blob: 2b9136188cd8689faaa4a913a54167af42de227e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.impl
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.antlr.v4.runtime._
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.NCE
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCToken
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.impl.antlr4.{NCIntentDslBaseListener, NCIntentDslLexer, NCIntentDslParser}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.utils.{NCDslFlowItem, NCDslIntent, NCDslTerm, NCDslTokenPredicate}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Intent DSL compiler.
object NCIntentDslCompiler extends LazyLogging {
// Compiler cache.
private val cache = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[String, NCDslIntent]().asScala
private var mdlId: String = _
class FiniteStateMachine extends NCIntentDslBaseListener {
// Intent components.
private var conv: Boolean = true
private var ordered: Boolean = false
private var id: String = _
private val terms = ArrayBuffer.empty[NCDslTerm] // Accumulator for parsed terms.
private val flow = ArrayBuffer.empty[NCDslFlowItem] // Accumulator for flow items.
private val flowItemIds = mutable.HashSet.empty[String] // Accumulator for flow items IDs.
// Currently parsed term.
private var termId: String = _
// Current min/max quantifier.
private var min = 1
private var max = 1
private val predStack = new mutable.ArrayStack[NCTokenBoolean] // Stack of predicates.
private val lvalParts = ArrayBuffer.empty[String] // lval parts collector.
private val rvalList = ArrayBuffer.empty[String] // rval list collector.
private var rval: String = _
* @return
def getBuiltIntent: NCDslIntent = {
require(id != null)
NCDslIntent(id, conv, ordered, flow.toArray, terms.toArray)
* @param min
* @param max
private def setMinMax(min: Int, max: Int): Unit = {
this.min = min
this.max = max
override def exitMinMaxShortcut(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.MinMaxShortcutContext): Unit = {
if (ctx.PLUS() != null)
setMinMax(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
else if (ctx.STAR() != null)
setMinMax(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
else if (ctx.QUESTION() != null)
setMinMax(0, 1)
override def exitLvalPart(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.LvalPartContext): Unit = {
lvalParts += ctx.ID().getText.trim()
override def exitTermId(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.TermIdContext): Unit = {
termId = ctx.ID().getText
override def exitMinMaxRange(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.MinMaxRangeContext): Unit = {
val minStr = ctx.getChild(1).getText
val maxStr = ctx.getChild(3).getText
setMinMax(java.lang.Integer.parseInt(minStr), java.lang.Integer.parseInt(maxStr))
catch {
// Errors should be caught during compilation phase.
case _: NumberFormatException ⇒ assert(false)
override def exitIntentId(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.IntentIdContext): Unit = {
id = ctx.ID().getText
override def exitConvDecl(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.ConvDeclContext): Unit = {
conv = ctx.BOOL().getText == "true"
override def exitOrderedDecl(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.OrderedDeclContext): Unit = {
ordered = ctx.BOOL().getText == "true"
override def exitTerm(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.TermContext): Unit = {
require(predStack.size == 1)
val p = predStack.pop
terms += new NCDslTerm(termId, new java.util.function.Function[NCToken, java.lang.Boolean]() {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): java.lang.Boolean = p.apply(tok)
override def toString: String = p.toString() //ctx.item().getText
}, min, max)
// Reset.
termId = null
setMinMax(1, 1)
override def exitRvalSingle(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.RvalSingleContext): Unit = {
rval = ctx.getText.trim()
override def exitRvalList(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.RvalListContext): Unit = {
rvalList += rval
override def exitFlowItemIds(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.FlowItemIdsContext): Unit = {
val id = ctx.ID()
if (id != null)
override def exitIdList(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.IdListContext): Unit = {
override def exitFlowItem(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.FlowItemContext): Unit = {
flow += NCDslFlowItem(Seq.empty ++ flowItemIds, min, max)
// Reset
setMinMax(1, 1)
override def exitItem(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.ItemContext): Unit = {
if (ctx.EXCL() != null) {
val p = predStack.pop
predStack.push(new Function[NCToken, Boolean] {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): Boolean = !p.apply(tok)
override def toString: String = s"!$p"
else if (ctx.AND() != null) {
// Note that stack is LIFO so order is flipped.
val p2 = predStack.pop
val p1 = predStack.pop
predStack.push(new Function[NCToken, Boolean] {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): Boolean = {
// To bypass any possible compiler optimizations.
if (!p1.apply(tok))
else if (!p2.apply(tok))
override def toString: String = s"$p1 && $p2"
else if (ctx.OR() != null) {
// Note that stack is LIFO so order is flipped.
val p2 = predStack.pop
val p1 = predStack.pop
predStack.push(new Function[NCToken, Boolean] {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): Boolean = {
// To bypass any possible compiler optimizations.
if (p1.apply(tok))
else if (p2.apply(tok))
override def toString: String = s"$p1 || $p2"
else if (ctx.RPAREN() != null && ctx.LPAREN() != null) {
val p = predStack.pop
predStack.push(new Function[NCToken, Boolean] {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): Boolean = p.apply(tok)
override def toString: String = s"($p)"
// In all other cases the current predicate is already on the top of the stack.
* @param rv
* @return
private def mkRvalObject(rv: String): Any = {
if (rv == "null") null // Try 'null'.
else if (rv == "true") true // Try 'boolean'.
else if (rv == "false") false // Try 'boolean'.
// Only numeric values below...
else {
// Strip '_' from numeric values.
val rvalNum = rv.replaceAll("_", "")
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(rvalNum) // Try 'int'.
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException
java.lang.Long.parseLong(rvalNum) // Try 'long'.
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException
java.lang.Double.parseDouble(rvalNum) // Try 'double'.
catch {
case _: NumberFormatException ⇒ rv // String by default.
override def exitPredicate(ctx: NCIntentDslParser.PredicateContext): Unit = {
var lval: String = null
var lvalFunc: String = null
var op: String = null
def getLvalNode(tree: ParseTree): String =
tree.getChild(if (tree.getChildCount == 1) 0 else 1).getText.trim
if (ctx.children.size() == 3) {
lval = getLvalNode(ctx.getChild(0))
op = ctx.getChild(1).getText.trim
else {
lvalFunc = ctx.getChild(0).getText.trim
lval = getLvalNode(ctx.getChild(2))
op = ctx.getChild(4).getText.trim
val pred = new NCDslTokenPredicate(
if (rvalList.isEmpty) mkRvalObject(rval) else
predStack.push(new Function[NCToken, Boolean] {
override def apply(tok: NCToken): Boolean = pred.apply(tok)
override def toString: String = pred.toString
// Reset.
rval = null
* Custom error handler.
class CompilerErrorListener(dsl: String) extends BaseErrorListener {
* @param len
* @param pos
* @return
private def makeCharPosPointer(len: Int, pos: Int): String = {
val s = (for (_ ← 1 to len) yield '-').mkString("")
s.substring(0, pos - 1) + '^' + s.substring(pos)
* @param recognizer
* @param offendingSymbol
* @param line
* @param charPos
* @param msg
* @param e
override def syntaxError(
recognizer: Recognizer[_, _],
offendingSymbol: scala.Any,
line: Int,
charPos: Int,
msg: String,
e: RecognitionException): Unit = {
val errMsg = s"Intent DSL syntax error at line $line:$charPos - $msg\n" +
s" |- Model: $mdlId\n" +
s" |- Intent: $dsl\n" +
s" +- Error: ${makeCharPosPointer(dsl.length, charPos)}"
throw new NCE(errMsg)
* @param dsl Intent DSL to parse.
* @param mdlId ID of the model the intent belongs to.
* @return
def compile(dsl: String, mdlId: String): NCDslIntent = {
require(dsl != null)
this.mdlId = mdlId
val intent: NCDslIntent = cache.getOrElseUpdate(dsl, {
// ANTLR4 armature.
val lexer = new NCIntentDslLexer(CharStreams.fromString(dsl))
val tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer)
val parser = new NCIntentDslParser(tokens)
// Set custom error handlers.
lexer.addErrorListener(new CompilerErrorListener(dsl))
parser.addErrorListener(new CompilerErrorListener(dsl))
// State automata.
val fsm = new FiniteStateMachine
// Parse the input DSL and walk built AST.
(new ParseTreeWalker).walk(fsm, parser.intent())
// Return the built intent.
val newIntent = fsm.getBuiltIntent
// Log for visual verification.
logger.debug(s"Intent compiler:")
logger.debug(s" |-- IN $dsl")
logger.debug(s" |-- OUT ${newIntent.toDslString}")