blob: 0eb73da4a15d9aa3b80a280485287b43dfa30c1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_parse.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/arena.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/atom.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/print_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/stl_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/symbol_table.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/doctype.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_event.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_filter.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_lexer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_node.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
HtmlParse::HtmlParse(MessageHandler* message_handler)
: lexer_(NULL), // Can't initialize here, since "this" should not be used
// in the initializer list (it generates an error in
// Visual Studio builds).
dynamically_disabled_filter_list_(NULL) {
lexer_ = new HtmlLexer(this);
HtmlParse::~HtmlParse() {
delete lexer_;
void HtmlParse::AddFilter(HtmlFilter* html_filter) {
HtmlEventListIterator HtmlParse::Last() {
HtmlEventListIterator p = queue_.end();
return p;
// Checks that the parent provided when creating the event's Node is
// consistent with the position in the list. An alternative approach
// here is to use this code and remove the explicit specification of
// parents when constructing nodes.
// A complexity we will run into with that approach is that the queue_ is
// cleared on a Flush, so we cannot reliably derive the correct parent
// from the queue. However, the Lexer keeps an element stack across
// flushes, and therefore can keep correct parent pointers. So we have
// to inject pessimism in this process.
// Note that we also have sanity checks that run after each filter.
void HtmlParse::CheckParentFromAddEvent(HtmlEvent* event) {
HtmlNode* node = event->GetNode();
if (node != NULL) {
message_handler_->Check(lexer_->Parent() == node->parent(),
"lexer_->Parent() != node->parent()");
DCHECK_EQ(lexer_->Parent(), node->parent()) << url_;
void HtmlParse::AddEvent(HtmlEvent* event) {
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
// If this is a leaf-node event, we need to set the iterator of the
// corresponding leaf node to point to this event's position in the queue.
// If this is an element event, then the iterators of the element will get
// set in HtmlParse::AddElement and HtmlParse::CloseElement, so there's no
// need to do it here. If this is some other kind of event, there are no
// iterators to set.
HtmlLeafNode* leaf = event->GetLeafNode();
if (leaf != NULL) {
message_handler_->Check(IsRewritable(leaf), "!IsRewritable(leaf)");
if (!event_listeners_.empty()) {
running_filters_ = true;
for (FilterVector::iterator it = event_listeners_.begin();
it != event_listeners_.end(); ++it) {
running_filters_ = false;
// Testing helper method
void HtmlParse::SetCurrent(HtmlNode* node) {
// Note: We use node->end() because that is often the place we want
// to edit an element. For example, you cannot move an element when
// current_ is not its end() event.
current_ = node->end();
HtmlCdataNode* HtmlParse::NewCdataNode(HtmlElement* parent,
const StringPiece& contents) {
HtmlCdataNode* cdata =
new (&nodes_) HtmlCdataNode(parent, contents, queue_.end());
return cdata;
HtmlCharactersNode* HtmlParse::NewCharactersNode(HtmlElement* parent,
const StringPiece& literal) {
HtmlCharactersNode* characters =
new (&nodes_) HtmlCharactersNode(parent, literal, queue_.end());
return characters;
HtmlCommentNode* HtmlParse::NewCommentNode(HtmlElement* parent,
const StringPiece& contents) {
HtmlCommentNode* comment =
new (&nodes_) HtmlCommentNode(parent, contents, queue_.end());
return comment;
HtmlIEDirectiveNode* HtmlParse::NewIEDirectiveNode(
HtmlElement* parent, const StringPiece& contents) {
HtmlIEDirectiveNode* directive =
new (&nodes_) HtmlIEDirectiveNode(parent, contents, queue_.end());
return directive;
HtmlDirectiveNode* HtmlParse::NewDirectiveNode(HtmlElement* parent,
const StringPiece& contents) {
HtmlDirectiveNode* directive =
new (&nodes_) HtmlDirectiveNode(parent, contents, queue_.end());
return directive;
HtmlElement* HtmlParse::AppendAnchor(StringPiece link, StringPiece text,
HtmlElement* parent) {
HtmlElement* a_tag = NewElement(parent, HtmlName::kA);
AppendChild(parent, a_tag);
AddAttribute(a_tag, HtmlName::kHref, link);
HtmlNode* text_node = NewCharactersNode(a_tag, text);
AppendChild(a_tag, text_node);
return a_tag;
void HtmlParse::SetupScript(StringPiece text, bool external,
HtmlElement* script) {
if (external) {
AddAttribute(script, HtmlName::kSrc, text);
} else {
HtmlNode* text_node = NewCharactersNode(script, text);
AppendChild(script, text_node);
void HtmlParse::InsertScriptBeforeCurrent(StringPiece text, bool external) {
HtmlElement* script = NewElement(NULL, HtmlName::kScript);
SetupScript(text, external, script);
void HtmlParse::InsertScriptAfterCurrent(StringPiece text, bool external) {
HtmlElement* script = NewElement(NULL, HtmlName::kScript);
SetupScript(text, external, script);
HtmlElement* HtmlParse::NewElement(HtmlElement* parent, const HtmlName& name) {
HtmlElement* element =
new (&nodes_) HtmlElement(parent, name, queue_.end(), queue_.end());
if (IsOptionallyClosedTag(name.keyword())) {
// When we programmatically insert HTML nodes we should default to
// including an explicit close-tag if they are optionally closed
// such as <html>, <body>, and <p>.
return element;
void HtmlParse::AddElement(HtmlElement* element, int line_number) {
HtmlStartElementEvent* event =
new HtmlStartElementEvent(element, line_number);
bool HtmlParse::StartParseId(const StringPiece& url, const StringPiece& id,
const ContentType& content_type) {
determine_filter_behavior_called_ = false;
// Paranoid debug-checking and unconditional clearing of state variables.
skip_increment_ = false;
DCHECK(current_filter_ == NULL);
current_filter_ = NULL;
if (dynamically_disabled_filter_list_ != NULL) {
GoogleUrl gurl(url);
// TODO(sligocki): Use IsWebValid() here. For now we need to allow file://
// URLs as well because some tools use them.
url_valid_ = gurl.IsAnyValid();
if (!url_valid_) {
message_handler_->Message(kWarning, "HtmlParse: Invalid document url %s",
} else {
line_number_ = 1;
if (log_rewrite_timing_) {
parse_start_time_us_ = timer_->NowUs();
AddEvent(new HtmlStartDocumentEvent(line_number_));
lexer_->StartParse(id, content_type);
return url_valid_;
void HtmlParse::SetUrlForTesting(const StringPiece& url) {
bool ok = google_url_.Reset(url);
CHECK(ok) << url;
void HtmlParse::ShowProgress(const char* message) {
if (log_rewrite_timing_) {
long delta = static_cast<long>(timer_->NowUs() - parse_start_time_us_);
InfoHere("%ldus: HtmlParse::%s", delta, message);
void HtmlParse::FinishParse() {
void HtmlParse::BeginFinishParse() {
DCHECK(url_valid_) << "Invalid to call FinishParse on invalid input";
if (url_valid_) {
DCHECK(delayed_start_literal_.get() == NULL);
AddEvent(new HtmlEndDocumentEvent(line_number_));
void HtmlParse::EndFinishParse() {
if (url_valid_) {
void HtmlParse::Clear() {
void HtmlParse::ParseTextInternal(const char* text, int size) {
DCHECK(url_valid_) << "Invalid to call ParseText with invalid url";
if (url_valid_) {
lexer_->Parse(text, size);
void HtmlParse::DetermineFiltersBehaviorImpl() {
void HtmlParse::CheckFilterBehavior(HtmlFilter* filter) {
GoogleString disabled_reason;
if (!filter->is_enabled()) {
if (dynamically_disabled_filter_list_ != NULL) {
GoogleString final_reason(filter->Name());
if (!disabled_reason.empty()) {
StrAppend(&final_reason, ": ", disabled_reason);
} else {
// Only enabled filters will be aggregated.
can_modify_urls_ = can_modify_urls_ || filter->CanModifyUrls();
// This is factored out of Flush() for testing purposes.
void HtmlParse::ApplyFilter(HtmlFilter* filter) {
// Keep track of the current filter in a state variable, for associating
// node-deferrals with the filter that requested them.
DCHECK(current_filter_ == NULL);
current_filter_ = filter;
// If, in a previous flush window, the current filter requested the deferral
// of an element that has not yet been closed, then move any events we've seen
// in this flush window into the element's node-list. Do this up to the close
// event, if it's in this flush window. If the close event is not in this
// flush window, then the entire flush window's worth events get moved.
FilterElementMap::iterator p = open_deferred_nodes_.find(filter);
if (p != open_deferred_nodes_.end()) {
HtmlNode* deferred_node = p->second.first;
HtmlEventList* node_events = p->second.second;
if (deferred_node->end() != queue_.end()) {
// The node is closed, we can now clean up this map.
HtmlEventListIterator last = deferred_node->end();
++last; // splice is non-inclusive at end and we want to include the end.
node_events->splice(node_events->end(), queue_, queue_.begin(), last);
} else {
// The entire flush-window is part of this unclosed deferred node,
// so move all if it.
node_events->splice(node_events->end(), queue_, queue_.begin(),
if (coalesce_characters_ && need_coalesce_characters_) {
need_coalesce_characters_ = false;
ShowProgress(StrCat("ApplyFilter:", filter->Name()).c_str());
for (current_ = queue_.begin(); current_ != queue_.end(); NextEvent()) {
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
line_number_ = event->line_number();
if (need_sanity_check_) {
need_sanity_check_ = false;
current_filter_ = NULL;
void HtmlParse::NextEvent() {
if (skip_increment_) {
skip_increment_ = false;
} else {
void HtmlParse::CoalesceAdjacentCharactersNodes() {
HtmlCharactersNode* prev = NULL;
for (current_ = queue_.begin(); current_ != queue_.end(); ) {
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
HtmlCharactersNode* node = event->GetCharactersNode();
if ((node != NULL) && (prev != NULL)) {
current_ = queue_.erase(current_); // returns element after erased
delete event;
need_sanity_check_ = true;
} else {
prev = node;
void HtmlParse::DelayLiteralTag() {
if (queue_.empty()) {
current_ = queue_.end();
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
HtmlElement* element = event->GetElementIfStartEvent();
if ((element != NULL) && IsLiteralTag(element->keyword())) {
// The current stream ends with the beginning of a literal
// tag. We are not going to process this within the current
// flush window, but instead wait till the EndElement arrives
// from the lexer.
current_ = queue_.end();
void HtmlParse::CheckEventParent(HtmlEvent* event, HtmlElement* expect,
HtmlElement* actual) {
if ((expect != NULL) && (actual != expect)) {
GoogleString actual_buf;
if (actual != NULL) {
actual_buf = actual->ToString();
} else {
actual_buf = "(null)";
GoogleString expect_buf = expect->ToString();
GoogleString event_buf = event->ToString();
FatalErrorHere("HtmlElement Parents of %s do not match:\n"
"Actual: %s\n"
"Expected: %s\n",
event_buf.c_str(), actual_buf.c_str(), expect_buf.c_str());
void HtmlParse::SanityCheck() {
// Sanity check that the Node parent-pointers are consistent with the
// begin/end-element events. This is done in a second pass to avoid
// confusion when the filter mutates the event-stream. Also note that
// a mid-HTML call to HtmlParse::Flush means that we may pop out beyond
// the stack we can detect in this event stream. This is represented
// here by an empty stack.
std::vector<HtmlElement*> element_stack;
HtmlElement* expect_parent = NULL;
for (current_ = queue_.begin(); current_ != queue_.end(); ++current_) {
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
// Determine whether the event we are looking at is a StartElement,
// EndElement, or a leaf. We manipulate our temporary stack when
// we see StartElement and EndElement, and we always test to make
// sure the elements have the expected parent based on context, when
// we can figure out what the expected parent is.
HtmlElement* start_element = event->GetElementIfStartEvent();
if (start_element != NULL) {
CheckEventParent(event, expect_parent, start_element->parent());
message_handler_->Check(start_element->begin() == current_,
"start_element->begin() != current_");
message_handler_->Check(start_element->live(), "!start_element->live()");
expect_parent = start_element;
} else {
HtmlElement* end_element = event->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (end_element != NULL) {
message_handler_->Check(end_element->end() == current_,
"end_element->end() != current_");
if (!element_stack.empty()) {
// The element stack can be empty on End can happen due
// to this sequence:
// <tag1>
// </tag1> <!-- tag1 close seen with empty stack -->
message_handler_->Check(element_stack.back() == end_element,
"element_stack.back() != end_element");
expect_parent = element_stack.empty() ? NULL : element_stack.back();
CheckEventParent(event, expect_parent, end_element->parent());
} else {
// We only know for sure what the parents are once we have seen
// a start_element.
HtmlLeafNode* leaf_node = event->GetLeafNode();
if (leaf_node != NULL) { // Start/EndDocument are not leaf nodes
message_handler_->Check(leaf_node->live(), "!leaf_node->live()");
message_handler_->Check(leaf_node->end() == current_,
"leaf_node->end() != current_");
CheckEventParent(event, expect_parent, leaf_node->parent());
void HtmlParse::Flush() {
if (running_filters_) {
// If Flush is called before any bytes are received, StartDocument events
// will propagate to filters before the behavior of the filter has been
// determined (Enabled/CanModifyUrls), so we call that here.
for (FilterVector::iterator it = event_listeners_.begin();
it != event_listeners_.end(); ++it) {
DCHECK(url_valid_) << "Invalid to call FinishParse with invalid url";
if (url_valid_) {
for (FilterList::iterator i = filters_.begin(); i != filters_.end(); ++i) {
HtmlFilter* filter = *i;
if (filter->is_enabled()) {
void HtmlParse::ClearEvents() {
// Detach all the elements from their events, as we are now invalidating
// the events and deleting the contents of Closed elements, though we are
// leaving the HtmlElement* and other HtmlNodes allocated until EndFinishParse
// is called.
for (current_ = queue_.begin(); current_ != queue_.end(); ++current_) {
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
line_number_ = event->line_number();
HtmlElement* element = event->GetElementIfStartEvent();
if (element != NULL) {
} else {
element = event->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (element != NULL) {
} else {
HtmlLeafNode* leaf_node = event->GetLeafNode();
if (leaf_node != NULL) {
delete event;
need_sanity_check_ = false;
need_coalesce_characters_ = false;
size_t HtmlParse::GetEventQueueSize() {
return queue_.size();
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeBeforeNode(const HtmlNode* existing_node,
HtmlNode* new_node) {
// begin() == queue_.end() -> this is an invalid element.
// TODO(sligocki): Rather than checks, we should probably return this as
// the status.
message_handler_->Check(existing_node->begin() != queue_.end(),
"InsertNodeBeforeNode: existing_node invalid");
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(existing_node->begin(), new_node);
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeAfterNode(const HtmlNode* existing_node,
HtmlNode* new_node) {
message_handler_->Check(existing_node->end() != queue_.end(),
"InsertNodeAfterNode: existing_node invalid");
InsertNodeAfterEvent(existing_node->end(), new_node);
void HtmlParse::PrependChild(const HtmlElement* existing_parent,
HtmlNode* new_child) {
message_handler_->Check(existing_parent->begin() != queue_.end(),
"PrependChild: existing_parent invalid");
InsertNodeAfterEvent(existing_parent->begin(), new_child);
void HtmlParse::AppendChild(const HtmlElement* existing_parent,
HtmlNode* new_child) {
if (existing_parent != NULL) {
message_handler_->Check(existing_parent->end() != queue_.end(),
"AppendChild: existing_parent invalid");
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(existing_parent->end(), new_child);
} else {
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(queue_.end(), new_child);
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeBeforeCurrent(HtmlNode* new_node) {
if (skip_increment_) {
FatalErrorHere("InsertNodeBeforeCurrent after current has been "
if ((new_node->parent() == NULL) && (current_ != queue_.end())) {
// Add a parent if one was not provided in new_node. We figure out
// what the parent should be by looking at current_. If that's an
// EndElement event, then that means that we are adding a new child
// of that element. In all other cases, we are adding a sibling.
HtmlEvent* current_event = *current_;
HtmlElement* end_element = current_event->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (end_element != NULL) {
// The node pointed to by Current will be our new parent.
} else {
// The node pointed to by Current will be our new sibling, so
// we should grab its parent.
HtmlNode* node = current_event->GetNode();
// 'node' can be null when the current event is EndDocument.
if (node != NULL) {
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(current_, new_node);
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeBeforeEvent(const HtmlEventListIterator& event,
HtmlNode* new_node) {
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
new_node->SynthesizeEvents(event, &queue_);
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeAfterEvent(const HtmlEventListIterator& event,
HtmlNode* new_node) {
message_handler_->Check(event != queue_.end(), "event == queue_.end()");
HtmlEventListIterator next_event = event;
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(next_event, new_node);
void HtmlParse::InsertNodeAfterCurrent(HtmlNode* new_node) {
if (skip_increment_) {
FatalErrorHere("InsertNodeAfterCurrent after current has been "
if (current_ == queue_.end()) {
FatalErrorHere("InsertNodeAfterCurrent called with queue at end.");
if ((new_node->parent() == NULL) && (current_ != queue_.end())) {
HtmlElement* parent = (*current_)->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (parent != NULL) {
parent = parent->parent();
} else {
parent = (*current_)->GetElementIfStartEvent();
if (parent == NULL) {
parent = (*current_)->GetNode()->parent();
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(current_, new_node);
// We want to leave current_ pointing to the newly created element.
message_handler_->Check((*current_)->GetNode() == new_node,
"(*current_)->GetNode() != new_node");
bool HtmlParse::AddParentToSequence(HtmlNode* first, HtmlNode* last,
HtmlElement* new_parent) {
bool added = false;
HtmlElement* original_parent = first->parent();
if (IsRewritable(first) && IsRewritable(last) &&
(last->parent() == original_parent) &&
(new_parent->begin() == queue_.end()) &&
(new_parent->end() == queue_.end())) {
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(first->begin(), new_parent);
// This sequence of checks culminated in inserting the parent's begin
// and end before 'first'. Now we must mutate new_parent's end pointer
// to insert it after the last->end(). list::insert(iter) inserts
// *before* the iter, so we'll increment last->end().
HtmlEvent* end_element_event = *new_parent->end();
HtmlEventListIterator p = last->end();
new_parent->set_end(queue_.insert(p, end_element_event));
FixParents(first->begin(), last->end(), new_parent);
added = true;
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
return added;
void HtmlParse::FixParents(const HtmlEventListIterator& begin,
const HtmlEventListIterator& end_inclusive,
HtmlElement* new_parent) {
HtmlEvent* event = *begin;
HtmlNode* first = event->GetNode();
HtmlElement* original_parent = first->parent();
// Loop over all the nodes from begin to end, inclusive,
// and set the parent pointer for the node, if there is one. A few
// event types don't have HtmlNodes, such as Comments and IEDirectives.
message_handler_->Check(end_inclusive != queue_.end(),
"end_inclusive == queue_.end()");
HtmlEventListIterator end = end_inclusive;
for (HtmlEventListIterator p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
HtmlNode* node = (*p)->GetNode();
if ((node != NULL) && (node->parent() == original_parent)) {
bool HtmlParse::MoveCurrentInto(HtmlElement* new_parent) {
bool moved = false;
if (current_ == queue_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "MoveCurrentInto() called at queue_.end()";
} else if (new_parent->live()) {
HtmlNode* current_node = (*current_)->GetNode();
if (MoveCurrentBeforeEvent(new_parent->end())) {
moved = true;
return moved;
bool HtmlParse::MoveCurrentBefore(HtmlNode* element) {
bool moved = false;
DCHECK(current_ != queue_.end());
if (current_ == queue_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "MoveCurrentBefore() called at queue_.end()";
} else if (element->live()) {
HtmlNode* current_node = (*current_)->GetNode();
if (MoveCurrentBeforeEvent(element->begin())) {
moved = true;
return moved;
// NOTE: Only works if current_ is an end() event.
// Additionally, there are common sense constraints like, current_node and
// move_to must be within the event window, etc.
bool HtmlParse::MoveCurrentBeforeEvent(const HtmlEventListIterator& move_to) {
bool ret = false;
if (move_to != queue_.end() && current_ != queue_.end()) {
HtmlNode* move_to_node = (*move_to)->GetNode();
HtmlNode* current_node = (*current_)->GetNode();
// TODO(sligocki): This and many other uses can now crash if called with
// a non-rewritable element :/
HtmlEventListIterator begin = current_node->begin();
HtmlEventListIterator end = current_node->end();
if (current_ == end && IsInEventWindow(begin) && IsInEventWindow(end) &&
IsInEventWindow(move_to) &&
!IsDescendantOf(move_to_node, current_node)) {
++end; // splice is non-inclusive for the 'end' iterator.
// Manipulate current_ so that when Flush() iterates it lands
// you on object after current_'s original position, rather
// than re-iterating over the new_parent's EndElement event.
current_ = end;
// NOTE: This will do Very Bad Things if move_to is between begin and end.
// The IsDescendantOf check above should guard against this if the DOM
// structure is preserved.
queue_.splice(move_to, queue_, begin, end);
// TODO(jmarantz): According to
// the moved iterators are no longer valid, and we
// are retaining them in the HtmlNode, so we need to fix them.
// However, in practice they appear to remain valid. And
// I can't think of a reason they should be invalidated,
// as the iterator is a pointer to a node structure with
// next/prev pointers. splice can mutate the next/prev pointers
// in place.
// See
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
ret = true;
return ret;
// TODO(sligocki): Make a member function of HtmlNode so that it reads
// more grammatically correct?
bool HtmlParse::IsDescendantOf(const HtmlNode* possible_child,
const HtmlNode* possible_parent) {
// node walks up the DOM starting from possible_child.
const HtmlNode* node = possible_child;
while (node != NULL) {
if (node == possible_parent) {
// If possible_parent is a parent-of-parent-of-...
return true;
// Walk up further.
// Note: this walk ends at top level where parent() == NULL.
node = node->parent();
return false;
bool HtmlParse::DeleteNode(HtmlNode* node) {
bool deleted = false;
if (IsRewritable(node)) {
bool done = false;
// If node is an HtmlLeafNode, then begin() and end() might be the same.
for (HtmlEventListIterator p = node->begin(); !done; ) {
// We want to include end, so once p == end we still have to do one more
// iteration.
done = (p == node->end());
// Clean up any nested elements/leaves as we get to their 'end' event.
HtmlEvent* event = *p;
// Check if we're about to delete the current event.
if (!skip_increment_ && (p == current_)) {
skip_increment_ = true;
current_ = node->end();
p = queue_.erase(p);
HtmlNode* nested_node = event->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (nested_node == NULL) {
nested_node = event->GetLeafNode();
if (nested_node != NULL) {
message_handler_->Check(nested_node->live(), "!nested_node->live()");
delete event;
// Our iteration should have covered the passed-in element as well.
message_handler_->Check(!node->live(), "node->live()");
deleted = true;
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
} else if (IsRewritableIgnoringEnd(node) && (current_ != queue_.end())) {
// If current_ is the StartElement of the requested node, then we
// can delete it even if the end-element has not been seen yet due
// to a flush window, by simply deferring it. We just want to
// keep track of which deferred nodes we don't expect to restore.
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
if ((event->GetNode() == node) &&
(event->GetElementIfEndEvent() == NULL)) { // leaf or StartElement OK
deleted = true;
return deleted;
bool HtmlParse::DeleteSavingChildren(HtmlElement* element) {
bool deleted = false;
if (IsRewritable(element)) {
HtmlElement* new_parent = element->parent();
HtmlEventListIterator first = element->begin();
HtmlEventListIterator last = element->end();
if (first != last) {
FixParents(first, last, new_parent);
// Ensure the event queue is modified in a sensible way. If we are
// deleting from the start tag, the child events should go after this
// node (so we can parse them) and if we are deleting from the end,
// they should go before (to avoid double parsing). If we are deleting
// from anywhere else, it doesn't matter if we put them before or after
// as we won't be moving events relative to the current_ pointer.
bool at_end = (current_ == queue_.end());
if (!at_end && (*current_)->GetElementIfStartEvent() == element) {
queue_.splice(++element->end(), queue_, first, element->end());
} else {
queue_.splice(element->begin(), queue_, first, element->end());
need_sanity_check_ = true;
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
deleted = DeleteNode(element);
return deleted;
bool HtmlParse::MakeElementInvisible(HtmlElement* element) {
bool ret = false;
// We consider it an error to make an element invisible whose Start element
// has been flushed, though it's fine to make an element invisible whose
// End element is yet parsed.
if (IsRewritableIgnoringEnd(element)) {
ret = true;
return ret;
bool HtmlParse::HasChildrenInFlushWindow(HtmlElement* element) {
bool has_children = false;
if (IsRewritable(element)) {
HtmlEventListIterator first = element->begin();
if (first != queue_.end()) {
has_children = (first != element->end());
return has_children;
bool HtmlParse::ReplaceNode(HtmlNode* existing_node, HtmlNode* new_node) {
bool replaced = false;
if (IsRewritable(existing_node)) {
InsertNodeBeforeNode(existing_node, new_node);
replaced = DeleteNode(existing_node);
message_handler_->Check(replaced, "!replaced");
return replaced;
HtmlElement* HtmlParse::CloneElement(HtmlElement* in_element) {
HtmlElement* out_element = NewElement(NULL, in_element->name());
const HtmlElement::AttributeList& attrs = in_element->attributes();
for (HtmlElement::AttributeConstIterator i(attrs.begin());
i != attrs.end(); ++i) {
return out_element;
bool HtmlParse::IsRewritableIgnoringDeferral(const HtmlNode* node) const {
return (node->live() && // Avoid dereferencing NULL data for closed elements.
IsInEventWindow(node->begin()) &&
bool HtmlParse::IsRewritableIgnoringEnd(const HtmlNode* node) const {
return (node->live() && // Avoid dereferencing NULL data for closed elements.
(deferred_nodes_.find(node) == deferred_nodes_.end()) &&
bool HtmlParse::IsRewritable(const HtmlNode* node) const {
return (IsRewritableIgnoringDeferral(node) &&
(deferred_nodes_.find(node) == deferred_nodes_.end()));
bool HtmlParse::CanAppendChild(const HtmlNode* node) const {
return (node->live() && // Avoid dereferencing NULL data for closed elements.
(deferred_nodes_.find(node) == deferred_nodes_.end()) &&
bool HtmlParse::IsInEventWindow(const HtmlEventListIterator& iter) const {
return iter != queue_.end();
void HtmlParse::ClearElements() {
void HtmlParse::EmitQueue(MessageHandler* handler) {
for (HtmlEventList::iterator p = queue_.begin(), e = queue_.end();
p != e; ++p) {
HtmlEvent* event = *p;
handler->Message(kInfo, "%c %s (%p)\n",
p == current_ ? '*' : ' ',
void HtmlParse::DebugLogQueue() {
void HtmlParse::DebugPrintQueue() {
PrintMessageHandler handler;
bool HtmlParse::IsImplicitlyClosedTag(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) const {
return lexer_->IsImplicitlyClosedTag(keyword);
bool HtmlParse::IsLiteralTag(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) {
return HtmlLexer::IsLiteralTag(keyword);
bool HtmlParse::IsSometimesLiteralTag(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) {
return HtmlLexer::IsSometimesLiteralTag(keyword);
bool HtmlParse::IsOptionallyClosedTag(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) const {
return HtmlKeywords::IsOptionallyClosedTag(keyword);
bool HtmlParse::TagAllowsBriefTermination(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) const {
return lexer_->TagAllowsBriefTermination(keyword);
const DocType& HtmlParse::doctype() const {
return lexer_->doctype();
void HtmlParse::InfoV(
const char* file, int line, const char *msg, va_list args) {
message_handler_->InfoV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::WarningV(
const char* file, int line, const char *msg, va_list args) {
message_handler_->WarningV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::ErrorV(
const char* file, int line, const char *msg, va_list args) {
message_handler_->ErrorV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::FatalErrorV(
const char* file, int line, const char* msg, va_list args) {
message_handler_->FatalErrorV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::Info(const char* file, int line, const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
InfoV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::Warning(const char* file, int line, const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
WarningV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::Error(const char* file, int line, const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
ErrorV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::FatalError(const char* file, int line, const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
FatalErrorV(file, line, msg, args);
void HtmlParse::InfoHere(const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
InfoHereV(msg, args);
void HtmlParse::WarningHere(const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
WarningHereV(msg, args);
void HtmlParse::ErrorHere(const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
ErrorHereV(msg, args);
void HtmlParse::FatalErrorHere(const char* msg, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
FatalErrorHereV(msg, args);
void HtmlParse::CloseElement(
HtmlElement* element, HtmlElement::Style style, int line_number) {
if (delayed_start_literal_.get() != NULL) {
HtmlElement* element = delayed_start_literal_->GetElementIfStartEvent();
DCHECK(element != NULL);
bool insert_at_begin = true;
if (!queue_.empty()) {
// We have been holding back "<script>" until the lexer tells us the
// tag is closed here. But we want to insert the <script> tag *before*
// the previous characters block, if any.
// Most of the time we just need queue_.push_front (bool insert_at_begin
// above) but when InsertComment is called from Flush, which happens
// in the debug filter, we must put the <script> after that, so
// walk back from current, past the Character block, if any. We
// don't expect anything other than a Character block here.
HtmlEventListIterator p = queue_.end();
HtmlEvent* event = *p;
HtmlCharactersNode* node = event->GetCharactersNode();
if (node != NULL) {
if (p != queue_.begin()) {
queue_.insert(p, delayed_start_literal_.release()));
insert_at_begin = false;
} else {
// I don't think it's possible to get here, but let's find out if
// we do. Note that we use an 'info' log as this is not actionable
// from a site owner's perspective, and I think we are doing the right
// thing anyway, but I'd like to hit this with a unit test if we can
// find a case.
GoogleString buf = event->ToString();
InfoHere("Deferred literal tag, expected a characters node : %s",
LOG(DFATAL) << "Deferred literal tag, expected a characters node: "
<< buf;
if (insert_at_begin) {
DCHECK(delayed_start_literal_.get() == NULL);
HtmlEndElementEvent* end_event =
new HtmlEndElementEvent(element, line_number);
if (element->style() != HtmlElement::INVISIBLE) {
HtmlName HtmlParse::MakeName(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) {
const StringPiece* str = HtmlKeywords::KeywordToString(keyword);
return HtmlName(keyword, str);
HtmlName HtmlParse::MakeName(const StringPiece& str_piece) {
HtmlName::Keyword keyword = HtmlName::Lookup(str_piece);
const StringPiece* str = HtmlKeywords::KeywordToString(keyword);
// If the passed-in string is not in its canonical form, or is not a
// recognized keyword, then we must make a permanent copy in our
// string table. Note that we are comparing the bytes of the
// keyword from the table, not the pointer.
if ((str == NULL) || (str_piece != *str)) {
Atom atom = string_table_.Intern(str_piece);
str = atom.Rep();
return HtmlName(keyword, str);
void HtmlParse::add_event_listener(HtmlFilter* listener) {
void HtmlParse::set_size_limit(int64 x) {
bool HtmlParse::size_limit_exceeded() const {
return lexer_->size_limit_exceeded();
bool HtmlParse::InsertComment(StringPiece unescaped) {
HtmlElement* parent = NULL;
GoogleString escaped;
HtmlKeywords::Escape(unescaped, &escaped);
if (queue_.begin() != queue_.end()) {
HtmlEventListIterator pos = current_;
HtmlEvent* event;
// Get the last event.
if (pos == queue_.end()) {
event = *pos;
// Be careful where we insert comments into HTML Elements, as some of
// them cannot tolerate new children -- even comments (e.g. textarea,
// script). So if we are looking at a start_element, then insert before,
// but if we are looking at an end_element, then insert after.
HtmlElement* start_element = event->GetElementIfStartEvent();
HtmlElement* end_element = event->GetElementIfEndEvent();
if (start_element != NULL) {
parent = start_element->parent();
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(pos, NewCommentNode(parent, escaped));
} else if (end_element != NULL) {
parent = end_element->parent();
InsertNodeAfterEvent(pos, NewCommentNode(parent, escaped));
} else {
// The current node must not be an element, but instead a leaf
// node such as another Comment, IEDirective, or Characters.
// Insert the comment immediately after the node if we are at the
// end, otherwise insert the comment before the current node.
HtmlNode* node = event->GetNode();
if (node != NULL) {
parent = node->parent();
if (current_ == queue_.end()) {
InsertNodeAfterEvent(pos, NewCommentNode(parent, escaped));
} else {
InsertNodeBeforeEvent(pos, NewCommentNode(parent, escaped));
} else {
// Verify that we aren't trying to create a new node inside of a literal
// block. This can happen if we already flushed the open tag of a literal
// element, but haven't seen the close tag yet.
HtmlElement* parent = lexer_->Parent();
if (parent != NULL && IsLiteralTag(parent->keyword())) {
return false;
new HtmlCommentEvent(NewCommentNode(lexer_->Parent(), escaped), 0));
return true;
void HtmlParse::DeferCurrentNode() {
CHECK(current_ != queue_.end());
HtmlNode* node = (*current_)->GetNode();
#ifndef NDEBUG
DCHECK(open_deferred_nodes_.find(current_filter_) ==
DCHECK(deferred_nodes_.find(node) == deferred_nodes_.end());
DCHECK(node->begin() != queue_.end())
<< "Cannot remove a node whose opening tag is flushed";
// There are three cases:
// 1. We are removing a node totally in the flush window (fine)
// 2. We are remove an element at its StartElement event, but its
// EndElement event is not in the flush window.
// 3. We are removing an element at its EndElement event, but its
// StartElement event is not in the flush window. We avoid this
// case by requiring that callers run DeferCurentNode from the
// StartElement event.
HtmlEventList* node_events = new HtmlEventList;
deferred_nodes_[node] = node_events;
HtmlEventListIterator node_last = node->end();
if (node_last != queue_.end()) {
// Case 1: node is totally in flush window.
} else {
// Case 2: we need to keep track of the node-removals that are not closed,
// so as we lex in new child nodes we can put them onto the correct
// node-list, rather than the queue_, until it's closed.
HtmlElement* element = (*node->begin())->GetElementIfStartEvent();
CHECK(element != NULL) << "Only HtmlElements can cut across flush windows.";
DCHECK(current_filter_ != NULL);
open_deferred_nodes_[current_filter_] = DeferredNode(
node, node_events);
current_ = node_last;
skip_increment_ = true;
node_events->splice(node_events->end(), queue_, node->begin(), node_last);
need_sanity_check_ = true;
// We will attempt to coalesce Characters nodes brought together as a
// result of this 'defer', but this is not guaranteed to work at the end
// of a flush window, and I don't think that guarantee would be worth
// the complexity of pushing back the characters to the lexer.
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
void HtmlParse::RestoreDeferredNode(HtmlNode* deferred_node) {
// There are two cases:
// 1. The removed node is complete now.
// 2. The removed node is incomplete (error).
// Note: you cannot restore a node on a Flush.
DCHECK(queue_.end() != current_);
if (!IsRewritableIgnoringDeferral(deferred_node)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "A node cannot be replaced until it is complete";
DCHECK(deferred_deleted_nodes_.find(deferred_node) ==
deferred_deleted_nodes_.end()) << "You cannot restore a deleted node";
// Remove the previously deferred node from the list of deferred nodes.
NodeToEventListMap::iterator p = deferred_nodes_.find(deferred_node);
if (p == deferred_nodes_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Restoring a node that was not deferred";
HtmlEventList* event_list = p->second;
// Correct the parent-pointer, as the new location for removed_node may be
// higher or lower in the hierarchy. There is a special case for when we
// restore on a start element, as the parent will be the current_ element.
HtmlEvent* event = *current_;
HtmlElement* new_parent = event->GetNode()->parent();
if (event->GetElementIfStartEvent() != NULL) {
new_parent = event->GetElementIfStartEvent();
queue_.splice(current_, *event_list,
event_list->begin(), event_list->end());
delete event_list;
current_ = deferred_node->begin();
DCHECK(!skip_increment_) << "Always false coming out of NextEvent()";
need_sanity_check_ = true;
// Like Defer above, we can attempt to coalesce characters here, but there
// is no guarantee at flush-window boundaries, and I don't think it's worth
// the complexity to provide one.
need_coalesce_characters_ = true;
void HtmlParse::ClearDeferredNodes() {
for (NodeToEventListMap::iterator p = deferred_nodes_.begin(),
e = deferred_nodes_.end(); p != e; ++p) {
const HtmlNode* node = p->first;
HtmlEventList* events = p->second;
if (deferred_deleted_nodes_.find(node) == deferred_deleted_nodes_.end()) {
kWarning, "Removed node %s never replaced", node->ToString().c_str());
delete events;
} // namespace net_instaweb