blob: e1614c6581515c99a737e855acfa45f61b2757b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
import java.util
import java.util.Collections
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.NCE
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.pos.NCPennTreebank
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, Set, mutable}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object NCNlpSentence {
implicit def toTokens(x: NCNlpSentence): ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = x.tokens
* @param ns
* @param idxs
* @param notesType
* @param note
* @return
private def checkRelation(ns: NCNlpSentence, idxs: Seq[Int], notesType: String, note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
val types =
idxs.flatMap(idx ⇒ {
val types = ns(idx).map(p ⇒ p).filter(!_.isNlp).map(_.noteType)
types.size match {
case 0None
case 1Some(types.head)
case _ ⇒ throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected tokes: ${ns(idx)}")
* Example:
* 1. Sentence 'maximum x' (single element related function)
* - maximum is aggregate function linked to date element.
* - x defined as 2 elements: date and num.
* So, the variant 'maximum x (as num)' should be excluded.
* *
* 2. Sentence 'compare x and y' (multiple elements related function)
* - compare is relation function linked to date element.
* - x an y defined as 2 elements: date and num.
* So, variants 'x (as num) and x (as date)' and 'x (as date) and x (as num)'
* should not be excluded, but invalid relation should be deleted for these combinations.
types.size match {
case 0throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected empty types [notesType=$notesType]")
case 1 ⇒ types.head == notesType
case _ ⇒
// Equal elements should be processed together with function element.
if (types.size == 1)
else {
* Fixes notes with references to other notes indexes.
* Note that 'idxsField' is 'indexes' and 'noteField' is 'note' for all kind of references.
* @param noteType Note type.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
* @return Valid flag.
private def fixIndexesReferences(noteType: String, ns: NCNlpSentence, history: Seq[(Int, Int)]): Boolean = {
ns.filter(_.isTypeOf(noteType)).foreach(tok ⇒
tok.getNoteOpt(noteType, "indexes") match {
case Some(n)
val idxs: Seq[Int] =[java.util.List[Int]]("indexes").asScala
var fixed = idxs
history.foreach { case (idxOld, idxNew) ⇒ fixed = ⇒ if (i == idxOld) idxNew else i) }
fixed = fixed.distinct
if (idxs != fixed)
ns.fixNote(n, "indexes" → fixed.asJava.asInstanceOf[])
case None// No-op.
n ⇒ checkRelation(ns,[java.util.List[Int]]("indexes").asScala,[String]("note"), n)
* Copies token.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
* @param toksCopy Copied tokens.
* @param i Index.
private def simpleCopy(
ns: NCNlpSentence,
history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)],
toksCopy: NCNlpSentence, i: Int
): Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken] = {
val tokCopy = toksCopy(i)
history += tokCopy.index → ns.size
ns += tokCopy.clone(ns.size)
* Glues stop words.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param userNoteTypes Notes types.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
private def unionStops(
ns: NCNlpSentence,
userNoteTypes: Seq[String],
history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
): Unit = {
// Java collection used because using scala collections (mutable.Buffer.empty[mutable.Buffer[Token]]) is reason
// Of compilation errors which seems as scala compiler internal error.
val bufs = new util.ArrayList[mutable.Buffer[NCNlpSentenceToken]]()
def last[T](l: util.List[T]): T = l.get(l.size() - 1)
ns.filter(t ⇒ t.isStopWord && !t.isBracketed).foreach(t ⇒
if (!bufs.isEmpty && last(bufs).last.index + 1 == t.index)
last(bufs) += t
bufs.add(mutable.Buffer.empty[NCNlpSentenceToken] :+ t)
val idxsSeq = bufs.asScala.filter(_.lengthCompare(1) > 0).map(
if (idxsSeq.nonEmpty) {
val nsCopyToks = ns.clone()
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]
for (i ← nsCopyToks.indices)
idxsSeq.find(_.contains(i)) match {
case Some(idxs)
if (!buf.contains(idxs.head)) {
buf += idxs.head
ns += mkCompound(ns, nsCopyToks, idxs, stop = true, ns.size, None, history)
case None ⇒ simpleCopy(ns, history, nsCopyToks, i)
fixIndexes(ns, userNoteTypes)
* Fixes indexes for all notes after recreating tokens.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param userNoteTypes Notes types.
private def fixIndexes(ns: NCNlpSentence, userNoteTypes: Seq[String]) {
// Replaces other notes indexes.
for (t ← userNoteTypes :+ "nlpcraft:nlp"; note ← ns.getNotes(t)) {
val toks = ns.filter(_.contains(note)).sortBy(_.index)
val newNote = note.clone(, toks.flatMap(_.wordIndexes).sorted)
toks.foreach(t ⇒ {
// Special case - field index of core NLP note.
ns.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (tok, idx) ⇒ ns.fixNote(tok.getNlpNote, "index" → idx) }
* Zip notes with same type.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param nType Notes type.
* @param userNotesTypes Notes types.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
private def zipNotes(
ns: NCNlpSentence,
nType: String,
userNotesTypes: Seq[String],
history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
): Unit = {
val nts = ns.getNotes(nType).filter(n ⇒ n.tokenFrom != n.tokenTo).sortBy(_.tokenFrom)
val overlapped =
nts.flatMap(n ⇒ n.tokenFrom to n.tokenTo).map(ns(_)).exists(
t ⇒ ⇒ t.getNotes(pt).size).sum > 1
if (nts.nonEmpty && !overlapped) {
val nsCopyToks = ns.clone()
val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
for (i ← nsCopyToks.indices)
nts.find(_.tokenIndexes.contains(i)) match {
case Some(n)
if (!buf.contains(n.tokenFrom)) {
buf += n.tokenFrom
ns += mkCompound(ns, nsCopyToks, n.tokenIndexes, stop = false, ns.size, Some(n), history)
case None ⇒ simpleCopy(ns, history, nsCopyToks, i)
fixIndexes(ns, userNotesTypes)
* Makes compound note.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param nsCopyToks Tokens.
* @param indexes Indexes.
* @param stop Flag.
* @param idx Index.
* @param commonNote Common note.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
private def mkCompound(
ns: NCNlpSentence,
nsCopyToks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken],
indexes: Seq[Int],
stop: Boolean,
idx: Int,
commonNote: Option[NCNlpSentenceNote],
history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
): NCNlpSentenceToken = {
val t = NCNlpSentenceToken(idx)
// Note, it adds stop-words too.
val content = nsCopyToks.zipWithIndex.filter(p ⇒ indexes.contains(p._2)).map(_._1)
content.foreach(t ⇒ history += t.index → idx)
def mkValue(get: NCNlpSentenceTokenString): String = {
val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
val n = content.size - 1
content.zipWithIndex.foreach(p ⇒ {
val t = p._1
val idx = p._2
buf += get(t)
if (idx < n && t.endCharIndex != content(idx + 1).startCharIndex)
buf += " "
val origText = mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.origText)
val idxs = Seq(idx)
val wordIdxs = content.flatMap(_.wordIndexes).sorted
val direct =
commonNote match {
case Some(n) if n.isUser ⇒ n.isDirect
case _ ⇒ content.forall(_.isDirect)
val params = Seq(
"index" → idx,
"lemma" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.lemma),
"origText" → origText,
"normText" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.normText),
"stem" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.stem),
"start" → content.head.startCharIndex,
"end" → content.last.endCharIndex,
"charLength" → origText.length,
"stopWord" → stop,
"direct" → direct,
"dict"(if (nsCopyToks.size == 1)[Boolean]("dict") else false),
"english" → nsCopyToks.forall([Boolean]("english")),
"swear" → nsCopyToks.exists([Boolean]("swear"))
val nlpNote = NCNlpSentenceNote(idxs, wordIdxs, "nlpcraft:nlp", params: _*)
// Adds processed note with fixed indexes.
commonNote match {
case Some(n)
t.add(n.clone(idxs, wordIdxs))
case None// No-op.
* Fixes notes with references list to other notes indexes.
* @param noteType Note type.
* @param idxsField Indexes field.
* @param noteField Note field.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param history Indexes transformation history.
* @return Valid flag.
private def fixIndexesReferencesList(
noteType: String,
idxsField: String,
noteField: String,
ns: NCNlpSentence,
history: Seq[(Int, Int)]
): Boolean = {
var ok = true
for (tok ← ns.filter(_.isTypeOf(noteType)) if ok)
tok.getNoteOpt(noteType, idxsField) match {
case Some(n)
val idxs: Seq[Seq[Int]] =[java.util.List[java.util.List[Int]]](idxsField)
var fixed = idxs
history.foreach { case (idxOld, idxNew) ⇒ fixed = ⇒ if (i == idxOld) idxNew else i).distinct) }
if (fixed.forall(_.size == 1))
// Fix double dimension array to one dimension,
// so it should be called always in spite of 'fixIndexesReferences' method.
ns.fixNote(n, idxsField →[])
ok = false
case None// No-op.
ok &&
ns.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).forall(rel ⇒
rel.dataOpt[java.util.List[Int]](idxsField) match {
case Some(idxsList)
val notesTypes =[util.List[String]](noteField)
require(idxsList.size() == notesTypes.size()) {
case (idxs, notesType) ⇒ checkRelation(ns, Seq(idxs), notesType, rel)
case Nonetrue
* Fixes tokens positions.
* @param ns Sentence.
* @param notNlpTypes Token types.
private def collapseSentence(ns: NCNlpSentence, notNlpTypes: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
foreach(n ⇒ ns.fixNote(n, "stopWord"false))
val all = ns.tokens.flatten
val nsNotes: Map[String, Seq[Int]] = ⇒ p.noteType → p.tokenIndexes).toMap
for (
t ← ns.tokens; stopReason ← t.stopsReasons
if all.contains(stopReason) && nsNotes.getOrElse(stopReason.noteType, Seq.empty) == stopReason.tokenIndexes
ns.fixNote(t.getNlpNote, "stopWord"true)
val history = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int, Int)]
notNlpTypes.foreach(typ ⇒ zipNotes(ns, typ, notNlpTypes, history))
unionStops(ns, notNlpTypes, history)
val res =
Seq("nlpcraft:relation", "nlpcraft:limit").forall(t ⇒ fixIndexesReferences(t, ns, history)) &&
fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "subjindexes", "subjnotes", ns, history) &&
fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "byindexes", "bynotes", ns, history)
if (res)
// Validation (all indexes calculated well)
exists(n ⇒ ns.filter(_.wordIndexes.exists(n.wordIndexes.contains)).exists(t ⇒ !t.contains(n))),
s"Invalid sentence:\n" + ⇒
// Human readable invalid sentence for debugging.
s"${t.origText}{index:${t.index}}[${ ⇒ s"${n.noteType}, {range:${n.tokenFrom}-${n.tokenTo}}").mkString("|")}]"
import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.NCNlpSentence._
* Parsed NLP sentence is a collection of tokens. Each token is a collection of notes and
* each note is a collection of KV pairs.
* @param srvReqId Server request ID.
* @param text Normalized text.
* @param enabledBuiltInToks Enabled built-in tokens.
* @param tokens Initial buffer.
class NCNlpSentence(
val srvReqId: String,
val text: String,
val enabledBuiltInToks: Set[String],
override val tokens: ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = new ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken](32)
) extends NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer(tokens) with {
private var hash: java.lang.Integer = _
private def calcHash(): Int =
Seq(srvReqId, text, enabledBuiltInToks, tokens).map(_.hashCode()).foldLeft(0)((a, b)31 * a + b)
// Deep copy.
override def clone(): NCNlpSentence =
new NCNlpSentence(srvReqId, text, enabledBuiltInToks,
* Utility method that gets set of notes for given note type collected from
* tokens in this sentence. Notes are sorted in the same order they appear
* in this sentence.
* @param noteType Note type.
def getNotes(noteType: String): Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] = this.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).distinct
* Utility method that removes note with given ID from all tokens in this sentence.
* No-op if such note wasn't found.
* @param note Note.
def removeNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Unit = this.foreach(_.remove(note))
//noinspection HashCodeUsesVar
override def hashCode(): Int = {
if (hash == null)
hash = calcHash()
def fixNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote, kvs: (String,*): Unit = {
val fixed = note.clone(kvs: _*)
this.filter(t ⇒ t.index >= fixed.tokenIndexes.head && t.index <= fixed.tokenIndexes.last).foreach(t ⇒ {
hash = null
* This collapser handles several tasks:
* - "overall" collapsing after all other individual collapsers had their turn.
* - Special further enrichment of tokens like linking, etc.
* In all cases of overlap (full or partial) - the "longest" note wins. In case of overlap and equal
* lengths - the winning note is chosen based on this priority.
def collapse(): Seq[NCNlpSentence] = {
// Always deletes `similar` notes.
// Some words with same note type can be detected various ways.
// We keep only one variant - with `best` direct and sparsity parameters,
// other variants for these words are redundant.
val redundant: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
map(p ⇒ p._2.sortBy(p ⇒
// System notes don't have such flags.
if (p.isUser) {
if (p.isDirect) 0 else 1
if (p.isUser) p.sparsity else 0
def getNotNlpNotes(toks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
val delCombs: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
flatMap(note ⇒ getNotNlpNotes(this.slice(note.tokenFrom, note.tokenTo + 1)).filter(_ != note)).
val toksByIdx: Seq[Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]] =
delCombs.flatMap(note ⇒ → note)).
groupBy { case (idx, _) ⇒ idx }.
map { case (_, seq) ⇒ { case (_, note) ⇒ note } }.
val minDelSize = if (toksByIdx.isEmpty) 1 else - 1
val sens =
if (delCombs.nonEmpty) {
val deleted = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]]
val sens =
(minDelSize to delCombs.size).
flatMap(i ⇒
filter(delComb ⇒ !toksByIdx.exists(_.count(note ⇒ !delComb.contains(note)) > 1))
flatMap(delComb ⇒
// Already processed with less subset of same deleted tokens.
if (!deleted.exists(_.forall(delComb.contains))) {
val nsClone = this.clone()
// Has overlapped notes for some tokens.
require(!nsClone.exists(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1))
deleted += delComb
val notNlpTypes = getNotNlpNotes(nsClone).map(_.noteType).distinct
if (collapseSentence(nsClone, notNlpTypes)) Some(nsClone) else None
// It removes sentences which have only one difference - 'direct' flag of their user tokens.
// `Direct` sentences have higher priority.
case class Key(
sysNotes: Seq[Map[String,]],
userNotes: Seq[Map[String,]]
case class Value(sentence: NCNlpSentence, directCount: Int)
val m = mutable.HashMap.empty[Key, Value] ⇒ {
val notes = sen.flatten
val sysNotes = notes.filter(_.isSystem)
val nlpNotes = notes.filter(_.isNlp)
val userNotes = notes.filter(_.isUser)
def get(seq: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]): Seq[Map[String,]] = ⇒
// We have to delete some keys to have possibility to compare sentences.
p.clone().filter(_._1 != "direct")
(Key(get(sysNotes), get(userNotes)), sen, ⇒ if (p.isDirect) 0 else 1).sum)
foreach { case (key, sen, directCnt)
m.get(key) match {
case Some(v)
// Best sentence is sentence with `direct` synonyms.
if (v.directCount > directCnt)
m += key → Value(sen, directCnt)
case None ⇒ m += key → Value(sen, directCnt)
else {
if (collapseSentence(this, getNotNlpNotes(this).map(_.noteType).distinct)) Seq(this) else Seq.empty
sens.foreach(sen ⇒
sen.foreach(tok ⇒
tok.size match {
case 1 ⇒ require(tok.head.isNlp, s"Unexpected non-'nlpcraft:nlp' token: $tok")
case 2 ⇒ require(tok.head.isNlp ^ tok.last.isNlp, s"Unexpected token notes: $tok")
case _ ⇒ require(requirement = false, s"Unexpected token notes count: $tok")
// Drops similar sentences (with same tokens structure).
// Among similar sentences we prefer one with minimal free words count.
sens.groupBy(_.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).map(_.getKey(withIndexes = false))).
map { case (_, seq) ⇒ seq.minBy(_.filter(p ⇒ p.isNlp && !p.isStopWord).map(_.wordIndexes.length).sum) }.
* Returns flag are note notes equal (or similar) or not. Reason of ignored difference can be stopwords tokens.
* @param n1 First note.
* @param n2 Second note.
def notesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
if (n1.noteType != n2.noteType)
else {
val stopIdxs = this.filter(_.isStopWord).map(_.index)
// One possible difference - stopwords indexes.
def wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
val set1 = n1.wordIndexes.toSet
val set2 = n2.wordIndexes.toSet
set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(stopIdxs.contains)
def wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
def tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(_.isStopWord)
def tokensEqualOrSimilar(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1, set2) || tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set2, set1)
def getList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Int]].asScala.
map(this (_)).toSet
def getListList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[java.util.List[Int]]].asScala.
flatMap( (_))).toSet
def referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
require(n1.noteType == n2.noteType)
n1.noteType match {
case "nlpcraft:sort"
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "subjindexes"), getListList(n2, "subjindexes")) &&
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "byindexes"), getListList(n2, "byindexes"))
case "nlpcraft:limit"
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
case "nlpcraft:reference"
tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
case _ ⇒ true
def referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
def getUniqueKey0(n: NCNlpSentenceNote): Seq[Any] = n.getKey(withIndexes = false, withReferences = false)
getUniqueKey0(n1) == getUniqueKey0(n2) && wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2) && referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2)
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case x: NCNlpSentence
tokens == x.tokens &&
srvReqId == x.srvReqId &&
text == x.text &&
enabledBuiltInToks == x.enabledBuiltInToks
case _ ⇒ false