blob: 3f185254cf27e299b6d1095ac5b7508e6b15f184 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <cstddef>
#include <list>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/rde_hash_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_hash.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// Implements a general purpose in-memory least-recently used (LRU)
// cache, using strings as keys and arbitrary values as objects.
// This implementation is not thread-safe, and must be combined with
// an externally managed mutex to make it so.
// This is templated on ValueType, which holds the value, and on ValueHelper,
// which must define:
// // Computes the size of a value. Used to track resource consumption.
// size_t size(const ValueType&) const;
// // Determines whether two values are equal.
// bool Equal(const ValueType& a, const ValueType& b) const;
// // Called when objects are evicted. Note that destruction does
// // not imply eviction.
// void EvictNotify(const ValueType&);
// // Determines whether a new_value should supercede old_value on a Put.
// bool ShouldReplace(const ValueType& old_value,
// const ValueType& new_value) const;
// ValueType must support copy-construction and assign-by-value.
template<class ValueType, class ValueHelper>
class LRUCacheBase {
typedef std::pair<GoogleString, ValueType> KeyValuePair;
typedef std::list<KeyValuePair*> EntryList;
// STL guarantees lifetime of list iterators as long as the node is in list.
typedef typename EntryList::iterator ListNode;
typedef rde::hash_map<GoogleString, ListNode, CasePreserveStringHash> Map;
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(const typename EntryList::const_reverse_iterator& iter)
: iter_(iter) {
void operator++() { ++iter_; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& src) const { return iter_ == src.iter_; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& src) const { return iter_ != src.iter_; }
const GoogleString& Key() const {
const KeyValuePair* key_value_pair = *iter_;
return key_value_pair->first;
const ValueType& Value() const {
const KeyValuePair* key_value_pair = *iter_;
return key_value_pair->second;
typename EntryList::const_reverse_iterator iter_;
// Implicit copy and assign are OK.
LRUCacheBase(size_t max_size, ValueHelper* value_helper)
: max_bytes_in_cache_(max_size),
value_helper_(value_helper) {
~LRUCacheBase() {
// Resets the max size in the cache. This does not take effect immediately;
// e.g. if you are shrinking the cache size, this call will not evict
// anything. Only when something new is put into the cache will we evict.
void set_max_bytes_in_cache(size_t max_size) {
max_bytes_in_cache_ = max_size;
// Returns a pointer to the stored value, or NULL if not found, freshening
// the entry in the lru-list. Note: this pointer is safe to use until the
// next call to Put or Delete in the cache.
ValueType* GetFreshen(const GoogleString& key) {
ValueType* value = NULL;
typename Map::iterator p = map_.find(key);
if (p != map_.end()) {
ListNode cell = p->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
p->second = Freshen(cell);
// Note: it's safe to assume the list iterator will remain valid so that
// the caller can do what's necessary with the pointer.
// what-is-the-lifetime-and-validity-of-c-iterators
value = &key_value->second;
} else {
return value;
ValueType* GetNoFreshen(const GoogleString& key) const {
ValueType* value = NULL;
typename Map::const_iterator p = map_.find(key);
if (p != map_.end()) {
ListNode cell = p->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
// See the above comment about stl::list::iterator lifetime.
value = &key_value->second;
} else {
return value;
// Puts an object into the cache. The value is copied using the assignment
// operator.
void Put(const GoogleString& key, ValueType* new_value) {
// Just do one map operation, calling the awkward 'insert' which returns
// a pair. The bool indicates whether a new value was inserted, and the
// iterator provides access to the element, whether it's new or old.
// If the key is already in the map, this will give us access to the value
// cell, and the uninitialized cell will not be used.
ListNode cell;
std::pair<typename Map::iterator, bool> iter_found =
map_.insert(typename Map::value_type(key, cell));
bool found = !iter_found.second;
typename Map::iterator map_iter = iter_found.first;
bool need_to_insert = true;
if (found) {
cell = map_iter->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
// Protect the element that we are rewriting by erasing
// it from the entry_list prior to calling EvictIfNecessary,
// which can't find it if it isn't in the list.
if (!value_helper_->ShouldReplace(key_value->second, *new_value)) {
need_to_insert = false;
} else {
if (value_helper_->Equal(*new_value, key_value->second)) {
map_iter->second = Freshen(cell);
need_to_insert = false;
} else {
CHECK_GE(current_bytes_in_cache_, EntrySize(key_value));
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= EntrySize(key_value);
delete key_value;
if (need_to_insert) {
// At this point, if we were doing a replacement, then the value
// is removed from the list, so we can treat replacements and new
// insertions the same way. In both cases, the new key is in the map
// as a result of the call to map_.insert above.
if (EvictIfNecessary(key.size() + value_helper_->size(*new_value))) {
// The new value fits. Put it in the LRU-list.
KeyValuePair* kvp = new KeyValuePair(map_iter->first, *new_value);
map_iter->second = lru_ordered_list_.begin();
} else {
// The new value was too big to fit. Remove it from the map.
// it's already removed from the list. We have failed. We
// could potentially log this somewhere or keep a stat.
void Delete(const GoogleString& key) {
typename Map::iterator p = map_.find(key);
if (p != map_.end()) {
} else {
// TODO(jmarantz): count number of misses on a 'delete' request?
// Deletes all objects whose key starts with prefix.
// Note: this takes time proportional to the size of the map, and is only
// meant for test use.
void DeleteWithPrefixForTesting(StringPiece prefix) {
typename Map::iterator p = map_.begin();
while (p != map_.end()) {
if (HasPrefixString(p->first, prefix)) {
typename Map::iterator next = p;
p = next;
} else {
void MergeStats(const LRUCacheBase& src) {
current_bytes_in_cache_ += src.current_bytes_in_cache_;
num_evictions_ += src.num_evictions_;
num_hits_ += src.num_hits_;
num_misses_ += src.num_misses_;
num_inserts_ += src.num_inserts_;
num_identical_reinserts_ += src.num_identical_reinserts_;
num_deletes_ += src.num_deletes_;
// Total size in bytes of keys and values stored.
size_t size_bytes() const { return current_bytes_in_cache_; }
// Maximum capacity.
size_t max_bytes_in_cache() const { return max_bytes_in_cache_; }
// Number of elements stored
size_t num_elements() const { return map_.size(); }
size_t num_evictions() const { return num_evictions_; }
size_t num_hits() const { return num_hits_; }
size_t num_misses() const { return num_misses_; }
size_t num_inserts() const { return num_inserts_; }
size_t num_identical_reinserts() const { return num_identical_reinserts_; }
size_t num_deletes() const { return num_deletes_; }
// Sanity check the cache data structures.
void SanityCheck() {
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(map_.size()), lru_ordered_list_.size());
size_t count = 0;
size_t bytes_used = 0;
// Walk forward through the list, making sure the map and list elements
// point to each other correctly.
for (ListNode cell = lru_ordered_list_.begin(), e = lru_ordered_list_.end();
cell != e; ++cell, ++count) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
typename Map::iterator map_iter = map_.find(key_value->first);
CHECK(map_iter != map_.end());
CHECK(map_iter->first == key_value->first);
CHECK(map_iter->second == cell);
bytes_used += EntrySize(key_value);
CHECK_EQ(count, static_cast<size_t>(map_.size()));
CHECK_EQ(current_bytes_in_cache_, bytes_used);
CHECK_LE(current_bytes_in_cache_, max_bytes_in_cache_);
// Walk backward through the list, making sure it's coherent as well.
count = 0;
for (typename EntryList::reverse_iterator cell = lru_ordered_list_.rbegin(),
e = lru_ordered_list_.rend(); cell != e; ++cell, ++count) {
CHECK_EQ(count, static_cast<size_t>(map_.size()));
// Clear the entire cache. Used primarily for testing. Note that this
// will not clear the stats, however it will update current_bytes_in_cache_.
void Clear() {
current_bytes_in_cache_ = 0;
for (ListNode p = lru_ordered_list_.begin(), e = lru_ordered_list_.end();
p != e; ++p) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = *p;
delete key_value;
// Clear the stats -- note that this will not clear the content.
void ClearStats() {
num_evictions_ = 0;
num_hits_ = 0;
num_misses_ = 0;
num_inserts_ = 0;
num_identical_reinserts_ = 0;
num_deletes_ = 0;
// Iterators for walking cache entries from oldest to youngest.
Iterator Begin() const { return Iterator(lru_ordered_list_.rbegin()); }
Iterator End() const { return Iterator(lru_ordered_list_.rend()); }
// TODO(jmarantz): consider accounting for overhead for list cells, map
// cells.
size_t EntrySize(KeyValuePair* kvp) const {
return kvp->first.size() + value_helper_->size(kvp->second);
ListNode Freshen(ListNode cell) {
if (cell != lru_ordered_list_.begin()) {
return lru_ordered_list_.begin();
void DeleteAt(typename Map::iterator p) {
ListNode cell = p->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
CHECK_GE(current_bytes_in_cache_, EntrySize(key_value));
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= EntrySize(key_value);
delete key_value;
bool EvictIfNecessary(size_t bytes_needed) {
bool ret = false;
if (bytes_needed < max_bytes_in_cache_) {
while (bytes_needed + current_bytes_in_cache_ > max_bytes_in_cache_) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = lru_ordered_list_.back();
CHECK_GE(current_bytes_in_cache_, EntrySize(key_value));
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= EntrySize(key_value);
delete key_value;
current_bytes_in_cache_ += bytes_needed;
ret = true;
return ret;
// TODO(jmarantz): convert most of these to 'int'.
size_t max_bytes_in_cache_;
size_t current_bytes_in_cache_;
size_t num_evictions_;
mutable size_t num_hits_;
mutable size_t num_misses_;
size_t num_inserts_;
size_t num_identical_reinserts_;
size_t num_deletes_;
EntryList lru_ordered_list_;
Map map_;
ValueHelper* value_helper_;
} // namespace net_instaweb