blob: f276080c044665fac8df1975734a7ca77d60f245 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Authors: (Naomi Forman)
// (Jeff Kaufman)
// Implements the insert_ga_snippet filter, which inserts the Google Analytics
// tracking snippet into html pages. When experiments are enabled, also inserts
// snippets to report experiment status back.
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/insert_ga_filter.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/experiment_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_node.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_keywords.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/js/js_tokenizer.h"
namespace {
// Name for statistics variable.
const char kInsertedGaSnippets[] = "inserted_ga_snippets";
} // namespace
namespace net_instaweb {
// This filter primarily exists to support PageSpeed experiments that report
// back to Google Analytics for reporting. You can also use it just to insert
// the Google Analytics tracking snippet, though.
// GA had a rewrite recently, switching from ga.js to analytics.js with a new
// API. They also released support for content experiments. The older style of
// reporting is to use a custom variable. This filter can report to a content
// experiment with either ga.js or analytics.js; with ga.js reporting to a
// custom variable is still supported.
// If no GA snippet is present on the page then PageSpeed will insert one.
// Additionally, if you're running an experiment then PageSpeed will insert the
// JS necessary to report details back to GA. This can look like any of these
// three things:
// ga.js + custom variables:
// <script>kGAExperimentSnippet
// kGAJsSnippet</script> [ possibly existing ]
// ga.js + content experiments:
// <script src="kContentExperimentsJsClientUrl"></script>
// <script>kContentExperimentsSetChosenVariationSnippet
// kGAJsSnippet</script> [ possibly existing ]
// analytics.js + content experiments:
// <script>kAnalyticsJsSnippet</script> [ possibly existing ]
// kContentExperimentsSetExpAndVariantSnippet goes inside the analytics js
// snippet, just before the ga(send, pageview) call.
// Google Analytics snippet for setting experiment related variables. Use with
// old ga.js and custom variable experiment reporting. Arguments are:
// %s: Optional snippet to increase site speed tracking.
// %u: Which ga.js custom variable to support to.
// %s: Experiment spec string, shown in the GA UI.
extern const char kGAExperimentSnippet[] =
"var _gaq = _gaq || [];"
"_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', %u, 'ExperimentState', '%s'"
// Google Analytics async snippet along with the _trackPageView call.
extern const char kGAJsSnippet[] =
"if (window.parent == window) {"
"var _gaq = _gaq || [];"
"_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '%s']);" // %s is the GA account number.
"_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '%s']);" // %s is the domain name
"_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);"
"%s" // Optional snippet to increase site speed tracking.
"(function() {"
"var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript';"
"ga.async = true;"
"ga.src = '';"
"var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];"
"s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);"
// Google Universal analytics snippet. First argument is the GA account number,
// second is kContentExperimentsSetExpAndVariantSnippet or nothing.
extern const char kAnalyticsJsSnippet[] =
"if (window.parent == window) {"
"(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();"
"a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];"
"ga('create', '%s', 'auto'%s);"
"ga('send', 'pageview');"
// Increase site speed tracking to 100% when using analytics.js
// Use the first one if we're inserting the snippet, or if the site we're
// modifying isn't already using a fields object with ga('create'), the second
// one if there is an existing snippet with a fields object.
extern const char kAnalyticsJsIncreaseSiteSpeedTracking[] =
", {'siteSpeedSampleRate': 100}";
extern const char kAnalyticsJsIncreaseSiteSpeedTrackingMinimal[] =
"'siteSpeedSampleRate': 100,";
// When using content experiments with ga.js you need to do a sychronous load
// of /cx/api.js first.
extern const char kContentExperimentsJsClientUrl[] =
// When using content experiments with ga.js, after /cx/api.js has loaded and
// before ga.js loads you need to call this. The first argument is the
// variant id, the second is the experiment id.
extern const char kContentExperimentsSetChosenVariationSnippet[] =
"cxApi.setChosenVariation(%d, '%s');";
// When using content experiments with ga.js, the variant ID must be numeric.
// If the user requests a non-numeric variant with ga.js, we inject this
// comment. The string is bracketed with newlines because otherwise it's
// invisible in a wall of JavaScript.
extern const char kContentExperimentsNonNumericVariantComment[] =
"\n/* mod_pagespeed cannot inject experiment variant '%s' "
"because it's not a number */\n";
// When using content experiments with analytics.js, after ga('create', ..._)
// and before ga('[...].send', 'pageview'), we need to insert:
extern const char kContentExperimentsSetExpAndVariantSnippet[] =
"ga('set', 'expId', '%s');"
"ga('set', 'expVar', '%s');";
// Set the sample rate to 100%.
// TODO(nforman): Allow this to be configurable through RewriteOptions.
extern const char kGASpeedTracking[] =
"_gaq.push(['_setSiteSpeedSampleRate', 100]);";
InsertGAFilter::InsertGAFilter(RewriteDriver* rewrite_driver)
: CommonFilter(rewrite_driver),
seen_sync_ga_js_(false) {
Statistics* stats = driver()->statistics();
inserted_ga_snippets_count_ = stats->GetVariable(kInsertedGaSnippets);
DCHECK(!ga_id_.empty()) << "Enabled ga insertion, but did not provide ga id.";
void InsertGAFilter::InitStats(Statistics* stats) {
InsertGAFilter::~InsertGAFilter() {}
bool InsertGAFilter::StringLiteralMatches(StringPiece literal,
StringPiece desired) {
// Literal includes the beginning and ending quotes; need to exclude them.
return literal.substr(1, literal.size() - 2) == desired;
bool InsertGAFilter::StringLiteralEndsWith(StringPiece literal,
StringPiece desired) {
// Literal includes the beginning and ending quotes; need to exclude them.
return literal.substr(1, literal.size() - 2).ends_with(desired);
void InsertGAFilter::StartDocumentImpl() {
found_snippet_ = false;
script_element_ = NULL;
added_analytics_js_ = false;
added_experiment_snippet_ = false;
if (driver()->options()->running_experiment()) {
kInfo, "run_experiment: %s",
// Start looking for ga snippet.
void InsertGAFilter::StartElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
if (!ga_id_.empty() &&
!found_snippet_ &&
element->keyword() == HtmlName::kScript &&
script_element_ == NULL) {
script_element_ = element;
// This isn't perfect but matches all the cases we've found. It's ok if it has
// some false positives; the later check is more thorough.
InsertGAFilter::AnalyticsStatus InsertGAFilter::FindSnippetInScript(
const GoogleString& s) {
// dc.js is a synonym for old-style ga.js
if (!seen_sync_ga_js_ &&
(s.find("") != GoogleString::npos ||
s.find("") != GoogleString::npos)) {
// The synchronous snippet has two parts: first one with
// [] (no initial dot) and then a later one with
// ga_id, _getTracker, and _trackPageview. Track that we've seen what is
// probably the first snippet, and then if we later get what could be the
// second snippet we'll check below.
seen_sync_ga_js_ = true;
if (s.find(StrCat("'", ga_id_, "'")) == GoogleString::npos &&
s.find(StrCat("\"", ga_id_, "\"")) == GoogleString::npos) {
return kNoSnippetFound;
if (s.find("") != GoogleString::npos) {
return kUnusableSnippetFound; // urchin.js is too old.
} else if (s.find("") != GoogleString::npos ||
s.find("") != GoogleString::npos) {
// With the async snippet there is one part that first loads ga.js
// (using [], with initial dot) and then has the
// ga_id (which we checked for above).
return kGaJs; // Asynchronous ga.js
} else if (seen_sync_ga_js_ &&
s.find("_getTracker") != GoogleString::npos &&
s.find("_trackPageview") != GoogleString::npos) {
// Synchronous ga.js was split over two script tags: first one to do the
// loading then one to do the initialization and page tracking. We want to
// process the second one.
return kGaJs; // Syncronous ga.js
} else if (s.find("")) {
return kAnalyticsJs;
return kUnusableSnippetFound;
GoogleString InsertGAFilter::AnalyticsJsExperimentSnippet() const {
return StringPrintf(
GoogleString InsertGAFilter::GaJsExperimentSnippet() const {
// ga.js requires a numeric variant id. Attempt to convert the string
// variant ID to int and use that.
const char* variant_id =
int numeric_variant_id;
if (StringToInt(variant_id, &numeric_variant_id)) {
return StringPrintf(
kContentExperimentsSetChosenVariationSnippet, numeric_variant_id,
} else {
// Variant ID was non-numeric, so inject a warning.
return StringPrintf(kContentExperimentsNonNumericVariantComment,
// * If we've already inserted any GA snippet or if we found a GA snippet in the
// original page, don't do anything.
// * If we haven't found anything, and haven't inserted anything yet, insert the
// GA js snippet.
// Caveat: The snippet should ideally be placed in <head> for accurate
// collection of data (e.g. pageviews etc.). We place it at the end of the
// document so that we won't add duplicate analytics js code for any page.
// For pages which don't already have analytics js, this might result in some
// data being lost.
void InsertGAFilter::EndDocument() {
if (found_snippet_ || added_analytics_js_ || ga_id_.empty()) {
// No snippets have been found, and we haven't added any snippets yet, so add
// one now. Include experiment setup if experiments are on.
GoogleString js_text;
GoogleString experiment_snippet;
const char* speed_tracking = "";
if (driver()->options()->use_analytics_js()) {
if (increase_speed_tracking_) {
speed_tracking = kAnalyticsJsIncreaseSiteSpeedTracking;
if (ShouldInsertExperimentTracking(true /* analytics.js */)) {
experiment_snippet = AnalyticsJsExperimentSnippet();
js_text = StringPrintf(
} else {
if (ShouldInsertExperimentTracking(false /* ga.js */)) {
if (driver()->options()->is_content_experiment()) {
HtmlElement* cxapi = driver()->NewElement(NULL, HtmlName::kScript);
cxapi, HtmlName::kSrc, kContentExperimentsJsClientUrl);
experiment_snippet = GaJsExperimentSnippet();
} else {
experiment_snippet = StringPrintf(
"" /* don't change speed tracking here, we add it below */,
// Domain for this html page.
GoogleString domain = driver()->google_url().Host().as_string();
if (increase_speed_tracking_) {
speed_tracking = kGASpeedTracking;
js_text = StrCat(experiment_snippet,
HtmlElement* script_element = driver()->NewElement(NULL, HtmlName::kScript);
HtmlNode* snippet = driver()->NewCharactersNode(script_element, js_text);
driver()->AppendChild(script_element, snippet);
added_analytics_js_ = true;
bool InsertGAFilter::ShouldInsertExperimentTracking(bool is_analytics_js) {
if (driver()->options()->running_experiment()) {
if (is_analytics_js && !driver()->options()->is_content_experiment()) {
driver()->WarningHere("Experiment framework requires a content experiment"
" when used with analytics.js.");
return false;
int experiment_state = driver()->options()->experiment_id();
if (experiment_state != experiment::kExperimentNotSet &&
experiment_state != experiment::kNoExperiment) {
return true;
return false;
void InsertGAFilter::RewriteInlineScript(HtmlCharactersNode* characters) {
AnalyticsStatus analytics_status =
if (analytics_status == kNoSnippetFound) {
return; // This inline script isn't for GA; nothing to change.
found_snippet_ = true;
if (!ShouldInsertExperimentTracking(analytics_status == kAnalyticsJs)) {
return; // GA script found, but we don't need to change it.
if (analytics_status == kUnusableSnippetFound) {
driver()->InfoHere("Page contains unusual Google Analytics snippet that"
" we're not able to modify to add experiment tracking.");
if (analytics_status == kAnalyticsJs) {
GoogleString rewritten;
StringPiece token;
pagespeed::JsKeywords::Type token_type;
pagespeed::js::JsTokenizer tokenizer(
server_context()->js_tokenizer_patterns(), characters->contents());
ParseState state = kInitial;
// Go through the tokens, appending them to rewritten. We need to find the
// ga(create) call so we can increase speed tracking. Then we need to find
// the ga(send pageview) call so we can insert our experiment snippet.
// When we find a ga(send pageview) call it won't be obvious what we've
// found until we're several tokens along. So save the offset of each ga
// function call when we find it so we can later insert before if need be.
int ga_send_pageview_offset = -1;
bool inserted_speed_tracking = false;
while ((token_type = tokenizer.NextToken(&token)) !=
pagespeed::JsKeywords::kEndOfInput) {
if (token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kError) {
driver()->InfoHere("Got invalid js in Google Analytics snippet");
if (token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kComment ||
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kWhitespace ||
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kLineSeparator) {
// All states allow these, so stay in the same state. kLineSeparator is
// specifically for newlines that don't trigger semicolon insertion.
} else if (state == kInitial &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kIdentifier &&
token == "ga") {
ga_send_pageview_offset = rewritten.size();
state = kGotGa;
} else if (state == kGotGa &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
token == "(") {
state = kGotGaFuncCall;
} else if (state == kGotGaFuncCall &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kStringLiteral &&
StringLiteralMatches(token, "create")) {
state = kGotGaCreate;
} else if (state == kGotGaFuncCall &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kStringLiteral &&
(StringLiteralMatches(token, "send") ||
StringLiteralEndsWith(token, ".send"))) {
state = kGotGaSend;
} else if (state == kGotGaCreate &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
token == ",") {
state = kGotGaCreateComma;
} else if (state == kGotGaCreate &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
token == ")") {
// Saw end of function call without any fields object. Insert
// standard speed tracking here.
if (increase_speed_tracking_) {
inserted_speed_tracking = true;
state = kInitial;
} else if (state == kGotGaCreateComma &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kStringLiteral) {
// Ignore any string arguments after create, just let them pass.
state = kGotGaCreate;
} else if (state == kGotGaCreateComma &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
token == "{") {
state = kGotFieldsObject;
} else if (state == kGotFieldsObject) {
// Add our field setting before any of the others.
if (increase_speed_tracking_) {
inserted_speed_tracking = true;
state = kInitial;
} else if (state == kGotGaSend &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
token == ",") {
state = kGotGaSendComma;
} else if (state == kGotGaSendComma &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kStringLiteral &&
StringLiteralMatches(token, "pageview")) {
state = kGotGaSendPageview;
} else if (state == kGotGaSendPageview &&
token_type == pagespeed::JsKeywords::kOperator &&
(token == "," || token == ")")) {
CHECK(ga_send_pageview_offset != -1);
state = kSuccess;
} else if (state == kSuccess) {
// Pass the remaining tokens through, we already made our changes.
} else {
// Any token we weren't expecting puts us back into looking for "ga".
state = kInitial;
if (state == kSuccess) {
(*characters->mutable_contents()) = rewritten;
added_experiment_snippet_ = true;
if (increase_speed_tracking_ && !inserted_speed_tracking) {
driver()->InfoHere("Failed to increase site speed tracking.");
} else {
"Failed to add experiment tracking to existing snippet.");
} else {
DCHECK(analytics_status == kGaJs);
if (driver()->options()->is_content_experiment()) {
// The API for content experiments with ga.js unfortunately requires a
// synchronous script load first. Ideally people would switch to
// analytics.js, which doesn't have this problem, but we need to support
// people who haven't switched as well.
// We can't do InsertBeforeCurrent here, because we could be in the
// horrible case where "<script>" has been flushed and now we're
// rewriting the script body. So the best we can do is:
// * Blank out this script.
// * Append the blocking external script load.
// * Append the edited body of the original script tag as a new
// inline script.
postponed_script_body_ = characters->contents();
} else {
const char* speed_tracking =
increase_speed_tracking_ ? kGASpeedTracking : "";
GoogleString snippet_text = StringPrintf(
GoogleString* script = characters->mutable_contents();
// Prepend snippet_text to the script block.
script->insert(0, snippet_text);
added_experiment_snippet_ = true;
// If RewriteInlineScript decided to insert any new script nodes, do that
// insertion here.
void InsertGAFilter::HandleEndScript(HtmlElement* script) {
if (!postponed_script_body_.empty()) {
DCHECK(script == script_element_);
kContentExperimentsJsClientUrl, true /* external */);
StrCat(GaJsExperimentSnippet(), postponed_script_body_),
false /* inline */);
added_experiment_snippet_ = true;
script_element_ = NULL;
void InsertGAFilter::EndElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
if (ga_id_.empty()) {
// We only DCHECK that it's non-empty above, but there's nothing useful we
// can do if it hasn't been set. Checking here means we'll make no changes.
if (element->keyword() == HtmlName::kScript) {
void InsertGAFilter::Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* characters) {
if (script_element_ != NULL && !found_snippet_ &&
!added_experiment_snippet_) {
} // namespace net_instaweb