blob: a02fbfa61322a9f62ecaaae6a980eb4f9f68c079 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Maksim Orlovich)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/sharedmem/shared_mem_lock_manager.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_mutex.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_shared_mem.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/scheduler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/scheduler_based_abstract_lock.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace SharedMemLockData {
// Memory structure:
// Bucket 0:
// Slot 0
// lock name hash (64-bit)
// acquire timestamp (64-bit)
// Slot 1
// ...
// Slot kSlotsPerBucket - 1
// Mutex
// (pad to 64-byte alignment)
// Bucket 1:
// ..
// Bucket kBuckets - 1:
// ..
// Each key is statically assigned to a bucket based on its hash.
// When we're trying to lock or unlock the given named lock, we lock
// the corresponding bucket.
// Whenever a lock is held, some slot in the corresponding bucket has its hash
// and the time of acquisition. When a slot is free (or unlocked), its timestamp
// is set to kNotAcquired.
// Very old locks can be stolen by new clients, in which case the timestamp gets
// updated. This serves multiple purposes:
// 1) It means only one extra process will grab it for each timeout period,
// as all others will see the new timestamp.
// 2) It makes it possible for the last grabber to be the one to unlock the
// lock, as we check the grabber's acquisition timestamp versus the lock's.
// A further issue is what happens when a bucket is overflowed. In that case,
// however, we simply state that lock acquisition failed. This is because the
// purpose of this service is to limit the load on the system, and the table
// getting filled suggests it's under heavy load as it is, in which case
// blocking further operations is desirable.
const size_t kBuckets = 512; // needs to be <= 65536 as we use 2 bytes of
// hash to pick a bucket.
const size_t kSlotsPerBucket = 32;
struct Slot {
uint64 hash;
int64 acquired_at_ms; // kNotAcquired if free.
const int64 kNotAcquired = 0;
struct Bucket {
Slot slots[kSlotsPerBucket];
char mutex_base[1];
inline size_t Align64(size_t in) {
return (in + 63) & ~63;
inline size_t BucketSize(size_t lock_size) {
return Align64(offsetof(Bucket, mutex_base) + lock_size);
inline size_t SegmentSize(size_t lock_size) {
return kBuckets * BucketSize(lock_size);
} // namespace SharedMemLockData
namespace Data = SharedMemLockData;
class SharedMemLock : public SchedulerBasedAbstractLock {
virtual ~SharedMemLock() {
virtual bool TryLock() {
return TryLockImpl(false, 0);
virtual bool TryLockStealOld(int64 timeout_ms) {
return TryLockImpl(true, timeout_ms);
virtual void Unlock() {
if (acquisition_time_ == Data::kNotAcquired) {
// Protect the bucket.
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> lock(AttachMutex());
ScopedMutex hold_lock(lock.get());
// Search for this lock.
// note: we permit empty slots in the middle, and start search at different
// positions depending on the hash to increase chance of quick hit.
// TODO(morlovich): Consider remembering which bucket we locked to avoid
// the search. (Could potentially be made lock-free, too).
size_t base = hash_ % Data::kSlotsPerBucket;
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < Data::kSlotsPerBucket; ++offset) {
size_t s = (base + offset) % Data::kSlotsPerBucket;
Data::Slot& slot = bucket_->slots[s];
if (slot.hash == hash_ && slot.acquired_at_ms == acquisition_time_) {
slot.acquired_at_ms = Data::kNotAcquired;
acquisition_time_ = Data::kNotAcquired;
virtual GoogleString name() const {
return name_;
virtual bool Held() {
return (acquisition_time_ != Data::kNotAcquired);
virtual Scheduler* scheduler() const {
return manager_->scheduler_;
friend class SharedMemLockManager;
// ctor should only be called by CreateNamedLock below.
SharedMemLock(SharedMemLockManager* manager, const StringPiece& name)
: manager_(manager),
name_(, name.size()),
acquisition_time_(Data::kNotAcquired) {
size_t bucket_num;
GetHashAndBucket(name_, &hash_, &bucket_num);
bucket_ = manager_->Bucket(bucket_num);
// Compute hash and bucket used to store the lock for a given lock name.
void GetHashAndBucket(const StringPiece& name, uint64* hash_out,
size_t* bucket_out) {
GoogleString raw_hash = manager_->hasher_->RawHash(name);
// We use 10 bytes from the hash in the computation below:
// 2 choose the bucket, while 8 form the uint64 we use as the key.
CHECK_GE(raw_hash.size(), 10u);
// We use separate hash bits to determine the hash and the bucket.
unsigned char bucket_low = static_cast<unsigned char>(raw_hash[8]);
unsigned char bucket_high = static_cast<unsigned char>(raw_hash[9]);
*bucket_out = (bucket_high * 256 + bucket_low) % Data::kBuckets;
uint64 hash = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
hash = (hash << 8) | static_cast<unsigned char>(raw_hash[c]);
*hash_out = hash;
AbstractMutex* AttachMutex() const {
return manager_->seg_->AttachToSharedMutex(
bool TryLockImpl(bool steal, int64 steal_timeout_ms) {
// Protect the bucket.
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> lock(AttachMutex());
ScopedMutex hold_lock(lock.get());
int64 now_ms = manager_->scheduler_->timer()->NowMs();
if (now_ms == Data::kNotAcquired) {
// Search for existing lock or empty slot. We need to check everything
// for existing lock, of course.
size_t empty_slot = Data::kSlotsPerBucket;
size_t base = hash_ % Data::kSlotsPerBucket;
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < Data::kSlotsPerBucket; ++offset) {
size_t s = (base + offset) % Data::kSlotsPerBucket;
Data::Slot& slot = bucket_->slots[s];
if (slot.hash == hash_) {
if (slot.acquired_at_ms == Data::kNotAcquired ||
(steal && ((now_ms - slot.acquired_at_ms) >= steal_timeout_ms))) {
// Stealing lock, or re-using a free slot we ourselves unlocked.
// We know we don't have an actual locked entry with our key elsewhere
// because:
// 1) After our last unlock of it no one else has ever locked it (or
// our key would have been overwritten), so if we ever performed an
// another lock operation we would have done it with this slot in
// present state.
// 2) We always chose the first candidate.
DoLockSlot(s, now_ms);
return true;
} else {
// Not permitted to steal or not stale enough to steal.
return false;
} else if (slot.acquired_at_ms == Data::kNotAcquired) {
if (empty_slot == Data::kSlotsPerBucket) {
empty_slot = s;
if (empty_slot != Data::kSlotsPerBucket) {
DoLockSlot(empty_slot, now_ms);
return true;
"Overflowed bucket trying to grab lock.");
return false;
// Writes out our ID and current timestamp into the slot, and marks the
// fact of our acquisition.
void DoLockSlot(size_t s, int64 now_ms) {
Data::Slot& slot = bucket_->slots[s];
slot.hash = hash_;
slot.acquired_at_ms = now_ms;
acquisition_time_ = now_ms;
SharedMemLockManager* manager_;
GoogleString name_;
uint64 hash_;
// Time at which we acquired the lock...
int64 acquisition_time_;
// base pointer for the bucket we are in.
Data::Bucket* bucket_;
AbstractSharedMem* shm, const GoogleString& path, Scheduler* scheduler,
Hasher* hasher, MessageHandler* handler)
: shm_runtime_(shm),
lock_size_(shm->SharedMutexSize()) {
CHECK_GE(hasher_->RawHashSizeInBytes(), 9) << "Need >= 9 byte hashes";
SharedMemLockManager::~SharedMemLockManager() {
bool SharedMemLockManager::Initialize() {
seg_.reset(shm_runtime_->CreateSegment(path_, Data::SegmentSize(lock_size_),
if (seg_.get() == NULL) {
handler_->MessageS(kError, "Unable to create memory segment for locks.");
return false;
// Create the mutexes for each bucket
for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < Data::kBuckets; ++bucket) {
if (!seg_->InitializeSharedMutex(MutexOffset(Bucket(bucket)), handler_)) {
StrCat("Unable to create lock service mutex #",
return false;
return true;
bool SharedMemLockManager::Attach() {
size_t size = Data::SegmentSize(shm_runtime_->SharedMutexSize());
seg_.reset(shm_runtime_->AttachToSegment(path_, size, handler_));
if (seg_.get() == NULL) {
"Unable to attach to lock service SHM segment");
return false;
return true;
void SharedMemLockManager::GlobalCleanup(
AbstractSharedMem* shm, const GoogleString& path, MessageHandler* handler) {
shm->DestroySegment(path, handler);
SchedulerBasedAbstractLock* SharedMemLockManager::CreateNamedLock(
const StringPiece& name) {
return new SharedMemLock(this, name);
Data::Bucket* SharedMemLockManager::Bucket(size_t bucket) {
return reinterpret_cast<Data::Bucket*>(
const_cast<char*>(seg_->Base()) + bucket * Data::BucketSize(lock_size_));
size_t SharedMemLockManager::MutexOffset(SharedMemLockData::Bucket* bucket) {
return &bucket->mutex_base[0] - seg_->Base();
} // namespace net_instaweb