blob: cfdf280f269355d642d30cb0b015a328a8a16551 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Shawn Ligocki)
#include <map>
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/url_async_fetcher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_mutex.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AsyncFetch;
class MessageHandler;
class ThreadSystem;
class Timer;
// Simple UrlFetcher meant for tests, you can set responses for individual URLs.
// Meant only for testing.
class MockUrlFetcher : public UrlAsyncFetcher {
virtual ~MockUrlFetcher();
void SetResponse(const StringPiece& url,
const ResponseHeaders& response_header,
const StringPiece& response_body);
// Adds a new response-header attribute name/value pair to an existing
// response. If the response does not already exist, the method check-fails.
void AddToResponse(const StringPiece& url,
const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& value);
// Set a conditional response which will either respond with the supplied
// response_headers and response_body or a simple 304 Not Modified depending
// upon last_modified_time and conditional GET "If-Modified-Since" headers.
void SetConditionalResponse(const StringPiece& url,
int64 last_modified_date,
const GoogleString& etag,
const ResponseHeaders& response_header,
const StringPiece& response_body);
// Fetching unset URLs will cause EXPECT failures as well as Done(false).
virtual void Fetch(const GoogleString& url,
MessageHandler* message_handler,
AsyncFetch* fetch);
virtual bool SupportsHttps() const {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
return supports_https_;
void set_fetcher_supports_https(bool supports_https) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
supports_https_ = supports_https;
// Return the referer of this fetching request.
const GoogleString& last_referer() {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
return last_referer_;
// Indicates that the specified URL should respond with headers and data,
// but still return a 'false' status. This is similar to a live fetcher
// that times out or disconnects while streaming data.
// This differs from set_fail_after_headers in that it's specific to a
// URL, and writes the body first before returning failure.
void SetResponseFailure(const StringPiece& url);
// Clear all set responses.
void Clear();
// Remove a single response. Will be a no-op if no response was set for url.
void RemoveResponse(const StringPiece& url);
// When disabled, fetcher will fail (but not crash) for all requests.
// Use to simulate temporarily not having access to resources, for example.
void Disable() {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
enabled_ = false;
void Enable() {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
enabled_ = true;
// Set to false if you don't want the fetcher to EXPECT fail on unfound URL.
// Useful in MockUrlFetcher unittest :)
void set_fail_on_unexpected(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
fail_on_unexpected_ = x;
// Update response header's Date using supplied timer.
// Note: Must set_timer().
void set_update_date_headers(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
update_date_headers_ = x;
// If set to true (defaults to false) the fetcher will not emit writes of
// length 0.
void set_omit_empty_writes(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
omit_empty_writes_ = x;
// If set to true (defaults to false) the fetcher will fail after outputting
// the headers. See also SetResponseFailure which fails after writing
// the body.
void set_fail_after_headers(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
fail_after_headers_ = x;
// If set to true (defaults to false) the fetcher will verify that the Host:
// header is present, and matches the host/port of the requested URL.
void set_verify_host_header(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
verify_host_header_ = x;
void set_verify_pagespeed_header_off(bool x) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
verify_pagespeed_header_off_ = x;
void set_timer(Timer* timer) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
timer_ = timer;
// If true then each time the fetcher writes it will split the write in half
// and write each half separately. This is needed to test that Ajax's
// RecordingFetch caches writes properly and recovers from failure.
void set_split_writes(bool val) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
split_writes_ = val;
// If this is non-empty, we will write this out any time we report an error.
void set_error_message(const GoogleString& msg) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
error_message_ = msg;
void set_strip_query_params(bool strip_query_params) {
ScopedMutex lock(mutex_.get());
strip_query_params_ = strip_query_params;
class HttpResponse {
HttpResponse(int64 last_modified_time, const GoogleString& etag,
const ResponseHeaders& in_header, const StringPiece& in_body)
: last_modified_time_(last_modified_time),
body_(, in_body.size()),
success_(true) {
const int64 last_modified_time() const { return last_modified_time_; }
const GoogleString& etag() const { return etag_; }
const ResponseHeaders& header() const { return header_; }
ResponseHeaders* mutable_header() { return &header_; }
const GoogleString& body() const { return body_; }
void set_success(bool success) { success_ = success; }
bool success() const { return success_; }
int64 last_modified_time_;
GoogleString etag_;
ResponseHeaders header_;
GoogleString body_;
bool success_;
typedef std::map<const GoogleString, HttpResponse*> ResponseMap;
// Notes: response_map_ should be only changed during setup/teardown, and
// should not be considered thread-safe to change during fetching.
ResponseMap response_map_;
bool enabled_;
bool fail_on_unexpected_; // Should we EXPECT if unexpected url called?
bool update_date_headers_; // Should we update Date headers from timer?
bool omit_empty_writes_; // Should we call ->Write with length 0?
bool fail_after_headers_; // Should we call Done(false) after headers?
bool verify_host_header_; // Should we verify the Host: header?
bool verify_pagespeed_header_off_; // Verify PageSpeed:off in request?
bool split_writes_; // Should we turn one write into multiple?
bool supports_https_; // Should we claim HTTPS support?
bool strip_query_params_; // Should we strip query params before lookup?
GoogleString error_message_; // If non empty, we write out this on error
Timer* timer_; // Timer to use for updating header dates.
GoogleString last_referer_; // Referer string.
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem> thread_system_; // Thread system for mutex.
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_; // Mutex Protect.
} // namespace net_instaweb