return the next character after index_, or kEOF if there aren't any more.
template<typename OutputConsumer>
int Minifier<OutputConsumer>::Peek() {
return (index_ + 1 < input_size() ?
static_cast<int>(input_[index_ + 1]) : kEOF);
// Switch to a new prev_token, and insert a newline if necessary. Call this
// right before appending a token onto the output.
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ChangeToken(int next_token) {
// If there've been any linebreaks since the previous token, we may need to
// insert a linebreak here to avoid running afoul of semicolon insertion
// (that is, the code may be relying on semicolon insertion here, and
// removing the linebreak would break it).
if (whitespace_ == kLinebreak &&
!CanSuppressLinebreak(prev_token_, next_token)) {
whitespace_ = kNoWhitespace;
prev_token_ = next_token;
// If there's been any whitespace since the previous token, insert some
// whitespace now to separate the previous token from the next token.
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::InsertSpaceIfNeeded() {
switch (whitespace_) {
case kSpace:
output_.push_back(' ');
case kLinebreak:
whitespace_ = kNoWhitespace;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ConsumeBlockComment() {
DCHECK(index_ + 1 < input_size());
DCHECK_EQ(input_[index_], '/');
DCHECK_EQ(input_[index_ + 1], '*');
const int begin = index_;
index_ += 2;
// We want to remove comments, but we need to preserve IE conditional
// compilation comments to avoid breaking scripts that rely on them.
// See
const bool may_be_ccc = (index_ < input_size() && input_[index_] == '@');
while (index_ < input_size()) {
if (input_[index_] == '*' && Peek() == '/') {
index_ += 2;
if (may_be_ccc && input_[index_ - 3] == '@') {
output_.append(input_.substr(begin, index_ - begin));
} else if (whitespace_ == kNoWhitespace) {
whitespace_ = kSpace;
// If we reached EOF without the comment being closed, then this is an error.
error_ = true;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ConsumeLineComment() {
while (index_ < input_size() && input_[index_] != '\n' &&
input_[index_] != '\r') {
whitespace_ = kLinebreak;
// Consume a keyword, name, or number.
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ConsumeNameOrNumber() {
if (prev_token_ == kNameNumberToken ||
prev_token_ == kKeywordCanPrecedeRegExToken ||
prev_token_ == kRegexToken) {
GoogleString token;
while (index_ < input_size() && IsIdentifierChar(input_[index_])) {
// For the most part, we can just treat keywords the same as identifiers, and
// we'll still minify correctly. However, some keywords (like return and
// throw) in particular must be treated differently, to help us tell the
// difference between regex literals and division operators:
// return/ x /g; // this returns a regex literal; preserve whitespace
// reTurn/ x /g; // this performs two divisions; remove whitespace
? kKeywordCanPrecedeRegExToken
: kNameNumberToken);
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ConsumeRegex() {
DCHECK(index_ < input_size());
DCHECK_EQ(input_[index_], '/');
const int begin = index_;
bool within_brackets = false;
while (index_ < input_size()) {
const char ch = input_[index_];
if (ch == '\\') {
// If we see a backslash, don't check the next character (this is mainly
// relevant if the next character is a slash that would otherwise close
// the regex literal, or a closing bracket when we are within brackets).
} else if (ch == '/') {
// Slashes within brackets are implicitly escaped.
if (!within_brackets) {
// Don't accidentally create a line comment.
if (prev_token_ == '/') {
output_.append(input_.substr(begin, index_ - begin));
} else if (ch == '[') {
// Regex brackets don't nest, so we don't need a stack -- just a bool.
within_brackets = true;
} else if (ch == ']') {
within_brackets = false;
} else if (ch == '\n') {
break; // error
// If we reached newline or EOF without the regex being closed, then this is
// an error.
error_ = true;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::ConsumeString() {
DCHECK(index_ < input_size());
const int begin = index_;
const char quote = input_[begin];
DCHECK(quote == '"' || quote == '\'');
while (index_ < input_size()) {
const char ch = input_[index_];
if (ch == '\\') {
} else {
if (ch == quote) {
if (collapse_string_) {
} else {
output_.append(input_.substr(begin, index_ - begin));
// If we reached EOF without the string being closed, then this is an error.
error_ = true;
template<typename OutputConsumer>
void Minifier<OutputConsumer>::Minify() {
while (index_ < input_size() && !error_) {
const char ch = input_[index_];
// Track whitespace since the previous token. kNoWhitespace means no
// whitespace; kLinebreak means there's been at least one linebreak; kSpace
// means there's been spaces/tabs, but no linebreaks.
if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
whitespace_ = kLinebreak;
} else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
if (whitespace_ == kNoWhitespace) {
whitespace_ = kSpace;
} else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
// Strings
} else if (ch == '/') {
// A slash could herald a line comment, a block comment, a regex literal,
// or a mere division operator; we need to figure out which it is.
// Differentiating between division and regexes is mostly impossible
// without parsing, so we do our best based on the previous token.
const int next = Peek();
if (next == '/') {
} else if (next == '*') {
} else if (EndsPrimaryExpression(prev_token_)) {
// If the slash is following a primary expression (like a literal, or
// (...), or foo[0]), then it's definitely a division operator. These
// are previous tokens for which (I think) we can be sure that we're
// following a primary expression.
} else {
// If we can't be sure it's division, then we must assume it's a regex
// so that we don't remove whitespace that we shouldn't. There are
// cases that we'll get wrong, but it's hard to do better without
// parsing.
} else if (IsIdentifierChar(ch)) {
// Identifiers, keywords, and numeric literals:
} else if (ch == '<' && input_.substr(index_).starts_with("<!--")) {
// Treat <!-- as a line comment. Note that the substr() here is very
// efficient because input_ is a StringPiece, not a string.
} else if (ch == '-' &&
(whitespace_ == kLinebreak || prev_token_ == kStartToken) &&
input_.substr(index_).starts_with("-->")) {
// Treat --> as a line comment if it's at the start of a line.
} else if (ch == '+' && Peek() == '+') {
// Treat ++ differently than two +'s. It has different whitespace rules:
// - A statement cannot ever end with +, but it can end with ++. Thus,
// a linebreak after + can always be removed (no semicolon will be
// inserted), but a linebreak after ++ generally cannot.
// - A + at the start of a line can continue the previous line, but a ++
// cannot (a linebreak is _not_ permitted between i and ++ in an i++
// statement). Thus, a linebreak just before a + can be removed in
// certain cases (if we can decide that a semicolon would not be
// inserted), but a linebreak just before a ++ never can.
// Careful to leave whitespace so as not to create a +++ or ++++, which
// can be ambiguous.
if (prev_token_ == '+' || prev_token_ == kPlusPlusToken) {
index_ += 2;
} else if (ch == '-' && Peek() == '-') {
// Treat -- differently than two -'s. It has different whitespace rules,
// analogous to those of ++ (see above).
// Careful to leave whitespace so as not to create a --- or ----, which
// can be ambiguous. Also careful of !'s, since we don't want to
// accidentally create an SGML line comment.
if (prev_token_ == '-' || prev_token_ == kMinusMinusToken ||
prev_token_ == '!') {
index_ += 2;
} else {
// Copy other characters over verbatim, but make sure not to join two +
// tokens into ++ or two - tokens into --, or to join ++ and + into +++
// or -- and - into ---, or to minify the sequence of tokens < ! - - into
// an SGML line comment.
if ((prev_token_ == ch && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) ||
(prev_token_ == kPlusPlusToken && ch == '+') ||
(prev_token_ == kMinusMinusToken && ch == '-') ||
(prev_token_ == '<' && ch == '!') ||
(prev_token_ == '!' && ch == '-')) {
template<typename OutputConsumer>
OutputConsumer* Minifier<OutputConsumer>::GetOutput() {
if (!error_) {
return &output_;
return NULL;
bool MinifyJs(const StringPiece& input, GoogleString* out) {
Minifier<StringConsumer> minifier(input, out);
return (minifier.GetOutput() != NULL);
bool GetMinifiedJsSize(const StringPiece& input, int* minimized_size) {
Minifier<SizeConsumer> minifier(input, NULL);
SizeConsumer* output = minifier.GetOutput();
if (output) {
*minimized_size = output->size_;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool MinifyJsAndCollapseStrings(const StringPiece& input,
GoogleString* out) {
Minifier<StringConsumer> minifier(input, out);
return (minifier.GetOutput() != NULL);
bool GetMinifiedStringCollapsedJsSize(const StringPiece& input,
int* minimized_size) {
Minifier<SizeConsumer> minifier(input, NULL);
SizeConsumer* output = minifier.GetOutput();
if (output) {
*minimized_size = output->size_;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace legacy
bool IsNameNumberOrKeyword(JsKeywords::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case JsKeywords::kComment:
case JsKeywords::kWhitespace:
case JsKeywords::kLineSeparator:
case JsKeywords::kSemiInsert:
case JsKeywords::kRegex:
case JsKeywords::kStringLiteral:
case JsKeywords::kOperator:
case JsKeywords::kEndOfInput:
case JsKeywords::kError:
return false;
return true;
// Updates *line and *col numbers based on the next incremental chunk of text.
// Note: This only works correctly for ASCII text. If text contains multi-byte
// UTF-8 chars, our updates will be incorrect.
void UpdateLineAndCol(StringPiece text, int* line, int* col) {
for (int i = 0, n = text.size(); i < n; ++i) {
if (text[i] == '\n') {
// TODO(sligocki): We should allow all Unicode newline chars.
*line += 1;
*col = 0;
} else {
// TODO(sligocki): Count number of Unicode chars, not number of bytes.
*col += 1;
bool ShouldRecordStep(
const net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector& mapping,
const net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping& next) {
// Should record first mapping.
if (mapping.empty()) {
return true;
const net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping& prev = mapping.back();
if (next.gen_line == prev.gen_line) {
// Should record iff different number of newlines or different num of cols.
return (next.src_line != prev.src_line ||
next.gen_col - prev.gen_col != next.src_col - prev.src_col);
// If line changes, we should record it.
return true;
} // namespace
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns, StringPiece input)
: tokenizer_(patterns, input), whitespace_(kNoWhitespace),
prev_type_(JsKeywords::kEndOfInput), prev_token_(),
next_type_(JsKeywords::kEndOfInput), next_token_(),
mappings_(NULL) {}
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns, StringPiece input,
net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector* mappings)
: tokenizer_(patterns, input), whitespace_(kNoWhitespace),
prev_type_(JsKeywords::kEndOfInput), prev_token_(),
next_type_(JsKeywords::kEndOfInput), next_token_(),
current_position_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), next_position_(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) {}
JsMinifyingTokenizer::~JsMinifyingTokenizer() {}
JsKeywords::Type JsMinifyingTokenizer::NextToken(StringPiece* token_out) {
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping token_out_position;
const JsKeywords::Type type = NextTokenHelper(token_out, &token_out_position);
if (mappings_ != NULL && type != JsKeywords::kEndOfInput &&
ShouldRecordStep(*mappings_, token_out_position)) {
// Update generated file line and col # with the output token.
// Note: We use a helper function to avoid having to add this before every
// return in NextTokenHelper.
UpdateLineAndCol(*token_out, &current_position_.gen_line,
return type;
JsKeywords::Type JsMinifyingTokenizer::NextTokenHelper(
StringPiece* token_out, net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping* position_out) {
if (next_type_ != JsKeywords::kEndOfInput) {
prev_type_ = next_type_;
prev_token_ = next_token_;
*token_out = next_token_;
*position_out = next_position_;
// next_position_.gen_line and .gen_col are out of date because they were
// computed in the previous call to NextTokenHelper().
position_out->gen_line = current_position_.gen_line;
position_out->gen_col = current_position_.gen_col;
next_type_ = JsKeywords::kEndOfInput;
return prev_type_;
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping first_position = current_position_;
while (true) {
StringPiece token;
const JsKeywords::Type type = tokenizer_.NextToken(&token);
// Position of start of token
net_instaweb::source_map::Mapping token_position = current_position_;
// Update source file line and col # with the consumed input token.
UpdateLineAndCol(token, &current_position_.src_line,
if (type == JsKeywords::kWhitespace) {
if (whitespace_ == kNoWhitespace) {
whitespace_ = kSpace;
} else if (type == JsKeywords::kLineSeparator) {
whitespace_ = kLinebreak;
} else if (type == JsKeywords::kSemiInsert) {
whitespace_ = kNoWhitespace;
prev_type_ = type;
prev_token_ = "\n";
*token_out = prev_token_;
*position_out = first_position; // Beginning of whitespace/comments.
return type;
} else if (type == JsKeywords::kComment) {
// Emit comments that look like they might be IE conditional compilation
// comments; treat all other comments as whitespace.
// TODO(mdsteele): We should retain copyrights by default, and/or retain
// all comments matching a user-specified pattern. It might also be
// nice to make retaining of IE conditional compilation comments
// optional, so we can turn it off for non-IE browsers.
if (token.size() >= 6 && token.starts_with("/*@") &&
token.ends_with("@*/")) {
*token_out = token;
*position_out = first_position; // Beginning of whitespace/comments.
return type;
} else if (whitespace_ == kNoWhitespace) {
whitespace_ = kSpace;
} else {
const JsWhitespace whitespace = whitespace_;
whitespace_ = kNoWhitespace;
if (whitespace != kNoWhitespace &&
WhitespaceNeededBefore(type, token)) {
next_type_ = type;
next_token_ = token;
next_position_ = token_position;
*position_out = first_position; // Beginning of whitespace/comments.
if (whitespace == kLinebreak) {
*token_out = "\n";
return JsKeywords::kLineSeparator;
} else {
*token_out = " ";
return JsKeywords::kWhitespace;
prev_type_ = type;
prev_token_ = token;
*token_out = token;
*position_out = token_position;
return type;
bool JsMinifyingTokenizer::WhitespaceNeededBefore(
JsKeywords::Type type, StringPiece token) {
// Whitespace is needed 1) to separate words and numbers, 2) to prevent from
// glomming a period onto the end of numeric literal that will absorb it as a
// decimal point, and 3) to prevent us from joining operators together to
// form line comments or other operators.
if (IsNameNumberOrKeyword(type)) {
return (IsNameNumberOrKeyword(prev_type_) ||
prev_type_ == JsKeywords::kRegex);
} else if (token == ".") {
// To avoid merging tokens, we can't append a period to the end of a number
// literal that...
return (prev_type_ == JsKeywords::kNumber &&
// ...doesn't already have a decimal point or exponent, and...
prev_token_.find_first_of(".eE") == StringPiece::npos &&
// ...either doesn't start with a zero digit, or...
(!prev_token_.starts_with("0") ||
// ...does start with a zero digit, but is neither hex nor octal.
(prev_token_.find_first_of("xX") == StringPiece::npos &&
prev_token_.find_first_of("89") != StringPiece::npos)));
} else if (prev_token_.ends_with("/")) {
return token.starts_with("/");
} else if (prev_token_.ends_with("+")) {
return token.starts_with("+");
} else if (prev_token_.ends_with("<")) {
return token.starts_with("!");
} else if (prev_token_.ends_with("!") ||
prev_token_.ends_with("-")) {
return token.starts_with("-");
return false;
bool MinifyUtf8Js(const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns,
StringPiece input, GoogleString* output) {
return MinifyUtf8JsWithSourceMap(patterns, input, output, NULL);
bool MinifyUtf8JsWithSourceMap(
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns,
StringPiece input, GoogleString* output,
net_instaweb::source_map::MappingVector* mappings) {
JsMinifyingTokenizer tokenizer(patterns, input, mappings);
while (true) {
StringPiece token;
switch (tokenizer.NextToken(&token)) {
case JsKeywords::kEndOfInput:
return true;
case JsKeywords::kError:
return false;
bool MinifyJs(const StringPiece& input, GoogleString* out) {
return legacy::MinifyJs(input, out);
bool GetMinifiedJsSize(const StringPiece& input, int* minimized_size) {
return legacy::GetMinifiedJsSize(input, minimized_size);
bool MinifyJsAndCollapseStrings(const StringPiece& input,
GoogleString* out) {
return legacy::MinifyJsAndCollapseStrings(input, out);
bool GetMinifiedStringCollapsedJsSize(const StringPiece& input,
int* minimized_size) {
return legacy::GetMinifiedStringCollapsedJsSize(input, minimized_size);
} // namespace js
} // namespace pagespeed