blob: fd7998a843bb874a7c27dfac461db77e03725482 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jason Hoch)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/sharedmem/shared_dynamic_string_map.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/rolling_hash.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const int kTableFactor = 2;
const char kSharedDynamicStringMapSegmentName[] = "SharedDynamicStringMap";
const size_t kPointerSize = sizeof(char*); // NOLINT
const size_t kOffsetSize = sizeof(size_t); // NOLINT
const size_t kIntSize = sizeof(int); // NOLINT
const size_t kEntrySize = sizeof(Entry); // NOLINT
} // namespace
size_t number_of_strings,
size_t average_string_length,
AbstractSharedMem* shm_runtime,
const GoogleString& filename_prefix,
const GoogleString& filename_suffix)
: number_of_strings_(NextPowerOfTwo(number_of_strings)),
shm_runtime_(shm_runtime) {
// Check to make sure number_of_strings_ is a power of 2.
number_of_strings_ & (number_of_strings_ - 1));
mutex_size_ = shm_runtime_->SharedMutexSize();
table_size_ = number_of_strings_ * kTableFactor;
// (See drawing in header file for further explanation)
// First we have (table_size_ + 1) mutexes.
// Then we have the strings, which are inserted one at a time and are
// of variable size.
// Then we have the string_offset of the next string to be inserted.
// Then we have the number of strings inserted.
// Finally we have the table_size_ entries that contain values and string
// offsets.
mutex_offset_ = 0;
strings_offset_ = mutex_size_ * (table_size_ + 1);
string_offset_offset_ =
strings_offset_ + number_of_strings * average_string_length_;
number_inserted_offset_ = string_offset_offset_ + kOffsetSize;
table_offset_ = number_inserted_offset_ + kIntSize;
total_size_ = table_offset_ + table_size_ * kEntrySize;
bool SharedDynamicStringMap::InitSegment(bool parent,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
// Pointer returned by segment_->Base() is a char*
// Table contains a pointer and an int for each entry.
bool ok = true;
if (parent) {
// Initialize shared memory
if (segment_.get() == NULL) {
ok = false;
} else {
// Initialize mutexes - there is an extra mutex, the last one, shared
// by the string_offset and number_inserted values known as the "insert
// string mutex"
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(table_size_) + 1; i++) {
if (!segment_->InitializeSharedMutex(i * mutex_size_,
message_handler)) {
ok = false;
} else {
// In child process -> attach to existing segment
if (segment_.get() == NULL) {
ok = false;
if (ok) {
} else {
return ok;
void SharedDynamicStringMap::ClearSegment(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
shm_runtime_->DestroySegment(segment_name_, message_handler);
int SharedDynamicStringMap::IncrementElement(const StringPiece& string)
if (segment_.get() == NULL) {
return 0;
Entry* entry_pointer = 0;
// We need to lock the entry for incrementation
int entry = FindEntry(string, true, &entry_pointer);
int value;
// If entry is -1 then the table is full.
if (entry == -1) {
value = 0;
} else {
// The mutex for the entry is locked by FindEntry for continued use
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex(GetMutex(entry));
if (entry_pointer->value == 0) {
// The string is not yet in the table.
value = InsertString(string, entry_pointer);
} else {
// The string is already in the table.
value = ++(entry_pointer->value);
return value;
int SharedDynamicStringMap::LookupElement(const StringPiece& string) const {
if (segment_.get() == NULL) {
return 0;
Entry* entry_pointer = 0;
// We don't need to lock the entry for lookup
int entry = FindEntry(string, false, &entry_pointer);
// If entry is -1 then the table is full.
return (entry == -1) ? 0 : entry_pointer->value;
int SharedDynamicStringMap::FindEntry(const StringPiece& string, bool lock,
Entry** entry_pointer_pointer) const
// lock should always be set to true for writes, and having lock set to false
// for a read can occasionally result in a mistake - see header file.
uint64 hash = RollingHash(, 0, string.size());
// First 32 bits
uint32 hash1 = hash >> 32;
// Second 32 bits
uint32 hash2 = hash;
// For now we assume table_size_ is a power of two, so having hash2 be odd
// makes sure that our secondary hashing cycles through all table entries
hash2 |= 1;
// hash1 dictates starting entry
size_t entry = hash1 % table_size_;
size_t starting_entry = entry;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex;
do {
// Lock this entry
if (lock) {
// Table contains value and then pointer to char
*entry_pointer_pointer = GetEntry(entry);
char* entry_string_data =
if ((*entry_pointer_pointer)->value == 0) {
// If the value is 0 the string is not yet in the table and/or this is the
// place to insert it.
return entry;
} else if (strcmp(entry_string_data, == 0) {
// We've found the string
return entry;
} else {
// Use secondary hashing to proceed to the next entry
entry += hash2;
// Same as entry %= table_size_ since table_size_ is a power of 2.
entry &= (table_size_ - 1);
if (lock) {
} while (entry != starting_entry);
// If the above condition fails, the table is full.
return -1;
Entry* SharedDynamicStringMap::GetEntry(size_t n) const {
Entry* first_entry = SharedDynamicStringMap::GetFirstEntry();
return first_entry + n;
Entry* SharedDynamicStringMap::GetFirstEntry() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(
const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + table_offset_));
AbstractMutex* SharedDynamicStringMap::GetMutex(size_t n) const {
return segment_->AttachToSharedMutex(mutex_offset_ + n * mutex_size_);
int SharedDynamicStringMap::InsertString(const StringPiece& string,
Entry* entry_pointer) {
// We store the offset of the next string to be inserted at
// string_offset_offset_, which has an associated mutex
ScopedMutex mutex(insert_string_mutex_.get());
size_t* string_offset = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(
const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + string_offset_offset_));
size_t size = string.size();
// If we can't insert the string then we return 0;
if (strings_offset_ + *string_offset + size >= table_offset_) {
return 0;
char* inserted_string = GetStringAtOffset(*string_offset);
memcpy(inserted_string,, size);
// After copying the string we add a terminating null character
*(inserted_string + size) = '\0';
// Store the offset in the entry
entry_pointer->string_offset = *string_offset;
// +1 for the terminating null character
*string_offset += size + 1;
// Increment the number inserted
int* number_inserted = reinterpret_cast<int*>(
const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + number_inserted_offset_));
// Finally, increment the entry value
return ++(entry_pointer->value);
char* SharedDynamicStringMap::GetStringAtOffset(size_t offset) const {
return const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + strings_offset_ + offset);
void SharedDynamicStringMap::GetKeys(StringSet* strings) {
int number_inserted = GetNumberInserted();
char* string = const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + strings_offset_);
for (int i = 0; i < number_inserted; i++) {
int size = strlen(string);
string += size + 1;
int SharedDynamicStringMap::GetNumberInserted() const {
return *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(
const_cast<char*> (segment_->Base() + number_inserted_offset_)));
void SharedDynamicStringMap::GlobalCleanup(MessageHandler* message_handler) {
if (segment_.get() != NULL) {
shm_runtime_->DestroySegment(segment_name_, message_handler);
void SharedDynamicStringMap::Dump(Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
int number_inserted = GetNumberInserted();
char* string = const_cast<char*>(segment_->Base() + strings_offset_);
for (int i = 0; i < number_inserted; i++) {
int value = LookupElement(string);
writer->Write(string, message_handler);
writer->Write(": ", message_handler);
writer->Write(IntegerToString(value), message_handler);
writer->Write("\n", message_handler);
int size = strlen(string);
string += size + 1;
size_t SharedDynamicStringMap::NextPowerOfTwo(size_t n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
for (int shift = 1; shift < static_cast<int>(kOffsetSize); shift *= 2)
n |= n >> shift;
return n + 1;
} // namespace net_instaweb