blob: e0fe3a88dff0c884a2c1c4b64d6ddc1fd4b892c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Pulkit Goyal)
// Retrieves property values stored in the storage system and populate them
// in PropertyPage after validation of the properties.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/callback.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/http/abstract_property_store_get_callback.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/http/property_cache.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class PropertyCacheValues;
class PropertyValueProtobuf;
class Statistics;
class Timer;
// Abstract interface for implementing PropertyStore which helps to
// retrieve and put properties into the storage system.
class PropertyStore {
typedef Callback1<bool> BoolCallback;
virtual ~PropertyStore();
// Populates the values field for all the cohorts present in the cohort_list
// and call the BoolCallback after lookup of all the cohorts are done.
// BoolCallback is called with true if at least one of the cohorts lookup is
// succeeded.
// PropertyPage object is used to validate the entries looked up from cache.
// AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback is set in callback parameter and can be
// used to fast finish the lookup. Client must call DeleteWhenDone() on this
// callback after that it is no more usable. This parameter can be set to
// NULL.
virtual void Get(
const GoogleString& url,
const GoogleString& options_signature_hash,
const GoogleString& cache_key_suffix,
const PropertyCache::CohortVector& cohort_list,
PropertyPage* page,
BoolCallback* done,
AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback** callback) = 0;
// Write to storage system for the given key.
// Callback done can be NULL. BoolCallback done will be called with true if
// Insert operation is successful.
// TODO(pulkitg): Remove UserAgentMatcher dependency.
virtual void Put(
const GoogleString& url,
const GoogleString& options_signature_hash,
const GoogleString& cache_key_suffix,
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const PropertyCacheValues* values,
BoolCallback* done) = 0;
// PropertyStore::Get can be cancelled if enable_get_cancellation is true
// i.e. input done callback will be called as soon as FastFinishLookup() is
// called on the AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback callback.
bool enable_get_cancellation() { return enable_get_cancellation_; }
void set_enable_get_cancellation(bool x) { enable_get_cancellation_ = x; }
// The name of this PropertyStore -- used for logging and debugging.
// It is strongly recommended that you provide a static GoogleString
// FormatName(...) method for use in formatting the Name() return,
// and in testing, e.g. in third_party/pagespeed/system/
virtual GoogleString Name() const = 0;
bool enable_get_cancellation_;
// This class manages the lookup for the properties in PropertyStore. It works
// in two mode: Cancellable mode and Non-Cancellable mode.
// Non-Cancellable Mode:
// - FastFinishLookup() has no-op in this mode.
// - Done() will be called whenever lookup finishes and calls the
// done callback based on sucess of the lookup.
// - DeleteWhenDone() will delete the callback if Done() is already called or
// set the bit so that callback delete itself after executing Done().
// Cancellable Mode:
// - FastFinishLookup() will call the done callback if its not yet called.
// - Done() is same as that in non-cancellable mode but if FastFinishLookup()
// is called then it will not call the done callback.
// - DeleteWhenDone() works same as it works in non-cancellable mode.
class PropertyStoreGetCallback : public AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback {
typedef Callback1<bool> BoolCallback;
AbstractMutex* mutex,
PropertyPage* page,
bool is_cancellable,
BoolCallback* done,
Timer* timer);
virtual ~PropertyStoreGetCallback();
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Try to finish all the pending lookups if possible and call Done as soon as
// possible.
virtual void FastFinishLookup();
// Deletes the callback after done finishes.
virtual void DeleteWhenDone();
// Add the given property cache value to the PropertyPage if PropertyPage is
// not NULL.
// Returns true if PropertyValueProtobuf is successfully added to
// PropertyPage.
bool AddPropertyValueProtobufToPropertyPage(
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const PropertyValueProtobuf& pcache_value,
int64 min_write_timestamp_ms);
// Done is called when lookup is finished. This method is made public so that
// PropertyStore implementations may call it.
void Done(bool success);
AbstractMutex* mutex() { return mutex_.get(); }
PropertyPage* page() { return page_; }
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
PropertyPage* page_;
const bool is_cancellable_;
BoolCallback* done_;
bool delete_when_done_;
bool done_called_;
Timer* timer_;
int64 fast_finish_time_ms_;
} // namespace net_instaweb