blob: 60706116a509ae0d8312706c2d21a4cfc51c5161 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Nikhil Madan)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/in_place_rewrite_context.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/async_fetch.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/cache_url_async_fetcher.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/cached_result.pb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/image_url_encoder.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/output_resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/request_properties.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_namer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_slot.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_result.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/proto_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h" // for Writer
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/image_types.pb.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/user_agent_matcher.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
const char InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot::kIproSlotLocation[] = "ipro";
// Names for Statistics variables.
const char InPlaceRewriteContext::kInPlaceOversizedOptStream[] =
const char InPlaceRewriteContext::kInPlaceUncacheableRewrites[] =
const ResourcePtr& resource)
: ResourceSlot(resource) {}
InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot::~InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot() {}
GoogleString InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot::LocationString() const {
return kIproSlotLocation;
void InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot::Render() {
// Do nothing.
RecordingFetch::RecordingFetch(bool proxy_mode,
AsyncFetch* async_fetch,
const ResourcePtr& resource,
InPlaceRewriteContext* context,
MessageHandler* handler)
: SharedAsyncFetch(async_fetch),
&cache_value_, context_->FindServerContext()->http_cache()) {
Statistics* stats = context->FindServerContext()->statistics();
in_place_oversized_opt_stream_ =
in_place_uncacheable_rewrites_ =
RecordingFetch::~RecordingFetch() {}
void RecordingFetch::HandleHeadersComplete() {
can_in_place_rewrite_ = CanInPlaceRewrite();
streaming_ = ShouldStream();
if (can_in_place_rewrite_) {
// Save the headers, and wait to finalize them in HandleDone().
saved_headers_.reset(new ResponseHeaders(*response_headers()));
if (streaming_) {
} else {
if (proxy_mode_) {
} else {
// If we are the origin, we do not have to pass through bytes
// if we aren't rewriting --- the caller is expected to fall back to
// the server's native method if FetchInPlaceResource fails.
// It turns out that passing through HTML bytes in particular can
// lead to deadlock with MPS + memcached due to blocking property cache
// lookups getting invoked in a call chain off cache hits, which wedges
// the CacheBatcher thread. So, to avoid this we get out of the way
// of things we don't rewrite here, which includes HTML.
// Note that since that can lead to the fetch we are chained to being
// deleted, we have to detach the header objects from the parent
// fetch, since the CacheUrlAsyncFetcher will still be trying to write
// to us.
streaming_ = false;
// If we cannot rewrite in-place, we should not serve a 200/OK. Serve
// kNotInCacheStatus instead to fall back to the server's native method of
// serving the url and indicate we do want it recorded.
if (!response_headers()->IsErrorStatus()) {
void RecordingFetch::FreeDriver() {
// This cleans up the context and frees the driver. Leaving this context
// around causes problems in the html flow in particular.
bool RecordingFetch::ShouldStream() const {
return !(can_in_place_rewrite_ &&
bool RecordingFetch::HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content,
MessageHandler* handler) {
bool result = true;
if (streaming_) {
result = SharedAsyncFetch::HandleWrite(content, handler);
if (can_in_place_rewrite_) {
if (cache_value_writer_.CanCacheContent(content)) {
result &= cache_value_writer_.Write(content, handler);
} else {
// Cannot in-place rewrite a resource which is too big to fit in cache.
// TODO(jkarlin): Do we make note that the resource was too big so that
// we don't try to cache it later? Test and fix if not.
can_in_place_rewrite_ = false;
if (!streaming_) {
// We need to start streaming now so write out what we've cached so far.
streaming_ = true;
StringPiece cache_contents;
set_content_length(cache_contents.size() + content.size());
SharedAsyncFetch::HandleWrite(cache_contents, handler);
SharedAsyncFetch::HandleWrite(content, handler);
return result;
bool RecordingFetch::HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler) {
if (streaming_) {
return SharedAsyncFetch::HandleFlush(handler);
return true;
void RecordingFetch::HandleDone(bool success) {
if (success && can_in_place_rewrite_ && resource_->UseHttpCache()) {
// Extract X-Original-Content-Length from the response headers, which may
// have been added by the fetcher, and set it in the Resource. This will
// be used to build the X-Original-Content-Length for rewrites.
const char* original_content_length_hdr = extra_response_headers()->Lookup1(
int64 ocl;
if (original_content_length_hdr != NULL &&
StringToInt64(original_content_length_hdr, &ocl)) {
// Now finalize the headers.
if (streaming_) {
if (success && can_in_place_rewrite_) {
if (resource_->UseHttpCache()) {
// Note, if !UseHttpCache() then the value will already be populated.
// See InPlaceRewriteContext::StartFetchReconstruction.
resource_->Link(&cache_value_, handler_);
} else {
if (streaming_) {
if (streaming_) {
delete this;
bool RecordingFetch::CanInPlaceRewrite() {
// We are rewriting only 200 responses.
if (response_headers()->status_code() != HttpStatus::kOK) {
return false;
const ContentType* type = response_headers()->DetermineContentType();
if (type == NULL) {
VLOG(2) << "CanInPlaceRewrite false. Content-Type is not defined. Url: "
<< resource_->url();
return false;
// Note that this only checks the length, not the caching headers; the
// latter are checked in IsProxyCacheable.
if (!cache_value_writer_.CheckCanCacheElseClear(response_headers())) {
return false;
if (type->type() == ContentType::kCss ||
type->IsJs() ||
type->IsImage()) {
RewriteDriver* driver = context_->Driver();
HTTPCache* const cache = driver->server_context()->http_cache();
if (response_headers()->IsProxyCacheable(
ResponseHeaders::kNoValidator) &&
!cache->IsExpired(*response_headers())) {
return true;
} else if (context_->rewrite_uncacheable()) {
return true;
VLOG(2) << "CanInPlaceRewrite false, since J/I/C resource is not cacheable."
<< " Url: " << resource_->url();
return false;
InPlaceRewriteContext::InPlaceRewriteContext(RewriteDriver* driver,
const StringPiece& url)
: SingleRewriteContext(driver, NULL, new ResourceContext),
url_(, url.size()),
proxy_mode_(true) {
const RewriteOptions* options = Options();
options->rewrite_uncacheable_resources() &&
InPlaceRewriteContext::~InPlaceRewriteContext() {}
void InPlaceRewriteContext::InitStats(Statistics* statistics) {
int64 InPlaceRewriteContext::GetRewriteDeadlineAlarmMs() const {
if (Options()->in_place_wait_for_optimized()) {
return Driver()->options()->in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms();
return RewriteContext::GetRewriteDeadlineAlarmMs();
void InPlaceRewriteContext::Harvest() {
if (num_nested() == 1) {
RewriteContext* const nested_context = nested(0);
if (nested_context->num_slots() == 1 && num_output_partitions() == 1 &&
nested_context->slot(0)->was_optimized()) {
ResourcePtr nested_resource = nested_context->slot(0)->resource();
CachedResult* partition = output_partition(0);
CachedResult* nested_partition = nested_context->output_partition(0);
VLOG(1) << "In-place rewrite succeeded for " << url_
<< " and the rewritten resource is "
<< nested_resource->url();
CHECK(nested_partition != NULL);
// TODO(jmaessen): Does any more state need to find its way into the
// enclosing CachedResult from the nested one?
if (nested_partition->has_optimized_image_type()) {
if (partitions()->other_dependency_size() == 1) {
// If there is only one other dependency, then the InputInfo is
// already covered in the first partition. We're clearing this here
// since freshens only update the partitions and not the other
// dependencies.
if (!FetchContextDetached() &&
Options()->in_place_wait_for_optimized()) {
// If we're waiting for the optimized version before responding,
// prepare the output here. Most of this is translated from
// RewriteContext::FetchContext::FetchDone
Writer* writer = output_resource_->BeginWrite(
is_rewritten_ = true;
// EndWrite updated the hash in output_resource_.
// Use the most conservative Cache-Control considering the input.
// TODO(jkarlin): Is ApplyInputCacheControl needed here?
ResourceVector rv(1, input_resource_);
rv, output_resource_->response_headers());
RewriteDone(kRewriteOk, 0);
VLOG(1) << "In-place rewrite failed for " << url_;
RewriteDone(kRewriteFailed, 0);
void InPlaceRewriteContext::FetchTryFallback(const GoogleString& url,
const StringPiece& hash) {
const char* request_etag = async_fetch()->request_headers()->Lookup1(
if (request_etag != NULL && !hash.empty() &&
(HTTPCache::FormatEtag(StrCat(id(), "-", hash)) == request_etag)) {
// Serve out a 304.
} else {
if (url == url_) {
// If the fallback url is the same as the original url, no rewriting is
// happening.
is_rewritten_ = false;
// TODO(nikhilmadan): RewriteContext::FetchTryFallback is going to look up
// the cache. The fetcher may also do so. Should we just call
// StartFetchReconstruction() here instead?
} else {
// Save the hash of the resource.
rewritten_hash_ = hash.as_string();
RewriteContext::FetchTryFallback(url, hash);
void InPlaceRewriteContext::FixFetchFallbackHeaders(
const CachedResult& cached_result, ResponseHeaders* headers) {
if (is_rewritten_) {
if (!rewritten_hash_.empty()) {
headers->Replace(HttpAttributes::kEtag, HTTPCache::FormatEtag(StrCat(
id(), "-", rewritten_hash_)));
int64 expire_at_ms = kint64max;
int64 date_ms = kint64max;
if (partitions()->other_dependency_size() > 0) {
UpdateDateAndExpiry(partitions()->other_dependency(), &date_ms,
} else {
UpdateDateAndExpiry(output_partition(0)->input(), &date_ms,
int64 now_ms = FindServerContext()->timer()->NowMs();
if (expire_at_ms == kint64max) {
// If expire_at_ms is not set, set the cache ttl to the implicit ttl value
// specified in the response headers.
expire_at_ms = now_ms + headers->implicit_cache_ttl_ms();
} else if (stale_rewrite()) {
// If we are serving a stale rewrite, set the cache ttl to the minimum of
// the implicit cache TTL and the original ttl.
// TODO(matterbury): Consider a better way to handle stale resources.
// Let's say that we get some requests over time for a resource:
// 1. At 00:00:00 we get a request and the resource has a TTL of 10:00.
// We will return it with a max-age of 600 (10 minutes).
// 2. At 00:09:00 we get a request for the same resource.
// We will return it with a max-age of 60 (1 minute) because of the
// 'expire_at_ms - now_ms' below as we don't trigger either condition
// that changes expire_at_ms.
// 3. At 00:11:00 we get a request for the same resource.
// It is now stale because its max age has expired but it's still
// within the options()->metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms(), or
// so we shall assume.
// In this case, we need to pick a reasonable max age. One possibility is
// "however much of the cache_staleness_threshold is left", but what do
// we do if that's none?
// Currently we set it as the lesser of our implicit cache TTL and the
// original resource's TTL since that seems to be a reasonable value.
expire_at_ms = now_ms + std::min(headers->implicit_cache_ttl_ms(),
expire_at_ms - date_ms);
headers->SetDateAndCaching(now_ms, expire_at_ms - now_ms);
AddVaryIfRequired(cached_result, headers);
RemoveRedundantRelCanonicalHeader(cached_result, headers);
void InPlaceRewriteContext::RemoveRedundantRelCanonicalHeader(
const CachedResult& cached_result, ResponseHeaders* headers) {
headers->Remove(HttpAttributes::kLink, RelCanonicalHeaderValue(url_));
void InPlaceRewriteContext::UpdateDateAndExpiry(
const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<InputInfo>& inputs,
int64* date_ms,
int64* expire_at_ms) {
for (int j = 0, m = inputs.size(); j < m; ++j) {
const InputInfo& dependency = inputs.Get(j);
if (dependency.has_expiration_time_ms() && dependency.has_date_ms()) {
*date_ms = std::min(*date_ms, dependency.date_ms());
*expire_at_ms = std::min(*expire_at_ms, dependency.expiration_time_ms());
void InPlaceRewriteContext::FetchCallbackDone(bool success) {
if (is_rewritten_ && num_output_partitions() == 1) {
// In-place rewrites always have a single output partition.
// Freshen the resource if possible. Note that since is_rewritten_ is true,
// we got a metadata cache hit and a hit on the rewritten resource in cache.
// TODO(nikhilmadan): Freshening is broken for inplace rewrites on css,
// since we don't update the other dependencies.
RewriteFilter* InPlaceRewriteContext::GetRewriteFilter(
const ContentType& type) {
const RewriteOptions* options = Driver()->options();
if (type.type() == ContentType::kCss &&
options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRewriteCss)) {
return Driver()->FindFilter(RewriteOptions::kCssFilterId);
if (type.IsJs() &&
options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRewriteJavascriptExternal)) {
return Driver()->FindFilter(RewriteOptions::kJavascriptMinId);
if (type.IsImage() && options->ImageOptimizationEnabled()) {
// TODO(nikhilmadan): This converts one image format to another. We
// shouldn't do inter-conversion since we can't change the file extension.
return Driver()->FindFilter(RewriteOptions::kImageCompressionId);
return NULL;
void InPlaceRewriteContext::RewriteSingle(const ResourcePtr& input,
const OutputResourcePtr& output) {
input_resource_ = input;
output_resource_ = output;
if (input->type() != NULL && input->IsSafeToRewrite(rewrite_uncacheable())) {
const ContentType* type = input->type();
RewriteFilter* filter = GetRewriteFilter(*type);
if (filter != NULL) {
ResourceSlotPtr in_place_slot(
new InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot(slot(0)->resource()));
RewriteContext* context = filter->MakeNestedRewriteContext(
this, in_place_slot);
if (context != NULL) {
// Propagate the uncacheable resource rewriting settings.
if (!is_rewritten_ && !rewritten_hash_.empty()) {
// The in-place metadata was found but the rewritten resource is not.
// Hence, make the nested rewrite skip the metadata and force a
// rewrite.
} else if (Options()->in_place_wait_for_optimized()) {
// The nested rewrite might just return a URL and not the content
// unless we set this. This would happen if another rewriter just
// wrote the optimized version to cache (race condition).
// TODO(jkarlin): Instead of forcing a rewrite we could check the
// cache.
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Filter (" << filter->id() << ") does not support "
<< "nested contexts.";
// Give up on the rewrite.
RewriteDone(kRewriteFailed, 0);
// TODO(nikhilmadan): If the resource is not cacheable, cache this in the
// metadata so that the fetcher can skip reading from the cache.
bool InPlaceRewriteContext::DecodeFetchUrls(
const OutputResourcePtr& output_resource,
MessageHandler* message_handler,
GoogleUrlStarVector* url_vector) {
GoogleUrl* url = new GoogleUrl(url_);
return true;
namespace {
// Callback class used to asynchronously load a non-http resource into
// a RecordingFetch. There are two types of non-http resources in
// this context: FileInputResource and DataUrlInputResource, but our
// concern for now is FileInputResource. We do not want to use the
// HTTPCache for such input resources, so the code is forked where
// this is constructed.
// TODO(jmarantz): I think we should consider whether it makes sense
// to use CacheFetcher for this; it might make more sense to put
// the decision to use the HTTPCache into UrlInputResource, and
// then this callback would be used in all flows.
class NonHttpResourceCallback : public Resource::AsyncCallback {
NonHttpResourceCallback(const ResourcePtr& resource,
bool proxy_mode,
RewriteContext* context,
RecordingFetch* fetch,
MessageHandler* handler)
: AsyncCallback(resource),
message_handler_(handler) {
virtual void Done(bool lock_failure, bool resource_ok) {
if (!lock_failure && resource_ok) {
} else {
// TODO(jmarantz): If we're in proxy mode, we must always
// produce the result. If we're in origin mode, it's OK to fail.
// But we'll never use load-from-file when acting as a proxy.
// It would be better to enforce that formally.
// TODO(jmarantz): We might have to pass stuff through even on lock
// failure. Consider the error cases.
DCHECK(!proxy_mode_) << "Failed to fetch url: " << resource()->url();
delete this;
bool proxy_mode_;
RewriteContext* context_;
RecordingFetch* async_fetch_;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
} // namespace
void InPlaceRewriteContext::StartFetchReconstruction() {
// The in-place metadata or the rewritten resource was not found in cache.
// Fetch the original resource and trigger an asynchronous rewrite.
if (num_slots() == 1) {
ResourcePtr resource(slot(0)->resource());
// If we get here, the resource must not have been rewritten.
is_rewritten_ = false;
RecordingFetch* fetch =
new RecordingFetch(proxy_mode_, async_fetch(), resource, this,
if (resource->UseHttpCache()) {
if (proxy_mode_) {
// Since we are proxying resources to user, we want to fetch it even
// if there is a kRecentFetchNotCacheable message in the cache.
} else {
// Since we are not proxying resources to user, we can respect
// kRecentFetchNotCacheable messages.
cache_fetcher_->Fetch(url_, fetch_message_handler(), fetch);
} else {
ServerContext* server_context = resource->server_context();
MessageHandler* handler = server_context->message_handler();
NonHttpResourceCallback* callback = new NonHttpResourceCallback(
resource, proxy_mode_, this, fetch, handler);
Driver()->request_context(), callback);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected one resource slot, but found " << num_slots()
<< ".";
delete this;
void InPlaceRewriteContext::StartFetchReconstructionParent() {
bool InPlaceRewriteContext::InPlaceOptimizeForBrowserEnabled() const {
return Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kInPlaceOptimizeForBrowser) &&
// TODO(jmaessen): Sharpen this up. Mark CSS vary:User-Agent because it doesn't
// see the Accept:image/webp header; we can skip this if all its images will be
// IPRO'd. We don't need to mark non-webp-eligible images, which may require
// some fiddly options checking. We need to treat webp lossless differently, so
// we can't just look at the extension and content type; right now we just
// disable lossless.
void InPlaceRewriteContext::AddVaryIfRequired(
const CachedResult& cached_result, ResponseHeaders* headers) const {
if (!InPlaceOptimizeForBrowserEnabled() || num_output_partitions() != 1) {
// No browser-dependent rewrites => no need for vary
const ContentType* type = headers->DetermineContentType();
// Returns true if we may return different rewritten content based
// on the user agent.
GoogleString new_vary;
bool depends_on_save_data = false;
if (type->IsImage()) {
ImageType image_type =
const RequestProperties& request_properties =
if (ImageUrlEncoder::AllowVaryOnUserAgent(*Options(), request_properties) &&
(image_type != IMAGE_UNKNOWN) &&
(Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertJpegToWebp) ||
Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpLossless) ||
Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpAnimated) ||
Options()->HasValidSmallScreenQualities())) {
// If we are allowed to vary on user-agent and the image has been
// successfully optimized, we need to add "vary: user-agent", since
// we might have used user-agent for determining image format and/or
// quality.
new_vary = HttpAttributes::kUserAgent;
} else if (ImageUrlEncoder::AllowVaryOnAccept(*Options(),
request_properties) &&
(image_type == IMAGE_JPEG || image_type == IMAGE_WEBP) &&
Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertJpegToWebp)) {
// If we are allowed to vary on Accept header and the image has been
// successfully optimized to lossy format, we need to add "vary: accept",
// since we might have used the Accept header for determining image
// quality and whether WebP lossy could be used.
new_vary = HttpAttributes::kAccept;
depends_on_save_data =
(image_type == IMAGE_JPEG) || (image_type == IMAGE_WEBP) ||
(image_type == IMAGE_WEBP_ANIMATED);
} else if (type->IsCss()) {
// If it's CSS, constituent images can be rewritten in a UA-dependent
// manner. But we don't necessarily see Accept:image/webp on the request,
// so we must Vary: User-Agent.
if (Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRewriteCss) &&
(Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertJpegToWebp) ||
Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpAnimated) ||
Options()->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpLossless))) {
new_vary = HttpAttributes::kUserAgent;
depends_on_save_data = true;
// If Save-Data is allowed, add it to the Vary header.
if (depends_on_save_data && Options()->SupportSaveData()) {
if (!new_vary.empty()) {
new_vary += ",";
new_vary += HttpAttributes::kSaveData;
if (new_vary.empty()) {
if (Options()->private_not_vary_for_ie() &&
Driver()->user_agent_matcher()->IsIe(Driver()->user_agent())) {
// IE stores Vary: Accept resources in its cache, but must revalidate them
// every single time they're fetched (except for older IE, which doesn't
// cache them at all). To avoid the re-validation cost (which imposes load
// on the server unless a proxy cache deals with it) we by default serve
// these resource cache-control: private to IE. This will invalidate all
// Vary: capable proxy caches along the way, though. In practice this is
// usually not be a big deal: few proxies handle Vary: Accept, though some
// CDNs do, and none we've heard of handle Vary: User-Agent without special
// configuration.
headers->Add(HttpAttributes::kCacheControl, HttpAttributes::kPrivate);
ConstStringStarVector varies;
if (headers->Lookup(HttpAttributes::kVary, &varies)) {
// Need to add to the existing Vary header. But first, check that the vary
// header doesn't already encompass new_vary.
for (int i = 0, s = varies.size(); i < s; ++i) {
StringPiece vary(*varies[i]);
if (StringPiece("*") == vary ||
StringCaseEqual(HttpAttributes::kUserAgent, vary) ||
(type->IsImage() &&
StringCaseEqual(HttpAttributes::kAccept, vary))) {
// Current Vary: header captures necessary vary information.
headers->Add(HttpAttributes::kVary, new_vary);
GoogleString InPlaceRewriteContext::UserAgentCacheKey(
const ResourceContext* resource_context) const {
if (InPlaceOptimizeForBrowserEnabled() && resource_context != NULL) {
return ImageUrlEncoder::CacheKeyFromResourceContext(*resource_context);
return "";
// We risk intentionally increasing metadata cache fragmentation when request
// URL extensions are wrong or inconclusive.
// For a known extension, we optimistically think it tells us the
// correct resource type like image, css, etc. For images, we don't care about
// the actual image format (JPEG or PNG, for example). If the type derived
// from extension is wrong, we either lose the opportunity to optimize the
// resource based on user agent context (e.g., an image with .txt extension)
// or fragment the metadata cache unnecessarily (e.g., an HTML with .png
// extension)
// In case of an unknown extension or no extension in the URL, we encode
// all supported user agent capacities so that it will work for both image and
// CSS at the cost of unnecessary fragmentation of metadata cache.
void InPlaceRewriteContext::EncodeUserAgentIntoResourceContext(
ResourceContext* context) {
if (!InPlaceOptimizeForBrowserEnabled()) {
// TODO(jmaessen): filter->EncodeUserAgentIntoResourceContext(context)
// actually calls the same method twice here. In both cases we are also
// dealing with possible mobile user agents,
// which requires a different set of vary: headers.
const ContentType* type = NameExtensionToContentType(url_);
if (type == NULL) {
// Get ImageRewriteFilter with any image type.
RewriteFilter* filter = GetRewriteFilter(kContentTypeJpeg);
if (filter != NULL) {
filter = GetRewriteFilter(kContentTypeCss);
if (filter != NULL) {
} else if (type->IsImage() || type->IsCss()) {
RewriteFilter* filter = GetRewriteFilter(*type);
if (filter != NULL) {
// In IPRO, we cannot use mobile quality if we're not allowed to vary on
// user agent.
const bool vary_on_user_agent =
if (!vary_on_user_agent) {
// In IPRO, if we are not allowed to vary on user agent:
// - if we are still allowed to vary on accept, we can use lossy format
// - if we are not allowed to vary on accept, we cannot use any WebP format.
if (!vary_on_user_agent) {
if (ImageUrlEncoder::AllowVaryOnAccept(*Driver()->options(),
*Driver()->request_properties())) {
if (context->libwebp_level() != ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_NONE) {
} else {
} // namespace net_instaweb