blob: 2ef507860890b8da21131416844cba61d75641b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_hash.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/sparse_hash_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
class Writer;
// Helper class for HtmlParser to recognize HTML keywords, handle escaping
// and unescaping, and assist the lexer in understanding how to interpret
// unbalanced tags.
class HtmlKeywords {
// Initialize a singleton instance of this class. This call is
// inherently thread unsafe, but only the first time it is called.
// If multi-threaded programs call this function before spawning
// threads then there will be no races.
static void Init();
// Tear down the singleton instance of this class, freeing any
// allocated memory. This call is inherently thread unsafe.
static void ShutDown();
// Returns an HTML keyword as a string, or NULL if not a keyword.
static const StringPiece* KeywordToString(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) {
if (keyword < HtmlName::kNotAKeyword) {
return &singleton_->keyword_vector_[keyword];
} else {
return NULL;
// Take a raw text and escape it so it's safe for an HTML attribute,
// e.g. a&b --> a&amp;b
static StringPiece Escape(const StringPiece& unescaped, GoogleString* buf) {
return singleton_->EscapeHelper(unescaped, buf);
// Take escaped text and unescape it so its value can be interpreted,
// e.g. ";w" --> ""
// *decoding_error is set to true if the escaped string could not be
// safely transformed into a simple stream of bytes.
// TODO(jmarantz): Support a variant where we unescape to UTF-8.
static StringPiece Unescape(const StringPiece& escaped, GoogleString* buf,
bool* decoding_error) {
return singleton_->UnescapeHelper(escaped, buf, decoding_error);
// Note that Escape and Unescape are not guaranteed to be inverses of
// one another. For example, Unescape("&#26;")=="&", but Escape("&")="&amp;".
// However, note that Unescape(Escape(s)) == s.
// Another case to be wary of is when the argument to Unescape is not
// properly escaped. The result will be that the string is returned
// unmodified. For example, Unescape("a&b")=="a&b", butthen re-escaping
// that will give "a&amp;b". Hence, the careful maintainer of an HTML
// parsing and rewriting system will need to maintain the original escaped
// text parsed from HTML files, and pass that to browsers.
// Determines whether an open tag of type k1 should be automatically closed
// if a StartElement for tag k2 is encountered. E.g. <tr><tbody> should
// be transformed to <tr></tr><tbody>.
static bool IsAutoClose(HtmlName::Keyword k1, HtmlName::Keyword k2) {
return std::binary_search(singleton_->auto_close_.begin(),
MakeKeywordPair(k1, k2));
// Determines whether an open tag of type k1 should be automatically closed
// if an EndElement for tag k2 is encountered. E.g. <tbody></table> should
// be transformed into <tbody></tbody></table>.
static bool IsContained(HtmlName::Keyword k1, HtmlName::Keyword k2) {
return std::binary_search(singleton_->contained_.begin(),
MakeKeywordPair(k1, k2));
// Determines whether the specified HTML keyword is closed automatically
// by the parser if the close-tag is omitted. E.g. <head> must be closed,
// but formatting elements such as <p> do not need to be closed. Also note
// the distinction with tags which are *implicitly* closed in HTML such as
// <img> and <br>.
static bool IsOptionallyClosedTag(HtmlName::Keyword keyword) {
return std::binary_search(singleton_->optionally_closed_.begin(),
// Wraps text in a pre-tag using the specified style arguments and sends it
// to writer, returning false if the writer failed.
// E.g. style could be "color:red;".
// if style is empty then it is simply a pre-tag without attributes.
static bool WritePre(StringPiece text, StringPiece style,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* handler);
typedef int32 KeywordPair; // Encoded via shift & OR.
typedef std::vector<KeywordPair> KeywordPairVec;
typedef std::vector<HtmlName::Keyword> KeywordVec;
const char* UnescapeAttributeValue();
void InitEscapeSequences();
void InitAutoClose();
void InitContains();
void InitOptionallyClosedKeywords();
// Translate the escape sequence and append the corresponding character
// into *buf.
// accumulate_numeric_code==true means that the sequence has been accumulated
// into numeric_value and that will be used to form a character for appending
// to *buf.
// accumulate_numeric_code==false means that the sequence is in 'escape' and
// that will be looked up in the keyword tables to get the character to append
// to *buf.
// was_terminated indicates that the escape-sequence was properly terminated
// by a semicolon. This affects handling of unknown escape sequences, where
// we will need to retain the ";".
// Returns false iff the escape-sequence is a valid multi-byte sequence,
// which we can't currently represent in our 8-bit format.
bool TryUnescape(bool accumulate_numeric_code,
uint32 numeric_value,
const GoogleString& escape,
bool was_terminated,
GoogleString* buf) const;
// Encodes two keyword enums as a KeywordPair, represented as an int32.
static KeywordPair MakeKeywordPair(HtmlName::Keyword k1,
HtmlName::Keyword k2) {
return (static_cast<KeywordPair>(k1) << 16) | static_cast<KeywordPair>(k2);
// Adds all combinations of the members of k1_list and k2_list to
// kmap. The lists are represented as space-delimited keywords.
// E.g. if k1_list="a b" and k2_list="c d", then this adds (a,c),
// (b,c), (a,d), (b,d) to kmap.
void AddCrossProduct(const StringPiece& k1_list, const StringPiece& k2_list,
KeywordPairVec* kmap);
void AddAutoClose(const StringPiece& k1_list, const StringPiece& k2_list) {
AddCrossProduct(k1_list, k2_list, &auto_close_);
void AddContained(const StringPiece& k1_list, const StringPiece& k2_list) {
AddCrossProduct(k1_list, k2_list, &contained_);
// Adds every space-delimited token in klist to kset.
void AddToSet(const StringPiece& klist, KeywordVec* kset);
static HtmlKeywords* singleton_;
StringPiece EscapeHelper(const StringPiece& unescaped,
GoogleString* buf) const;
StringPiece UnescapeHelper(const StringPiece& escaped,
GoogleString* buf,
bool* decoding_error) const;
// Conventional wisdom suggests this application calls for dense_hash_map,
// but my microbenchmarks show that sparse_hash_map has better performance.
// My theory is that the maps are sufficiently small that the algorithmic
// differences are not dominant, but keeping the data small helps the
// processor cache behavior.
typedef sparse_hash_map<
GoogleString, const char*,
CaseFoldStringEqual> StringStringSparseHashMapInsensitive;
typedef sparse_hash_map<
GoogleString, const char*,
CasePreserveStringHash> StringStringSparseHashMapSensitive;
StringStringSparseHashMapInsensitive unescape_insensitive_map_;
StringStringSparseHashMapSensitive unescape_sensitive_map_;
StringStringSparseHashMapSensitive escape_map_;
// Note that this is left immutable after being filled in, so it's OK
// to take pointers into it.
StringPieceVector keyword_vector_;
// These vectors of KeywordPair and Keyword are sorted numerically during
// construction to enable binary-search during parsing.
KeywordPairVec auto_close_;
KeywordPairVec contained_;
KeywordVec optionally_closed_;
} // namespace net_instaweb