blob: 42df68dcb19d1c7710bc81d9dfd06954bcf26df6 [file] [log] [blame]
start_test quality of jpeg output images with generic quality flag
WGET_ARGS="--header PageSpeedFilters:rewrite_images "
WGET_ARGS+="--header ${IMAGES_QUALITY}:75 "
fetch_until -save -recursive $URL 'grep -c .pagespeed.ic' 2 # 2 images optimized
# This filter produces different images on 32 vs 64 bit builds. On 32 bit, the
# size is 8157B, while on 64 it is 8155B. Initial investigation showed no
# visible differences between the generated images.
# TODO(jmaessen) Verify that this behavior is expected.
# Note that if this test fails with 8251 it means that you have managed to get
# progressive jpeg conversion turned on in this testcase, which makes the output
# larger. The threshold factor kJpegPixelToByteRatio in
# is tuned to avoid that.
check_file_size "$WGET_DIR/*256x192*Puzzle*" -le 8157 # resized