blob: 829cde787f31ad597ff3d6d32ae43425c6120e18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Libo Song)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/cache_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class FileSystem;
class Hasher;
class MessageHandler;
class SharedString;
class SlowWorker;
class Statistics;
class Timer;
class Variable;
// Simple C++ implementation of file cache.
class FileCache : public CacheInterface {
struct CachePolicy {
CachePolicy(Timer* timer, Hasher* hasher, int64 clean_interval_ms,
int64 target_size_bytes, int64 target_inode_count)
: timer(timer), hasher(hasher), clean_interval_ms(clean_interval_ms),
target_inode_count(target_inode_count) {}
const Timer* timer;
const Hasher* hasher;
int64 clean_interval_ms;
int64 target_size_bytes;
int64 target_inode_count;
bool cleaning_enabled() { return clean_interval_ms != kDisableCleaning; }
FileCache(const GoogleString& path, FileSystem* file_system,
ThreadSystem* thread_system, SlowWorker* worker,
CachePolicy* policy, Statistics* stats, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~FileCache();
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
virtual void Get(const GoogleString& key, Callback* callback);
virtual void Put(const GoogleString& key, SharedString* value);
virtual void Delete(const GoogleString& key);
void set_worker(SlowWorker* worker) { worker_ = worker; }
SlowWorker* worker() { return worker_; }
static GoogleString FormatName() { return "FileCache"; }
virtual GoogleString Name() const { return FormatName(); }
virtual bool IsBlocking() const { return true; }
virtual bool IsHealthy() const { return true; }
virtual void ShutDown() {} // TODO(jmarantz): implement.
const CachePolicy* cache_policy() const { return cache_policy_.get(); }
CachePolicy* mutable_cache_policy() { return cache_policy_.get(); }
const GoogleString& path() const { return path_; }
// Variable names.
static const char kBytesFreedInCleanup[];
// Number of times we actually cleaned cache because usage was high enough.
static const char kCleanups[];
// Number of times we checked disk usage in preparation from cleanup.
static const char kDiskChecks[];
// Files evicted from cache during cleanup.
static const char kEvictions[];
static const char kWriteErrors[];
// What to set clean_interval_ms to in order to disable cleaning. This needs
// to be -1, because that's what we have in our public documentation.
static const int kDisableCleaning = -1;
class CacheCleanFunction;
friend class FileCacheTest;
friend class CacheCleanFunction;
// Attempts to clean the cache. Returns false if we failed and the cache still
// needs to be cleaned. Returns true if everything's fine. This may take a
// while. It's OK for others to write and read from the cache while this is
// going on, but try to avoid Cleaning from two threads at the same time. A
// target_inode_count of 0 means no inode limit is applied.
bool Clean(int64 target_size_bytes, int64 target_inode_count);
// Clean the cache, taking care of interprocess locking, as well as timestamp
// update.
void CleanWithLocking(int64 next_clean_time_ms) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
// Return true if we need to clean the cache, and updates the next
// clean time if cleaning does not need to be run.
bool ShouldClean(int64* suggested_next_clean_time_ms) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
// Check to see if it's time to clean the cache, and if so ask
// worker_ to do it in a thread if it's not busy. Stores 'true' into
// last_conditional_clean_result_ if it actually cleaned successfully,
// false otherwise.
void CleanIfNeeded() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
bool EncodeFilename(const GoogleString& key, GoogleString* filename);
const GoogleString path_;
FileSystem* file_system_;
SlowWorker* worker_;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
const scoped_ptr<CachePolicy> cache_policy_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
int64 next_clean_ms_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
int path_length_limit_; // Maximum total length of path file_system_ supports
// The full paths to our cleanup timestamp and lock files.
GoogleString clean_time_path_;
GoogleString clean_lock_path_;
Variable* disk_checks_;
Variable* cleanups_;
Variable* evictions_;
Variable* bytes_freed_in_cleanup_;
Variable* write_errors_;
// The filename where we keep the next scheduled cleanup time in seconds.
static const char kCleanTimeName[];
// The name of the global mutex protecting reads and writes to that file.
static const char kCleanLockName[];
} // namespace net_instaweb