blob: 132815573788bc200b8d17f4425e3e6fb40d0686 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/re2.h"
namespace pagespeed {
namespace js {
class JsTokenizerPatterns;
// This class accurately breaks up JavaScript code into a sequence of tokens.
// This includes tokens for comments and whitespace; every byte of the input is
// represented in the token stream, so that concatenating the text of each
// token will perfectly recover the original input, even in error cases (since
// the final, error token will contain the entire rest of the input). Also,
// each whitespace token is classified by the tokenizer as 1) not containing
// linebreaks, 2) containing linebreaks but not inducing semicolon insertion,
// or 3) inducing semicolon insertion.
// To do all this, JsTokenizer keeps track of a minimal amount of parse state
// to allow it to accurately differentiate between division operators and regex
// literals, and to determine which linebreaks will result in semicolon
// insertion and which will not. If the given JavaScript code is syntactically
// incorrect such that this differentiation becomes impossible, this class will
// return an error, but will still tokenize as much as it can up to that point
// (note however that many other kinds of syntax errors will be ignored; being
// a complete parser or syntax checker is a non-goal of this class).
// This class can also be used to tokenize JSON. Note that a JSON object, such
// as {"foo":"bar"}, is NOT legal JavaScript code by itself (since, absent any
// context, the braces will be interpreted as a code block rather than as an
// object literal); however, JsTokenizer contains special logic to recognize
// this case and still tokenize it correctly.
// This separation of tokens and classification of whitespace means that this
// class can be used to create a robust JavaScript minifier (see js_minify.h).
// It could also perhaps be used as the basis of a more complete JavaScript
// parser.
class JsTokenizer {
// Creates a tokenizer that will tokenize the given UTF8-encoded input string
// (which must outlive the JsTokenizer object).
JsTokenizer(const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns, StringPiece input);
// Gets the next token type from the input, and stores the relevant substring
// of the original input in token_out (which must be non-NULL). If the end
// of input has been reached, returns kEndOfInput and sets token_out to the
// empty string. If an error is encountered, sets has_error() to true,
// returns kError, and sets token_out to the remainder of the input.
JsKeywords::Type NextToken(StringPiece* token_out);
// True if an error has been encountered. All future calls to NextToken()
// will return JsKeywords::kError with an empty token string.
bool has_error() const { return error_; }
// Return a string representing the current parse stack, for testing only.
GoogleString ParseStackForTest() const;
// An entry in the parse stack. This does not fully capture the grammar of
// JavaScript -- far from it -- rather, it is just barely nuanced enough to
// determine which linebreaks are important for semicolon insertion, and to
// tell whether or not a given slash begins a regex literal. If it turns out
// to insufficiently nuanced (i.e. we find new bugs), it can be refined by
// adding more parse states.
enum ParseState {
kStartOfInput, // For convenience, the bottom of the stack is always this.
kOperator, // A prefix or binary operator (including some keywords).
kBlockKeyword, // Keyword that precedes "(...)", e.g. "if" or "for".
kBlockHeader, // Start of block, e.g. "if (...)", "for (...)", or "else".
kReturnThrow, // A return or throw keyword.
kJumpKeyword, // A break, continue, or debugger keyword.
kOtherKeyword, // A const, default, or var keyword.
// Enum for tracking whether the first three tokens in the input are open
// brace, string literal, colon. If so, we're parsing a JSON object,
// otherwise we'll assume we're parsing legal JS code.
enum JsonStep {
// Consumes an appropriate amount of input and return an appropriate token.
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeOpenBrace(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeCloseBrace(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeOpenBracket(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeCloseBracket(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeOpenParen(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeCloseParen(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeBlockComment(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeLineComment(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeColon(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeComma(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeNumber(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeOperator(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumePeriod(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeQuestionMark(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeRegex(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeSemicolon(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeSlash(StringPiece* token_out);
JsKeywords::Type ConsumeString(StringPiece* token_out);
// For each of these methods, if the start of the input is that kind of
// token, consumes the token and returns true, otherwise returns false
// without making changes.
bool TryConsumeComment(
JsKeywords::Type* type_out, StringPiece* token_out);
bool TryConsumeIdentifierOrKeyword(
JsKeywords::Type* type_out, StringPiece* token_out);
bool TryConsumeWhitespace(
bool allow_semicolon_insertion,
JsKeywords::Type* type_out, StringPiece* token_out);
// Sets error_ to true and returns an error token.
JsKeywords::Type Error(StringPiece* token_out);
// Stores the next num_chars characters of the input into *token_out, and
// then increment the start of input_ by num_chars characters. If the token
// type is not comment or whitespace, sets start_of_line_ to false. Also
// updates json_step_ based on the token type. Returns the token type passed
// in, for convenience.
JsKeywords::Type Emit(JsKeywords::Type type, int num_chars,
StringPiece* token_out);
// Pushes a new state onto the parse_stack_, merging states as needed.
void PushBlockHeader();
void PushExpression();
void PushOperator();
// If a semicolon will be inserted between the previous token and the next
// token (assuming there was a linebreak in between) that _wouldn't_ be
// inserted if the linebreak weren't there, update the parse stack to reflect
// the semicolon insertion and return true; otherwise do nothing and return
// false.
bool TryInsertLinebreakSemicolon();
// Returns true if an open brace at this parse state begins an object
// literal, or false if it begins a block.
static bool CanPreceedObjectLiteral(ParseState state);
const JsTokenizerPatterns* patterns_;
std::vector<ParseState> parse_stack_;
std::deque<std::pair<JsKeywords::Type, StringPiece> > lookahead_queue_;
StringPiece input_; // The portion of input that has yet to be consumed.
JsonStep json_step_;
bool start_of_line_; // No non-whitespace/comment tokens on this line yet.
bool error_;
// Structure to store RE2 patterns that can be shared by instances of
// JsTokenizer. These patterns are slightly expensive to compile, so we'd
// rather not create one for every JsTokenizer instance, but unfortunately C++
// static initializers can run in non-deterministic order and cause other
// integration issues. Instead, you must create a JsTokenizerPatterns object
// yourself and pass it to the JsTokenizer constructor; ideally, you would just
// create one and share it for all JsTokenizer instances.
struct JsTokenizerPatterns {
const RE2 identifier_pattern;
const RE2 line_comment_pattern;
const RE2 numeric_literal_pattern;
const RE2 operator_pattern;
const RE2 regex_literal_pattern;
const RE2 string_literal_pattern;
const RE2 whitespace_pattern;
const RE2 line_continuation_pattern;
} // namespace js
} // namespace pagespeed