blob: 6619d61a8d64dbfb2c79aa0b62ee899a63d3dd6c [file] [log] [blame]
Author: Maks Orlovich <>
Description: Build against system gflags
--- a/src/third_party/gflags/gflags.gyp
+++ b/src/third_party/gflags/gflags.gyp
@@ -13,66 +13,15 @@
# limitations under the License.
- 'variables': {
- 'gflags_root': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/gflags',
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="win"', {
- 'gflags_gen_arch_root': '<(gflags_root)/gen/win',
- }, {
- 'gflags_gen_arch_root': '<(gflags_root)/gen/posix',
- }],
- ],
- },
'targets': [
'target_name': 'gflags',
- 'type': 'static_library',
- 'include_dirs': [
- '<(gflags_gen_arch_root)/include/private', # For config.h
- '<(gflags_gen_arch_root)/include', # For configured files.
- '<(gflags_root)/src', # For everything else.
- ],
- 'defines': [
- # These macros exist so flags and symbols are properly
- # exported when building DLLs. Since we don't build DLLs, we
- # need to disable them.
- ],
- 'direct_dependent_settings': {
- 'include_dirs': [
- '<(gflags_gen_arch_root)/include', # For configured files.
- '<(gflags_root)/src', # For everything else.
- ],
- 'defines': [
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'all_dependent_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-lgflags',
- 'sources': [
- 'src/',
- 'src/',
- 'src/',
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="win"', {
- 'sources': [
- 'src/windows/',
- ],
- # Suppress warnings about WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN and size_t truncation.
- 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4005, 4267],
- }],
- # TODO(andrew): Look into fixing this warning upstream:
- #
- ['clang==1', {
- 'cflags!': ['-Wheader-hygiene',],
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'WARNING_CFLAGS!': ['-Wheader-hygiene',],
- },
- }],
- ],