blob: 63b782d9c75aac8dcbcc5f933d1b2103398b4c1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Naomi Forman)
// Functionality for parsing css declarations.
// Currently this file deals with dimensions only, but could
// be explanded to include other types of values.
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace Css {
class Declarations;
class MediaQueries;
class MediaQuery;
class Selector;
namespace net_instaweb {
class HtmlElement;
// TODO(nforman): remove this namespace and put everything into the
// StyleExtractor class.
namespace css_util {
static const char kAllMedia[] = "all";
static const int kNoValue = -1;
enum DimensionState {
kNoDimensions, // No dimensions found.
kHasHeightOnly, // Found height only.
kHasWidthOnly, // Found width only.
kHasBothDimensions, // Found both width and height.
kNotParsable // Found a dimension, but couldn't extract a value.
// Extract the width and height values out of a list of declarations.
// If a value was not found, it will be populated with kNoValue.
// This is "safe" because even if someone specifies a width:-1; it will be
// ignored:
// "If a negative length value is set on a property that does not allow
// negative length values, the declaration is ignored."
DimensionState GetDimensions(Css::Declarations* decls, int* width, int* height);
class StyleExtractor {
explicit StyleExtractor(HtmlElement* element);
virtual ~StyleExtractor();
DimensionState state() const { return state_; }
// If a value was not found, it will be populated with kNoValue.
int width() const { return width_px_; }
int height() const { return height_px_; }
// Returns true if there is any dimension specified in a style attribute,
// whether or not they're parsable.
bool HasAnyDimensions() { return (state_ != kNoDimensions); }
DimensionState dimension_state() { return state_; }
static Css::Declarations* GetDeclsFromElement(HtmlElement* element);
scoped_ptr<Css::Declarations> decls_;
int width_px_;
int height_px_;
DimensionState state_;
// Utility functions for handling CSS media types as vectors of strings.
// There is an argument to use StringPiece's rather than GoogleString's here,
// but CssFilter::FlattenImportsContext cannot use StringPiece's because it
// doesn't keep the original strings, so copies in GoogleString's are required.
// Convert a media string, from either a media attribute or after @import, to
// a vector of media types. If any of the input media types are 'all' then an
// empty vector is returned: 'all' means all media types are accepted so it
// subsumes all other types, and an empty vector representation is most useful.
void VectorizeMediaAttribute(const StringPiece& input_media,
StringVector* output_vector);
// Convert a vector of media types to a media string. If the input vector is
// empty then the answer is 'all', the inverse of the vectorizing function
// above; if you want the empty string then test the vector yourself. Otherwise
// the answer is a comma-separated list of media types.
GoogleString StringifyMediaVector(const StringVector& import_media);
// Checks if query is not simply a media type. In other words, whether it has
// a qualifier ("not" or "only") or media expressions (like "and (color)").
bool IsComplexMediaQuery(const Css::MediaQuery& query);
// Convert a set of MediaQueries to a vector of UTF-8 GoogleString's for use
// of the above functions. Elements are trimmed and any empty elements are
// ignored.
// Only simple media queries are accepted, returns false for complex queries.
bool ConvertMediaQueriesToStringVector(const Css::MediaQueries& in_vector,
StringVector* out_vector);
// Convert a vector of UTF-8 GoogleString's to MediaQueries. Elements are
// trimmed and any empty elements are ignored. The strings are interpreted
// as simple media types (no complex media query syntax like "not screen" or
// "(max-width: 200px)").
void ConvertStringVectorToMediaQueries(const StringVector& in_vector,
Css::MediaQueries* out_vector);
// Clear the given vector if it contains the media 'all'. This is required
// because Css::Parser doesn't treat 'all' specially but we do for efficiency.
void ClearVectorIfContainsMediaAll(StringVector* media);
// Can this media attribute include some kind of screen?
bool CanMediaAffectScreen(const StringPiece& media);
// Strip a parsed selector down to a string that can be used by a
// querySelectorAll call in the browser to select DOM elements.
GoogleString JsDetectableSelector(const Css::Selector& selector);
// Eliminate all elements from the first vector that are not in the second
// vector, with the caveat that an empty vector (first or second) means 'the
// set of all possible values', meaning that if the second vector is empty
// then no elements are removed from the first vector, and if the first vector
// is empty then the second vector is copied into it. Both vectors must be
// sorted on entry.
template<typename T>
void EliminateElementsNotIn(std::vector<T>* sorted_inner,
const std::vector<T>& sorted_outer) {
if (!sorted_outer.empty()) {
if (sorted_inner->empty()) {
*sorted_inner = sorted_outer;
} else {
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator outer_iter = sorted_outer.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator inner_iter = sorted_inner->begin();
while (inner_iter != sorted_inner->end()) {
if (outer_iter == sorted_outer.end()) {
// No more outer elements => delete all remaining inner elements.
inner_iter = sorted_inner->erase(inner_iter, sorted_inner->end());
} else if (*outer_iter == *inner_iter) {
// This inner element is in the outer => keep it and move on.
} else if (*outer_iter < *inner_iter) {
// This outer element isn't in the inner => skip it, try the next.
} else {
// This inner element isn't in the outer => delete it, move on.
inner_iter = sorted_inner->erase(inner_iter);
} // namespace css_util
} // namespace net_instaweb