blob: f1634ac90573dc5ccccfbfbc4ec0bd164d6a2907 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
class RewriteOptions;
class ServerContext;
class Writer;
class CssTagScanner {
// Helper class for TransformUrls to allow any URL transformation to
// be applied to a CSS file.
class Transformer {
virtual ~Transformer();
enum TransformStatus { kSuccess, kNoChange, kFailure };
// Transforms str in-place.
// If kSuccess -> transformation succeeded and str may have changed
// (Generally implementers should only return kSuccess if str changed, but
// this is merely an optimization. Functionally it doesn't matter).
// If kNoChange -> transformation succeeded and str was unchanged.
// If kFailure -> transformation failed. str is undefined, do not use.
virtual TransformStatus Transform(GoogleString* str) = 0;
static const char kStylesheet[];
static const char kAlternate[];
static const char kUriValue[];
// An instance of CssTagScanner should be created to use
// TransformUrlsStreaming; other APIs do not need this.
// *transformer will be used to to transform URLs in CSS, and *handler for
// logging.
CssTagScanner(Transformer* transformer, MessageHandler* handler);
// Examines an HTML element to determine if it's a CSS link, extracting out
// the href, the media type (if any) and any nonstandard attributes. If it's
// not CSS, href is set to NULL, media is set to "", and no nonstandard
// attributes are identified. NULL may be passed for nonstandard_attributes
// to indicate the caller doesn't need them collected.
static bool ParseCssElement(HtmlElement* element,
HtmlElement::Attribute** href,
const char** media,
StringPieceVector* nonstandard_attributes);
// Many callers don't care about nonstandard attributes, so we provide a
// version that discards that information.
static bool ParseCssElement(HtmlElement* element,
HtmlElement::Attribute** href,
const char** media) {
return ParseCssElement(element, href, media,
NULL /* nonstandard attributes */);
// When parsing streaming input, we need to be told if the given input
// portion goes up to end-of-file (since it affects whether something
// may continue the last token of the input).
enum InputPortion {
// Scans the contents of a CSS file, looking for the pattern url(xxx).
// Performs an arbitrary mutation on all such URLs.
// If xxx is quoted with single-quotes or double-quotes, those are
// retained and the URL inside is transformed.
static bool TransformUrls(
StringPiece contents, Writer* writer, Transformer* transformer,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Like above, but handles incomplete input. In such a case, all chunks
// other than the last one should be served with input_portion ==
// kInputDoesNotIncludeEnd. Note that this method store some state for
// reparsing, so you can't concurrently run two streams through the same
// CssTagScanner object.
bool TransformUrlsStreaming(
StringPiece contents, InputPortion input_portion, Writer* writer);
// Returns what was retained by TransformUrlsStreaming for reparsing.
// Meant for use in tests.
GoogleString RetainedForReparse() const { return reparse_; }
// Does this CSS file contain @import? If so, it cannot be combined with
// previous CSS files. This may give false-positives, but no false-negatives.
static bool HasImport(const StringPiece& contents, MessageHandler* handler);
// Detemines whether this CSS contains a URI value (aka URL).
static bool HasUrl(const StringPiece& contents);
// Does this attribute value represent a stylesheet or alternate stylesheet?
// Should be called with element->AttributeValue(HtmlName::kRel) as the arg.
static bool IsStylesheetOrAlternate(const StringPiece& attribute_value);
// Does this rel attribute value represent an alternate stylesheet?
static bool IsAlternateStylesheet(const StringPiece& attribute_value);
enum UrlKind {
void SerializeUrlUse(UrlKind kind, const GoogleString& url,
bool is_quoted, bool have_term_quote, char quote,
bool have_term_paren,
Writer* writer, bool* ok);
Transformer* transformer_;
MessageHandler* handler_;
GoogleString reparse_;
// Transform URLs by:
// 1 Resolving them against old_base_url,
// 2 Mapping them appropriately with domain_rewrite_filter and then
// 3 Trimming them against new_base_url.
class RewriteDomainTransformer : public CssTagScanner::Transformer {
RewriteDomainTransformer(const GoogleUrl* old_base_url,
const GoogleUrl* new_base_url,
const ServerContext* server_context,
const RewriteOptions* options,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~RewriteDomainTransformer();
virtual TransformStatus Transform(GoogleString* str);
void set_trim_urls(bool x) { trim_urls_ = x; }
const GoogleUrl* old_base_url_;
const GoogleUrl* new_base_url_;
const ServerContext* server_context_;
const RewriteOptions* options_;
MessageHandler* handler_;
bool trim_urls_;
} // namespace net_instaweb