blob: d796b5065f0996ae1b8a7cee10ca8f0378820c6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: Satyanarayana Manyam
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_converter.h"
using net_instaweb::MessageHandler;
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cstddef>
extern "C" {
#include "png.h" // NOLINT
#include "third_party/libpng/src/png.h"
} // extern "C"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_frame_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/jpeg_optimizer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/png_optimizer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/read_image.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_interface_frame_adapter.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_utils.h"
namespace {
// In some cases, converting a PNG to JPEG results in a smaller
// file. This is at the cost of switching from lossless to lossy, so
// we require that the savings are substantial before in order to do
// the conversion. We choose 80% size reduction as the minimum before
// we switch a PNG to JPEG.
const double kMinJpegSavingsRatio = 0.8;
// As above, but for use when comparing lossy WebPs to lossless formats.
const double kMinWebpSavingsRatio = 0.8;
// If 'new_image' and 'new_image_type' represent a valid image that is
// smaller than 'threshold_ratio' times the size of the current
// 'best_image' (if any), then updates 'best_image' and
// 'best_image_type' to point to the values of 'new_image' and
// 'new_image_type'.
void SelectSmallerImage(
pagespeed::image_compression::ImageConverter::ImageType new_image_type,
const GoogleString& new_image,
const double threshold_ratio,
pagespeed::image_compression::ImageConverter::ImageType* const
const GoogleString** const best_image,
MessageHandler* handler) {
size_t new_image_size = new_image.size();
if (new_image_size > 0 &&
((*best_image_type ==
pagespeed::image_compression::ImageConverter::IMAGE_NONE) ||
((new_image_type !=
pagespeed::image_compression::ImageConverter::IMAGE_NONE) &&
(*best_image != NULL) &&
(new_image_size < (*best_image)->size() * threshold_ratio)))) {
*best_image_type = new_image_type;
*best_image = &new_image;
PS_DLOG_INFO(handler, \
"%p best is now %d", static_cast<void *>(best_image_type), \
// To estimate the number of bytes from the number of pixels, we divide
// by a magic ratio. The 'correct' ratio is of course dependent on the
// image itself, but we are ignoring that so we can make a fast judgement.
// It is also dependent on a variety of image optimization settings, but
// for now we will assume the 'rewrite_images' bucket is on, and vary only
// on the jpeg compression level.
// Consider a testcase from our system tests, which resizes
// mod_pagespeed_example/images/Puzzle.jpg to 256x192, or 49152
// pixels, using compression level 75. Our default byte threshold for
// jpeg progressive conversion is 10240 (
// Converting to progressive in this case makes the image slightly
// larger (8251 bytes vs 8157 bytes), so we'd like this to be the
// threshold where we decide *not* to convert to progressive.
// Dividing 49152 by 5 (multiplying by 0.2) gets us just under our
// default 10k byte threshold.
// Making this number smaller will break apache/ with this
// failure:
// failure at line 353
// FAILed Input: /tmp/.../fetched_directory/*256x192*Puzzle* : 8251 -le 8157
// in 'quality of jpeg output images with generic quality flag'
// FAIL.
// A first attempt at computing that ratio is based on an analysis of Puzzle.jpg
// at various compression ratios. Sized to 256x192, or 49152 pixels:
// compression level size(no progressive) no_progressive/49152
// 50, 5891, 0.1239217122
// 55, 6186, 0.1299615486
// 60, 6661, 0.138788298
// 65, 7068, 0.1467195606
// 70, 7811, 0.1611197005
// 75, 8402, 0.1728746669
// 80, 9800, 0.1976280565
// 85, 11001, 0.220020749
// 90, 15021, 0.2933279089
// 95, 19078, 0.3703545493
// 100, 19074, 0.3704283796
// At compression level 100, byte-sizes are almost identical to compression 95
// so we throw this data-point out.
// Plotting this data in a graph the data is non-linear. Experimenting in a
// spreadsheet we get decent visual linearity by transforming the somewhat
// arbitrary compression ratio with the formula (1 / (110 - compression_level)).
// Drawing a line through the data-points at compression levels 50 and 95, we
// get a slope of 4.92865674 and an intercept of 0.04177743. Double-checking,
// this fits the other data-points we have reasonably well, except for the
// one at compression_level 100.
const double JpegPixelToByteRatio(int compression_level) {
if ((compression_level > 95) || (compression_level < 0)) {
compression_level = 95;
double kSlope = 4.92865674;
double kIntercept = 0.04177743;
double ratio = kSlope / (110.0 - compression_level) + kIntercept;
return ratio;
} // namespace
namespace pagespeed {
namespace image_compression {
ScanlineStatus ImageConverter::ConvertImageWithStatus(
ScanlineReaderInterface* reader,
ScanlineWriterInterface* writer) {
void* scan_row;
while (reader->HasMoreScanLines()) {
ScanlineStatus reader_status =
if (!reader_status.Success()) {
return reader_status;
ScanlineStatus writer_status =
if (!writer_status.Success()) {
return writer_status;
ScanlineStatus writer_status = writer->FinalizeWriteWithStatus();
if (!writer_status.Success()) {
return writer_status;
return ScanlineStatus(SCANLINE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
ScanlineStatus ImageConverter::ConvertMultipleFrameImage(
MultipleFrameReader* reader,
MultipleFrameWriter* writer) {
ImageSpec image_spec;
FrameSpec frame_spec;
const void* scan_row = NULL;
ScanlineStatus status;
if (reader->GetImageSpec(&image_spec, &status) &&
writer->PrepareImage(&image_spec, &status)) {
while (reader->HasMoreFrames() &&
reader->PrepareNextFrame(&status) &&
reader->GetFrameSpec(&frame_spec, &status) &&
writer->PrepareNextFrame(&frame_spec, &status)) {
while (reader->HasMoreScanlines() &&
reader->ReadNextScanline(&scan_row, &status) &&
writer->WriteNextScanline(scan_row, &status)) {
// intentional empty loop body
return status;
bool ImageConverter::ConvertPngToJpeg(
const PngReaderInterface& png_struct_reader,
const GoogleString& in,
const JpegCompressionOptions& options,
GoogleString* out,
MessageHandler* handler) {
// Initialize the reader.
PngScanlineReader png_reader(handler);
// Since JPEG only support 8 bits/channels, we need convert PNG
// having 1,2,4,16 bits/channel to 8 bits/channel.
// -PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND expands 1,2 and 4 bit channels to 8 bit
// channels, and de-colormaps images.
// -PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_16 will strip 16 bit channels to get 8 bit
// channels.
png_reader.set_transform(PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND | PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_16);
// Since JPEGs can only support opaque images, require this in the reader.
// Configure png reader error handlers.
if (setjmp(*png_reader.GetJmpBuf())) {
PS_LOG_INFO(handler, "libpng failed to decode the PNG image.");
return false;
if (!png_reader.InitializeRead(png_struct_reader, in)) {
return false;
// Try converting if the image is opaque.
bool jpeg_success = false;
size_t width = png_reader.GetImageWidth();
size_t height = png_reader.GetImageHeight();
PixelFormat format = png_reader.GetPixelFormat();
if (height > 0 && width > 0 && format != UNSUPPORTED) {
JpegScanlineWriter jpeg_writer(handler);
// libjpeg's error handling mechanism requires that longjmp be used
// to get control after an error.
jmp_buf env;
if (setjmp(env)) {
// This code is run only when libjpeg hit an error, and called
// longjmp(env).
} else {
if (jpeg_writer.Init(width, height, format)) {
jpeg_writer.InitializeWrite(&options, out);
jpeg_success = ConvertImage(&png_reader, &jpeg_writer);
return jpeg_success;
bool ImageConverter::OptimizePngOrConvertToJpeg(
const PngReaderInterface& png_struct_reader, const GoogleString& in,
const JpegCompressionOptions& options, GoogleString* out,
bool* is_out_png, MessageHandler* handler) {
bool jpeg_success = ConvertPngToJpeg(png_struct_reader, in, options, out,
// Try Optimizing the PNG.
// TODO(satyanarayana): Try reusing the PNG structs for png->jpeg and optimize
// png operations.
GoogleString optimized_png_out;
bool png_success = PngOptimizer::OptimizePngBestCompression(
png_struct_reader, in, &optimized_png_out, handler);
// Consider using jpeg's only if it gives substantial amount of byte savings.
if (png_success &&
(!jpeg_success ||
out->size() > kMinJpegSavingsRatio * optimized_png_out.size())) {
*is_out_png = true;
} else {
*is_out_png = false;
return jpeg_success || png_success;
bool ImageConverter::ConvertPngToWebp(
const PngReaderInterface& png_struct_reader,
const GoogleString& in,
const WebpConfiguration& webp_config,
GoogleString* const out,
bool* is_opaque,
MessageHandler* handler) {
ScanlineWriterInterface* webp_writer = NULL;
bool success = ConvertPngToWebp(png_struct_reader, in, webp_config,
out, is_opaque, &webp_writer, handler);
delete webp_writer;
return success;
bool ImageConverter::ConvertPngToWebp(
const PngReaderInterface& png_struct_reader,
const GoogleString& in,
const WebpConfiguration& webp_config,
GoogleString* const out,
bool* is_opaque,
ScanlineWriterInterface** webp_writer,
MessageHandler* handler) {
if (*webp_writer != NULL) {
PS_LOG_DFATAL(handler, "Expected *webp_writer == NULL");
return false;
// Initialize the reader.
PngScanlineReader png_reader(handler);
// Since the WebP API only support 8 bits/channels, we need convert PNG
// having 1,2,4,16 bits/channel to 8 bits/channel.
// -PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND expands 1,2 and 4 bit channels to 8 bit
// channels, and de-colormaps images.
// -PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_16 will strip 16 bit channels to get 8 bit/channel
// -PNG_TRANSFORM_GRAY_TO_RGB will transform grayscale to RGB
// If alpha quality is zero, refuse to process transparent images.
png_reader.set_require_opaque(webp_config.alpha_quality == 0);
// Configure png reader error handlers.
if (setjmp(*png_reader.GetJmpBuf())) {
PS_LOG_INFO(handler, "libpng failed to decoded the PNG image.");
return false;
if (!png_reader.InitializeRead(png_struct_reader, in, is_opaque)) {
return false;
bool webp_success = false;
size_t width = png_reader.GetImageWidth();
size_t height = png_reader.GetImageHeight();
PixelFormat format = png_reader.GetPixelFormat();
(*webp_writer) =
new FrameToScanlineWriterAdapter(new WebpFrameWriter(handler));
if (height > 0 && width > 0 && format != UNSUPPORTED) {
if ((*webp_writer)->Init(width, height, format) &&
(*webp_writer)->InitializeWrite(&webp_config, out)) {
webp_success = ConvertImage(&png_reader, *webp_writer);
return webp_success;
ImageConverter::ImageType ImageConverter::GetSmallestOfPngJpegWebp(
const PngReaderInterface& png_struct_reader,
const GoogleString& in,
const JpegCompressionOptions* jpeg_options,
const WebpConfiguration* webp_config,
GoogleString* out,
MessageHandler* handler) {
GoogleString jpeg_out, png_out, webp_lossless_out, webp_lossy_out;
const GoogleString* best_lossless_image = NULL;
const GoogleString* best_lossy_image = NULL;
const GoogleString* best_image = NULL;
ImageType best_lossless_image_type = IMAGE_NONE;
ImageType best_lossy_image_type = IMAGE_NONE;
ImageType best_image_type = IMAGE_NONE;
ScanlineWriterInterface* webp_writer = NULL;
WebpConfiguration webp_config_lossless;
bool is_opaque = false;
if (!ConvertPngToWebp(png_struct_reader, in, webp_config_lossless,
&webp_lossless_out, &is_opaque, &webp_writer,
handler)) {
PS_DLOG_INFO(handler, "Could not convert image to lossless WebP");
if ((webp_config != NULL) &&
(!webp_writer->InitializeWrite(webp_config, &webp_lossy_out) ||
!webp_writer->FinalizeWrite())) {
PS_DLOG_INFO(handler, "Could not convert image to custom WebP");
delete webp_writer;
if (!PngOptimizer::OptimizePngBestCompression(png_struct_reader, in,
&png_out, handler)) {
PS_DLOG_INFO(handler, "Could not optimize PNG");
// If jpeg options are passed in and we haven't determined for sure
// that the image has transparency, try jpeg conversion.
if ((jpeg_options != NULL) &&
(webp_lossy_out.empty() || is_opaque) &&
!ConvertPngToJpeg(png_struct_reader, in, *jpeg_options, &jpeg_out,
handler)) {
PS_DLOG_INFO(handler, "Could not convert image to JPEG");
SelectSmallerImage(IMAGE_NONE, in, 1,
&best_lossless_image_type, &best_lossless_image, handler);
SelectSmallerImage(IMAGE_WEBP, webp_lossless_out, 1,
&best_lossless_image_type, &best_lossless_image, handler);
SelectSmallerImage(IMAGE_PNG, png_out, 1,
&best_lossless_image_type, &best_lossless_image, handler);
SelectSmallerImage(IMAGE_WEBP, webp_lossy_out, 1,
&best_lossy_image_type, &best_lossy_image, handler);
SelectSmallerImage(IMAGE_JPEG, jpeg_out, 1,
&best_lossy_image_type, &best_lossy_image, handler);
// To compensate for the lower quality, the lossy images must be
// substantially smaller than the lossless images.
double threshold_ratio = (best_lossy_image_type == IMAGE_WEBP ?
kMinWebpSavingsRatio : kMinJpegSavingsRatio);
best_image_type = best_lossless_image_type;
best_image = best_lossless_image;
SelectSmallerImage(best_lossy_image_type, *best_lossy_image, threshold_ratio,
&best_image_type, &best_image, handler);
out->assign((best_image != NULL) ? *best_image : in);
return best_image_type;
bool GenerateBlankImage(size_t width, size_t height, bool has_transparency,
GoogleString* output, MessageHandler* handler) {
// Create a PNG writer with no compression.
PngCompressParams config(PNG_FILTER_NONE, Z_NO_COMPRESSION);
PixelFormat pixel_format = (has_transparency ? RGBA_8888 : RGB_888);
net_instaweb::scoped_ptr<ScanlineWriterInterface> png_writer(
CreateScanlineWriter(IMAGE_PNG, pixel_format, width, height, &config,
output, handler));
if (png_writer == NULL) {
PS_LOG_ERROR(handler, "Failed to create an image writer.");
return false;
// Create a transparent scanline.
const size_t bytes_per_scanline = width *
GetNumChannelsFromPixelFormat(pixel_format, handler);
net_instaweb::scoped_array<unsigned char> scanline(
new unsigned char[bytes_per_scanline]);
memset(scanline.get(), 0, bytes_per_scanline);
// Fill the entire image with the blank scanline.
for (int row = 0; row < static_cast<int>(height); ++row) {
if (!png_writer->WriteNextScanline(
reinterpret_cast<void*>(scanline.get()))) {
return false;
if (!png_writer->FinalizeWrite()) {
return false;
return true;
bool ShouldConvertToProgressive(int64 quality, int threshold,
int num_bytes, int desired_width,
int desired_height) {
bool progressive = false;
if (num_bytes >= threshold) {
progressive = true;
int num_pixels = desired_width * desired_height;
double ratio = JpegPixelToByteRatio(quality);
int64 estimated_bytes = num_pixels * ratio;
if (estimated_bytes < threshold) {
progressive = false;
return progressive;
} // namespace image_compression
} // namespace pagespeed