blob: bc29105c2c0f4ed6366a5d6a3a7294a7344f2ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Mark Cogan)
#include <map>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest_prod.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/image_types.pb.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/logging/enums.pb.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/logging/logging_proto.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/logging/logging_proto_impl.h"
// TODO(gee): Hmm, this sort of sucks.
// If your .cc file needs to use the types declared in logging_proto.h,
// you must also include pagespeed/opt/logging/logging_proto_impl.h
// See that header file for an explanation of why this is necessary.
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class RequestTimingInfo;
// This class is a wrapper around a protobuf used to collect logging
// information. It also provides a simple aggregation mechanism for
// collecting the ids of applied rewriters.
// Care and feeding of log records:
// (1) All logging must be done through log records. No class should
// have static members of any logging proto class. Log records
// can either create the logging protos, or will take ownership of them.
// (2) All access and manipulation of log data must be guarded by the log
// record's mutex. Commonly repeated logging operations should be factored
// into functions in this class (and be so guarded therein).
// (3) In most cases, log records should be created and owned by request
// contexts.
// Subclasses may wrap some other type of protobuf; they must still provide
// access to a LoggingInfo instance, however.
class AbstractLogRecord {
// Construct a AbstractLogRecord with a new LoggingInfo proto and caller-
// supplied mutex. This class takes ownership of the mutex.
explicit AbstractLogRecord(AbstractMutex* mutex);
virtual ~AbstractLogRecord();
// For compatibility with older logging methods, returns a comma-joined string
// concatenating the sorted coalesced rewriter ids of APPLIED_OK entries in
// the rewriter_info array. Each id will appear once in the string if any
// number of successful rewrites for that id have been logged.
GoogleString AppliedRewritersString();
// Create a new rewriter logging submessage for |rewriter_id|, returning a
// pointer to it for later access. Note that this can return NULL if the
// size of rewriter_info has grown too large. It is the caller's
// responsibility to handle this safely.
RewriterInfo* NewRewriterInfo(const char* rewriter_id);
// Creates a new rewriter logging submessage for |rewriter_id|,
// and sets status it.
void SetRewriterLoggingStatus(
const char* rewriter_id, RewriterApplication::Status status);
// Creates a new rewriter logging submessage for |rewriter_id|,
// sets status and the url index.
void SetRewriterLoggingStatus(
const char* rewriter_id, const GoogleString& url,
RewriterApplication::Status status) {
SetRewriterLoggingStatusHelper(rewriter_id, url, status);
// Log the HTML level status for a filter. This should be called only once
// per filter, at the point where it is determined the filter is either
// active or not.
void LogRewriterHtmlStatus(const char* rewriter_id,
RewriterHtmlApplication::Status status);
// Log the status of a rewriter application on a resource.
// TODO(gee): I'd really prefer rewriter_id was an enum.
void LogRewriterApplicationStatus(
const char* rewriter_id, RewriterApplication::Status status);
// TODO(gee): Deprecate raw access to proto.
// Return the LoggingInfo proto wrapped by this class. Calling code must
// guard any reads and writes to this using mutex().
virtual LoggingInfo* logging_info() = 0;
// TODO(huibao): Rename LogImageBackgroundRewriteActivity() to make it clear
// that it will log even when the rewriting finishes in the line-of-request.
// Log image rewriting activity, which may not finish when the request
// processing is done. The outcome is a new log record with request type
void LogImageBackgroundRewriteActivity(
RewriterApplication::Status status,
const GoogleString& url,
const char* id,
int original_size,
int optimized_size,
bool is_recompressed,
ImageType original_image_type,
ImageType optimized_image_type,
bool is_resized,
int original_width,
int original_height,
bool is_resized_using_rendered_dimensions,
int resized_width,
int resized_height);
// Atomically sets is_html_response in the logging proto.
void SetIsHtml(bool is_html);
// Updated the cohort info to set the found to true for the given
// property.
virtual void AddFoundPropertyToCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort,
const GoogleString& property) = 0;
// Updated the cohort info to set the retrieved to true for the given
// property.
virtual void AddRetrievedPropertyToCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort,
const GoogleString& property) = 0;
// Updates the cohort info to update the cache key state.
virtual void SetCacheStatusForCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort,
bool found, int key_state) = 0;
// Mutex-guarded log mutation convenience methods. The rule of thumb is that
// if a single-field update to a logging proto occurs multiple times, it
// should be factored out into a method on this class.
void SetBlinkRequestFlow(int flow);
void SetCacheHtmlRequestFlow(int flow);
void SetIsOriginalResourceCacheable(bool cacheable);
// Override SetBlinkInfoImpl if necessary.
void SetBlinkInfo(const GoogleString& user_agent);
// Override SetCacheHtmlInfoImpl if necessary.
void SetCacheHtmlLoggingInfo(const GoogleString& user_agent);
// Log a RewriterInfo for the flush early filter.
void LogFlushEarlyActivity(
const char* id,
const GoogleString& url,
RewriterApplication::Status status,
FlushEarlyResourceInfo::ContentType content_type,
FlushEarlyResourceInfo::ResourceType resource_type,
bool is_bandwidth_affected,
bool in_head);
// Log a RewriterInfo for the image rewrite filter.
virtual void LogImageRewriteActivity(
const char* id,
const GoogleString& url,
RewriterApplication::Status status,
bool is_image_inlined,
bool is_critical_image,
bool is_url_rewritten,
int size,
bool try_low_res_src_insertion,
bool low_res_src_inserted,
ImageType low_res_image_type,
int low_res_data_size) = 0;
// TODO(gee): Change the callsites.
void LogJsDisableFilter(const char* id, bool has_pagespeed_no_defer);
void LogLazyloadFilter(const char* id,
RewriterApplication::Status status,
bool is_blacklisted, bool is_critical);
// Mutex-guarded log-writing operations. Derived classes should override
// *Impl methods. Returns false if the log write attempt failed.
bool WriteLog();
// Return the mutex associated with this instance. Calling code should
// guard reads and writes of AbstractLogRecords
AbstractMutex* mutex() { return mutex_.get(); }
// Sets the maximum number of RewriterInfo submessages that can accumulate in
// the LoggingInfo proto wrapped by this class.
void SetRewriterInfoMaxSize(int x);
// Sets whether urls should be logged. This could potentially generate a lot
// of logs data, so this should be switched on only for debugging.
void SetAllowLoggingUrls(bool allow_logging_urls);
// Sets whether URL indices should be logged for every rewriter application
// or not.
void SetLogUrlIndices(bool log_url_indices);
// Sets the number of critical images in HTML.
void SetNumHtmlCriticalImages(int num_html_critical_images);
// Sets the number of critical images in CSS.
void SetNumCssCriticalImages(int num_css_critical_images);
// Sets image related statistics.
virtual void SetImageStats(int num_img_tags, int num_inlined_img_tags,
int num_critical_images_used) = 0;
// Sets the number of external resources on an HTML page.
virtual void SetResourceCounts(int num_external_css, int num_scripts) = 0;
// Sets critical CSS related byte counts (all uncompressed).
void SetCriticalCssInfo(int critical_inlined_bytes,
int original_external_bytes,
int overhead_bytes);
// Log information related to the user agent and device making the request.
virtual void LogDeviceInfo(
int device_type,
bool supports_image_inlining,
bool supports_lazyload_images,
bool supports_critical_images_beacon,
bool supports_deferjs,
bool supports_webp_in_place,
bool supports_webp_rewritten_urls,
bool supports_webplossless_alpha,
bool is_bot,
bool supports_split_html,
bool can_preload_resources) = 0;
// Log whether the request is an XmlHttpRequest.
void LogIsXhr(bool is_xhr);
// Sets initial information for background rewrite log.
virtual void SetBackgroundRewriteInfo(
bool log_urls,
bool log_url_indices,
int max_rewrite_info_log_size);
// Set timing information in the logging implementation.
virtual void SetTimingInfo(const RequestTimingInfo& timing_info) {}
// Implements setting Blink specific log information; base impl is a no-op.
virtual void SetBlinkInfoImpl(const GoogleString& user_agent) {}
// Implements setting Cache Html specific log information
virtual void SetCacheHtmlLoggingInfoImpl(const GoogleString& user_agent) {}
// Implements writing a log, base implementation is a no-op. Returns false if
// writing failed.
virtual bool WriteLogImpl() = 0;
// Helper function which creates a new rewriter logging submessage for
// |rewriter_id|, sets status and the url index. It is intended to be called
// only inside logging code.
RewriterInfo* SetRewriterLoggingStatusHelper(
const char* rewriter_id, const GoogleString& url,
RewriterApplication::Status status);
// Called on construction.
void InitLogging();
void PopulateUrl(
const GoogleString& url, RewriteResourceInfo* rewrite_resource_info);
// Fill LoggingInfo proto with information collected from LogRewriterStatus
// and LogRewrite.
void PopulateRewriterStatusCounts();
// Thus must be set. Implementation constructors must minimally default this
// to a NullMutex.
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
// The maximum number of rewrite info logs stored for a single request.
int rewriter_info_max_size_;
// Allow urls to be logged.
bool allow_logging_urls_;
// Allow url indices to be logged.
bool log_url_indices_;
// Map which maintains the url to index for logging urls.
StringIntMap url_index_map_;
// Stats collected from calls to LogRewrite.
typedef std::map<RewriterApplication::Status, int> RewriteStatusCountMap;
struct RewriterStatsInternal {
RewriterHtmlApplication::Status html_status;
// RewriterApplication::Status -> count.
RewriteStatusCountMap status_counts;
: html_status(RewriterHtmlApplication::UNKNOWN_STATUS) {}
typedef std::map<GoogleString, RewriterStatsInternal> RewriterStatsMap;
RewriterStatsMap rewriter_stats_;
// Simple AbstractLogRecord implementation which owns a LoggingInfo protobuf.
class LogRecord : public AbstractLogRecord {
explicit LogRecord(AbstractMutex* mutex);
virtual ~LogRecord();
LoggingInfo* logging_info() { return logging_info_.get(); }
virtual void SetImageStats(int num_img_tags, int num_inlined_img_tags,
int num_critical_images_used) {}
virtual void SetResourceCounts(int num_external_css, int num_scripts) {}
virtual void AddFoundPropertyToCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort,
const GoogleString& property) {}
virtual void AddRetrievedPropertyToCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort,
const GoogleString& property) {}
void SetCacheStatusForCohortInfo(
int page_type, const GoogleString& cohort, bool found, int key_state) {}
virtual void LogImageRewriteActivity(
const char* id,
const GoogleString& url,
RewriterApplication::Status status,
bool is_image_inlined,
bool is_critical_image,
bool is_url_rewritten,
int size,
bool try_low_res_src_insertion,
bool low_res_src_inserted,
ImageType low_res_image_type,
int low_res_data_size) {}
virtual void LogDeviceInfo(
int device_type,
bool supports_image_inlining,
bool supports_lazyload_images,
bool supports_critical_images_beacon,
bool supports_deferjs,
bool supports_webp_in_place,
bool supports_webp_rewritten_urls,
bool supports_webplossless_alpha,
bool is_bot,
bool supports_split_html,
bool can_preload_resources) {}
bool WriteLogImpl() { return true; }
scoped_ptr<LoggingInfo> logging_info_;
// TODO(gee): I'm pretty sure the functionality can be provided by the previous
// ALR implementation, but for the time being leave this around to make the
// refactoring as limited as possible.
// AbstractLogRecord that copies logging_info() when in WriteLog. This should
// be useful for testing any logging flow where an owned subordinate log record
// is needed.
class CopyOnWriteLogRecord : public LogRecord {
CopyOnWriteLogRecord(AbstractMutex* logging_mutex, LoggingInfo* logging_info)
: LogRecord(logging_mutex), logging_info_copy_(logging_info) {}
virtual bool WriteLogImpl() {
return true;
LoggingInfo* logging_info_copy_; // Not owned by us.
} // namespace net_instaweb