blob: 784be740a145a28933c2523a5b8c87b54a9e81e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// (Shawn Ligocki)
// AsyncFetch represents the context of a single fetch.
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractLogRecord;
class MessageHandler;
class Variable;
// Abstract base class for encapsulating streaming, asynchronous HTTP fetches.
// If you want to fetch a resources, implement this interface, create an
// instance and call UrlAsyncFetcher::Fetch() with it.
// It combines the 3 callbacks we expect to get from fetchers
// (Write, Flush and Done) and adds a HeadersComplete indicator that is
// useful in any place where we want to deal with and send headers before
// Write or Done are called.
// Note that it automatically invokes HeadersComplete before the first call to
// Write, Flush or Done.
class AsyncFetch : public Writer {
static const int kContentLengthUnknown = -1;
explicit AsyncFetch(const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx);
virtual ~AsyncFetch();
// Called when ResponseHeaders have been set, but before writing contents.
// Contract: Must be called (at most once) before Write, Flush or Done.
// Automatically invoked (if neccessary) before the first call to Write,
// Flush, or Done. This interface is intended for callers (e.g. Fetchers).
// Implementors of the AsyncFetch interface must override
// HandleHeadersComplete.
void HeadersComplete();
// Fetch complete. This interface is intended for callers
// (e.g. Fetchers). Implementors must override HandleDone.
void Done(bool success);
// Data available. This interface is intended for callers. Implementors
// must override HandlerWrite and HandleFlush.
virtual bool Write(const StringPiece& content, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual bool Flush(MessageHandler* handler);
// Is the cache entry corresponding to headers valid? Default is that it is
// valid. Sub-classes can provide specific implementations, e.g., based on
// cache invalidation timestamp in domain specific options.
// Used by CacheUrlAsyncFetcher.
// TODO(nikhilmadan): Consider making this virtual so that subclass authors
// are forced to look at this function.
virtual bool IsCachedResultValid(const ResponseHeaders& headers) {
return true;
// Returns a pointer to the request-headers, lazily constructing
// them if needed. If they are constructed here (as opposed to
// being set with set_request_headers) then they will be owned by
// the class instance.
RequestHeaders* request_headers();
// Sets the request-headers to the specifid pointer. The caller must
// guarantee that the pointed-to headers remain valid as long as the
// AsyncFetch is running.
// Does not take ownership of headers.
void set_request_headers(RequestHeaders* headers);
// Same as above, but takes ownership.
void SetRequestHeadersTakingOwnership(RequestHeaders* headers);
// Returns the request_headers as a const pointer: it is required
// that the RequestHeaders be pre-initialized via non-const
// request_headers() or via set_request_headers before calling this.
const RequestHeaders* request_headers() const;
// See doc for request_headers and set_request_headers.
ResponseHeaders* response_headers();
void set_response_headers(ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Returns extra response headers which may be modified between
// calls to HeadersComplete() and Done(). This is used to allow
// a fetch to provide additional headers which cannot be determined
// when HeadersComplete() has been invoked, e.g., X-Original-Content-Length.
// This is needed because it is not safe for the producer to modify
// response_headers() once HeadersComplete() has been called.
ResponseHeaders* extra_response_headers();
void set_extra_response_headers(ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Indicates whether the request is a background fetch. These can be scheduled
// differently by the fetcher.
virtual bool IsBackgroundFetch() const { return false; }
// Resets the 'headers_complete_' flag.
// TODO(jmarantz): should this also clear the response headers?
virtual void Reset() { headers_complete_ = false; }
bool headers_complete() const { return headers_complete_; }
// Keep track of whether the content-length is known before the
// body is sent, so that a server can decide whether it needs chunked.
// Note that this is not necessarily the same as the Content-Length
// attribute in the response-headers, which might reflect pre-optimized
// or pre-compressed sizes.
bool content_length_known() const {
return content_length_ != kContentLengthUnknown;
int64 content_length() const { return content_length_; }
void set_content_length(int64 x) { content_length_ = x; }
// Returns logging information in a string eg. c1:0;c2:2;hf:45;.
// c1 is cache 1, c2 is cache 2, hf is headers fetch.
GoogleString LoggingString();
// Returns the request context associated with this fetch, if any, or
// NULL if no request context exists.
virtual const RequestContextPtr& request_context() { return request_ctx_; }
// Returns a pointer to a log record that wraps this fetch's logging
// info.
virtual AbstractLogRecord* log_record();
// Determines whether the specified request-headers imply that the
// server is running in a context where an explicit cache-control
// "public" header is needed to make caching work, and adds that
// header if needed.
void FixCacheControlForGoogleCache();
// Determines whether the specified via header value matches the
// expected pattern for the Via header provided by the Google Cloud
// CDN to services running inside it.
static bool IsGoogleCacheVia(StringPiece via_value);
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& sp, MessageHandler* handler) = 0;
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler) = 0;
virtual void HandleDone(bool success) = 0;
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete() = 0;
RequestHeaders* request_headers_;
ResponseHeaders* response_headers_;
ResponseHeaders* extra_response_headers_;
RequestContextPtr request_ctx_;
bool owns_request_headers_;
bool owns_response_headers_;
bool owns_extra_response_headers_;
bool headers_complete_;
int64 content_length_;
// Class to represent an Async fetch that collects the response-data into
// a string, which can be accessed via buffer() and cleared via Reset().
// TODO(jmarantz): move StringAsyncFetch into its own file.
class StringAsyncFetch : public AsyncFetch {
explicit StringAsyncFetch(const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx)
: AsyncFetch(request_ctx), buffer_pointer_(&buffer_) {
StringAsyncFetch(const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx, GoogleString* buffer)
: AsyncFetch(request_ctx), buffer_pointer_(buffer) {
virtual ~StringAsyncFetch();
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content,
MessageHandler* handler) {
return true;
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler) { return true; }
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete() {}
virtual void HandleDone(bool success) {
success_ = success;
done_ = true;
bool success() const { return success_; }
bool done() const { return done_; }
const GoogleString& buffer() const { return *buffer_pointer_; }
virtual void Reset() {
done_ = false;
success_ = false;
// For subclasses that need to use complex logic to set success_ and done_.
// Most subclasses should not need these.
void set_success(bool success) { success_ = success; }
void set_done(bool done) { done_ = done; }
void Init() {
success_ = false;
done_ = false;
GoogleString buffer_;
GoogleString* buffer_pointer_;
bool success_;
bool done_;
// Creates an AsyncFetch object using an existing Writer* object,
// which is used to delegate Write and Flush operations. This
// class is still abstract, and requires inheritors to implement Done().
class AsyncFetchUsingWriter : public AsyncFetch {
AsyncFetchUsingWriter(const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
Writer* writer)
: AsyncFetch(request_context),
writer_(writer) {}
virtual ~AsyncFetchUsingWriter();
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& sp, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler);
Writer* writer_;
// Creates an AsyncFetch object using an existing AsyncFetcher*,
// sharing the response & request headers, and by default delegating
// all 4 Handle methods to the base fetcher. Any one of them can
// be overridden by inheritors of this class, but to propagate the
// callbacks to the base-fetch, overrides should upcall this class,
// e.g. SharedAsyncFetch::HandleWrite(...).
class SharedAsyncFetch : public AsyncFetch {
explicit SharedAsyncFetch(AsyncFetch* base_fetch);
virtual ~SharedAsyncFetch();
virtual const RequestContextPtr& request_context() {
return base_fetch_->request_context();
virtual void HandleDone(bool success) {
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content,
MessageHandler* handler) {
return base_fetch_->Write(content, handler);
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler) {
return base_fetch_->Flush(handler);
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete();
virtual bool IsCachedResultValid(const ResponseHeaders& headers) {
return base_fetch_->IsCachedResultValid(headers);
virtual bool IsBackgroundFetch() const {
return base_fetch_->IsBackgroundFetch();
// Propagates any set_content_length from this to the base fetch.
void PropagateContentLength();
AsyncFetch* base_fetch_;
// Creates a SharedAsyncFetch object using an existing AsyncFetch and a fallback
// value that is used in case the fetched response is an error. Note that in
// case the fetched response is an error and we have a non-empty fallback value,
// we completely ignore the fetched response.
// Also, note that this class gets deleted when HandleDone is called.
class FallbackSharedAsyncFetch : public SharedAsyncFetch {
// Warning header to be added if a stale response is served.
static const char kStaleWarningHeaderValue[];
FallbackSharedAsyncFetch(AsyncFetch* base_fetch, HTTPValue* fallback,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~FallbackSharedAsyncFetch();
void set_fallback_responses_served(Variable* x) {
fallback_responses_served_ = x;
bool serving_fallback() const { return serving_fallback_; }
virtual void HandleDone(bool success);
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete();
// Note that this is only used while serving the fallback response.
MessageHandler* handler_;
HTTPValue fallback_;
bool serving_fallback_;
Variable* fallback_responses_served_; // may be NULL.
// Creates a SharedAsyncFetch object using an existing AsyncFetch and a cached
// value (that may be stale) that is used to conditionally check if the resource
// at the origin has changed. If the resource hasn't changed and we get a 304,
// we serve the cached response, thus avoiding the download of the entire
// content.
// Note that we if you want the conditionally validated resource to be treated
// as a newly fetched with the original ttl, you should use this fetch such that
// the fixing of date headers happens in the base fetch.
// Also, note that this class gets deleted when HandleDone is called.
class ConditionalSharedAsyncFetch : public SharedAsyncFetch {
ConditionalSharedAsyncFetch(AsyncFetch* base_fetch, HTTPValue* cached_value,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~ConditionalSharedAsyncFetch();
void set_num_conditional_refreshes(Variable* x) {
num_conditional_refreshes_ = x;
virtual void HandleDone(bool success);
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete();
// Note that this is only used while serving the cached response.
MessageHandler* handler_;
HTTPValue cached_value_;
// Indicates that we received a 304 from the origin and are serving out the
// cached value.
bool serving_cached_value_;
// Indicates that we added conditional headers to the request.
bool added_conditional_headers_to_request_;
Variable* num_conditional_refreshes_; // may be NULL.
} // namespace net_instaweb