blob: e8f210b94ba0589815b3f3b71dbbad929ffce34b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Maksim Orlovich)
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package net_instaweb;
// This proto is used by classes such as CriticalImageFinder and
// CriticalSelectorFinder that aggregate beacon responses consisting of string
// keys. Each key (CSS selector or critical image URL depending on the class) is
// assigned a support value, which is decayed exponentially, allowing old keys
// to expire. This proto also has some legacy fields for a previous
// implementation that stored a history of beacon responses.
// Next free id: 10
message CriticalKeys {
// The KeyEvidence proto aggregates multiple beacons returns in a scalable
// way; support is exponentially decayed over time.
message KeyEvidence {
optional bytes key = 1;
optional int32 support = 2;
// The PendingNonce proto describes the nonce of a beacon request that is
// still valid (no response received, not timed out). Note that these entries
// might be cleared but left in place within the containing CriticalKeys when
// they expire or the corresponding beacon result arrives.
message PendingNonce {
optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1;
optional string nonce = 2;
// Ids 1-3 deleted, should not be reused.
optional int64 next_beacon_timestamp_ms = 4;
// This represents a serialized key/value map mapping keys to support for
// their criticality. Support is added by beacon results, but decays
// exponentially over time.
repeated KeyEvidence key_evidence = 5;
// This represents the valid beacon nonce values that will be accepted.
repeated PendingNonce pending_nonce = 6;
// This represents the maximum support value possible based on the number of
// beacons that have been encountered so far. This is used to determine
// proportional support (for example, if we expect 80% of beacons to attest
// that an image is critical, then support must be >=80% of this value). If
// we preserve k beacon results, this value will be k after the first beacon
// result arrives, and will converge to k^2 over time. The default value
// ensures that support = 0 will be considered unsupported.
optional int32 maximum_possible_support = 7 [default = 1];
// Keep track of the number of valid beacons received. This can be used to
// track how frequently beaconing needs to happen. When the number of beacons
// received is low, use that as a signal to beacon more frequently. This
// should also be reset when a new set of candidate keys is received to
// retrigger beaconing.
optional int64 valid_beacons_received = 8;
// Count how many nonces have expired since the last valid beacon was
// received. This can be used to disable or rate limit beaconing if it seems
// that beacons are not being received by the server due to a
// misconfiguration.
optional int64 nonces_recently_expired = 9;