blob: 30802689edb93a50b0e1419dd85d1e05e49e86b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Maksim Orlovich)
// This contains a simple linked list that's optimized for memory usage,
// cheap appends and traversals (including removals). Links
// are stored within elements rather than externally.
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h" // for DCHECK
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// This forward declaration is necessary! Ignore IWYU when it tells you to
// remove it. Sadly, the pragma is being ignored right now.
template<class T> class InlineSList;
// A helper base class for things that would get stored in the list.
// You don't have to inherit this, and can implement next() and set_next()
// directly.
template<class T>
class InlineSListElement {
InlineSListElement() : next_(NULL) {}
friend class InlineSList<T>;
T* next() { return next_; }
void set_next(T* new_next) { next_ = new_next; }
T* next_;
// A simple linked list that's optimized for memory usage,
// cheap appends and traversals (including removals). Links
// are stored within elements rather than externally.
// To permit that, the type T must provide next() and set_next() methods,
// accessible to InlineSList<T>. Easy way to do that is by inheriting off
// InlineSListElement<T>.
// Note that while this results in a list object that's just one pointer wide,
// iterators are two pointers wide.
// Representation: circular linked list with a pointer to tail. Iterators
// store pointers to nodes before the one they're conceptually targeting.
template<class T>
class InlineSList {
// (Unfortunately, this private class has to be above the public: section
// since public classes inherit off it).
// We represent an iterator by keeping a pointer to the node before
// the one it represents, which makes it easy to delete things.
// We also keep a pointer to the containing list, so we can
// detect when we walk past the end of the list, at which point we
// turn the node_ pointer into NULL. (Which also means the begin
// iterator for an empty list is a one-past-end iterator, as expected).
class IterBase {
IterBase(const InlineSList<T>* list, T* node)
: list_(list), node_(node) {
bool AtEnd() const {
return (node_ == NULL);
void Advance() {
node_ = node_->next();
// If we travel to the tail node (as opposed to start pointing to it),
// we have reached the end, and became one-past-the-end iterator.
if (node_ == list_->tail_) {
node_ = NULL;
T* Data() {
return node_->next();
bool Equals(const IterBase& other) const {
return (node_ == other.node_) && (list_ == other.list_);
friend class InlineSList<T>;
const InlineSList<T>* list_;
T* node_;
// Iterator interface to the list contents. You may use this both for simple
// enumeration and for deletion. Iteration works the same as with any STL
// container.
// If you want to remove things, make sure not to call the operator ++
// when you do, as after deletion the iterator will be pointing at the next
// element already (or past the end!). An example of doing it right:
// InlineSList<Type>::iterator iter(list.begin());
// while (iter != list.end()) {
// if (ShouldErase(*iter)) {
// list.Erase(&iter);
// } else {
// ++iter;
// }
// }
// This type does not make general guarantees of iterators staying valid on
// operations --- only the iterator passed to Erase() will be fixed, not
// any others; and Append operations should not be done concurrent with
// iteration.
class Iterator : public IterBase {
Iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
T* Get() { return this->Data(); }
T* operator->() { return this->Data(); }
T& operator*() { return *this->Data(); }
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return this->Equals(other); }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return !this->Equals(other);
// default copy op, dtor are OK.
friend class InlineSList<T>;
Iterator(const InlineSList<T>* list, T* prev) : IterBase(list, prev) {}
typedef Iterator iterator;
// Read-only iterator type; cannot be used for deletion or to modify
// the contained items.
class ConstIterator : public IterBase {
ConstIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
const T* Get() { return this->Data(); }
const T* operator->() { return this->Data(); }
const T& operator*() { return *this->Data(); }
bool operator==(const ConstIterator& other) const {
return this->Equals(other);
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& other) const {
return !this->Equals(other);
// default copy op, dtor are OK.
friend class InlineSList<T>;
ConstIterator(const InlineSList<T>* list, T* prev) : IterBase(list, prev) {}
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator;
InlineSList() : tail_(NULL) {
// The destructor deletes all the nodes in the list.
bool IsEmpty() const {
return (tail_ == NULL);
void Append(T* node);
// Removes the item pointed to by the iterator, and updates the iterator
// to point after it. Note that this means that it is now effectively
// advanced (potentially past the end of the list) and that you should not
// call ++ if you just want to consume one item.
// See the iterator docs for example of proper use.
void Erase(Iterator* iter);
// Returns last item.
T* Last() {
return tail_;
const T* Last() const {
return tail_;
// Iterator interface.
// Note that all of these pass tail_ since iterator implementation internally
// keeps track of the /previous/ node to the one pointed at.
iterator begin() { return Iterator(this, tail_); }
const_iterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(this, tail_); }
// End iterators have their position at NULL.
iterator end() { return Iterator(this, NULL); }
const_iterator end() const { return ConstIterator(this, NULL); }
// The representation we chose here is a circular linked list where we point
// at the tail. This is because that permits us to append in O(1) to the end,
// yet still have easy front-to-end traversal.
T* tail_;
template<class T>
inline InlineSList<T>::~InlineSList() {
if (tail_ != NULL) {
T* node = tail_->next(); // start at head node.
while (true) {
T* next = node->next();
delete node;
if (node == tail_) { // stop when we deleted tail.
} else {
node = next;
tail_ = NULL;
template<class T>
inline void InlineSList<T>::Append(T* node) {
if (tail_ == NULL) {
tail_ = node;
} else {
tail_ = node;
template<class T>
inline void InlineSList<T>::Erase(Iterator* iter) {
T* iter_node = iter->node_;
T* target_node = iter_node->next();
if (iter_node == target_node) {
// Only 1 element before the call, 0 now.
tail_ = NULL;
iter->node_ = NULL;
} else {
if (target_node == tail_) {
// Removed tail.. need to point it earlier.
tail_ = iter_node;
// Iterator is now one-past-end
iter->node_ = NULL;
delete target_node;
} // namespace net_instaweb