blob: dd8edb6afc9a66d9b18ba503706bcd02a52b8461 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/css_tag_scanner.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/domain_rewrite_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/url_left_trim_filter.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "webutil/css/tostring.h"
namespace {
const char kTextCss[] = "text/css";
namespace net_instaweb {
CssTagScanner::Transformer::~Transformer() {
const char CssTagScanner::kStylesheet[] = "stylesheet";
const char CssTagScanner::kAlternate[] = "alternate";
const char CssTagScanner::kUriValue[] = "url(";
Transformer* transformer, MessageHandler* handler)
: transformer_(transformer), handler_(handler) {
bool CssTagScanner::ParseCssElement(
HtmlElement* element,
HtmlElement::Attribute** href,
const char** media,
StringPieceVector* nonstandard_attributes) {
*media = "";
*href = NULL;
if (element->keyword() != HtmlName::kLink) {
return false;
// We must have all attributes rel='stylesheet' href='name.css'; and if
// there is a type, it must be type='text/css'. These can be in any order.
HtmlElement::AttributeList* attrs = element->mutable_attributes();
bool has_href = false, has_rel_stylesheet = false;
for (HtmlElement::AttributeIterator i(attrs->begin());
i != attrs->end(); ++i) {
HtmlElement::Attribute& attr = *i;
switch (attr.keyword()) {
case HtmlName::kHref:
if (has_href || attr.decoding_error()) {
// Duplicate or undecipherable href.
return false;
*href = &attr;
has_href = true;
case HtmlName::kRel: {
StringPiece rel(attr.DecodedValueOrNull());
if (!StringCaseEqual(rel, kStylesheet)) {
// rel=something_else. Abort. Includes alternate stylesheets.
return false;
has_rel_stylesheet = true;
case HtmlName::kMedia:
*media = attr.DecodedValueOrNull();
if (*media == NULL) {
// No value (media rather than media=), or decoding error
return false;
case HtmlName::kType: {
// If we see this, it must be type=text/css. This attribute is not
// required.
StringPiece type(attr.DecodedValueOrNull());
if (!StringCaseEqual(type, kTextCss)) {
return false;
case HtmlName::kTitle:
case HtmlName::kDataPagespeedNoTransform:
case HtmlName::kPagespeedNoTransform:
// title= is here because it indicates a default stylesheet among
// alternatives. See:
// We don't alter a link for which data-pagespeed-no-transform is set.
return false;
// Other tags are assumed to be harmless noise; if that is not the case
// for a particular filter, it should be detected within that filter
// (examples: extra tags are rejected in css_combine_filter, but they're
// preserved by css_inline_filter).
if (nonstandard_attributes != NULL) {
// we require both 'href=...' and 'rel=stylesheet'.
return (has_rel_stylesheet && has_href);
namespace {
// Removes the first character from *in, and puts it into *c.
// Returns true if successful
inline bool PopFirst(StringPiece* in, char* c) {
if (!in->empty()) {
*c = (*in)[0];
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Since we handle incomplete input, in some cases we may not have enough of it
// available to accept or reject a construct --- in which case the routines
// will return kLexInterrupted.
enum LexResult {
// If in starts with expected, returns kLexYes and consumes it.
inline LexResult EatLiteral(CssTagScanner::InputPortion input_kind,
StringPiece expected, StringPiece* in) {
if (in->starts_with(expected)) {
return kLexYes;
if (input_kind == CssTagScanner::kInputIncludesEnd) {
return kLexNo;
if (in->size() >= expected.size()) {
return kLexNo;
// This is conservative: we may already see a difference at this point.
return kLexInterrupted;
// Extract string- or identifier-like content from CSS until reaching the
// given terminator (which will not be included in the output), handling simple
// escapes along the way. If is_string is true, will also permit escaped line
// continuations. Returns whether the content could be successfully extracted.
// *in is updated to have either the whole token or up to first clear error
// consumed.
LexResult CssExtractUntil(bool is_string,
CssTagScanner::InputPortion input_kind,
char term, StringPiece* in,
GoogleString* out, bool* found_term) {
*found_term = false;
StringPiece original_input = *in;
char c;
while (PopFirst(in, &c)) {
if (c == term) {
*found_term = true;
return kLexYes;
} else if (c == '\\') {
// See if it's an escape we recognize. We need to evaluate the
// escape since they will get escaped again on output.
// TODO(morlovich): handle hex escapes here as well. For now we just match
// the non-whitespace stuff we ourselves produce.
char escape_val;
if (PopFirst(in, &escape_val)) {
switch (escape_val) {
case ',':
case '\"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
case '(':
case ')':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\f':
// \ before newline in strings simply disappears; for everything
// else we fallthrough to below.
if (is_string) {
if (escape_val == '\r') {
// CR+LF.
EatLiteral(input_kind, "\n", in);
// We are in more than a bit of trouble here: we can't accurately
// parse everything (we don't have good enough encoding handling
// here to represent unicode, at least), and we can't just pass it
// through since GoogleUrl will turn \ into /, so we fail to match.
return kLexNo;
} else {
// We have \ but not what's afterwards.
if (input_kind == CssTagScanner::kInputIncludesEnd) {
// end of input -> this is messed up, not what we expect.
return kLexNo;
} else {
// \ may be continued on in next chunk. Will need to retry
// once it's available.
*in = original_input;
return kLexInterrupted;
} else {
if (!is_string && IsHtmlSpace(c)) {
// Whitespace is not generally permitted in url() payload, but can
// come before closing ).
for (int i = 0, n = in->size(); i < n; ++i) {
char ahead = (*in)[i];
// IsHtmlSpace is, in a pleasant surprise, also appropriate for CSS.
// (Don't worry, JS has a totally different idea of what's whitespace
// to keep things interesting).
if (IsHtmlSpace(ahead)) {
if (ahead == term) {
// Got closing character --- skip ahead to it, and accumulate
// whitespace.
StrAppend(out, in->substr(0, i));
} else {
// Some other character. Bail out.
*in = StringPiece(in->data() - 1, in->size() + 1);
return kLexYes;
} else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f') {
// Strings tokens can't have unescaped newlines, so we are done here.
// We do need to pop-back the line terminator, though.
// (Newlines in URL tokens are handed in the case above, with other
// whitespace).
*in = StringPiece(in->data() - 1, in->size() + 1);
} else {
// Normal character.
// We got to the end of *in without seeing a closing terminator.
if (input_kind == CssTagScanner::kInputDoesNotIncludeEnd) {
// This is a streaming parse and there may be more bytes coming in
// ==> one of them may be the closing terminator, so we don't know.
*in = original_input;
return kLexInterrupted;
// Lex as an unclosed literal, serialization will retain that, and we will
// let the browser's CSS parser's error recovery figure out what to do.
return kLexYes;
// Tries to extract a string from current position into out.
// If successful, *quote_out will contain its delimeter, and *found_term
// will say whether the trailing terminator was present.
LexResult CssExtractString(
CssTagScanner::InputPortion input_kind,
StringPiece* in, GoogleString* out,
char* quote_out, bool* found_term) {
if (in->starts_with("'")) {
*quote_out = '\'';
return CssExtractUntil(true, input_kind, '\'', in, out, found_term);
} else if (in->starts_with("\"")) {
*quote_out = '\"';
return CssExtractUntil(true, input_kind, '"', in, out, found_term);
} else {
if (in->empty() && input_kind == CssTagScanner::kInputDoesNotIncludeEnd) {
// Empty chunk of streaming input -> can't tell if string or not?
return kLexInterrupted;
return kLexNo;
bool WriteRange(const char* out_begin, const char* out_end,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* handler) {
if (out_end > out_begin) {
return writer->Write(StringPiece(out_begin, out_end - out_begin), handler);
} else {
return true;
} // namespace
void CssTagScanner::SerializeUrlUse(
UrlKind kind, const GoogleString& url,
bool is_quoted, bool have_term_quote, char quote,
bool have_term_paren,
Writer* writer, bool* ok) {
DCHECK(kind != kNone);
if (kind == kImport) {
*ok = *ok && writer->Write("@import ", handler_);
} else {
*ok = *ok && writer->Write("url(", handler_);
if (is_quoted) {
*ok = *ok && writer->Write(StringPiece(&quote, 1), handler_);
*ok = *ok && writer->Write(Css::EscapeUrl(url), handler_);
if (have_term_quote) {
*ok = *ok && writer->Write(StringPiece(&quote, 1), handler_);
if (have_term_paren) {
*ok = *ok && writer->Write(")", handler_);
bool CssTagScanner::TransformUrlsStreaming(
StringPiece contents, CssTagScanner::InputPortion input_portion,
Writer* writer) {
bool ok = true;
GoogleString concat_buffer;
if (!reparse_.empty()) {
concat_buffer = StrCat(reparse_, contents);
contents = concat_buffer;
// Keeps track of which portion of input we should write out in
// the next output batch. This an iterator-style interval, i.e.
// [out_begin, out_end)
const char* out_begin =;
const char* out_end =;
char c;
GoogleString url;
// The difference between remaining and *reparse_out is that remaining is
// updated in the middle of processing, and is committed to *reparse_out only
// when an entire chunk has been understood. This means when we are streaming
// incrementally, unparsed can be retained until the next chunk.
StringPiece remaining = contents;
StringPiece reparse_candidate = remaining;
while (PopFirst(&remaining, &c)) {
UrlKind have_url = kNone;
bool is_quoted = false;
bool have_term_quote = false;
bool have_term_paren = false;
char quote = '?';
if (c == '@') {
// See if we are at an @import. We provisionally set an
// end point for batch write to exclude the @, so if we
// write out with transformed URL, we should start with
// @import.
switch (EatLiteral(input_portion, "import", &remaining)) {
case kLexYes: {
// The code here handles @import "foo" and @import 'foo';
// for @import url(... we simply pass the @import through and let
// the code that handles url( below take care of it.
LexResult url_argument =
CssExtractString(input_portion, &remaining, &url,
&quote, &have_term_quote);
if (url_argument == kLexYes) {
have_url = kImport;
is_quoted = true;
} else if (url_argument == kLexInterrupted) {
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
case kLexInterrupted:
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
case kLexNo:
} else if (c == 'u') {
// See if we are at url(. Also provisionally set an
// end point for batch write to exclude the u, so if we
// write out with transformed URL, we should start with
// url(
GoogleString wrapped_url;
switch (EatLiteral(input_portion, "rl(", &remaining)) {
case kLexYes: {
// Note if we have a quoted URL inside url(), it needs to be
// parsed as such.
LexResult quoted_url_argument =
CssExtractString(input_portion, &remaining, &url,
&quote, &have_term_quote);
if (quoted_url_argument == kLexYes) {
switch (EatLiteral(input_portion, ")", &remaining)) {
case kLexYes:
have_url = kUrl;
is_quoted = true;
have_term_paren = true;
case kLexInterrupted:
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
case kLexNo:
} else if (quoted_url_argument == kLexInterrupted) {
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
} else {
// No quoted argument.
LexResult unquoted_url_argument =
CssExtractUntil(false, input_portion, ')', &remaining,
&wrapped_url, &have_term_paren);
if (unquoted_url_argument == kLexYes) {
TrimWhitespace(wrapped_url, &url);
have_url = kUrl;
} else if (unquoted_url_argument == kLexInterrupted) {
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
case kLexInterrupted:
return ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
case kLexNo:
if (have_url != kNone) {
// See if we actually have to do something. If the transformer
// wants to leave the URL alone, we will just pass the bytes through.
switch (transformer_->Transform(&url)) {
case Transformer::kSuccess: {
// Write out the buffered up part of input.
ok = ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
SerializeUrlUse(have_url, url,
is_quoted, have_term_quote, quote,
writer, &ok);
// Begin accumulating input again starting from next byte.
out_begin =;
case Transformer::kFailure: {
// We could not transform URL, fail fast.
"Transform failed for url %s", url.c_str());
return false;
case Transformer::kNoChange: {
// points to the next byte to read, which is exactly
// right after the last byte we want to output.
out_end =;
reparse_candidate = remaining;
// Write out whatever got buffered at the end.
ok = ok && WriteRange(out_begin, out_end, writer, handler_);
return ok;
bool CssTagScanner::TransformUrls(
StringPiece contents, Writer* writer, Transformer* transformer,
MessageHandler* handler) {
CssTagScanner scanner(transformer, handler);
return scanner.TransformUrlsStreaming(contents, kInputIncludesEnd, writer);
bool CssTagScanner::HasImport(const StringPiece& contents,
MessageHandler* handler) {
// Search for case insensitive @import.
size_t pos = -1; // So that pos + 1 == 0 below.
const StringPiece kImport("import");
while ((pos = contents.find("@", pos + 1)) != StringPiece::npos) {
// Rest is everything past the @ (non-inclusive).
StringPiece rest = contents.substr(pos + 1);
if (StringCaseStartsWith(rest, kImport)) {
return true;
return false;
bool CssTagScanner::HasUrl(const StringPiece& contents) {
return (contents.find(CssTagScanner::kUriValue) != StringPiece::npos);
bool CssTagScanner::IsStylesheetOrAlternate(
const StringPiece& attribute_value) {
StringPieceVector values;
SplitStringPieceToVector(attribute_value, " ", &values, true);
for (int i = 0, n = values.size(); i < n; ++i) {
if (StringCaseEqual(values[i], kStylesheet)) {
return true;
return false;
bool CssTagScanner::IsAlternateStylesheet(const StringPiece& attribute_value) {
bool has_stylesheet = false;
bool has_alternate = false;
StringPieceVector values;
SplitStringPieceToVector(attribute_value, " ", &values, true);
for (int i = 0, n = values.size(); i < n; ++i) {
if (StringCaseEqual(values[i], kStylesheet)) {
has_stylesheet = true;
} else if (StringCaseEqual(values[i], kAlternate)) {
has_alternate = true;
return has_stylesheet && has_alternate;
const GoogleUrl* old_base_url, const GoogleUrl* new_base_url,
const ServerContext* server_context, const RewriteOptions* options,
MessageHandler* handler)
: old_base_url_(old_base_url), new_base_url_(new_base_url),
server_context_(server_context), options_(options),
handler_(handler), trim_urls_(true) {
RewriteDomainTransformer::~RewriteDomainTransformer() {
CssTagScanner::Transformer::TransformStatus RewriteDomainTransformer::Transform(
GoogleString* str) {
GoogleString rewritten; // Result of rewriting domain.
GoogleString out; // Result after trimming.
if (DomainRewriteFilter::Rewrite(
*str, *old_base_url_, server_context_,
true, /* apply_sharding */
true, /* apply_domain_suffix */
== DomainRewriteFilter::kFail) {
return kFailure;
// Note: Even if Rewrite() returned kDomainUnchanged, it will still absolutify
// the URL into rewritten. We may return kSuccess if that URL does not get
// re-trimmed to the original string.
// Note: Because of complications with sharding, we cannot trim
// sharded resources against the final sharded domain of the CSS file.
// Specifically, that final domain depends upon the precise text of that
// we are altering here.
if (!trim_urls_ ||
!UrlLeftTrimFilter::Trim(*new_base_url_, rewritten, &out, handler_)) {
// If we couldn't trim rewritten -> out, just copy it (swap is optimization)
if (out == *str) {
return kNoChange;
} else {
return kSuccess;
} // namespace net_instaweb