blob: aee0683ccf012e5c1c2cd344974765f54e33021c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jan-Willem Maessen)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/mobilize_label_filter.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/add_ids_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_test_base.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mock_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/stdio_file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_parse_test_base.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/user_agent_matcher_test_base.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/http/mock_property_page.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/http/property_cache.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const char kTestDataDir[] = "/net/instaweb/rewriter/testdata/";
const char kOriginal[] = "mobilize_test.html";
const char kOriginalHtml5[] = "mobilize_test_html5.html";
const char kOriginalLabeled[] = "mobilize_test_labeled.html";
const char kOriginalHtml5Labeled[] = "mobilize_test_html5_labeled.html";
class MobilizeLabelFilterTest : public RewriteTestBase {
MobilizeLabelFilterTest() {}
virtual void SetUp() {
add_ids_filter_.reset(new AddIdsFilter(rewrite_driver()));
new MobilizeLabelFilter(false /* is_menu_subfetch */,
const PropertyCache::Cohort* dom_cohort =
Statistics* stats = statistics();
pages_labeled_ =
pages_role_added_ =
navigational_roles_ =
header_roles_ =
content_roles_ =
marginal_roles_ =
divs_unlabeled_ =
ambiguous_role_labels_ =
// Remove data-mobile-role labeling from a labeled document
GoogleString Unlabel(StringPiece labeled) {
GoogleString result;
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring(" data-mobile-role=\"", "\"", &result);
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring("<!--id: ", "-->", &result);
GlobalReplaceSubstring("<!--No nodes labeled for mobilization-->", "",
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring(" id=\"PageSpeed-", "\"", &result);
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring("<script type=\"text/javascript\">",
"</script>", &result);
return result;
// Remove percentages and previous content bytes, which are very
// input-sensitive, from output buffer so that we just check raw statistics
// counts.
void RemoveRedundantDataFromOutputBuffer() {
"PreviousTagPercent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"PreviousContentBytes:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"PreviousContentPercent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"PreviousNonBlankBytes:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"PreviousNonBlankPercent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"ContainedTagPercent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"ContainedContentPercent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
"ContainedNonBlankPercent", ", ", &output_buffer_);
GlobalReplaceSubstring("-->", ", -->", &output_buffer_);
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring("div percent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring("h1 percent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
GlobalEraseBracketedSubstring("section percent:", ", ", &output_buffer_);
GlobalReplaceSubstring(", -->", "-->", &output_buffer_);
void ResetStats() {
void SetupPCache(StringPiece url) {
PropertyPage* page = NewMockPage(url);
bool ExpectTwoRuns(
StringPiece case_id, StringPiece html_input, StringPiece html_output) {
GoogleString url = StrCat(kTestDomain, case_id, ".html");
bool status1 = ValidateExpectedUrl(url, html_input, html_output);
int labeled = pages_labeled_->Get();
int role_added = pages_role_added_->Get();
int navigational = navigational_roles_->Get();
int header = header_roles_->Get();
int content = content_roles_->Get();
int marginal = marginal_roles_->Get();
int ambiguous = ambiguous_role_labels_->Get();
int unlabeled = divs_unlabeled_->Get();
int multiplier = 2;
if (rewrite_driver()->DebugMode()) {
multiplier = 1;
LOG(INFO) << "Second go. Multiplier " << multiplier;
bool status2 = ValidateExpectedUrl(url, html_input, html_output);
EXPECT_EQ(multiplier * labeled, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(role_added, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(navigational, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(header, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(content, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(marginal, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(ambiguous, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(unlabeled, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
return (status1 && status2);
scoped_ptr<AddIdsFilter> add_ids_filter_;
scoped_ptr<MobilizeLabelFilter> label_filter_;
Variable* pages_labeled_;
Variable* pages_role_added_;
Variable* navigational_roles_;
Variable* header_roles_;
Variable* content_roles_;
Variable* marginal_roles_;
Variable* divs_unlabeled_;
Variable* ambiguous_role_labels_;
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, AlreadyLabeled) {
StdioFileSystem filesystem;
GoogleString html5_filename =
StrCat(GTestSrcDir(), kTestDataDir, kOriginalHtml5);
GoogleString html5_contents;
html5_filename.c_str(), &html5_contents, message_handler()));
// Classify fully, compare against gold labeling.
// Note that changes are fairly minimal.
GoogleString labeled_filename =
StrCat(GTestSrcDir(), kTestDataDir, kOriginalHtml5Labeled);
GoogleString labeled_contents;
labeled_filename.c_str(), &labeled_contents, message_handler()));
html5_contents, labeled_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(11, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, Html5TagsInHead) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<menu id=\"PageSpeed-0-0\">Now treated as a menu</menu>\n"
"<header id=\"PageSpeed-0-1\"><h1>Also labeled</h1></header>\n"
"<article id=\"PageSpeed-0-2\">Still labeled</article>\n"
"<footer id=\"PageSpeed-0-3\">Also labeled</footer>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, pages_role_added_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, NoLabelableContent) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"Just a paragraph of plain old content. "
"Nothing to label here!"
"<!--No nodes labeled for mobilization-->";
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, pages_role_added_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, TinyCount) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div role='header' id=\"PageSpeed-0\" data-mobile-role=\"header\">"
" Hello there,"
" <a href=''>World</a></div>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-0,"
" role: header,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2," // <a> tag
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2," // Includes <div> itself.
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 17," // Whitespace before <a> ignored.
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 5,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 29.41,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 12,"
" head: 1,"
" a count: 1,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, TinyCountNbsp) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div role='header' id=\"PageSpeed-0\" data-mobile-role=\"header\">"
" &nbsp;Hello&nbsp;there,&nbsp;&nbsp; "
" <a href=''>World</a></div>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-0,"
" role: header,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2," // <a> tag
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2," // Includes <div> itself.
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 17," // Whitespace before <a> ignored.
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 5,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 29.41,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 12,"
" head: 1,"
" a count: 1,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, ImgInsideAndOutsideA) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div role='content' id=\"PageSpeed-0\" data-mobile-role=\"header\">"
" <img src='a.png'>"
" <img src='b.jpg'>"
" <a href=''><img src='world.gif'></a></div>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-0,"
" role: header,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 3," // <a><img></a>
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 5," // Includes <div> itself.
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAImgTag: 1,"
" ContainedAImgLocalPercent: 33.33,"
" ContainedNonAImgTag: 2,"
" content: 1,"
" a count: 1,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 100.00,"
" img count: 3,"
" img percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Small count nav",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithUnicodeId) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<header id='g\xc5\x82\xc3\xb3wna'>Header</header>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Unicode id", Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithEmptyId) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<header id=''>Header</header>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Empty id", Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithBlankId) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<header id>Header</header>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Blank id", Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, InternalQuotesAndSpacesInId) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<header id=\"'Quotes'\\slashes\">Header</header>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Quotes\\slashes in id", Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, CloseScriptInId) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<header id='</script>'>Header</header>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Close script in id", Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithFlush) {
// Note that we cannot remove unused ids inserted before the flush.
const char kBody1[] =
"<div id=\"PageSpeed-1\">\n"
"<div role='nav' id=\"PageSpeed-1-0\"><a href=''>\n"
"Hello, World\n"
const char kBody2[] =
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
GoogleString expected = StrCat(kBody1, kBody2);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected, output_buffer_);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithFlushAndDebug) {
// We can't insert helpful comments because the tags aren't rewritable
// anymore. Note that this is true even for the spanning <div>, where we
// arguably ought to be able to insert *after* the closing tag as it's still
// in the flush window.
const char kBody1[] =
"<div id=\"PageSpeed-1\">\n"
"<div role='nav' id=\"PageSpeed-1-0\"><a href=''>\n"
"Hello, World\n"
const char kBody2[] =
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 3,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 11,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" a count: 1,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 2,"
" div percent: 100.00-->"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 1,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 33.33,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 66.67,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 11,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" nav: 1,"
" a count: 1,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 50.00,"
" parent role is navigational-->"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
GoogleString expected = StrCat(kBody1, kBody2);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected, output_buffer_);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, DontCrashWithMarginalChildOfNav) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div id='a'>\n"
" <ul id='b'>\n"
" <li><a href='/'>Drive</a></li>\n"
" </ul>\n"
" <ul id='c'>\n"
" <li><a href='R8'>R8</a></li>\n"
" </ul>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, MarginalPropagation) {
// Test that marginal content gets labeled as such, and the
// labels get propagated up the DOM (but only as far as the
// outermost parent that isn't otherwise labeled).
const char kOutputHtml[] =
" <div data-mobile-role='header' id=\"PageSpeed-0-0\">header</div>\n"
" <div id=\"PageSpeed-0-1\">\n"
" <p>Content</p>\n"
" <p>More content</p>\n"
" <p>Still more content</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" <p>Are we still here? This is really quite a lot of content.</p>\n"
" </div>\n"
" <div id=\"PageSpeed-0-2\">\n"
" A Marginal Title\n"
" <div role='footer'><a>footer</a></div>\n"
" <div role='junk'><a>junk</a></div>\n"
" <div><a>more junk</a></div>\n"
" </div>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Marginal propagation",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(4, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, ParentPropagation) {
// Make sure an element all of whose children are labeled inherits the label,
// and an element whose children's labels conflict does not.
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div>\n" // One nav, one header, one content -> no label.
" <header id=\"PageSpeed-0-0\"></header>\n"
" <nav id=\"PageSpeed-0-1\"></nav>\n"
"<div id=\"PageSpeed-1\">\n" // Both children nav.
" <div>\n" // Only child is nav, so nav.
" <nav></nav>\n"
" </div>\n"
" <nav></nav>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Parent propagation",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, SmallCountNav) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div class='container' id=\"PageSpeed-1\""
" data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" <a href='a'>a</a>\n"
" <div class='menu' id='hdr' role='nav'>\n"
" <ul id=\"PageSpeed-hdr-0\">\n"
" <li><a href='n1'>nav 1</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n2'>nav 2</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n3'>nav 3</a></li>\n"
" </ul>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-hdr-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 3,"
" PreviousTagCount: 3,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 30.00,"
" PreviousContentBytes: 1,"
" PreviousContentPercent: 6.25,"
" PreviousNonBlankBytes: 1,"
" PreviousNonBlankPercent: 7.69,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 7,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 70.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 93.75,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 92.31,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 75.00,"
" li count: 3,"
" li percent: 100.00,"
" ul count: 1,"
" ul percent: 100.00-->\n"
" </div>"
"<!--id: hdr,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 2,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 20.00,"
" PreviousContentBytes: 1,"
" PreviousContentPercent: 6.25,"
" PreviousNonBlankBytes: 1,"
" PreviousNonBlankPercent: 7.69,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagCount: 8,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 80.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 93.75,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 92.31,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" hdr: 1,"
" menu: 1,"
" nav: 1,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 75.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 50.00,"
" li count: 3,"
" li percent: 100.00,"
" ul count: 1,"
" ul percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagCount: 10,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 13,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" a count: 4,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 2,"
" div percent: 100.00,"
" li count: 3,"
" li percent: 100.00,"
" ul count: 1,"
" ul percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Small count nav",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, SmallCountTabularNav) {
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<div class='container' id=\"PageSpeed-1\""
" data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" <a href='a'>a</a>\n"
" <table class='menu' id='hdr' role='nav'>\n"
" <tr id=\"PageSpeed-hdr-0\">\n"
" <td><a href='n1'>nav 1</a></td>\n"
" <td><a href='n2'>nav 2</a></td>\n"
" <td><a href='n3'>nav 3</a></td>\n"
" </tr>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-hdr-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 3,"
" PreviousTagCount: 3,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 30.00,"
" PreviousContentBytes: 1,"
" PreviousContentPercent: 6.25,"
" PreviousNonBlankBytes: 1,"
" PreviousNonBlankPercent: 7.69,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 7,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 70.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 93.75,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 92.31,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 75.00,"
" td count: 3,"
" td percent: 100.00,"
" tr count: 1,"
" tr percent: 100.00,"
" parent role is navigational-->\n"
" </table>"
"<!--id: hdr,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 2,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 20.00,"
" PreviousContentBytes: 1,"
" PreviousContentPercent: 6.25,"
" PreviousNonBlankBytes: 1,"
" PreviousNonBlankPercent: 7.69,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagCount: 8,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 80.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 93.75,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 92.31,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 15,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" hdr: 1,"
" menu: 1,"
" nav: 1,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 75.00,"
" table count: 1,"
" table percent: 100.00,"
" td count: 3,"
" td percent: 100.00,"
" tr count: 1,"
" tr percent: 100.00,"
" parent role is navigational-->\n"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 5,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagCount: 10,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 13,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" a count: 4,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 100.00,"
" table count: 1,"
" table percent: 100.00,"
" td count: 3,"
" td percent: 100.00,"
" tr count: 1,"
" tr percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Small tabular nav",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, NoLabelInsideA) {
// First, make sure we identify things correctly without <a>
const char kOutputHtmlNoA[] =
" <div role='header' id=\"PageSpeed-1\">\n"
" <h1><img src='logo.gif'>Header!</h1></div>\n"
" <div class='container' id=\"PageSpeed-2\">\n"
" <a href='a'>a</a>\n"
" <div class='menu' id='hdr' role='nav'>\n"
" <ul>\n"
" <li><a href='n1'>nav 1</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n2'>nav 2</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n3'>nav 3</a></li>\n"
" </ul>\n"
" </div>\n"
" </div>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Label not inside <a>",
Unlabel(kOutputHtmlNoA), kOutputHtmlNoA);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
// Now make sure that inside <a> we don't identify the header, but we do
// identify the nav because it in turn contains nested links indicating that
// the outer <a> was an error.
const char kOutputHtmlWithA[] =
"<a href=top.html>\n" // Now enclosed by a
" <div role='header'>\n" // Not labeled => no id
" <h1><img src='logo.gif'>Header!</h1></div></a>\n"
"<a href=menu.html>\n" // Also enclosed by a
" <div class='container' id=\"PageSpeed-2-0\">\n"
" <a href='a'>a</a>\n" // But contains lots of a, so still label.
" <div class='menu' id='hdr' role='nav'>\n"
" <ul>\n"
" <li><a href='n1'>nav 1</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n2'>nav 2</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='n3'>nav 3</a></li>\n"
" </ul>\n"
" </div>\n"
" </div>\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" // No header divs remain.
ExpectTwoRuns("No label inside <a>",
Unlabel(kOutputHtmlWithA), kOutputHtmlWithA);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, ConfiguredInclusionAndExclusion) {
// Here we use HTML5 tags to create a document that would normally classify a
// particular way, and use configuration to change the classification of those
// tags.
const char kOutputHtml[] =
" <header class='maybe ok yup' id=\"PageSpeed-1\">\n"
" <ul><li><a href='n1'>Actually navigational</a></ul>\n"
" </header>\n"
" <nav class='maybe ok yup' id='no'>\n"
" <nav id='no-a'>Nested forced nav</nav>\n"
" <header class='yes' id='no-b'>Overridden</header>\n"
" <ul><li><a href='n2'>Inherited non-navigational</a></ul>\n"
" </nav>\n"
" <nav class='yes no ok' id=\"PageSpeed-3\">\n"
" <ul><li><a href='n1'>Not navigational</a></ul>\n"
" </nav>\n"
" <em class='no' id='yes'>\n"
" Navigational\n"
" </em>\n"
" <span class='no' id=\"PageSpeed-5\">\n"
" Non-navigational\n"
" </span>\n"
" <script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Configured inclusion and exclusion",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, NavInsideHeader) {
// A common pattern in sites is to have a header area with a logo and some
// navigational content. We'd like to flag the navigational content!
const char kOutputHtml[] =
" <header id=\"PageSpeed-1\" data-mobile-role=\"header\">\n"
" <img src='logo.gif'>\n"
" <ul id='nav_menu' data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" <li><a href='about.html'>About us</a>\n"
" <li><a href='contact.html'>Contact</a>\n"
" <li><a href='faq.html'>FAQ</a>\n"
" </ul>"
"<!--id: nav_menu,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 2,"
" PreviousTagPercent: 22.22,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 7,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 77.78,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 18,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 17,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 18,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" menu: 1,"
" nav: 1,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" li count: 3,"
" li percent: 100.00,"
" ul count: 1,"
" ul percent: 100.00,"
" parent role is header-->\n"
" </header>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1,"
" role: header,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagCount: 9,"
" ContainedTagPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 18,"
" ContainedContentPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 17,"
" ContainedNonBlankPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedAContentBytes: 18,"
" ContainedAContentLocalPercent: 100.00,"
" ContainedNonAImgTag: 1,"
" a count: 3,"
" a percent: 100.00,"
" div count: 1,"
" div percent: 100.00,"
" img count: 1,"
" img percent: 100.00,"
" li count: 3,"
" li percent: 100.00,"
" ul count: 1,"
" ul percent: 100.00-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
ExpectTwoRuns("Nav inside header",
Unlabel(kOutputHtml), kOutputHtml);
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, Html5TagsInBody) {
// Just for clarity we include the labeled HTML without the sample comments
// emitted by debug. The input HTML is this with the data-mobile-role
// annotations stripped out.
const char kLabeledHtml[] =
"<nav data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">Labeled\n"
" <menu>unlabeled</menu>\n"
"<menu data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" Labeled</menu>\n"
"<header data-mobile-role=\"header\">\n"
" <h1>Labeled</h1></header>\n"
"<div id='body' data-mobile-role=\"content\">\n"
" <main>labeled\n"
" <article>\n"
" <section>unlabeled</section>\n"
" </article>\n"
" </main>\n"
" <article data-mobile-role=\"content\">also labeled</article>\n"
" <section data-mobile-role=\"content\">this too\n"
" <aside data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">\n"
" and this, it differs.</aside>\n"
" </section>\n"
"<aside data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">Labeled</aside>\n"
"<footer data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">labeled\n"
" <menu data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" navvy</menu>\n"
// Note how the HTML5 tags used for training / instant classification are
// treated as divs in the instrumented data.
const char kOutputHtml[] =
"<nav id=\"PageSpeed-1\" data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">Labeled\n"
" <menu id=\"PageSpeed-1-0\">unlabeled</menu>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 9,"
" div count: 1,"
" parent role is navigational-->\n"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-1,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 16,"
" div count: 2-->\n"
"<menu id=\"PageSpeed-2\" data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" Labeled</menu>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-2,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" PreviousTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 7,"
" div count: 1-->\n"
"<header id=\"PageSpeed-3\" data-mobile-role=\"header\">\n"
" <h1>Labeled</h1></header>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-3,"
" role: header,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" PreviousTagCount: 3,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 7,"
" div count: 1,"
" h1 count: 1-->\n"
"<div id='body' data-mobile-role=\"content\">\n"
" <main id=\"PageSpeed-body-0\">labeled\n"
" <article id=\"PageSpeed-body-0-0\">\n"
" <section id=\"PageSpeed-body-0-0-0\">unlabeled</section>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-0-0-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 4,"
" PreviousTagCount: 8,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 9,"
" section count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
" </article>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-0-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 3,"
" PreviousTagCount: 7,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 9,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 9,"
" div count: 1,"
" section count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
" </main>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-0,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 6,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagCount: 3,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 16,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 16,"
" div count: 2,"
" section count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
" <article id=\"PageSpeed-body-1\">also labeled</article>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-1,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 9,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 11,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 12,"
" div count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
" <section id=\"PageSpeed-body-2\">this too\n"
" <aside id=\"PageSpeed-body-2-0\" data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">\n"
" and this, it differs.</aside>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-2-0,"
" role: marginal,"
" ElementTagDepth: 3,"
" PreviousTagCount: 11,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 21,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 18,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 21,"
" div count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
" </section>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-body-2,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 10,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 29,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 25,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 29,"
" div count: 1,"
" section count: 1,"
" parent role is content-->\n"
"<!--id: body,"
" role: content,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" PreviousTagCount: 5,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 4,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 3,"
" ContainedTagCount: 7,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 57,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 52,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 57,"
" body: 1,"
" div count: 5,"
" section count: 2-->\n"
"<aside id=\"PageSpeed-5\" data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">Labeled</aside>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-5,"
" role: marginal,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" PreviousTagCount: 12,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 7,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 7,"
" div count: 1-->\n"
"<footer id=\"PageSpeed-6\" data-mobile-role=\"marginal\">labeled\n"
" <menu id=\"PageSpeed-6-0\" data-mobile-role=\"navigational\">\n"
" navvy</menu>"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-6-0,"
" role: navigational,"
" ElementTagDepth: 2,"
" PreviousTagCount: 14,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 0,"
" ContainedTagCount: 1,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 5,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 5,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 5,"
" div count: 1-->\n"
"<!--id: PageSpeed-6,"
" role: marginal,"
" ElementTagDepth: 1,"
" PreviousTagCount: 13,"
" ContainedTagDepth: 2,"
" ContainedTagRelativeDepth: 1,"
" ContainedTagCount: 2,"
" ContainedContentBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonBlankBytes: 12,"
" ContainedNonAContentBytes: 12,"
" div count: 2-->\n"
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
Parse("html5_tags_in_body", Unlabel(kLabeledHtml));
GoogleString xbody = StrCat(doctype_string_, AddHtmlBody(kOutputHtml));
EXPECT_STREQ(xbody, output_buffer_) << "html5_tags_in_body";
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, marginal_roles_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, LargeUnlabeled) {
StdioFileSystem filesystem;
GoogleString original_filename =
StrCat(GTestSrcDir(), kTestDataDir, kOriginal);
GoogleString original_contents;
original_filename.c_str(), &original_contents, message_handler()));
GoogleString unlabeled_contents = Unlabel(original_contents);
// Classify fully, compare against gold labeling.
// Note that we don't necessarily match the labeling of the original!
GoogleString labeled_filename =
StrCat(GTestSrcDir(), kTestDataDir, kOriginalLabeled);
GoogleString labeled_contents;
labeled_filename.c_str(), &labeled_contents, message_handler()));
unlabeled_contents, labeled_contents);
EXPECT_EQ(2, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(12, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
TEST_F(MobilizeLabelFilterTest, LargeUnlabeledDesktop) {
StdioFileSystem filesystem;
GoogleString original_filename =
StrCat(GTestSrcDir(), kTestDataDir, kOriginal);
GoogleString original_contents;
original_filename.c_str(), &original_contents, message_handler()));
GoogleString unlabeled_contents = Unlabel(original_contents);
SetupPCache(StrCat(kTestDomain, "unlabeled_desktop.html"));
ValidateNoChanges("unlabeled_desktop", unlabeled_contents);
// The stats here reflect the fact that we compute the labeling on desktop but
// don't alter the page.
EXPECT_EQ(0, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(3, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(1, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(12, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
ValidateNoChanges("unlabeled_desktop", unlabeled_contents);
// And thereafter we should do no further computation for desktop.
EXPECT_EQ(0, pages_labeled_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, pages_role_added_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, navigational_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, header_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, content_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, marginal_roles_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, ambiguous_role_labels_->Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, divs_unlabeled_->Get());
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb