blob: 1f45e08bf082089dbf9fa5eecec462d2296e2169 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Maks Orlovich)
// Helpers for classifying and caching various kinds of fetch failures.
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache_failure.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// Remember that a Fetch failed for 5 minutes by default.
// TODO(jmarantz): We could handle cc-private a little differently:
// in this case we could arguably remember it using the original cc-private ttl.
const int kRememberNotCacheableTtlSec = 300;
const int kRememberFetchFailedTtlSec = 300;
const int kRememberEmptyTtlSec = 300;
// We use an extremely low TTL for load-shed resources since we don't
// want this to get in the way of debugging, or letting a page with
// large numbers of refresh converge towards being fully optimized.
// Note if you bump this number too high, then
// RewriteContextTest.DropFetchesAndRecover cannot pass because we
// won't try fetches for dropped resources until after the rewrites
// for the successful fetches will expire. In system terms, that means
// that you can never complete rewrites for a page with so many resources
// that the initial round of fetches gets some dropped.
const int kRememberFetchDroppedTtlSec = 10;
} // namespace
HttpCacheFailurePolicy::HttpCacheFailurePolicy() {
// Set up compiled-in defaults.
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(ttl_sec_for_status); i < n; ++i) {
ttl_sec_for_status[i] = kRememberFetchFailedTtlSec;
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatusUncacheable200] = kRememberNotCacheableTtlSec;
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatusUncacheableError] =
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatus4xxError] = kRememberFetchFailedTtlSec;
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatusOtherError] = kRememberFetchFailedTtlSec;
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatusDropped] = kRememberFetchDroppedTtlSec;
ttl_sec_for_status[kFetchStatusEmpty] = kRememberEmptyTtlSec;
FetchResponseStatus HttpCacheFailure::ClassifyFailure(
const ResponseHeaders& headers,
StringPiece contents,
bool physical_fetch_success,
bool external_cacheable) {
FetchResponseStatus classification = kFetchStatusNotSet;
int status_code = headers.status_code();
if (physical_fetch_success && !headers.IsErrorStatus()) {
if (contents.empty() && !headers.IsRedirectStatus()) {
// Do not cache empty 200 responses, but remember that they were empty
// to avoid fetching too often.
classification = kFetchStatusEmpty;
} else if (!external_cacheable) {
classification = (status_code == 200 ? kFetchStatusUncacheable200
: kFetchStatusUncacheableError);
} else if (status_code == 200) {
classification = kFetchStatusOK;
} else {
// It's some failure, but it's not a 4xx, 5xx, nor cacheability...
classification = kFetchStatusOtherError;
} else {
// 4xx, 5xx, or physical failure (which includes load-shedding drops).
if (headers.Has(HttpAttributes::kXPsaLoadShed)) {
classification = kFetchStatusDropped;
} else if (status_code >= 400 && status_code < 500) {
classification = kFetchStatus4xxError;
} else {
classification = kFetchStatusOtherError;
DCHECK_NE(classification, kFetchStatusNotSet);
return classification;
bool HttpCacheFailure::IsFailureCachingStatus(HttpStatus::Code code) {
return (code >= HttpStatus::kRememberFailureRangeStart &&
code < HttpStatus::kRememberFailureRangeEnd);
FetchResponseStatus HttpCacheFailure::DecodeFailureCachingStatus(
HttpStatus::Code code) {
switch (code) {
case HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableAnd200StatusCode:
return kFetchStatusUncacheable200;
case HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableStatusCode:
return kFetchStatusUncacheableError;
case HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailed4xxCode:
return kFetchStatus4xxError;
case HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailedStatusCode:
return kFetchStatusOtherError;
case HttpStatus::kRememberDroppedStatusCode:
return kFetchStatusDropped;
case HttpStatus::kRememberEmptyStatusCode:
return kFetchStatusEmpty;
LOG(DFATAL) << "Decode unexpected failure status code:" << code;
return kFetchStatusNotSet;
HttpStatus::Code HttpCacheFailure::EncodeFailureCachingStatus(
FetchResponseStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case kFetchStatusUncacheable200:
return HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableAnd200StatusCode;
case kFetchStatusUncacheableError:
return HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableStatusCode;
case kFetchStatus4xxError:
return HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailed4xxCode;
case kFetchStatusOtherError:
return HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailedStatusCode;
case kFetchStatusDropped:
return HttpStatus::kRememberDroppedStatusCode;
case kFetchStatusEmpty:
return HttpStatus::kRememberEmptyStatusCode;
LOG(DFATAL) << "Encoded unexpected failure status:" << status;
return HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailedStatusCode;
} // namespace net_instaweb