blob: 4ba5d880bfbebbb3fd83f70d5bd758d21827791a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/stdio_file_system.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif // WIN32
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/debug.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/null_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace {
// The st_blocks field returned by stat is the number of 512B blocks allocated
// for the files. (While POSIX doesn't specify this, it's the proper value on
// at least Linux, FreeBSD, and OS X).
const int kBlockSize = 512;
static const char kOutstandingOps[] = "stdio_fs_outstanding_ops";
static const char kSlowOps[] = "stdio_fs_slow_ops";
static const char kTotalOps[] = "stdio_fs_total_ops";
} // namespace
namespace net_instaweb {
// Helper class to factor out common implementation details between Input and
// Output files, in lieu of multiple inheritance.
class StdioFileHelper {
StdioFileHelper(FILE* f, const StringPiece& filename, StdioFileSystem* fs)
: file_(f),
start_us_(0) {
~StdioFileHelper() {
CHECK(file_ == NULL);
void ReportError(MessageHandler* message_handler, const char* context) {
message_handler->Message(kError, "%s: %s %d(%s)", filename_.c_str(),
context, errno, strerror(errno));
bool Close(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = true;
if (file_ != stdout && file_ != stderr && file_ != stdin) {
if (fclose(file_) != 0) {
ReportError(message_handler, "closing file");
ret = false;
file_ = NULL;
return ret;
void StartTimer() {
start_us_ = file_system_->StartTimer();
void EndTimer(const char* operation) {
file_system_->EndTimer(filename_.c_str(), operation, start_us_);
FILE* file_;
GoogleString filename_;
StdioFileSystem* file_system_;
int64 start_us_;
class StdioInputFile : public FileSystem::InputFile {
StdioInputFile(FILE* f, const StringPiece& filename, StdioFileSystem* fs)
: file_helper_(f, filename, fs) {
virtual bool ReadFile(GoogleString* buf, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = false;
struct stat statbuf;
if ((fstat(fileno(file_helper_.file_), &statbuf) < 0)) {
file_helper_.ReportError(message_handler, "stating file");
} else {
int nread = fread(&(*buf)[0], 1, statbuf.st_size, file_helper_.file_);
if (nread != statbuf.st_size) {
file_helper_.ReportError(message_handler, "reading file");
} else {
ret = true;
return ret;
virtual int Read(char* buf, int size, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
int ret = fread(buf, 1, size, file_helper_.file_);
if ((ret == 0) && (ferror(file_helper_.file_) != 0)) {
file_helper_.ReportError(message_handler, "reading file");
return ret;
virtual bool Close(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return file_helper_.Close(message_handler);
virtual const char* filename() { return file_helper_.filename_.c_str(); }
StdioFileHelper file_helper_;
class StdioOutputFile : public FileSystem::OutputFile {
StdioOutputFile(FILE* f, const StringPiece& filename, StdioFileSystem* fs)
: file_helper_(f, filename, fs) {
virtual bool Write(const StringPiece& buf, MessageHandler* handler) {
size_t bytes_written =
fwrite(, 1, buf.size(), file_helper_.file_);
bool ret = (bytes_written == buf.size());
if (!ret) {
file_helper_.ReportError(handler, "writing file");
return ret;
virtual bool Flush(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = true;
if (fflush(file_helper_.file_) != 0) {
file_helper_.ReportError(message_handler, "flushing file");
ret = false;
return ret;
virtual bool Close(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return file_helper_.Close(message_handler);
virtual const char* filename() { return file_helper_.filename_.c_str(); }
virtual bool SetWorldReadable(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = true;
#ifdef WIN32
const char* filename = file_helper_.filename_.c_str();
ret = (_chmod(filename, _S_IREAD) == 0);
int fd = fileno(file_helper_.file_);
ret = (fchmod(fd, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) == 0);
#endif // WIN32
if (!ret) {
file_helper_.ReportError(message_handler, "setting world-readable");
return ret;
StdioFileHelper file_helper_;
: slow_file_latency_threshold_us_(0),
total_ops_(NULL) {
StdioFileSystem::~StdioFileSystem() {
void StdioFileSystem::InitStats(Statistics* stats) {
void StdioFileSystem::TrackTiming(int64 slow_file_latency_threshold_us,
Timer* timer, Statistics* stats,
MessageHandler* handler) {
slow_file_latency_threshold_us_ = slow_file_latency_threshold_us;
timer_ = timer;
statistics_ = stats;
outstanding_ops_ = stats->GetUpDownCounter(kOutstandingOps);
slow_ops_ = stats->GetVariable(kSlowOps);
total_ops_ = stats->GetVariable(kTotalOps);
message_handler_ = handler;
int64 StdioFileSystem::StartTimer() {
if (timer_ == NULL) {
return 0;
if (outstanding_ops_ != NULL) {
if (total_ops_ != NULL) {
return timer_->NowUs();
void StdioFileSystem::EndTimer(const char* filename, const char* operation,
int64 start_us) {
if (outstanding_ops_ != NULL) {
if (timer_ != NULL) {
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
int64 latency_us = end_us - start_us;
if (latency_us > slow_file_latency_threshold_us_) {
if (slow_ops_ != NULL) {
kError, "Slow %s operation on file %s: %gms; "
"configure SlowFileLatencyUs to change threshold\n",
operation, filename, latency_us / 1000.0);
int StdioFileSystem::MaxPathLength(const StringPiece& base) const {
#ifdef WIN32
return MAX_PATH;
const int kMaxInt = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
long limit = pathconf(base.as_string().c_str(), _PC_PATH_MAX); // NOLINT
if (limit < 0) {
// pathconf failed.
return FileSystem::MaxPathLength(base);
} else if (limit > kMaxInt) {
// As pathconf returns a long, we may have to clamp it.
return kMaxInt;
} else {
return limit;
#endif // WIN32
FileSystem::InputFile* StdioFileSystem::OpenInputFile(
const char* filename, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
FileSystem::InputFile* input_file = NULL;
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
message_handler->Error(filename, 0, "opening input file: %s",
} else {
input_file = new StdioInputFile(f, filename, this);
return input_file;
FileSystem::OutputFile* StdioFileSystem::OpenOutputFileHelper(
const char* filename, bool append, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
FileSystem::OutputFile* output_file = NULL;
if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
output_file = new StdioOutputFile(stdout, "<stdout>", this);
} else {
const char* mode = append ? "a" : "w";
FILE* f = fopen(filename, mode);
if (f == NULL) {
message_handler->Error(filename, 0,
"opening output file: %s", strerror(errno));
} else {
output_file = new StdioOutputFile(f, filename, this);
return output_file;
FileSystem::OutputFile* StdioFileSystem::OpenTempFileHelper(
const StringPiece& prefix, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
// TODO(jmarantz): As jmaessen points out, mkstemp warns "Don't use
// this function, use tmpfile(3) instead. It is better defined and
// more portable." However, tmpfile does not allow a location to be
// specified. I'm not 100% sure if that's going to be work well for
// us. More importantly, our usage scenario is that we will be
// closing the file and renaming it to a permanent name. tmpfiles
// automatically are deleted when they are closed.
int prefix_len = prefix.length();
static char mkstemp_hook[] = "XXXXXX";
char* template_name = new char[prefix_len + sizeof(mkstemp_hook)];
memcpy(template_name,, prefix_len);
memcpy(template_name + prefix_len, mkstemp_hook, sizeof(mkstemp_hook));
#ifdef WIN32
int fd = _mktemp_s(template_name, prefix_len + sizeof(mkstemp_hook));
int fd = mkstemp(template_name);
#endif // WIN32
OutputFile* output_file = NULL;
if (fd < 0) {
message_handler->Error(template_name, 0,
"opening temp file: %s", strerror(errno));
} else {
#ifdef WIN32
FILE* f = _fdopen(fd, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
FILE* f = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
// If we failed to open the temp file, silently clean it before returning.
message_handler->Error(template_name, 0,
"re-opening temp file: %s", strerror(errno));
NullMessageHandler null_message_handler;
RemoveFile(template_name, &null_message_handler);
} else {
output_file = new StdioOutputFile(f, template_name, this);
delete [] template_name;
return output_file;
bool StdioFileSystem::RemoveFile(const char* filename,
MessageHandler* handler) {
bool ret = (remove(filename) == 0);
if (!ret) {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to delete file %s: %s",
filename, strerror(errno));
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::RenameFileHelper(const char* old_file,
const char* new_file,
MessageHandler* handler) {
bool ret = (rename(old_file, new_file) == 0);
if (!ret) {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to rename file %s to %s: %s",
old_file, new_file, strerror(errno));
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::MakeDir(const char* path, MessageHandler* handler) {
#ifdef WIN32
bool ret = (_mkdir(path) == 0);
// Mode 0777 makes the file use standard umask permissions.
bool ret = (mkdir(path, 0777) == 0);
#endif // WIN32
if (!ret) {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to make directory %s: %s",
path, strerror(errno));
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::RemoveDir(const char* path, MessageHandler* handler) {
#ifdef WIN32
bool ret = (_rmdir(path) == 0);
bool ret = (rmdir(path) == 0);
#endif // WIN32
if (!ret) {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to remove directory %s: %s",
path, strerror(errno));
return ret;
BoolOrError StdioFileSystem::Exists(const char* path, MessageHandler* handler) {
struct stat statbuf;
BoolOrError ret(stat(path, &statbuf) == 0);
if (ret.is_false() && errno != ENOENT) { // Not error if file doesn't exist.
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to stat %s: %s",
path, strerror(errno));
return ret;
BoolOrError StdioFileSystem::IsDir(const char* path, MessageHandler* handler) {
struct stat statbuf;
BoolOrError ret(false);
if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {
#ifdef WIN32
ret.set((statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) != 0);
#endif // WIN32
} else if (errno != ENOENT) { // Not an error if file doesn't exist.
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to stat %s: %s",
path, strerror(errno));
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::ListContents(const StringPiece& dir, StringVector* files,
MessageHandler* handler) {
#ifdef WIN32
const char kDirSeparator[] = "\\";
std::string dir_string = dir.as_string();
if (!dir.ends_with(kDirSeparator)) {
std::string pattern = dir_string + "*";
std::wstring wpattern = std::wstring(pattern.begin(), pattern.end());
WIN32_FIND_DATA entry;
HANDLE iter = FindFirstFile(wpattern.c_str(), &entry);
handler->Error(dir_string.c_str(), 0,
"Failed to FindFirstFile: %s", strerror(errno));
return false;
do {
std::wstring wfilename(entry.cFileName);
std::string filename(wfilename.begin(), wfilename.end()); // This is dodgy.
if (filename != "." && filename != "..") {
files->push_back(dir_string + filename);
} while (FindNextFile(iter, &entry) != 0);
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
handler->Error(dir_string.c_str(), 0,
"Failed to FindNextFile: %s", strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
GoogleString dir_string = dir.as_string();
const char* dirname = dir_string.c_str();
DIR* mydir = opendir(dirname);
if (mydir == NULL) {
handler->Error(dirname, 0, "Failed to opendir: %s", strerror(errno));
return false;
} else {
dirent* entry = NULL;
dirent buffer;
while (readdir_r(mydir, &buffer, &entry) == 0 && entry != NULL) {
if ((strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") != 0) &&
(strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") != 0)) {
files->push_back(dir_string + entry->d_name);
if (closedir(mydir) != 0) {
handler->Error(dirname, 0, "Failed to closedir: %s", strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
#endif // WIN32
bool StdioFileSystem::Stat(const StringPiece& path, struct stat* statbuf,
MessageHandler* handler) {
const GoogleString path_string = path.as_string();
const char* path_str = path_string.c_str();
if (stat(path_str, statbuf) == 0) {
return true;
} else if (errno != ENOENT) { // Not an error if file doesn't exist see #972.
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to stat %s: %s", path_str,
return false;
// TODO(abliss): there are some situations where this doesn't work
// -- e.g. if the filesystem is mounted noatime. We should try to
// detect that and provide a workaround.
bool StdioFileSystem::Atime(const StringPiece& path, int64* timestamp_sec,
MessageHandler* handler) {
struct stat statbuf;
bool ret = Stat(path, &statbuf, handler);
if (ret) {
*timestamp_sec = statbuf.st_atime;
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::Mtime(const StringPiece& path, int64* timestamp_sec,
MessageHandler* handler) {
struct stat statbuf;
bool ret = Stat(path, &statbuf, handler);
if (ret) {
*timestamp_sec = statbuf.st_mtime;
return ret;
bool StdioFileSystem::Size(const StringPiece& path, int64* size,
MessageHandler* handler) {
struct stat statbuf;
bool ret = Stat(path, &statbuf, handler);
if (ret) {
#ifdef WIN32
*size = statbuf.st_size;
*size = statbuf.st_blocks * kBlockSize;
#endif // WIN32
return ret;
BoolOrError StdioFileSystem::TryLock(const StringPiece& lock_name,
MessageHandler* handler) {
const GoogleString lock_string = lock_name.as_string();
const char* lock_str = lock_string.c_str();
// POSIX mkdir is widely believed to be atomic, although I have
// found no reliable documentation of this fact.
#ifdef WIN32
if (_mkdir(lock_str) == 0) {
if (mkdir(lock_str, 0777) == 0) {
#endif // WIN32
return BoolOrError(true);
} else if (errno == EEXIST) {
return BoolOrError(false);
} else {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to mkdir %s: %s",
lock_str, strerror(errno));
return BoolOrError();
BoolOrError StdioFileSystem::TryLockWithTimeout(const StringPiece& lock_name,
int64 timeout_ms,
const Timer* timer,
MessageHandler* handler) {
const GoogleString lock_string = lock_name.as_string();
BoolOrError result = TryLock(lock_name, handler);
if (result.is_true() || result.is_error()) {
// We got the lock, or the lock is ungettable.
return result;
int64 m_time_sec;
if (!Mtime(lock_name, &m_time_sec, handler)) {
// We can't stat the lockfile.
return BoolOrError();
int64 now_us = timer->NowUs();
int64 elapsed_since_lock_us = now_us - Timer::kSecondUs * m_time_sec;
int64 timeout_us = Timer::kMsUs * timeout_ms;
if (elapsed_since_lock_us < timeout_us) {
// The lock is held and timeout hasn't elapsed.
return BoolOrError(false);
// Lock has timed out. We have two options here:
// 1) Leave the lock in its present state and assume we've taken ownership.
// This is kind to the file system, but causes lots of repeated work at
// timeout, as subsequent threads also see a timed-out lock.
// 2) Force-unlock the lock and re-lock it. This resets the timeout period,
// but is hard on the file system metadata log.
const char* lock_str = lock_string.c_str();
if (!Unlock(lock_name, handler)) {
// We couldn't break the lock. Maybe someone else beat us to it.
// We optimistically forge ahead anyhow (1), since we know we've timed out.
handler->Info(lock_str, 0,
"Breaking lock without reset! now-ctime=%d-%d > %d (sec)\n%s",
static_cast<int>(now_us / Timer::kSecondUs),
static_cast<int>(timeout_ms / Timer::kSecondMs),
return BoolOrError(true);
handler->Info(lock_str, 0, "Broke lock! now-ctime=%d-%d > %d (sec)\n%s",
static_cast<int>(now_us / Timer::kSecondUs),
static_cast<int>(timeout_ms / Timer::kSecondMs),
result = TryLock(lock_name, handler);
if (!result.is_true()) {
// Someone else grabbed the lock after we broke it.
handler->Info(lock_str, 0, "Failed to take lock after breaking it!");
return result;
bool StdioFileSystem::Unlock(const StringPiece& lock_name,
MessageHandler* handler) {
const GoogleString lock_string = lock_name.as_string();
const char* lock_str = lock_string.c_str();
#ifdef WIN32
if (_rmdir(lock_str) == 0) {
if (rmdir(lock_str) == 0) {
#endif // WIN32
return true;
} else {
handler->Message(kError, "Failed to rmdir %s: %s",
lock_str, strerror(errno));
return false;
FileSystem::InputFile* StdioFileSystem::Stdin() {
return new StdioInputFile(stdin, "stdin", this);
FileSystem::OutputFile* StdioFileSystem::Stdout() {
return new StdioOutputFile(stdout, "stdout", this);
FileSystem::OutputFile* StdioFileSystem::Stderr() {
return new StdioOutputFile(stderr, "stderr", this);
} // namespace net_instaweb