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* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// This class manages the relationships between domains and resources.
// The Lawyer keeps track of which domains we are allowed to rewrite, including
// whether multiple resources can be bundled together.
// The Lawyer keeps track of domain mappings to move resources onto a CDN or
// onto a cookieless domain.
// The Lawyer keeps track of domain sharding, for distributing resources across
// equivalent domains to improve browser download parallelism.
// The class here holds state based on the configuration files
// (e.g. Apache .conf).
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class GoogleUrl;
class MessageHandler;
class DomainLawyer {
DomainLawyer() { Clear(); }
DomainLawyer& operator=(const DomainLawyer& src) {
if (&src != this) {
return *this;
DomainLawyer(const DomainLawyer& src) {
// Determines whether a resource can be rewritten, and returns the domain
// that it should be written to. The domain and the path of the resolved
// request are considered - first just the domain, then the domain plus the
// root of the path, and so on down the path until a match is found or the
// path is exhausted; this is done because we can map to a domain plus a
// path and we want to retain the previous behavior of 'working' when a
// mapped-to domain was provided. If the resource_url is relative (has no
// domain) then the resource can always be written, and will share the domain
// of the original request.
// The resource_url is considered relative to original_request. Generally
// it is always accessible to rewrite resources in the same domain as the
// original.
// Note: The mapped domain name will not incorporate any sharding.
// This is handled by ShardDomain().
// The returned mapped_domain_name will always end with a slash on success.
// The returned resolved_request incorporates rewrite-domain mapping and
// the original URL.
// Returns false on failure.
// This is used both for domain authorization and domain rewriting,
// but not domain sharding.
// See also IsDomainAuthorized, which can be used to determine
// domain authorization without performing a mapping.
bool MapRequestToDomain(const GoogleUrl& original_request,
const StringPiece& resource_url,
GoogleString* mapped_domain_name,
GoogleUrl* resolved_request,
MessageHandler* handler) const;
// Given the context of an HTTP request to 'original_request',
// checks whether 'domain_to_check' is authorized for rewriting.
// For example, if we are rewriting,
// then all resources from are implicitly authorized
// for rewriting. Additionally, any domains specified via
// AddDomain() are also authorized.
bool IsDomainAuthorized(const GoogleUrl& original_request,
const GoogleUrl& domain_to_check) const;
// Returns true if the given origin (domain:port) is one that we were
// explicitly told about in any form --- e.g. as a rewrite domain, origin
// domain, simple domain, or a shard.
// Note that this method returning true does not mean that resources from the
// given domain should be rewritten.
// The intent of this method is identify external hostnames fetchers should
// connect to. IMPORTANT: users of this method MUST NOT trust the Host:
// header for authorizing external connections, since doing that would
// make it trivial to bypass the check.
bool IsOriginKnown(const GoogleUrl& domain_to_check) const;
// Maps an origin resource; just prior to fetching it. This fails
// if the input URL is not valid. It succeeds even if there is no
// mapping done. You must compare 'in' to 'out' to determine if
// mapping was done.
// "*host_header is set to the Host header to use when fetching the resource
// from *out".
// *is_proxy is set to true if the origin-domain was established via
// AddProxyDomainMapping.
bool MapOrigin(const StringPiece& in, GoogleString* out,
GoogleString* host_header, bool* is_proxy) const;
bool MapOriginUrl(const GoogleUrl& gurl, GoogleString* out,
GoogleString* host_header, bool* is_proxy) const;
// The methods below this comment are intended only to be run only
// at configuration time.
// Adds a simple domain to the set that can be rewritten. No
// mapping or sharding will be performed. Returns false if the
// domain syntax was not acceptable. Wildcards (*, ?) may be used in
// the domain_name. Careless use of wildcards can expose the user to
// XSS attacks.
bool AddDomain(const StringPiece& domain_name, MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a simple domain to the set that is known but not authorized for
// rewriting. Observes all other constraints mentioned for AddDomain.
bool AddKnownDomain(const StringPiece& domain_name, MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a domain mapping, to assist with serving resources from
// cookieless domains or CDNs. This implicitly calls AddDomain(to_domain)
// and AddDomain(from_domain) if necessary. If either 'to' or 'from' has
// invalid syntax then this function returns false and has no effect.
// Wildcards may not be used in the to_domain, but they can be used
// in the from_domains.
// This routine can be called multiple times for the same to_domain. If
// the 'from' domains overlap due to wildcards, this will not be detected.
bool AddRewriteDomainMapping(const StringPiece& to_domain,
const StringPiece& comma_separated_from_domains,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds domain mappings that handle both http and https urls for the given
// from_domain_name. No wildcards may be used in either domain, and both
// must be protocol-free and should not have port numbers.
// This routine can be called multiple times for the same to_domain.
bool AddTwoProtocolRewriteDomainMapping(const StringPiece& to_domain_name,
const StringPiece& from_domain_name,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a domain mapping, to assist with fetching resources from locally
// signficant names/ip-addresses. host_header may be empty ("") in which case
// the corresponding from_domain will be used.
// Wildcards may not be used in the to_domain, but they can be used
// in the from_domains. Various tests depend on being able to add a port on
// to_domain (reference domain), though this functionality should not be
// relied on in production.
// This routine can be called multiple times for the same to_domain. If
// the 'from' domains overlap due to wildcards, this will not be detected.
// It is invalid to use the same origin_domain in AddProxyDomainMapping
// and as the to_domain of AddOriginDomainMapping. The latter requires
// a Host: request-header on fetches, whereas the former will not get one.
// If host_header is empty, then MapOrigin will return a host_header
// matching the passed-in URL. If host_header is non-empty, it will
// be returned from MapOrigin as specified.
bool AddOriginDomainMapping(const StringPiece& to_domain,
const StringPiece& comma_separated_from_domains,
const StringPiece& host_header,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a mapping to enable proxying & optimizing resources hosted
// on a domain we do not control, going back to the origin to
// fetch them.
// Wildcards may not be used in the proxy_domain or origin_domain.
// Subdirectories should normally be used in the proxy_domain, the
// origin_domain, and to_domain. This is a not a strict requirement. If you
// fully control the entire origin domain and are dedicating a proxy domain
// for the sole use of that origin domain then subdirectories are not needed.
// The proxy_domain must be running mod_pagespeed and configured
// consistently. The resources will be referenced from this domain
// in CSS and HTML files.
// The origin_domain does not need to run mod_pagespeed; it is used
// to fetch the resources.
// If to_domain is provided then resources are rewritten to to_domain instead
// of proxy_domain. This is useful for rewriting to a CDN.
// It is invalid to use the same origin_domain in AddProxyDomainMapping
// and to_domain of AddOriginDomainMapping. The latter requires
// a overriding the Host: request-header on fetches.
bool AddProxyDomainMapping(const StringPiece& proxy_domain,
const StringPiece& origin_domain,
const StringPiece& to_domain_name,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds domain mappings that handle fetches on both http and https for the
// given from_domain. No wildcards may be used in either domain, and both
// must be protocol-free and should not have port numbers. host_header
// behaves the same as passed into AddOriginDomainMapping.
// This routine may be called multiple times for the same to_domain.
bool AddTwoProtocolOriginDomainMapping(const StringPiece& to_domain_name,
const StringPiece& from_domain_name,
const StringPiece& host_header,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Specifies domain-sharding. This implicitly calls AddDomain(to_domain).
// Wildcards may not be used in the to_domain or the from_domain.
bool AddShard(const StringPiece& to_domain,
const StringPiece& comma_separated_shards,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Computes a domain shard based on a passed-in hash, returning true
// if the domain was sharded. Output argument 'sharded_domain' is
// only updated if when the return value is true.
// The hash is an explicit uint32 so that we get the same shard for a
// resource, whether the server is 32-bit or 64-bit. If we have
// 5 shards and used size_t for hashes, then we'd wind up with different
// shards on 32-bit and 64-bit machines and that would reduce cacheability
// of the sharded resources.
bool ShardDomain(const StringPiece& domain_name, uint32 hash,
GoogleString* sharded_domain) const;
// Merge the domains declared in src into this. There are no exclusions, so
// this is really just aggregating the mappings and authorizations declared in
// both domains. When the same domain is mapped in 'this' and 'src', 'src'
// wins.
void Merge(const DomainLawyer& src);
void Clear();
bool empty() const { return domain_map_.empty() && proxy_suffix_.empty(); }
// Determines whether a resource is going to change domains due to
// RewriteDomain mapping or domain sharding. Note that this does
// not account for the actual domain shard selected.
// The entire URL should be passed in, not just the domain name.
// Note that this is currently oblivious to proxy_suffix, whereas
// can_rewrite_domains() takes proxy_suffix into account.
bool WillDomainChange(const GoogleUrl& url) const;
// Determines whether a URL's domain was proxy-mapped from a different origin.
bool IsProxyMapped(const GoogleUrl& url) const;
// Determines whether any resources might be domain-mapped, either
// via sharding, rewriting, or due to a proxy_suffix
bool can_rewrite_domains() const {
return can_rewrite_domains_ || !proxy_suffix_.empty();
// Visible for testing.
int num_wildcarded_domains() const { return wildcarded_domains_.size(); }
// Determines whether two domains have been declared as serving the same
// content by the user, via Rewrite or Shard mapping.
bool DoDomainsServeSameContent(const StringPiece& domain1,
const StringPiece& domain2) const;
// Finds domains rewritten to this domain. Includes only non-wildcarded
// domains. comma_separated_from_domains is empty if no mapping found.
void FindDomainsRewrittenTo(
const GoogleUrl& domain_name,
ConstStringStarVector* from_domains) const;
// A proxy suffix provides a mechanism to implement a reverse proxy
// of sorts. With a suffix "", a site can be
// served by, and the system, when set up as a
// proxy, will know how to strip the "" when fetching
// from oriign. It will also know how to re-insert the suffix when
// rewriting hyperlinks to try to keep users in the proxied domain
// as they navigate within the site.
// As of Oct 1, 2014, resource-mapping is not supported by proxy_suffix,
// but it doesn't need to be. For example, given a reference on
// to '', such a reference would not
// be remapped when serving HTML from Relative
// references to 'styles.css' would be absolutified by the browser to
//, and served by the proxy, which would
// strip the '' and fetch the origin content from
// TODO(jmarantz): In the future we will likely want to map
// absolutely referenced resources to from the origin domain to
// so we can optimize them. This can be implemented by
// integrating the proxy_suffix into MapRewriteDomain and MapOriginDomain,
// as a variation on MapProxyDomain.
void set_proxy_suffix(const GoogleString& suffix) { proxy_suffix_ = suffix; }
const GoogleString& proxy_suffix() const { return proxy_suffix_; }
// Writes *url after stripping the proxy suffix from gurl, returing
// false if the gurl does not have a Host with the expected suffix.
// Writes the origin host into *host.
bool StripProxySuffix(const GoogleUrl& gurl,
GoogleString* url, GoogleString* host) const;
// Adds a proxy suffix to the Host in *href if it matches the the base URL.
// Returns true if the href was modified, false if it wasn't.
bool AddProxySuffix(const GoogleUrl& base_url, GoogleString* href) const;
// Computes a signature for the DomainLawyer object including containing
// classes (Domain).
GoogleString Signature() const;
// Computes a string representation meant for debugging purposes only.
// (The format might change in unpredictable ways and is not meant for
// machine consumption).
// Each domain will appear on a separate line, and each line will be prefixed
// with 'line_prefix'.
GoogleString ToString(StringPiece line_prefix) const;
// Version that's easier to call from debugger.
GoogleString ToString() const { return ToString(StringPiece()); }
class Domain;
friend class DomainLawyerTest;
typedef bool (Domain::*SetDomainFn)(Domain* domain, MessageHandler* handler);
static GoogleString NormalizeDomainName(const StringPiece& domain_name);
static bool IsSchemeSafeToMapTo(const StringPiece& domain_name,
bool allow_https_scheme);
bool MapDomainHelper(
const StringPiece& to_domain_name,
const StringPiece& comma_separated_from_domains,
const StringPiece& host_header,
SetDomainFn set_domain_fn,
bool allow_wildcards,
bool allow_map_to_https,
bool authorize,
MessageHandler* handler);
bool MapUrlHelper(const Domain& from_domain,
const Domain& to_domain,
const GoogleUrl& gurl,
GoogleUrl* mapped_gurl) const;
bool DomainNameToTwoProtocols(const StringPiece& domain_name,
GoogleString* http_url,
GoogleString* https_url);
bool TwoProtocolDomainHelper(
const StringPiece& to_domain_name,
const StringPiece& from_domain_name,
const StringPiece& host_header,
SetDomainFn set_domain_fn,
bool authorize,
MessageHandler* handler);
Domain* AddDomainHelper(const StringPiece& domain_name,
bool warn_on_duplicate,
bool authorize,
bool is_proxy,
MessageHandler* handler);
Domain* CloneAndAdd(const Domain* src);
Domain* FindDomain(const GoogleUrl& gurl) const;
// Map-order is important as ordering is taken into consideration while
// constructing the signature of the domain lawyer.
typedef std::map<GoogleString, Domain*> DomainMap; // see AddDomainHelper
DomainMap domain_map_;
typedef std::vector<Domain*> DomainVector; // see AddDomainHelper
DomainVector wildcarded_domains_;
GoogleString proxy_suffix_;
bool can_rewrite_domains_;
// Indicates if all domains are authorized. If set to true, IsDomainAuthorized
// always returns true.
bool authorize_all_domains_;
// If you add more fields here, please be sure to update Merge().
// DomainLawyer is explicitly copyable and assignable.
} // namespace net_instaweb