added release 0.6-incubating to the download section
diff --git a/content/odftoolkit/downloads.mdtext b/content/odftoolkit/downloads.mdtext
index 0ef8178..5f9bf9c 100644
--- a/content/odftoolkit/downloads.mdtext
+++ b/content/odftoolkit/downloads.mdtext
@@ -16,15 +16,38 @@
            specific language governing permissions and limitations
            under the License.
+**Current Version**
+The Apache ODF Toolkit(incubating) team is pleased to announce the release of 0.6-incubating on Jun 22, 2013.
+A full list of changes is available in the [change log]( People interested should also follow the [mailing list]( to track progress.
+The ODF Toolkit source release as well as the pre-built binary deployment packages are listed below. This release is not available in the central Maven repository.
+Below is a list of the downloads:
+ * Source: 
+	* [ ]( )  [[asc](] [[md5](]
+	[[sha](]
+ * Binaries: 
+	* [ ]( )  [[asc](] [[md5](]
+	[[sha](]
+ * Documentation: 
+	* [ ]( )  [[asc](] [[md5](]
+	[[sha](]
+**Older Versions**
 The Apache ODF Toolkit(Incubating) team is pleased to announce the release of 0.5-incubating on Jan 14, 2012. This is our first Apache release.
 A full list of changes is available in the [change log]( People interested should also follow the [mail list]( to track progress.
 The ODF Toolkit source release as well as the pre-built binary deployment packages are listed below. Pre-built versions of all ODF Toolkit components are available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.odftoolkit" and Version "0.5-incubating".
-Below is a list of the current downloads:
-**Current Version (0.5-incubating)**
+Below is a list of the downloads:
  * Source: 
     * [odftoolkit-0.5-incubating-src.tar.gz](  [[asc](] [[md5](]