blob: 0bae7bbb46f8af3381855ef14200ec907ce90e1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/device_properties.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest_prod.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/query_params.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class GoogleUrl;
class MessageHandler;
class RequestProperties;
class ResponseHeaders;
class RewriteDriver;
class RewriteDriverFactory;
class RewriteFilter;
class RewriteOptions;
class ServerContext;
class RewriteQuery {
// The names of query-params.
static const char kModPagespeed[];
static const char kPageSpeed[];
static const char kModPagespeedFilters[];
static const char kPageSpeedFilters[];
// ModPagespeed query-param value for redirect from clients that do not
// support javascript.
// * Disables all filters that insert new javascript.
// * Enables filter kHandleNoscriptRedirect.
static const char kNoscriptValue[];
enum Status {
// Scans request_url's query parameters and request_headers for "ModPagespeed"
// and "PageSpeed" flags, creating and populating options_ or request_context
// if any were found that were all parsed successfully. If any were parsed
// unsuccessfully, kInvalid is returned. If none were found, kNoneFound is
// returned. Also removes the options from the query_params of the url and the
// request_headers, populates pagespeed_query_params() with the removed query
// parameters, and populates pagespeed_option_cookies() with any PageSpeed
// option cookies in the request headers (which are NOT removed).
// First cookies are processed, then query parameters, then request headers,
// then response headers. Therefore parameters set by response headers take
// precedence over request headers over query parameters over cookies. The
// exception is filter disables, which always take precedence over enables,
// even those processed later.
// If NULL is passed for request_headers or response_headers those particular
// headers will be skipped in the scan.
// 'allow_related_options' applies only to .pagespeed. resources.
// It enables the parsing of filters & options by ID, that have been
// declared in the RelatedOptions() and RelatedFilters() methods of
// the filter identified in the .pagespeed. URL. See GenerateResourceOption
// for how they get into URLs in the first place.
// 'allow_options_to_be_specified_by_cookies' controls whether we parse
// cookies for options.
Status Scan(bool allow_related_options,
bool allow_options_to_be_specified_by_cookies,
const GoogleString& request_option_override,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
RewriteDriverFactory* factory,
ServerContext* server_context,
GoogleUrl* request_url,
RequestHeaders* request_headers,
ResponseHeaders* response_headers,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Performs the request and response header scanning for Scan(). If any
// "ModPagespeed" or "PageSpeed" options are found in the headers they are
// stripped. Returns kNoneFound if no options found. Returns kSuccess and
// populates *'options' if options are found. Returns kInvalid if any headers
// were parsed unsuccessfully. Note: mod_instaweb::build_context_for_request
// assumes that headers will be stripped from the headers if options are found
// and that headers will not grow in this call.
template <class HeaderT>
static Status ScanHeader(bool allow_options,
const GoogleString& request_option_override,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
HeaderT* headers,
RequestProperties* request_properties,
RewriteOptions* options,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Given a two-letter filter ID string, generates a query-param for
// any in the driver's options that are related to the filter, and
// differ from the default. If no settings have been altered the
// empty string is returned.
static GoogleString GenerateResourceOption(StringPiece filter_id,
RewriteDriver* driver);
// Indicates whether the specified name is likely to identify a
// custom header or query param.
static bool MightBeCustomOption(StringPiece name);
const QueryParams& query_params() const { return query_params_; }
const QueryParams& pagespeed_query_params() const {
return pagespeed_query_params_;
const QueryParams& pagespeed_option_cookies() const {
return pagespeed_option_cookies_;
const RewriteOptions* options() const { return options_.get(); }
RewriteOptions* ReleaseOptions() { return options_.release(); }
// Determines whether the status code is one that is acceptable for
// processing requests.
static bool IsOK(Status status) {
return (status == kNoneFound) || (status == kSuccess);
friend class RewriteQueryTest;
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsEmptyHeader);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsMultipleHeaders);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsOrder1);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsOrder2);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsCaseInsensitive);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsNonDefaultProxyMode);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsValidVersionBadOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteQueryTest, ClientOptionsInvalidVersion);
enum ProxyMode {
// Client prefers that the server operates in its default mode.
// Client prefers that no image be transformed.
// Client prefers that no resource be transformed.
// This is equivalent to "?PageSpeedFilters=" in the request URL.
// Returns true if the params/headers/cookies look like they might have
// some options. This is used as a cheap pre-scan before doing the more
// expensive query processing.
static bool MayHaveCustomOptions(
const QueryParams& params, const RequestHeaders* req_headers,
const ResponseHeaders* resp_headers,
const RequestHeaders::CookieMultimap& cookies);
// As above, but only for headers.
template <class HeaderT>
static bool HeadersMayHaveCustomOptions(const QueryParams& params,
const HeaderT* headers);
// As above, but only for cookies.
static bool CookiesMayHaveCustomOptions(
const RequestHeaders::CookieMultimap& cookies);
// Examines a name/value pair for options.
static Status ScanNameValue(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& value,
bool allow_options,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
RequestProperties* request_properties,
RewriteOptions* options,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Parses a resource option based on the specified filter's related options.
static Status ParseResourceOption(StringPiece value, RewriteOptions* options,
const RewriteFilter* rewrite_filter);
// Returns true if a kXPsaClientOptions header is found, parsed successfully,
// and valid proxy_mode and image_quality are returned.
static bool ParseClientOptions(
const StringPiece& client_options,
ProxyMode* proxy_mode,
DeviceProperties::ImageQualityPreference* image_quality);
// Set image qualities in options.
// Returns true if any option is explicitly set.
static bool SetEffectiveImageQualities(
DeviceProperties::ImageQualityPreference quality_preference,
RequestProperties* request_properties,
RewriteOptions* options);
// Returns true if any option is explicitly set.
static bool UpdateRewriteOptionsWithClientOptions(
StringPiece header_value, RequestProperties* request_properties,
RewriteOptions* options);
// Returns true if a valid ProxyMode parsed and returned.
static bool ParseProxyMode(const GoogleString* mode_name, ProxyMode* mode);
// Returns true if a valid ImageQualityPreference parsed and returned.
static bool ParseImageQualityPreference(
const GoogleString* preference_name,
DeviceProperties::ImageQualityPreference* preference);
QueryParams query_params_;
QueryParams pagespeed_query_params_;
QueryParams pagespeed_option_cookies_;
scoped_ptr<RewriteOptions> options_;
} // namespace net_instaweb