blob: 2db6f0146d3623ba48cef788df277833e0d2c908 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jan Maessen)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/webp_optimizer.h"
#include <csetjmp>
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/jpeg_reader.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/jpeg_utils.h"
extern "C" {
#include "webp/encode.h"
#include "webp/decode.h"
#include "third_party/libwebp/src/webp/encode.h"
#include "third_party/libwebp/src/webp/decode.h"
// TODO(jmaessen): open source imports & build of libwebp.
extern "C" {
#include "jpeglib.h" // NOLINT
#include "third_party/libjpeg_turbo/src/jpeglib.h"
using pagespeed::image_compression::JpegUtils;
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
namespace {
// Whether to enable support for YUV -> YUV conversion. Is currently disabled,
// as trials showed colorspace mismatches in jpeg versus webp.
const bool kUseYUV = false;
// The YUV samples emerging from libjpeg are packed in that order (rather than
// being represented as three distinct planes, which is what libwebp does).
// We define the following constants to make reading array indexing code
// marginally easier.
const int kYPlane = 0;
const int kUPlane = 1;
const int kVPlane = 2;
const int kPlanes = 3;
const J_DCT_METHOD fastest_dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;
// const J_DCT_METHOD fastest_dct_method = JDCT_FLOAT;
// const J_DCT_METHOD fastest_dct_method = JDCT_ISLOW;
int GoogleStringWebpWriter(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
const WebPPicture* const picture) {
GoogleString* compressed_webp =
// The cast below deals with char signedness issues (data is always unsigned)
compressed_webp->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), data_size);
return 1;
class WebpOptimizer {
explicit WebpOptimizer(MessageHandler* handler);
// Take the given input file and transcode it to webp.
// Return true on success.
bool CreateOptimizedWebp(const GoogleString& original_jpeg,
int configured_quality,
WebpProgressHook progress_hook,
void* progress_hook_data,
GoogleString* compressed_webp);
// Compute the offset of a pixel sample given x and y position.
size_t PixelOffset(size_t x, size_t y) const {
return (kPlanes * x + y * row_stride_);
// Fetch a pixel sample from the given plane and offset, modified by the given
// 0/1 x and y offsets. Note that all the arguments here are expected to be
// constant except source_offset.
int SampleAt(int plane, int source_offset, int x_offset, int y_offset) const {
return static_cast<int>(pixels_[plane + source_offset +
PixelOffset(x_offset, y_offset)]);
bool DoReadJpegPixels(J_COLOR_SPACE color_space,
const GoogleString& original_jpeg);
bool ReadJpegPixels(J_COLOR_SPACE color_space,
const GoogleString& original_jpeg);
bool WebPImportYUV(WebPPicture* const picture);
// The function to be called by libwebp's progress hook (with 'this'
// as the user data), which in turn will call the user-supplied function
// in progress_hook_, passing it progress_hook_data_.
static int ProgressHook(int percent, const WebPPicture* picture);
// Structure for jpeg decompression
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
pagespeed::image_compression::JpegReader reader_;
uint8* pixels_;
uint8** rows_; // Holds offsets into pixels_ during decompression
unsigned int width_, height_; // Type-compatible with libjpeg.
size_t row_stride_;
// Structures for webp recompression
WebpProgressHook progress_hook_;
void* progress_hook_data_;
}; // class WebpOptimizer
WebpOptimizer::WebpOptimizer(MessageHandler* handler)
: message_handler_(handler),
progress_hook_data_(NULL) {
WebpOptimizer::~WebpOptimizer() {
delete[] pixels_;
DCHECK(rows_ == NULL);
// Does most of the work of ReadJpegPixels (see below); errors transfer control
// out so that we can clean up properly.
bool WebpOptimizer::DoReadJpegPixels(J_COLOR_SPACE color_space,
const GoogleString& original_jpeg) {
// Set up jpeg error handling.
jmp_buf env;
if (setjmp(env)) {
// We get here if libjpeg encountered a decompression error.
return false;
// Install env so that it is longjmp'd to on error:
jpeg_decompress_struct* jpeg_decompress = reader_.decompress_struct();
jpeg_decompress->client_data = static_cast<void*>(&env);
reader_.PrepareForRead(, original_jpeg.size());
if (jpeg_read_header(jpeg_decompress, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) {
return false;
// Settings largely cribbed from the cwebp.c example source code.
// Difference: we ask for YCbCr as the out_color_space. Not sure
// why RGB is used in the command line utility. Is this so we handle
// non-YCbCr jpegs gracefully without additional checking?
jpeg_decompress->out_color_space = color_space;
// For whatever reason, libjpeg doesn't always seem to define JDCT_FASTEST to
// match a *configured, working* dct method (which makes this symbol pretty
// pointless, actually)! As a result, we end up having to use the default
// (slow and conservative) method. This is horrible and broken.
// jpeg_decompress->dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST;
jpeg_decompress->do_fancy_upsampling = TRUE;
if (!jpeg_start_decompress(jpeg_decompress) ||
jpeg_decompress->output_components != kPlanes) {
return false;
// Figure out critical dimensions of image, and allocate space for image data.
width_ = jpeg_decompress->output_width;
height_ = jpeg_decompress->output_height;
row_stride_ = width_ * jpeg_decompress->output_components * sizeof(*pixels_);
pixels_ = new uint8[row_stride_ * height_];
// jpeglib expects to get an array of pointers to rows, so allocate one and
// point it to contiguous rows in *pixels_.
rows_ = new uint8*[height_];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < height_; ++i) {
rows_[i] = pixels_ + PixelOffset(0, i);
while (jpeg_decompress->output_scanline < height_) {
// Try to read all remaining lines; we should get as many as the library is
// comfortable handing over at one go.
int rows_read =
rows_ + jpeg_decompress->output_scanline,
height_ - jpeg_decompress->output_scanline);
if (rows_read == 0) {
return false;
return jpeg_finish_decompress(jpeg_decompress);
// Initialize width_, height_, row_stride_, and pixels_ with data from the
// jpeg_decompress structure. Returns a status for errors that are caught in
// our code. Jpeglib errors are handled by longjmp-ing to internal handler
// code. We rely on the destructor to clean up pixel data after an error.
// Most of the work is done in DoReadJpegPixels, with errors ending up out here
// where we can clean them up. This avoids stack variable trouble if
// decompression fails and longjmps.
bool WebpOptimizer::ReadJpegPixels(J_COLOR_SPACE color_space,
const GoogleString& original_jpeg) {
bool read_ok = DoReadJpegPixels(color_space, original_jpeg);
delete[] rows_;
rows_ = NULL;
jpeg_decompress_struct* jpeg_decompress = reader_.decompress_struct();
// NULL out the setjmp information stored by DoReadJpegPixels; there should be
// no further decompression failures, and the stack would be invalid if there
// were.
jpeg_decompress->client_data = NULL;
return read_ok;
// Import YUV pixels_ into *picture, downsampling UV as appropriate. This is
// based on the RGB downsampling code in libwebp v0.2 src/enc/picture.c, but
// there's annoyingly no YUV downsampling code there.
// If WebPImportYUV succeeds, picture will have bitmaps allocated and must
// be cleaned up using WebPPictureFree(...).
bool WebpOptimizer::WebPImportYUV(WebPPicture* const picture) {
if (!WebPPictureAlloc(picture)) {
return false;
// Luma (Y) import
for (size_t y = 0; y < height_; ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < width_; ++x) {
picture->y[x + y * picture->y_stride] =
pixels_[kYPlane + PixelOffset(x, y)];
// Downsample U and V, handling boundaries. Better averaging is a TODO
// in the webp code, so this may need to change in future.
unsigned int half_height = height_ >> 1;
unsigned int half_width = width_ >> 1;
unsigned int extra_height = height_ & 1;
unsigned int extra_width = width_ & 1;
size_t x, y;
// Note that to preserve similar structure in the edge cases below We rely on
// overincrement of x and y and use them after the loop terminates. This
// should make it easier to understand the loop structures.
for (y = 0; y < half_height; ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < half_width; ++x) {
int source_offset = PixelOffset(2 * x, 2 * y);
int picture_offset = x + y * picture->uv_stride;
int pixel_sum_u =
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 1, 0) +
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 1) +
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 1, 1);
picture->u[picture_offset] = (2 + pixel_sum_u) >> 2;
int pixel_sum_v =
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 1, 0) +
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 1) +
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 1, 1);
picture->v[picture_offset] = (2 + pixel_sum_v) >> 2;
// Note: x == half_width
if (extra_width != 0) {
int source_offset = PixelOffset(2 * x, 2 * y);
int picture_offset = x + y * picture->uv_stride;
int pixel_sum_u =
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 1);
picture->u[picture_offset] = (1 + pixel_sum_u) >> 1;
int pixel_sum_v =
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 1);
picture->v[picture_offset] = (1 + pixel_sum_v) >> 1;
if (extra_height != 0) {
// Note: y == half_height
for (x = 0; x < half_width; ++x) {
int source_offset = PixelOffset(2 * x, 2 * y);
int picture_offset = x + y * picture->uv_stride;
int pixel_sum_u =
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 1, 0);
picture->u[picture_offset] = (1 + pixel_sum_u) >> 1;
int pixel_sum_v =
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 0) +
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 1, 0);
picture->v[picture_offset] = (1 + pixel_sum_v) >> 1;
// Note: x == half_width
if (extra_width != 0) {
int source_offset = PixelOffset(2 * x, 2 * y);
int picture_offset = x + y * picture->uv_stride;
int pixel_sum_u =
SampleAt(kUPlane, source_offset, 0, 0);
picture->u[picture_offset] = pixel_sum_u;
int pixel_sum_v =
SampleAt(kVPlane, source_offset, 0, 0);
picture->v[picture_offset] = pixel_sum_v;
return true;
int WebpOptimizer::ProgressHook(int percent, const WebPPicture* picture) {
const WebpOptimizer* webp_optimizer =
return webp_optimizer->progress_hook_(percent,
// Main body of transcode.
bool WebpOptimizer::CreateOptimizedWebp(
const GoogleString& original_jpeg,
int configured_quality,
WebpProgressHook progress_hook,
void* progress_hook_data,
GoogleString* compressed_webp) {
// Begin by making sure we can create a webp image at all:
WebPPicture picture;
WebPConfig config;
int input_quality = JpegUtils::GetImageQualityFromImage(,
if (!WebPPictureInit(&picture) || !WebPConfigInit(&config)) {
// Version mismatch.
return false;
if (configured_quality == kNoQualityGiven) {
// If configured quality is not available use the webp config
// quality as the configured quality.
configured_quality = config.quality;
int output_quality = configured_quality;
if (input_quality != kNoQualityGiven && input_quality < configured_quality) {
output_quality = input_quality;
} else {
// If JpegUtils::GetImageQualityFromImage couldn't figure
// out the quality or if the input quality is more than the configured
// quality, use configured quality to rewrite.
output_quality = configured_quality;
if (!WebPConfigPreset(&config, WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT, output_quality)) {
// Couldn't use the default preset.
return false;
} else {
// Set WebP compression method to 3 (4 is the default). From
// third_party/libwebp/v0_2/src/webp/encode.h, the method determines the
// 'quality/speed trade-off (0=fast, 6=slower-better). On a representative
// set of images, we see a 26% improvement in the 75th percentile
// compression time, even greater improvements further along the tail, and
// no increase in file size. Method 2 incurs a prohibitive 10% increase in
// file size, which is not worth the compression time savings.
config.method = 3;
if (!WebPValidateConfig(&config)) {
return false;
J_COLOR_SPACE color_space = kUseYUV ? JCS_YCbCr : JCS_RGB;
if (!ReadJpegPixels(color_space, original_jpeg)) {
return false;
// At this point, we're done reading the jpeg, and the color data
// is stored in *pixels. Now we just need to turn this into a webp.
// Regardless of the import method we use, we need to set the picture
// up beforehand as follows:
picture.writer = &GoogleStringWebpWriter;
picture.custom_ptr = static_cast<void*>(compressed_webp);
picture.width = width_;
picture.height = height_;
if (progress_hook != NULL) {
picture.progress_hook = ProgressHook;
picture.user_data = this;
progress_hook_ = progress_hook;
progress_hook_data_ = progress_hook_data;
if (kUseYUV) {
// pixels_ are YUV at full resolution; WebP requires us to downsample the U
// and V planes explicitly (and store the three planes separately).
if (!WebPImportYUV(&picture)) {
return false;
} else if (!WebPPictureImportRGB(&picture, pixels_, row_stride_)) {
return false;
// We're done with the original pixels, so clean them up. If an error occurs,
// this cleanup will happen in the destructor instead.
delete[] pixels_;
pixels_ = NULL;
// Now we need to take picture and WebP encode it.
bool result = WebPEncode(&config, &picture);
// Clean up the picture and return status.
return result;
} // namespace
bool OptimizeWebp(const GoogleString& original_jpeg, int configured_quality,
WebpProgressHook progress_hook, void* progress_hook_data,
GoogleString* compressed_webp,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
WebpOptimizer optimizer(message_handler);
return optimizer.CreateOptimizedWebp(original_jpeg, configured_quality,
progress_hook, progress_hook_data,
// Helper function to initialize picture object from WebP decode buffer.
static bool WebPDecBufferToPicture(const WebPDecBuffer* const buf,
WebPPicture* const picture) {
const WebPYUVABuffer* const yuva = &buf->u.YUVA;
if ((yuva->u_stride != yuva->v_stride) || (buf->colorspace != MODE_YUVA)) {
return false;
picture->width = buf->width;
picture->height = buf->height;
picture->y = yuva->y;
picture->u = yuva->u;
picture->v = yuva->v;
picture->a = yuva->a;
picture->y_stride = yuva->y_stride;
picture->uv_stride = yuva->u_stride;
picture->a_stride = yuva->a_stride;
picture->colorspace = WEBP_YUV420A;
return true;
bool ReduceWebpImageQuality(const GoogleString& original_webp,
int quality, GoogleString* compressed_webp) {
if (quality < 1) {
// No compression.
*compressed_webp = original_webp;
return true;
} else if (quality > 100) {
quality = 100;
const uint8* webp = reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(;
const int webp_size = original_webp.size();
// At the recommendation of skal@, we decompress and recompress in YUV(A)
// space here. We used to do this for jpeg conversion (as evidenced by the
// code above), but there are subtle differences between webp and jpeg YUV
// space conversions that require an adjustment step that was never
// implemented (see
// Here, however, it makes conversions less lossy and allows us to operate
// exclusively on the downsampled image, and of course we're operating in the
// webp YUV(A) space in both cases.
WebPConfig config;
if (WebPConfigPreset(&config, WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT, quality) == 0) {
// Couldn't set up preset.
return false;
WebPPicture picture;
if (WebPPictureInit(&picture) == 0) {
// Couldn't set up picture due to library version mismatch.
return false;
WebPDecoderConfig dec_config;
WebPDecBuffer* const output_buffer = &dec_config.output;
output_buffer->colorspace = MODE_YUVA;
bool success = ((WebPDecode(webp, webp_size, &dec_config) == VP8_STATUS_OK) &&
WebPDecBufferToPicture(output_buffer, &picture));
if (success) {
picture.writer = &GoogleStringWebpWriter;
picture.custom_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(compressed_webp);
success = WebPEncode(&config, &picture);
return success;
} // namespace net_instaweb