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// Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license
// agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
// additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
// Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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package net.hydromatic.linq4j.expressions;
* <p>Analogous to LINQ's System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.</p>
public enum ExpressionType {
// Operator precedence and associativity is as follows.
// Priority Operators Operation
// ======== ========== ========================================
// 1 left [ ] array index
// () method call
// . member access
// 2 right ++ pre- or postfix increment
// -- pre- or postfix decrement
// + - unary plus, minus
// ~ bitwise NOT
// ! boolean (logical) NOT
// (type) type cast
// new object creation
// 3 left * / % multiplication, division, remainder
// 4 left + - addition, subtraction
// + string concatenation
// 5 left << signed bit shift left
// >> signed bit shift right
// >>> unsigned bit shift right
// 6 left < <= less than, less than or equal to
// > >= greater than, greater than or equal to
// instanceof reference test
// 7 left == equal to
// != not equal to
// 8 left & bitwise AND
// & boolean (logical) AND
// 9 left ^ bitwise XOR
// ^ boolean (logical) XOR
// 10 left | bitwise OR
// | boolean (logical) OR
// 11 left && boolean (logical) AND
// 12 left || boolean (logical) OR
// 13 right ? : conditional right
// 14 right = assignment
// *= /= += -= %=
// <<= >>= >>>=
// &= ^= |= combined assignment
* An addition operation, such as a + b, without overflow
* checking, for numeric operands.
Add(" + ", false, 4, false),
* An addition operation, such as (a + b), with overflow
* checking, for numeric operands.
AddChecked(" + ", false, 4, false),
* A bitwise or logical AND operation, such as (a &amp; b) in C# and
* (a And b) in Visual Basic.
And(" & ", false, 8, false),
* A conditional AND operation that evaluates the second operand
* only if the first operand evaluates to true. It corresponds to
* (a && b) in C# and (a AndAlso b) in Visual Basic.
AndAlso(" && ", false, 11, false),
* An operation that obtains the length of a one-dimensional
* array, such as array.Length.
* An indexing operation in a one-dimensional array, such as
* array[index] in C# or array(index) in Visual Basic.
* A method call, such as in the obj.sampleMethod()
* expression.
Call(".", false, 1, false),
* A node that represents a null coalescing operation, such
* as (a ?? b) in C# or If(a, b) in Visual Basic.
* A conditional operation, such as a > b ? a : b in C# or
* If(a > b, a, b) in Visual Basic.
Conditional(" ? ", " : ", false, 13, true),
* A constant value.
* A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType)obj in
* C#or CType(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic. For a numeric
* conversion, if the converted value is too large for the
* destination type, no exception is thrown.
Convert(null, false, 2, true),
* A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType)obj in
* C#or CType(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic. For a numeric
* conversion, if the converted value does not fit the
* destination type, an exception is thrown.
* A division operation, such as (a / b), for numeric
* operands.
Divide(" / ", false, 3, false),
* A node that represents an equality comparison, such as (a
* == b) in C# or (a = b) in Visual Basic.
Equal(" == ", false, 7, false),
* A bitwise or logical XOR operation, such as (a ^ b) in C#
* or (a Xor b) in Visual Basic.
ExclusiveOr(" ^ ", false, 9, false),
* A "greater than" comparison, such as (a &gt; b).
GreaterThan(" > ", false, 6, false),
* A "greater than or equal to" comparison, such as (a &gt;=
* b).
GreaterThanOrEqual(" >= ", false, 6, false),
* An operation that invokes a delegate or lambda expression,
* such as sampleDelegate.Invoke().
* A lambda expression, such as a =&gt; a + a in C# or
* Function(a) a + a in Visual Basic.
* A bitwise left-shift operation, such as (a &lt;&lt; b).
LeftShift(" << ", false, 5, false),
* A "less than" comparison, such as (a &lt; b).
LessThan(" < ", false, 6, false),
* A "less than or equal to" comparison, such as (a &lt;= b).
LessThanOrEqual(" <= ", false, 6, false),
* An operation that creates a new IEnumerable object and
* initializes it from a list of elements, such as new
* List&lt;SampleType&gt;(){ a, b, c } in C# or Dim sampleList = {
* a, b, c } in Visual Basic.
* An operation that reads from a field or property, such as
* obj.SampleProperty.
MemberAccess(".", false, 1, false),
* An operation that creates a new object and initializes one
* or more of its members, such as new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 }
* in C# or New Point With {.X = 1, .Y = 2} in Visual
* Basic.
* An arithmetic remainder operation, such as (a % b) in C#
* or (a Mod b) in Visual Basic.
Modulo(" % ", false, 3, false),
* A multiplication operation, such as (a * b), without
* overflow checking, for numeric operands.
Multiply(" * ", false, 3, false),
* An multiplication operation, such as (a * b), that has
* overflow checking, for numeric operands.
MultiplyChecked(" * ", false, 3, false),
* An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a). The object
* a should not be modified in place.
Negate("- ", false, 2, true),
* A unary plus operation, such as (+a). The result of a
* predefined unary plus operation is the value of the
* operand, but user-defined implementations might have
* unusual results.
UnaryPlus("+ ", false, 2, true),
* An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a), that has
* overflow checking. The object a should not be modified in
* place.
NegateChecked("-", false, 2, true),
* An operation that calls a constructor to create a new
* object, such as new SampleType().
* An operation that creates a new one-dimensional array and
* initializes it from a list of elements, such as new
* SampleType[]{a, b, c} in C# or New SampleType(){a, b, c} in
* Visual Basic.
* An operation that creates a new array, in which the bounds
* for each dimension are specified, such as new
* SampleType[dim1, dim2] in C# or New SampleType(dim1, dim2)
* in Visual Basic.
* A bitwise complement or logical negation operation. In C#,
* it is equivalent to (~a) for integral types and to (!a) for
* Boolean values. In Visual Basic, it is equivalent to (Not
* a). The object a should not be modified in place.
Not("!", false, 2, true),
* An inequality comparison, such as (a != b) in C# or (a &lt;&gt;
* b) in Visual Basic.
NotEqual(" != ", false, 7, false),
* A bitwise or logical OR operation, such as (a | b) in C#
* or (a Or b) in Visual Basic.
Or(" | ", false, 10, false),
* A short-circuiting conditional OR operation, such as (a ||
* b) in C# or (a OrElse b) in Visual Basic.
OrElse(" || ", false, 12, false),
* A reference to a parameter or variable that is defined in
* the context of the expression. For more information, see
* ParameterExpression.
* A mathematical operation that raises a number to a power,
* such as (a ^ b) in Visual Basic.
* An expression that has a constant value of type
* Expression. A Quote node can contain references to
* parameters that are defined in the context of the
* expression it represents.
* A bitwise right-shift operation, such as (a &gt;*gt; b).
RightShift(" >> ", false, 5, false),
* A subtraction operation, such as (a - b), without overflow
* checking, for numeric operands.
Subtract(" - ", false, 4, false),
* An arithmetic subtraction operation, such as (a - b), that
* has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
SubtractChecked(" - ", false, 4, false),
* An explicit reference or boxing conversion in which null
* is supplied if the conversion fails, such as (obj as
* SampleType) in C# or TryCast(obj, SampleType) in Visual
* Basic.
* A type test, such as obj is SampleType in C# or TypeOf obj
* is SampleType in Visual Basic.
TypeIs(" instanceof ", false, 6, false),
* An assignment operation, such as (a = b).
Assign(" = ", false, 14, true),
* A block of expressions.
* Debugging information.
* A unary decrement operation, such as (a - 1) in C# and
* Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in
* place.
* A dynamic operation.
* A default value.
* An extension expression.
* A "go to" expression, such as goto Label in C# or GoTo
* Label in Visual Basic.
* A unary increment operation, such as (a + 1) in C# and
* Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in
* place.
* An index operation or an operation that accesses a
* property that takes arguments.
* A label.
* A list of run-time variables. For more information, see
* RuntimeVariablesExpression.
* A loop, such as for or while.
* A switch operation, such as switch in C# or Select Case in
* Visual Basic.
* An operation that throws an exception, such as throw new
* Exception().
* A try-catch expression.
* An unbox value type operation, such as unbox and unbox.any
* instructions in MSIL.
* An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a +=
* b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
AddAssign(" += ", false, 14, true),
* A bitwise or logical AND compound assignment operation,
* such as (a &amp;= b) in C#.
AndAssign(" &= ", false, 14, true),
* An division compound assignment operation, such as (a /=
* b), for numeric operands.
DivideAssign(" /= ", false, 14, true),
* A bitwise or logical XOR compound assignment operation,
* such as (a ^= b) in C#.
ExclusiveOrAssign(" ^= ", false, 14, true),
* A bitwise left-shift compound assignment, such as (a &lt;&lt;=
* b).
LeftShiftAssign(" <<= ", false, 14, true),
* An arithmetic remainder compound assignment operation,
* such as (a %= b) in C#.
ModuloAssign(" %= ", false, 14, true),
* A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a
* *= b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
MultiplyAssign(" *= ", false, 14, true),
* A bitwise or logical OR compound assignment, such as (a |=
* b) in C#.
OrAssign(" |= ", false, 14, true),
* A compound assignment operation that raises a number to a
* power, such as (a ^= b) in Visual Basic.
* A bitwise right-shift compound assignment operation, such
* as (a &gt;&gt;= b).
RightShiftAssign(" >>= ", false, 14, true),
* A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -=
* b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
SubtractAssign(" -= ", false, 14, true),
* An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a +=
* b), with overflow checking, for numeric operands.
AddAssignChecked(" += ", false, 14, true),
* A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a
* *= b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
MultiplyAssignChecked(" *= ", false, 14, true),
* A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -=
* b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
SubtractAssignChecked(" -= ", false, 14, true),
* A unary prefix increment, such as (++a). The object a
* should be modified in place.
PreIncrementAssign("++", false, 2, true),
* A unary prefix decrement, such as (--a). The object a
* should be modified in place.
PreDecrementAssign("--", false, 2, true),
* A unary postfix increment, such as (a++). The object a
* should be modified in place.
PostIncrementAssign("++", true, 2, true),
* A unary postfix decrement, such as (a--). The object a
* should be modified in place.
PostDecrementAssign("--", true, 2, true),
* An exact type test.
* A ones complement operation, such as (~a) in C#.
OnesComplement("~", false, 2, true),
* A true condition value.
* A false condition value.
* Declaration of a variable.
final String op;
final String op2;
final boolean postfix;
final int lprec;
final int rprec;
ExpressionType() {
this(null, false, 0, false);
ExpressionType(String op, boolean postfix, int prec, boolean right) {
this(op, null, postfix, prec, right);
ExpressionType(String op, String op2, boolean postfix, int prec,
boolean right) {
this.op = op;
this.op2 = op2;
this.postfix = postfix;
this.lprec = (20 - prec) * 2 + (right ? 1 : 0);
this.rprec = (20 - prec) * 2 + (right ? 0 : 1);
// End