blob: 3e9f737b2d4fa5a7993b4e47416850776f0860cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker
import org.antlr.v4.runtime._
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.{ParserRuleContext ⇒ PRC}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler.antlr4.{NCIdlBaseListener, NCIdlLexer, NCIdlParser ⇒ IDP}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.compiler.{NCIdlCompilerGlobalGlobal}
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model._
import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.intent.{NCIdlContext, NCIdlFunction, NCIdlIntent, NCIdlStack, NCIdlStackItem ⇒ Z, NCIdlSynonym, NCIdlTerm}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.Optional
import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object NCIdlCompiler extends LazyLogging {
// Compiler caches.
private val intentCache = new mutable.HashMap[String, Set[NCIdlIntent]]
private val synCache = new mutable.HashMap[String, NCIdlSynonym]
* @param origin
* @param idl
* @param mdl
class FiniteStateMachine(origin: String, idl: String, mdl: NCModel) extends NCIdlBaseListener with NCIdlCompilerBase {
// Actual value for '*' as in min/max shortcut.
final private val MINMAX_MAX = 100
// Accumulators for parsed objects.
private val intents = ArrayBuffer.empty[NCIdlIntent]
private var synonym: NCIdlSynonym = _
// Synonym.
private var alias: String = _
// Fragment components.
private var fragId: String = _
private var fragMeta: Map[String, Any] = _
// Intent components.
private var intentId: String = _
private var ordered: Boolean = false
private var flowRegex: Option[String] = None
private var intentMeta: ScalaMeta = _
// Accumulator for parsed terms.
private val terms = ArrayBuffer.empty[NCIdlTerm]
// Currently term.
private var vars = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, NCIdlFunction]
private var termId: String = _
private var termConv: Boolean = _
private var min = 1
private var max = 1
// Class & method reference.
private var clsName: Option[String] = None
private var mtdName: Option[String] = None
private var flowClsName: Option[String] = None
private var flowMtdName: Option[String] = None
// List of instructions for the current expression.
private var expr = mutable.Buffer.empty[SI]
* @return
def getCompiledIntents: Set[NCIdlIntent] = intents.toSet
* @return
def getCompiledSynonym: NCIdlSynonym = synonym
* Shared/common implementation.
override def exitUnaryExpr(ctx: IDP.UnaryExprContext): Unit = expr += parseUnaryExpr(ctx.MINUS(), ctx.NOT())(ctx)
override def exitMultDivModExpr(ctx: IDP.MultDivModExprContext): Unit = expr += parseMultDivModExpr(ctx.MULT(), ctx.MOD(), ctx.DIV())(ctx)
override def exitPlusMinusExpr(ctx: IDP.PlusMinusExprContext): Unit = expr += parsePlusMinusExpr(ctx.PLUS(), ctx.MINUS())(ctx)
override def exitCompExpr(ctx: IDP.CompExprContext): Unit = expr += parseCompExpr(ctx.LT(), ctx.GT(), ctx.LTEQ(), ctx.GTEQ())(ctx)
override def exitAndOrExpr(ctx: IDP.AndOrExprContext): Unit = expr += parseAndOrExpr(ctx.AND, ctx.OR())(ctx)
override def exitEqNeqExpr(ctx: IDP.EqNeqExprContext): Unit = expr += parseEqNeqExpr(ctx.EQ, ctx.NEQ())(ctx)
override def exitCallExpr(ctx: IDP.CallExprContext): Unit = expr += parseCallExpr(ctx.FUN_NAME())(ctx)
override def exitAtom(ctx: IDP.AtomContext): Unit = expr += parseAtom(ctx.getText)(ctx)
override def exitTermEq(ctx: IDP.TermEqContext): Unit = termConv = ctx.TILDA() != null
override def exitFragMeta(ctx: IDP.FragMetaContext): Unit = fragMeta = U.jsonToScalaMap(ctx.jsonObj().getText)
override def exitMetaDecl(ctx: IDP.MetaDeclContext): Unit = intentMeta = U.jsonToScalaMap(ctx.jsonObj().getText)
override def exitOrderedDecl(ctx: IDP.OrderedDeclContext): Unit = ordered = ctx.BOOL().getText == "true"
override def exitIntentId(ctx: IDP.IntentIdContext): Unit = intentId =
override def exitAlias(ctx: IDP.AliasContext): Unit = alias =
override def enterCallExpr(ctx: IDP.CallExprContext): Unit =
expr += ((_, stack: NCIdlStack, _) ⇒ stack.push(stack.PLIST_MARKER))
* @param min
* @param max
private def setMinMax(min: Int, max: Int): Unit = {
this.min = min
this.max = max
override def exitVarRef(ctx: IDP.VarRefContext): Unit = {
val varName =
if (!vars.contains(varName))
throw newSyntaxError(s"Undefined variable: @$varName")(ctx)
val instr: SI = (tok: NCToken, stack: S, idlCtx: NCIdlContext) ⇒ stack.push(() ⇒ idlCtx.vars(varName)(tok, idlCtx))
expr += instr
override def exitVarDecl(ctx: IDP.VarDeclContext): Unit = {
val varName =
if (vars.contains(varName))
throw newSyntaxError(s"Duplicate variable: @$varName")(ctx)
vars += varName → exprToFunction("Variable declaration", _ ⇒ true)(ctx)
override def exitMinMaxShortcut(ctx: IDP.MinMaxShortcutContext): Unit = {
if (ctx.PLUS() != null)
setMinMax(1, MINMAX_MAX)
else if (ctx.MULT() != null)
setMinMax(0, MINMAX_MAX)
else if (ctx.QUESTION() != null)
setMinMax(0, 1)
override def exitMinMaxRange(ctx: IDP.MinMaxRangeContext): Unit = {
val minStr = ctx.getChild(1).getText.trim
val maxStr = ctx.getChild(3).getText.trim
try {
val min = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(minStr)
val max = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(maxStr)
if (min < 0)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Min value cannot be negative: $min")(ctx)
if (min > max)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Min value '$min' cannot be greater than max value '$min'.")(ctx)
if (max > MINMAX_MAX)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Max value '$max' cannot be greater than '$MINMAX_MAX'.")(ctx)
setMinMax(min, max)
catch {
// Errors should be caught during compilation phase.
case _: NumberFormatException ⇒ assert(false)
override def exitMtdRef(ctx: IDP.MtdRefContext): Unit = {
clsName = if (ctx.javaFqn() != null) Some(ctx.javaFqn().getText) else None
mtdName = Some(
override def exitTermId(ctx: IDP.TermIdContext): Unit = {
termId =
if (terms.exists(t ⇒ === termId))
throw newSyntaxError(s"Duplicate intent term ID: $termId")(
override def exitSynonym(ctx: IDP.SynonymContext): Unit = {
implicit val evidence: PRC = ctx
val pred = exprToFunction("Synonym", isBool)
val capture = alias
val wrapper: NCIdlFunction = (tok: NCToken, ctx: NCIdlContext){
val Z(res, tokUses) = pred(tok, ctx)
// Store predicate's alias, if any, in token metadata if this token satisfies this predicate.
// NOTE: token can have multiple aliases associated with it.
if (asBool(res) && capture != null) { // NOTE: we ignore 'tokUses' here on purpose.
val meta = tok.getMetadata
if (!meta.containsKey(TOK_META_ALIASES_KEY))
meta.put(TOK_META_ALIASES_KEY, new java.util.HashSet[String]())
val aliases = meta.get(TOK_META_ALIASES_KEY).asInstanceOf[java.util.Set[String]]
Z(res, tokUses)
synonym = NCIdlSynonym(origin, Option(alias), wrapper)
alias = null
override def exitFragId(ctx: IDP.FragIdContext): Unit = {
fragId =
if (Global.getFragment(mdl.getId, fragId).isDefined)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Duplicate fragment ID: $fragId")(
override def exitFragRef(ctx: IDP.FragRefContext): Unit = {
val id =
Global.getFragment(mdl.getId, id) match {
case Some(frag)
val meta = if (fragMeta == null) Map.empty[String, Any] else fragMeta
for (fragTerm ← frag.terms)
if (terms.exists(t ⇒ ===
throw newSyntaxError(s"Duplicate term ID '${}' in fragment '$id'.")(
terms += fragTerm.cloneWithFragMeta(meta)
case Nonethrow newSyntaxError(s"Unknown intent fragment ID: $id")(
fragMeta = null
override def exitFlowDecl(ctx: IDP.FlowDeclContext): Unit = {
if (ctx.qstring() != null) {
flowClsName = None
flowMtdName = None
val regex = U.trimQuotes(ctx.qstring().getText)
if (regex != null && regex.length > 2)
flowRegex = if (regex.nonEmpty) Some(regex) else None
if (flowRegex.isDefined) // Pre-check.
catch {
case e: PatternSyntaxException
newSyntaxError(s"${e.getDescription} in intent flow regex '${e.getPattern}' near index ${e.getIndex}.")(ctx.qstring())
else {
flowClsName = clsName
flowMtdName = mtdName
clsName = None
mtdName = None
override def exitTerm(ctx: IDP.TermContext): Unit = {
if (min < 0 || min > max)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Invalid intent term min quantifiers: $min (must be min >= 0 && min <= max).")(ctx.minMax())
if (max < 1)
throw newSyntaxError(s"Invalid intent term max quantifiers: $max (must be max >= 1).")(ctx.minMax())
val pred: NCIdlFunction = if (mtdName.isDefined) { // User-code defined term.
// Closure copies.
val cls = clsName.orNull
val mtd = mtdName.orNull
(tok: NCToken, termCtx: NCIdlContext){
val javaCtx: NCTokenPredicateContext = new NCTokenPredicateContext {
override lazy val getRequest: NCRequest = termCtx.req
override lazy val getToken: NCToken = tok
override lazy val getIntentMeta: Optional[NCMetadata] =
if (termCtx.intentMeta != null)
val mdl = tok.getModel
val mdlCls = if (cls == null) mdl.meta[String](MDL_META_MODEL_CLASS_KEY) else cls
try {
val res = U.callMethod[NCTokenPredicateContext, NCTokenPredicateResult](
()if (cls == null) mdl else U.mkObject(cls),
Z(res.getResult, res.getTokenUses)
catch {
case e: Exception
throw newRuntimeError(s"Failed to invoke custom intent term: $mdlCls.$mtd(...)", e)(ctx.mtdDecl())
else // IDL term.
exprToFunction("Intent term", isBool)(ctx.expr())
// Add term.
terms += NCIdlTerm(
// Reset term vars.
setMinMax(1, 1)
termId = null
clsName = None
mtdName = None
* @param subj
* @param check
* @param ctx
* @return
private def exprToFunction(
subj: String,
check: ObjectBoolean
implicit ctx: PRC
): NCIdlFunction = {
val code = mutable.Buffer.empty[SI]
code ++= expr
(tok: NCToken, termCtx: NCIdlContext){
val stack = new S()
// Execute all instructions.
code.foreach(_ (tok, stack, termCtx))
// Pop final result from stack.
val x = stack.pop()()
val v = x.value
// Check final value's type.
if (!check(v))
throw newRuntimeError(s"$subj returned value of unexpected type '$v' in: ${ctx.getText}")
Z(v, x.tokUse)
override def exitFrag(ctx: IDP.FragContext): Unit = {
Global.addFragment(mdl.getId, NCIdlFragment(fragId, terms.toList))
fragId = null
* @param intent
* @param ctx
private def addIntent(intent: NCIdlIntent)(implicit ctx: ParserRuleContext): Unit = {
val intentId =
if (intents.exists( == intentId))
throw newSyntaxError(s"Duplicate intent ID: $intentId")
intents += intent
override def exitImp(ctx: IDP.ImpContext): Unit = {
val x = U.trimQuotes(ctx.qstring().getText)
if (Global.hasImport(x))
logger.warn(s"Ignoring already processed IDL import '$x' in: $origin")
else {
var imports: Set[NCIdlIntent] = null
val file = new File(x)
// First, try absolute path.
if (file.exists())
imports = NCIdlCompiler.compileIntents(
// Second, try as a classloader resource.
if (imports == null) {
val in = mdl.getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(x)
if (in != null)
imports = NCIdlCompiler.compileIntents(
// Finally, try as URL resource.
if (imports == null) {
imports = NCIdlCompiler.compileIntents(
U.readStream(new URL(x).openStream()).mkString("\n"),
catch {
case _: Exceptionthrow newSyntaxError(s"Invalid or unknown import location: $x")(ctx.qstring())
require(imports != null)
override def exitIntent(ctx: IDP.IntentContext): Unit = {
if (intentMeta == null) Map.empty else intentMeta,
flowClsName = None
flowMtdName = None
intentMeta = null
override def syntaxError(errMsg: String, srcName: String, line: Int, pos: Int): NCE =
throw new NCE(mkSyntaxError(errMsg, srcName, line, pos, idl, origin, mdl))
override def runtimeError(errMsg: String, srcName: String, line: Int, pos: Int, cause: Exception = null): NCE =
throw new NCE(mkRuntimeError(errMsg, srcName, line, pos, idl, origin, mdl), cause)
* @param msg
* @param srcName
* @param line
* @param charPos
* @param idl
* @param origin IDL origin.
* @param mdl
* @return
private def mkSyntaxError(
msg: String,
srcName: String,
line: Int, // 1, 2, ...
charPos: Int, // 0, 1, 2, ...
idl: String,
origin: String,
mdl: NCModel): String = mkError("syntax", msg, srcName, line, charPos, idl, origin, mdl)
* @param msg
* @param srcName
* @param line
* @param charPos
* @param idl
* @param origin IDL origin.
* @param mdl
* @return
private def mkRuntimeError(
msg: String,
srcName: String,
line: Int, // 1, 2, ...
charPos: Int, // 0, 1, 2, ...
idl: String,
origin: String,
mdl: NCModel): String = mkError("runtime", msg, srcName, line, charPos, idl, origin, mdl)
* @param kind
* @param msg
* @param srcName
* @param line
* @param charPos
* @param idl
* @param origin IDL origin.
* @param mdl
* @return
private def mkError(
kind: String,
msg: String,
srcName: String,
line: Int,
charPos: Int,
idl: String,
origin: String,
mdl: NCModel): String = {
val idlLine = idl.split("\n")(line - 1)
val dash = "-" * idlLine.length
val pos = Math.max(0, charPos)
val posPtr = dash.substring(0, pos) + r("^") + y(dash.substring(pos + 1))
val idlPtr = idlLine.substring(0, pos) + r(idlLine.charAt(pos)) + y(idlLine.substring(pos + 1))
val aMsg = U.decapitalize(msg) match {
case s: String if s.last == '.' ⇒ s
case s: String ⇒ s + '.'
s"IDL $kind error in '$srcName' at line $line:${charPos + 1} - $aMsg\n" +
s" |-- ${c("Model ID:")} ${mdl.getId}\n" +
s" |-- ${c("Model origin:")} ${mdl.getOrigin}\n" +
s" |-- ${c("Intent origin:")} $origin\n" +
s" |-- $RST$W--------------$RST\n" +
s" |-- ${c("Line:")} $idlPtr\n" +
s" +-- ${c("Position:")} $posPtr"
* Custom error handler.
* @param dsl
* @param mdl
* @param origin IDL origin.
class CompilerErrorListener(dsl: String, mdl: NCModel, origin: String) extends BaseErrorListener {
* @param recog
* @param badSymbol
* @param line
* @param charPos
* @param msg
* @param e
override def syntaxError(
recog: Recognizer[_, _],
badSymbol: scala.Any,
line: Int, // 1, 2, ...
charPos: Int, // 1, 2, ...
msg: String,
e: RecognitionException): Unit =
throw new NCE(mkSyntaxError(msg, recog.getInputStream.getSourceName, line, charPos - 1, dsl, origin, mdl))
* @param idl
* @param mdl
* @param srcName
* @return
private def parseIntents(
idl: String,
mdl: NCModel,
srcName: String
): Set[NCIdlIntent] = {
require(idl != null)
require(mdl != null)
require(srcName != null)
val x = idl.strip()
val intents: Set[NCIdlIntent] = intentCache.getOrElseUpdate(x, {
val (fsm, parser) = antlr4Armature(x, mdl, srcName)
// Parse the input IDL and walk built AST.
(new ParseTreeWalker).walk(fsm, parser.idl())
// Return the compiled intents.
* @param idl
* @param mdl
* @return
private def parseSynonym(
idl: String,
mdl: NCModel,
origin: String
): NCIdlSynonym = {
require(idl != null)
require(mdl != null)
val x = idl.strip()
val syn: NCIdlSynonym = synCache.getOrElseUpdate(x, {
val (fsm, parser) = antlr4Armature(x, mdl, origin)
// Parse the input IDL and walk built AST.
(new ParseTreeWalker).walk(fsm, parser.synonym())
// Return the compiled synonym.
* @param idl
* @param mdl
* @param origin
* @return
private def antlr4Armature(
idl: String,
mdl: NCModel,
origin: String
): (FiniteStateMachine, IDP) = {
val lexer = new NCIdlLexer(CharStreams.fromString(idl, origin))
val parser = new IDP(new CommonTokenStream(lexer))
// Set custom error handlers.
lexer.addErrorListener(new CompilerErrorListener(idl, mdl, origin))
parser.addErrorListener(new CompilerErrorListener(idl, mdl, origin))
// State automata + it's parser.
new FiniteStateMachine(origin, idl, mdl) → parser
* Compiles inline (supplied) fragments and/or intents. Note that fragments are accumulated in a static
* map keyed by model ID. Only intents are returned, if any.
* @param idl Intent IDL to compile.
* @param mdl Model IDL belongs to.
* @param origin Optional source name.
* @return
def compileIntents(
idl: String,
mdl: NCModel,
origin: String
): Set[NCIdlIntent] = parseIntents(idl, mdl, origin)
* @param idl Synonym IDL to compile.
* @param mdl Model IDL belongs to.*
* @param origin Source name.
* @return
def compileSynonym(
idl: String,
mdl: NCModel,
origin: String,
): NCIdlSynonym = parseSynonym(idl, mdl, origin)