blob: e52f5955a6e0a3544bfb328fbf925e22604f8392 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <set>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/copy_on_write.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class AbstractSharedMem;
class CacheInterface;
class FileCache;
class FileSystemLockManager;
class MessageHandler;
class NamedLockManager;
class PurgeContext;
class PurgeSet;
class RewriteDriverFactory;
class SharedMemLockManager;
class SlowWorker;
class SystemServerContext;
class SystemRewriteOptions;
// The SystemCachePath encapsulates a cache-sharing model where a user specifies
// a file-cache path per virtual-host. With each file-cache object we keep
// a locking mechanism and an optional per-process LRUCache.
class SystemCachePath {
// CacheStats prefixes.
static const char kFileCache[];
static const char kLruCache[];
SystemCachePath(const StringPiece& path,
const SystemRewriteOptions* config,
RewriteDriverFactory* factory,
AbstractSharedMem* shm_runtime);
// Computes a key suitable for building a map to help share common cache
// objects between vhosts. This key is given to the constructor as 'path'.
static GoogleString CachePath(SystemRewriteOptions* config);
// Per-process in-memory LRU, with any stats/thread safety wrappers, or NULL.
CacheInterface* lru_cache() { return lru_cache_; }
// Per-machine file cache with any stats wrappers.
CacheInterface* file_cache() { return file_cache_; }
// Access to backend for testing. Do not use this directly in production
// as it lacks statistics wrappers, etc.
FileCache* file_cache_backend() { return file_cache_backend_; }
NamedLockManager* lock_manager() { return lock_manager_; }
// See comments in SystemCaches for calling conventions on these.
void RootInit();
void ChildInit(SlowWorker* cache_clean_worker);
void GlobalCleanup(MessageHandler* handler); // only called in root process
// When there are multiple configurations which specify the same cache
// path, we must merge the other settings: the cleaning interval, size, and
// inode count.
void MergeConfig(const SystemRewriteOptions* config);
// Associates a ServerContext with this CachePath, enabling cache purges
// to propagate into the ServerContext's global options.
void AddServerContext(SystemServerContext* server_context);
// Disassociates a server context with this CachePath -- used on shutdown.
void RemoveServerContext(SystemServerContext* server_context);
// Entry-point for flushing the cache, either via the legacy method
// of "touch .../cache.flush" or the newer method of purging via
// /pagespeed_admin/cache?purge=... or a PURGE method, depending on whether
// the EnableCachePurge method is set.
void FlushCacheIfNecessary();
PurgeContext* purge_context() { return purge_context_.get(); }
typedef std::set<SystemServerContext*> ServerContextSet;
void FallBackToFileBasedLocking();
GoogleString LockManagerSegmentName() const;
// Merge a value taken from a config file against the value already
// initialized in a cache policy, reporting a Warning if they were
// explicitly set and have conflicting values. Whenever one of the
// values was taken from the options defaults, we select the explicit
// one without issuing a warning.
// For the interval, we take the minimum of the two values
// (take_larger==false), and for the sizes we take the larger
// (take_larger==true).
// If necessary, *policy_value is updated with the resolved value,
// which is computed from the old *policy_value and config_value.
// 'name' is used in a warning message printed whenever resolution was
// required.
void MergeEntries(int64 config_value, bool config_was_set,
bool take_larger,
const char* name,
int64* policy_value, bool* has_explicit_policy);
// Transmits cache-purge-set updates to all live server contexts.
void UpdateCachePurgeSet(const CopyOnWrite<PurgeSet>& purge_set);
GoogleString path_;
RewriteDriverFactory* factory_;
AbstractSharedMem* shm_runtime_;
scoped_ptr<SharedMemLockManager> shared_mem_lock_manager_;
scoped_ptr<FileSystemLockManager> file_system_lock_manager_;
NamedLockManager* lock_manager_;
FileCache* file_cache_backend_; // owned by file_cache_
CacheInterface* lru_cache_;
CacheInterface* file_cache_;
GoogleString cache_flush_filename_;
bool unplugged_;
bool enable_cache_purge_;
bool clean_interval_explicitly_set_;
bool clean_size_explicitly_set_;
bool clean_inode_limit_explicitly_set_;
scoped_ptr<PurgeContext> purge_context_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
ServerContextSet server_context_set_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// CACHE_STATISTICS is #ifdef'd to facilitate experiments with whether
// tracking the detailed stats & histograms has a QPS impact. Set it
// to 0 to turn it off.
} // namespace net_instaweb