blob: 08047a160d9b2c64a872fa3b00e85e6c86f962bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jan Maessen)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/image_url_encoder.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/cached_result.pb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/request_properties.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_namer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/url_escaper.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const char kCodeSeparator = 'x';
const char kCodeWebpLossy = 'w'; // for decoding legacy URLs.
const char kCodeWebpLossyLosslessAlpha = 'v'; // for decoding legacy URLs.
const char kCodeMobileUserAgent = 'm'; // for decoding legacy URLs.
const char kMissingDimension = 'N';
// Constants for UserAgent cache key entries.
const char kWebpLossyUserAgentKey[] = "w";
const char kWebpLossyLossLessAlphaUserAgentKey[] = "v";
const char kWebpAnimatedUserAgentKey[] = "a";
// This used to not have a separate key, but we mixed up animated and it
// at one point, so this is now here to force a flush.
const char kWebpNoneUserAgentKey[] = ".";
const char kMobileUserAgentKey[] = "m";
const char kSaveDataKey[] = "d";
const char kSmallScreenKey[] = "ss";
bool IsValidCode(char code) {
return ((code == kCodeSeparator) ||
(code == kCodeWebpLossy) ||
(code == kCodeWebpLossyLosslessAlpha) ||
(code == kCodeMobileUserAgent));
// Decodes a single dimension (either N or an integer), removing it from *in and
// ensuring at least one character remains. Returns true on success. When N is
// seen, *has_dimension is set to true. If decoding fails, *ok is set to false.
// Ensures that *in contains at least one character on exit.
uint32 DecodeDimension(StringPiece* in, bool* ok, bool* has_dimension) {
uint32 result = 0;
if (in->size() < 2) {
*ok = false;
*has_dimension = false;
} else if ((*in)[0] == kMissingDimension) {
// Dimension is absent.
*ok = true;
*has_dimension = false;
} else {
*ok = false;
*has_dimension = true;
while (in->size() >= 2 && AccumulateDecimalValue((*in)[0], &result)) {
*ok = true;
return result;
} // namespace
ImageUrlEncoder::~ImageUrlEncoder() { }
void ImageUrlEncoder::Encode(const StringVector& urls,
const ResourceContext* data,
GoogleString* rewritten_url) const {
DCHECK(data != NULL) << "null data passed to ImageUrlEncoder::Encode";
DCHECK_EQ(1U, urls.size());
if (data != NULL) {
if (HasDimension(*data)) {
const ImageDim& dims = data->desired_image_dims();
if (dims.has_width()) {
} else {
if (dims.has_height()) {
StringPiece(&kCodeSeparator, 1),
} else {
StringPiece(&kCodeSeparator, 1),
StringPiece(&kMissingDimension, 1));
UrlEscaper::EncodeToUrlSegment(urls[0], rewritten_url);
namespace {
// Stateless helper function for ImageUrlEncoder::Decode.
// Removes read dimensions from remaining, sets dims and returns true if
// dimensions are correctly parsed, returns false and leaves dims untouched on
// parse failure.
bool DecodeImageDimensions(StringPiece* remaining, ImageDim* dims) {
if (remaining->size() < 4) {
// url too short to hold dimensions.
return false;
bool ok, has_width, has_height;
uint32 width = DecodeDimension(remaining, &ok, &has_width);
if (!ok || ((*remaining)[0] != kCodeSeparator)) { // And check the separator
return false;
// Consume the separator
uint32 height = DecodeDimension(remaining, &ok, &has_height);
if (remaining->size() < 1 || !ok) {
return false;
if (!IsValidCode((*remaining)[0])) { // And check the terminator
return false;
// Parsed successfully.
// Now store the dimensions that were present.
if (has_width) {
if (has_height) {
} else if (!has_width) {
// Both dimensions are missing! NxN[xw] is not allowed, as it's ambiguous
// with the shorter encoding. We should never get here in real life.
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// The generic Decode interface is supplied so that
// RewriteContext and/or RewriteDriver can decode any
// ResourceNamer::name() field and find the set of URLs that are
// referenced.
bool ImageUrlEncoder::Decode(const StringPiece& encoded,
StringVector* urls,
ResourceContext* data,
MessageHandler* handler) const {
if (encoded.empty()) {
return false;
ImageDim* dims = data->mutable_desired_image_dims();
// Note that "remaining" is shortened from the left as we parse.
StringPiece remaining(encoded);
char terminator = remaining[0];
if (IsValidCode(terminator)) {
// No dimensions. x... or w... or mx... or mw...
// Do nothing.
} else if (DecodeImageDimensions(&remaining, dims)) {
// We've parsed the dimensions and they've been stripped from remaining.
// Now set terminator properly.
terminator = remaining[0];
} else {
return false;
// Remove the terminator
// Set mobile user agent & set webp only if its a legacy encoding.
if (terminator == kCodeMobileUserAgent) {
// There must be a final kCodeWebpLossy,
// kCodeWebpLossyLosslessAlpha, or kCodeSeparator. Otherwise,
// invalid.
// Check and strip it.
if (remaining.empty()) {
return false;
terminator = remaining[0];
if (terminator != kCodeWebpLossy &&
terminator != kCodeWebpLossyLosslessAlpha &&
terminator != kCodeSeparator) {
return false;
// Following terminator check is for Legacy Url Encoding.
// If it's a legacy "x" encoding, we don't overwrite the libwebp_level.
// Example: if a webp-capable UA requested a legacy "x"-encoded url, we would
// wind up with a ResourceContext specifying a different webp-version of the
// original resourcem, but at least it's safe to send that to the UA,
// since we know it can handle it.
// In case it doesn't hit either of the following two conditions,
// the libwebp level is taken as the one set previously. This will happen
// mostly when the url is a Non-Legacy encoded one.
if (terminator == kCodeWebpLossy) {
} else if (terminator == kCodeWebpLossyLosslessAlpha) {
GoogleString* url = StringVectorAdd(urls);
if (UrlEscaper::DecodeFromUrlSegment(remaining, url)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void ImageUrlEncoder::SetLibWebpLevel(
const RewriteOptions& options,
const RequestProperties& request_properties,
ResourceContext* resource_context) {
ResourceContext::LibWebpLevel libwebp_level = ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_NONE;
// We do enabled checks before Setting the Webp Level, since it avoids writing
// two metadata cache keys for same output if webp rewriting is disabled.
if (request_properties.SupportsWebpAnimated() &&
(options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRecompressWebp) ||
options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpAnimated))) {
libwebp_level = ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_ANIMATED;
} else if (request_properties.SupportsWebpLosslessAlpha() &&
(options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRecompressWebp) ||
options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpLossless))) {
libwebp_level = ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_LOSSY_LOSSLESS_ALPHA;
} else if (request_properties.SupportsWebpRewrittenUrls() &&
(options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kRecompressWebp) ||
options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertToWebpLossless) ||
options.Enabled(RewriteOptions::kConvertJpegToWebp))) {
libwebp_level = ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_LOSSY_ONLY;
bool ImageUrlEncoder::IsWebpRewrittenUrl(const GoogleUrl& gurl) {
ResourceNamer namer;
if (!namer.DecodeIgnoreHashAndSignature(gurl.LeafSansQuery())) {
return false;
// We only convert images to WebP whose URLs were created by
// ImageRewriteFilter, whose ID is "ic". Note that this code will
// not ordinarily be awakened for other filters (notabley .ce.) but
// is left in for paranoia in case this code is live for some path
// of in-place resource optimization of cache-extended images.
if ( != RewriteOptions::kImageCompressionId) {
return false;
StringPiece webp_extension_with_dot = kContentTypeWebp.file_extension();
return namer.ext() == webp_extension_with_dot.substr(1);
void ImageUrlEncoder::SetWebpAndMobileUserAgent(
const RewriteDriver& driver,
ResourceContext* context) {
const RewriteOptions* options = driver.options();
if (context == NULL) {
if (driver.options()->serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent() &&
!driver.fetch_url().empty() &&
IsWebpRewrittenUrl(driver.decoded_base_url())) {
// See
// which indicates that the latest versions of all browsers that support
// webp, support webp lossless as well.
} else {
SetLibWebpLevel(*options, *driver.request_properties(), context);
if (options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kDelayImages) &&
options->Enabled(RewriteOptions::kResizeMobileImages) &&
driver.request_properties()->IsMobile()) {
void ImageUrlEncoder::SetSmallScreen(const RewriteDriver& driver,
ResourceContext* context) {
// We used to do checking based on screen resolution, but we actually care
// about is physically small screens even if they're high-density.
driver.options()->HasValidSmallScreenQualities() &&
// Each image in lossless format may have up to 2 optimized versions
// (2 formats: Webp and GIF/PNG), while each image in lossy format may have up
// to 6 optimized versions (2 formats: WebP and JPEG; 3 qualities: Save-Data
// quality, mobile quality, and regular quality).
// mobile_user_agent, if applies, doubles the optimized versions. However,
// this flag is usually not effective.
GoogleString ImageUrlEncoder::CacheKeyFromResourceContext(
const ResourceContext& resource_context) {
GoogleString user_agent_cache_key = "";
switch (resource_context.libwebp_level()) {
case ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_NONE:
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kWebpNoneUserAgentKey);
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kWebpLossyLossLessAlphaUserAgentKey);
case ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_LOSSY_ONLY:
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kWebpLossyUserAgentKey);
case ResourceContext::LIBWEBP_ANIMATED:
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kWebpAnimatedUserAgentKey);
if (resource_context.mobile_user_agent()) {
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kMobileUserAgentKey);
// If the image will be compressed to a quality different than the regular
// one, add a key to cache. The quality for Save-Data has higher precedence
// than that for mobile, so does the key.
if (resource_context.may_use_save_data_quality()) {
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kSaveDataKey);
} else if (resource_context.may_use_small_screen_quality()) {
StrAppend(&user_agent_cache_key, kSmallScreenKey);
return user_agent_cache_key;
bool ImageUrlEncoder::AllowVaryOnUserAgent(
const RewriteOptions& options,
const RequestProperties& request_properties) {
return (options.AllowVaryOnUserAgent() ||
(options.AllowVaryOnAuto() && !request_properties.HasViaHeader()));
bool ImageUrlEncoder::AllowVaryOnAccept(
const RewriteOptions& options,
const RequestProperties& request_properties) {
return (options.AllowVaryOnAccept() ||
(options.AllowVaryOnAuto() && request_properties.HasViaHeader()));
} // namespace net_instaweb