blob: 8c6dd007aa2ace84f53de17bd2527bfc17570880 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>ForbidFilters test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mod_pagespeed_example/styles/all_styles.css">
<!-- This comment should not be deleted -->
<div class="blue yellow big bold">
<li>The quotes from the the link's rel above should not be removed.</li>
<li>The comment before the div should not be removed.</li>
<li>The whitespace in these bullet points should not be collapsed.</li>
<!-- This image will NOT be resized because we've forbidden that filter -->
<img src="/mod_pagespeed_example/images/Puzzle.jpg" width="256" height="192"
title="An 1023x766 image displayed in a 256x192 thumnbail."/>