blob: 261b46b4ac86b047500f4a3209c35b34518674c9 [file] [log] [blame]
Updating BoringSSL can sometimes be tricky!
Because sometimes the gypi file can change drastically upstream, we will
have to take the gypi file from chromium's trunk and modify the paths.
git clone
# Look up what boringssl commit to use
cat src/DEPS | grep "boringssl_revision':"
# edit our DEPS file to use that commit
# Now copy the build files
cat src/third_party/boringssl/boringssl.gypi \
| sed 's~src/~<(openssl_root)/~g' \
> $SERF_DIR/openssl.gypi
# You probably don't need to change the .gyp file, but that's a place to look
# if you get build errors.
# copy the assembly routines and err_data
cp src/third_party/boringssl/err_data.c $SERF_DIR/
for arch in linux-x86 linux-x86_64 mac-x86_64 mac-x86 win-x86 \
win-x86_64 linux-aarch64 linux-arm ; do
rm -rf $SERF_DIR/$arch/
cp -r src/third_party/boringssl/$arch $SERF_DIR/$arch/
Then run:
make gclient_update