blob: 6a4e4040ca513a96a239ea9391484c35acea7194 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/callback.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/purge_set.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/copy_on_write.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class FileSystem;
class MessageHandler;
class NamedLock;
class NamedLockManager;
class Scheduler;
class Statistics;
class ThreadSystem;
class UpDownCounter;
class Variable;
// Handles purging of URLs, atomically persisting them to disk, allowing
// multiple concurrent threads/processes to handle purge requests and
// propagate them to the other processes.
// All public methods in this class are thread-safe.
// This class depends on Statistics being functional. If statistics are off,
// then cache purging may be slower, but it will still work.
class PurgeContext {
typedef Callback2<bool, StringPiece> PurgeCallback;
typedef Callback1<const CopyOnWrite<PurgeSet>&> PurgeSetCallback;
// The source-of-truth of the purge data is kept in files. These files
// are checked for changes via stat every 5 seconds.
// TODO(jmarantz): make this settable.
static const int kCheckCacheIntervalMs = 5 * Timer::kSecondMs;
// Variable names.
static const char kCancellations[];
static const char kContentions[];
static const char kFileParseFailures[];
static const char kFileStats[];
static const char kFileWriteFailures[];
static const char kFileWrites[];
static const char kPurgeIndex[];
static const char kPurgePollTimestampMs[];
static const char kStatCalls[];
PurgeContext(StringPiece filename,
FileSystem* file_system,
Timer* timer,
int max_bytes_in_cache,
ThreadSystem* thread_system,
NamedLockManager* lock_manager,
Scheduler* scheduler,
Statistics* statistics,
MessageHandler* handler);
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// By default, PurgeContext will try to acquire the lock and write the
// cache.purge file as soon as it is called. This may present a significant
// load to the file system, causing delays.
// In a multi-threaded or asynchronous environment (e.g. any environment
// other than Apache HTTPD pre-fork MPM), it is desirable to batch up
// requests for a time (e.g. 1 second) before writing the updated cache file.
void set_request_batching_delay_ms(int64 delay_ms) {
request_batching_delay_ms_ = delay_ms;
// Adds a URL to the purge-set, atomically updating the purge
// file, and transmitting the results to the system, attempting
// to do so within a bounded amount of time.
// Calls callback(true, "") if the invalidation succeeded (was able to grab
// the global lock in a finite amount of time), and callback(false, "reason")
// if it failed. If we fail to take the lock then the invalidation is dropped
// on the floor, and statistics "purge_cancellations" is bumped.
void AddPurgeUrl(StringPiece url, int64 timestamp_ms,
PurgeCallback* callback);
// Sets the global invalidation timestamp.
// Calls callback(true, "") if the invalidation succeeded (was able to grab
// the global lock in a finite amount of time), and callback(false, "reason")
// if it failed. If we fail to take the lock then the invalidation is dropped
// on the floor, and statistics "purge_cancellations" is bumped.
void SetCachePurgeGlobalTimestampMs(int64 timestamp_ms,
PurgeCallback* callback);
// Periodically updates the purge-set from disk if enough time has
// expired. This can be called on every request.
void PollFileSystem();
// To test whether URLs are purged, you must capture a PurgeSet by registering
// a callback. The PurgeSet is passed to the callback using a CopyOnWrite
// wrapper so that the callback can efficiently share the storage.
// IsValid calls can then be made using the PurgeSet captured by the callback.
void SetUpdateCallback(PurgeSetCallback* cb);
// Indicates whether individual URL purging is supported. If false,
// then we only take the cache.flush file timestamp to do full cache
// flushes. If true, then we read and parse the contents of the file
// to find the global invalidation time and cache-flush times for
// the individual entries.
void set_enable_purge(bool x) { enable_purge_ = x; }
friend class PurgeContextTest;
typedef std::vector<PurgeCallback*> PurgeCallbackVector;
// Having acquired the lock, merges all sources of purge information and
// write the purge file. This must be called with interprocess_lock_
// held.
void UpdateCachePurgeFile();
// Reads the contents of filename_ into *purges_from_file. Any invalid
// data in the file is ignored.
// This method doesn't read or write dynamic data from the class other
// than statistics, so it's thread-safe. Also it does not need to be
// called with interprocess_lock_ held as the writes are made atomic
// via write-to-temp + rename.
void ReadPurgeFile(PurgeSet* purges_from_file);
void ReadFileAndCallCallbackIfChanged(bool needs_update);
// Combines the purges_from_file with pending_purges_ and purge_set_,
// serializes the result into *buffer for writing back to the file.
// Note: this does *not* update purge_set_ (it treats it as read-only).
// However, it bumps purge_index_ to induce a file-read on
// the next call to PollFileSystem().
// This helper method is used as part of a read/modify/write/verify
// sequence, and it returns the callbacks that must be called when
// that sequence is done. Similarly, this method transfers
// num_consecutive_failures_ into *failures, zeroing the former.
// return_purges gets populated with pending_purges_ via swap. It
// can be used to replace pending_purges_ in the event of a write
// failure so we don't lose that data.
// return_callbacks contains the callbacks to call when the
// transaction is complete.
// TODO(jmarantz): the return values from this method comprise a
// transaction which should be made an explicit class or struct.
// This method is thread-safe; it grabs mutex_.
void ModifyPurgeSet(PurgeSet* purges_from_file, GoogleString* buffer,
PurgeCallbackVector* return_callbacks,
PurgeSet* return_purges,
int* failures);
// When a write fails, we must do one of these:
// a) restore the pending purges & callbacks and try to re-take the lock.
// b) call the callbacks with 'false' and drop return_purges.
void HandleWriteFailure(int failures,
PurgeCallbackVector* callbacks,
PurgeSet* return_purges,
bool* lock_and_update);
// Writes the serialized purge data into filename_. This method must
// be called with the interprocess_lock_ held, but does not reference
// or update dynamic data in this.
bool WritePurgeFile(const GoogleString& buffer);
// Returns true if the contents of filename_ matches the specified buffer.
bool Verify(const GoogleString& expected_purge_file_contents);
// Returns the name used to create a new lock. Visible for testing
// to aid in testing lock contention.
GoogleString LockName() const { return StrCat(filename_, "-lock"); }
// Initiates a scheduler-alarm to call GrabLockAndUpdate after a
// small delay. The delay is used to batch bursts of cache-purge
// file updates, thereby rate-limiting disk-writes.
void WaitForTimerAndGrabLock();
// Attempts to grab a lock for the cache-purge file, calling
// UpdateCachePurgeFile if successful, and CancelCachePurgeFile
// if we failed to grab the lock.
void GrabLockAndUpdate();
// There is a non-zero chance that this thread will be unable to acquire the
// named-lock in the given time-limit. When this occurs, we'll fail the
// requests, calling the callbacks with 'false'.
void CancelCachePurgeFile();
// Ensures a timestamp has reasonable syntax and is not (too far) in the
// future.
// The parsed timestamp is placed in *timestamp_ms, and true/false is
// used to indicate parsing & validation success.
bool ParseAndValidateTimestamp(StringPiece time_string, int64 now_ms,
int64* timestamp_ms);
GoogleString filename_;
scoped_ptr<NamedLock> interprocess_lock_;
FileSystem* file_system_;
Timer* timer_;
Statistics* statistics_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
CopyOnWrite<PurgeSet> purge_set_; // protected by mutex_
PurgeSet pending_purges_; // protected by mutex_
PurgeCallbackVector pending_callbacks_; // protected by mutex_
int64 local_purge_index_; // protected by mutex_
int num_consecutive_failures_; // protected_by mutex_
bool waiting_for_interprocess_lock_; // protected_by mutex_
bool reading_; // protected_by mutex_
bool enable_purge_; // When false, can only flush entire cache.
int max_bytes_in_cache_;
int64 request_batching_delay_ms_;
Variable* cancellations_;
Variable* contentions_;
Variable* file_parse_failures_;
Variable* file_stats_;
Variable* file_write_failures_;
Variable* file_writes_;
Variable* purge_index_;
scoped_ptr<UpDownCounter> purge_poll_timestamp_ms_;
Scheduler* scheduler_;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
scoped_ptr<PurgeSetCallback> update_callback_;
} // namespace net_instaweb