blob: 517fbeea47bb34b680a3befc91f2547e3c745652 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Shawn Ligocki)
// (Joshua Marantz)
// Resources are created by a RewriteDriver. Input resources are
// read from URLs or the file system. Output resources are constructed
// programatically, usually by transforming one or more existing
// resources. Both input and output resources inherit from this class
// so they can be used interchangeably in successive rewrite passes.
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache_failure.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/callback.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class CachedResult;
class GoogleUrl;
class InputInfo;
class MessageHandler;
class Resource;
class RewriteDriver;
class ServerContext;
typedef RefCountedPtr<Resource> ResourcePtr;
typedef std::vector<ResourcePtr> ResourceVector;
class Resource : public RefCounted<Resource> {
class AsyncCallback;
enum HashHint {
// This enumerates possible follow-up behaviors when a requested resource was
// uncacheable.
enum NotCacheablePolicy {
Resource(const RewriteDriver* driver, const ContentType* type);
// Common methods across all deriviations
ServerContext* server_context() const { return server_context_; }
// Checks if the contents are loaded and valid and also if the resource is
// up-to-date and cacheable by a proxy like us.
virtual bool IsValidAndCacheable() const;
// Whether the domain on which the resource is present is explicitly
// authorized or not. Unauthorized resources can be created for the purpose
// of inlining content into the HTML.
bool is_authorized_domain() { return is_authorized_domain_; }
void set_is_authorized_domain(bool is_authorized) {
is_authorized_domain_ = is_authorized;
// Answers question: Are we allowed to rewrite the contents now?
// Checks if valid and cacheable and if it has a no-transform header.
// rewrite_uncacheable is used to answer question whether the resource can be
// optimized even if it is not cacheable.
// If a resource cannot be rewritten, the reason is appended to *reason.
bool IsSafeToRewrite(bool rewrite_uncacheable, GoogleString* reason) const;
bool IsSafeToRewrite(bool rewrite_uncacheable) const {
// TODO(jmaessen): Convert all remaining call sites to use a reason.
GoogleString reason_ignored;
return IsSafeToRewrite(rewrite_uncacheable, &reason_ignored);
// TODO(sligocki): Do we need these or can we just use IsValidAndCacheable
// everywhere?
bool loaded() const { return response_headers_.status_code() != 0; }
bool HttpStatusOk() const {
return (response_headers_.status_code() == HttpStatus::kOK);
// Loads contents of resource asynchronously, calling callback when
// done. If the resource contents are already loaded into the object,
// the callback will be called directly, rather than asynchronously. The
// resource will be passed to the callback, with its contents and headers
// filled in.
// This is implemented in terms of LoadAndCallback, taking care of the case
// where the resource is already loaded.
void LoadAsync(NotCacheablePolicy not_cacheable_policy,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
AsyncCallback* callback);
// If the resource is about to expire from the cache, re-fetches the
// resource in background to try to prevent it from expiring.
// Base implementation does nothing, since most subclasses of this do not
// use caching.
virtual void RefreshIfImminentlyExpiring();
// Computes (with non-trivial cost) a hash of contents of a loaded resource.
// Precondition: IsValidAndCacheable().
// Warning: this uses contents_hasher_ and not the primary hasher,
// unlike the hashes computed by OutputResource for naming purposes on
// writes.
GoogleString ContentsHash() const;
// Adds a new InputInfo object representing this resource to CachedResult,
// assigning the index supplied.
void AddInputInfoToPartition(HashHint suggest_include_content_hash,
int index, CachedResult* partition);
// Set CachedResult's input info used for expiration validation.
// If include_content_hash is kIncludeInputHash, and it makes sense for
// the Resource type to check if resource changed based by content hash
// (e.g. it would be pointless for data:), the hash of resource's
// contents should also be set on 'input'.
// Default one sets resource type as CACHED and sets an expiration timestamp,
// last modified, date, and, if requested, content hash.
// If a derived class has a different criterion for validity, override
// this method.
virtual void FillInPartitionInputInfo(HashHint suggest_include_content_hash,
InputInfo* input);
void FillInPartitionInputInfoFromResponseHeaders(
const ResponseHeaders& headers,
InputInfo* input);
// Returns 0 if resource is not cacheable.
// TODO(sligocki): Look through callsites and make sure this is being
// interpreted correctly.
int64 CacheExpirationTimeMs() const;
// Returns the uncompressed contents stored in value_. Although this is marked
// as const, it mutates the internal state of this object and is not thread
// safe.
StringPiece ExtractUncompressedContents() const;
// Returns the size of the the ExtractUncompressedContents(). Like
// ExtractUncompressedContents(), this method can mutate the internal state of
// the object and is not thread safe.
size_t UncompressedContentsSize() const {
StringPiece val = ExtractUncompressedContents();
return val.length();
StringPiece raw_contents() const {
StringPiece val;
bool got_contents = value_.ExtractContents(&val);
CHECK(got_contents) << "Resource contents read before loading: "
<< UrlForDebug();
return val;
ResponseHeaders* response_headers() { return &response_headers_; }
const ResponseHeaders* response_headers() const { return &response_headers_; }
const ContentType* type() const { return type_; }
virtual void SetType(const ContentType* type);
bool IsContentsEmpty() const {
return raw_contents().empty();
// Note: this is empty if the header is not specified.
StringPiece charset() const { return charset_; }
void set_charset(StringPiece c) { c.CopyToString(&charset_); }
// Gets the absolute URL of the resource.
virtual GoogleString url() const = 0;
// Most resources should have URLs, but inline resources will not and should
// override this function.
virtual bool has_url() const { return true; }
// Override if resource does not have a URL.
virtual GoogleString UrlForDebug() const { return url(); }
// Gets the cache key for resource. This may be different from URL
// if the resource is e.g. UA-dependent.
virtual GoogleString cache_key() const {
return url();
// Computes the content-type (and charset) based on response_headers and
// extension, and sets it via SetType.
void DetermineContentType();
// We define a new Callback type here because we need to
// pass in the Resource to the Done callback so it can
// collect the fetched data.
class AsyncCallback {
explicit AsyncCallback(const ResourcePtr& resource) : resource_(resource) {}
virtual ~AsyncCallback();
virtual void Done(bool lock_failure, bool resource_ok) = 0;
const ResourcePtr& resource() { return resource_; }
ResourcePtr resource_;
// An AsyncCallback for a freshen. The Done() callback in the default
// implementation deletes itself.
class FreshenCallback : public AsyncCallback {
explicit FreshenCallback(const ResourcePtr& resource)
: AsyncCallback(resource) {}
virtual ~FreshenCallback();
// Returns NULL by default. Sublasses should override this if they want this
// to be updated based on the response fetched while freshening.
virtual InputInfo* input_info() { return NULL; }
// This is called with resource_ok = true only if the hash of the fetched
// response is the same as the hash in input_info()->input_content_hash().
virtual void Done(bool lock_failure, bool resource_ok) {
delete this;
// Links in the HTTP contents and header from a fetched value.
// The contents are linked by sharing. The HTTPValue also
// contains a serialization of the headers, and this routine
// parses them into response_headers_ and return whether that was
// successful.
bool Link(HTTPValue* source, MessageHandler* handler);
// Freshen a soon-to-expire resource so that we minimize the number
// of cache misses when serving live traffic.
// Note that callback may be NULL, and all subclasses must handle this.
virtual void Freshen(FreshenCallback* callback, MessageHandler* handler);
// Links the stale fallback value that can be used in case a fetch fails.
void LinkFallbackValue(HTTPValue* value);
void set_is_background_fetch(bool x) { is_background_fetch_ = x; }
bool is_background_fetch() const { return is_background_fetch_; }
FetchResponseStatus fetch_response_status() {
return fetch_response_status_;
void set_fetch_response_status(FetchResponseStatus x) {
fetch_response_status_ = x;
// Returns whether this type of resource should use the HTTP Cache. This
// method is based on properties of the class, not the resource itself, and
// helps short-circuit pointless cache lookups for file-based and data URLs.
virtual bool UseHttpCache() const = 0;
virtual ~Resource();
friend class ServerContext;
friend class ReadAsyncHttpCacheCallback; // uses LoadAndCallback
friend class RewriteDriver; // for ReadIfCachedWithStatus
friend class UrlReadAsyncFetchCallback;
// Load the resource asynchronously, storing ResponseHeaders and
// contents in object. Calls 'callback' when finished. The
// ResourcePtr used to construct 'callback' must be the same as the
// resource used to invoke this method.
// Setting not_cacheable_policy to kLoadEvenIfNotCacheable will permit it
// to consider loading to be successful on Cache-Control:private and
// Cache-Control:no-cache resources. It should not affect /whether/ the
// callback gets involved, only whether it gets true or false.
virtual void LoadAndCallback(NotCacheablePolicy not_cacheable_policy,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
AsyncCallback* callback) = 0;
void set_enable_cache_purge(bool x) { enable_cache_purge_ = x; }
ResponseHeaders::VaryOption respect_vary() const { return respect_vary_; }
void set_respect_vary(ResponseHeaders::VaryOption x) { respect_vary_ = x; }
void set_proactive_resource_freshening(bool x) {
proactive_resource_freshening_ = x;
void set_disable_rewrite_on_no_transform(bool x) {
disable_rewrite_on_no_transform_ = x;
ServerContext* server_context_;
const ContentType* type_;
GoogleString charset_;
HTTPValue value_; // contains contents and meta-data
ResponseHeaders response_headers_;
// A stale value that can be used in case we aren't able to fetch a fresh
// version of the resource. Note that this should only be used if it is not
// empty.
HTTPValue fallback_value_;
// Minimalist constructor for DummyResource with server_context_ == NULL
// used in
friend class DummyResource;
// The status of the fetched response.
FetchResponseStatus fetch_response_status_;
// Indicates whether we are trying to load the resource for a background
// rewrite or to serve a user request.
// Note that by default, we assume that every fetch is triggered in the
// background and is not user-facing unless we explicitly set
// is_background_fetch_ to false.
bool is_background_fetch_;
bool enable_cache_purge_;
bool proactive_resource_freshening_;
bool disable_rewrite_on_no_transform_;
bool is_authorized_domain_;
ResponseHeaders::VaryOption respect_vary_;
mutable GoogleString extracted_contents_;
mutable bool extracted_;
// Sometimes some portions of URL space need to be handled differently
// by dedicated resource subclasses. ResourceProvider callbacks are used
// to teach RewriteDriver about these, so it knows not to build regular
// UrlInputResource objects.
typedef Callback2<const GoogleUrl&, bool*> ResourceUrlClaimant;
} // namespace net_instaweb