blob: cd18f13731b2377053a035e1cb565b900b6105d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.{Seq, IndexedSeqIdxSeq}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* @param tokens Initial buffer.
class NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer(val tokens: ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = new ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken](16)) extends {
/** Stringified stems. */
lazy val stems: String =" ")
/** Stem-based hashcode. */
lazy val stemsHash: Int = stems.hashCode()
type SSOT = IdxSeq[IdxSeq[Option[NCNlpSentenceToken]]]
type SST = IdxSeq[IdxSeq[NCNlpSentenceToken]]
* Gets all sequential permutations of tokens in this NLP sentence.
* For example, if NLP sentence contains "a, b, c, d" tokens, then
* this function will return the sequence of following token sequences in this order:
* "a b c d"
* "a b c"
* "b c d"
* "a b"
* "b c"
* "c d"
* "a"
* "b"
* "c"
* "d"
* NOTE: this method will not return any permutations with a quoted token.
* @param stopWords Whether or not include tokens marked as stop words.
* @param maxLen Maximum number of tokens in the sequence.
* @param withQuoted Whether or not to include quoted tokens.
def tokenMix(
stopWords: Boolean = false,
maxLen: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
withQuoted: Boolean = false
): SST = {
val toks = tokens.filter(t ⇒ stopWords || (!stopWords && !t.isStopWord))
val res = (for (n ← toks.length until 0 by -1 if n <= maxLen) yield toks.sliding(n)).flatten
if (withQuoted) res else res.filter(!_.exists(_.isQuoted))
* Gets all sequential permutations of tokens in this NLP sentence.
* This method is like a 'tokenMix', but with all combinations of stop-words (with and without)
* @param maxLen Maximum number of tokens in the sequence.
* @param withQuoted Whether or not to include quoted tokens.
def tokenMixWithStopWords(maxLen: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE, withQuoted: Boolean = false): SST = {
* Gets all combinations for sequence of mandatory tokens with stop-words and without.
* Example:
* 'A (stop), B, C(stop) → [A, B, C]; [A, B]; [B, C], [B]
* 'A, B(stop), C(stop) → [A, B, C]; [A, B]; [A, C], [A].
* @param toks Tokens.
def permutations(toks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]): SST = {
def multiple(seq: SSOT, t: NCNlpSentenceToken): SSOT =
if (seq.isEmpty)
if (t.isStopWord) IdxSeq(IdxSeq(Some(t)), IdxSeq(None)) else IdxSeq(IdxSeq(Some(t)))
else {
(for (subSeq ← seq) yield subSeq :+ Some(t)) ++
(if (t.isStopWord) for (subSeq ← seq) yield subSeq :+ None else Seq.empty)
var res: SSOT = IdxSeq.empty
for (t ← toks)
res = multiple(res, t)
tokenMix(stopWords = true, maxLen, withQuoted).
sortBy(seq ⇒ (-seq.length, seq.head.index))
object NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer {
implicit def toTokens(x: NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer): ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = x.tokens
implicit def toBuf( toks: Iterable[NCNlpSentenceToken]): NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer = apply(toks)
def apply(toks: Iterable[NCNlpSentenceToken]): NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer =
new NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer(new ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken](toks.size) ++ toks)