blob: 34f8487482eca9f8de8d66a02f56cec8548816af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: Victor Chudnovsky
// For libwebp, encode.h must be included before gif2webp_util.h.
#include <cstddef>
#include "third_party/libwebp/src/webp/encode.h"
#include "third_party/libwebp/examples/gif2webp_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_frame_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_status.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
namespace pagespeed {
namespace image_compression {
using net_instaweb::MessageHandler;
struct WebpConfiguration {
// This contains a subset of the options in WebPConfig and
// WebPPicture.
typedef bool (*WebpProgressHook)(int percent, void* user_data);
: lossless(true), quality(75), method(3), target_size(0),
alpha_compression(1), alpha_filtering(1), alpha_quality(100),
kmin(0), kmax(0), progress_hook(NULL), user_data(NULL) {}
void CopyTo(WebPConfig* webp_config) const;
int lossless; // Lossless encoding (0=lossy(default), 1=lossless).
float quality; // between 0 (smallest file) and 100 (biggest)
int method; // quality/speed trade-off (0=fast, 6=slower-better)
// Parameters related to lossy compression only:
int target_size; // if non-zero, set the desired target size in bytes.
// Takes precedence over the 'compression' parameter.
int alpha_compression; // Algorithm for encoding the alpha plane (0 = none,
// 1 = compressed with WebP lossless). Default is 1.
int alpha_filtering; // Predictive filtering method for alpha plane.
// 0: none, 1: fast, 2: best. Default is 1.
int alpha_quality; // Between 0 (smallest size) and 100 (lossless).
// Default is 100.
// Parameters related to animated WebP:
size_px kmin; // Minimum keyframe interval, i.e., number of
// non-keyframes between consecutive keyframes. If
// kmin == 0, keyframes are not used. Libwebp
// requires kmax > kmin >= (kmax / 2) + 1. Reasonable
// choices are (3,5) for lossy encoding and (9,17)
// for lossless encoding.
size_px kmax; // Maximum keyframe interval.
WebpProgressHook progress_hook; // If non-NULL, called during encoding.
void* user_data; // Can be used by progress_hook. This
// pointer remains owned by the client and
// must remain valid until
// WebpScanlineWriter::FinalizeWrite()
// completes.
// NOTE: If you add more fields to this struct that feed into
// WebPConfig, please update the CopyTo() method.
class WebpFrameWriter : public MultipleFrameWriter {
explicit WebpFrameWriter(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~WebpFrameWriter();
// Sets the WebP configuration to be 'config', which should be a
// WebpConfiguration* and should not be NULL.
virtual ScanlineStatus Initialize(const void* config, GoogleString* out);
// image_spec must remain valid for the lifetime of
// WebpFrameWriter.
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareImage(const ImageSpec* image_spec);
// frame_spec must remain valid while the frame is being written.
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareNextFrame(const FrameSpec* frame_spec);
virtual ScanlineStatus WriteNextScanline(const void *scanline_bytes);
// Note that even after WriteNextScanline() has been called,
// Initialize() and FinalizeWrite() may be called repeatedly to
// write the image with, say, different configs.
virtual ScanlineStatus FinalizeWrite();
// The function to be called by libwebp's progress hook (with 'this'
// as the user data), which in turn will call the user-supplied function
// in progress_hook_, passing it progress_hook_data_.
static int ProgressHook(int percent, const WebPPicture* picture);
// Commits the just-read frame to the animation cache.
ScanlineStatus CacheCurrentFrame();
// Utility function to deallocate libwebp-defined data structures.
void FreeWebpStructs();
// This class does NOT own image_spec_.
const ImageSpec* image_spec_;
FrameSpec frame_spec_;
// Zero-based index of the next frame (after the current one) to be
// written.
size_px next_frame_;
// Zero-based index of the next scanline to be written.
size_px next_scanline_;
// Flag to indicate whether the current frame is empty, due to at
// least one of its dimensions being zero. Note that all frames must
// fit completely within their image (see the comment in
// image_frame_interface.h), so out-of-bounds frames are not
// considered here.
bool empty_frame_;
// Number of pixels to advance by exactly one row.
size_px frame_stride_px_;
// Pointer to the next pixel to be written via WriteNextScanline().
uint32_t* frame_position_px_;
// The number of bytes per pixel in the current frame.
uint32_t frame_bytes_per_pixel_;
// libwebp objects for the WebP generation.
WebPPicture* webp_image_;
WebPPicture webp_frame_;
WebPFrameCache* webp_frame_cache_;
WebPMux* webp_mux_;
WebPConfig libwebp_config_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
WebPAuxStats stats_;
// Pointer to the webp output.
GoogleString* output_image_;
// Whether the image has an alpha channel.
bool has_alpha_;
// Whether PrepareImage() has been called successfully.
bool image_prepared_;
// The user-supplied progress hook.
WebpConfiguration::WebpProgressHook progress_hook_;
// The user-supplied user data for progress_hook. This pointer must
// remain valid until FinalizeWrite() completes. This class does NOT
// take ownership of this pointer.
void* progress_hook_data_;
// WebP does not have native support for gray scale images. The workaround
// is to replicate the luminance to RGB; then WebP can compress the expanded
// images efficiently.
bool should_expand_gray_to_rgb_;
// Min and max keyframe interval values. Only applicable for animated webp.
size_px kmin_;
size_px kmax_;
// WebpScanlineReader decodes WebP images. It returns a scanline (a row of
// pixels) each time it is called. The output format is RGB_888 if the input
// image does not have alpha channel, or RGBA_8888 otherwise. Animated WebP
// is not supported.
class WebpScanlineReader : public ScanlineReaderInterface {
explicit WebpScanlineReader(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~WebpScanlineReader();
// Reset the scanline reader to its initial state.
virtual bool Reset();
// Initialize the reader with the given image stream. Note that image_buffer
// must remain unchanged until the *first* call to ReadNextScanline().
virtual ScanlineStatus InitializeWithStatus(const void* image_buffer,
size_t buffer_length);
// Return the next row of pixels. The entire image is decoded the first
// time ReadNextScanline() is called, but only one scanline is returned
// for each call.
virtual ScanlineStatus ReadNextScanlineWithStatus(void** out_scanline_bytes);
// Return the number of bytes in a row (without padding).
virtual size_t GetBytesPerScanline() { return bytes_per_row_; }
virtual bool HasMoreScanLines() { return (row_ < height_); }
virtual PixelFormat GetPixelFormat() { return pixel_format_; }
virtual size_t GetImageHeight() { return height_; }
virtual size_t GetImageWidth() { return width_; }
// WebP does not have progressive mode.
virtual bool IsProgressive() { return false; }
// Buffer and length of the input (compressed) image.
const uint8_t* image_buffer_;
int buffer_length_;
PixelFormat pixel_format_;
size_t height_;
size_t width_;
size_t bytes_per_row_;
size_t row_;
bool was_initialized_;
// Buffer for holding the decoded pixels.
net_instaweb::scoped_array<uint8_t> pixels_;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
} // namespace image_compression
} // namespace pagespeed